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Monday na... Works
Feb 19 at 12:18, by malviň
@Naruto becoz i m a bad person.
@malviň not at all a problem
Orphan room
Any issues?
past is past.
Its OK
posted on February 17, 2015 by Krishna

This academic quarter has been my busiest yet, leaving me with very little spare time to write (and draw). Behind the scenes, I’ve been preparing and teaching three new illustration ...

posted on February 18, 2015 by Krishna

Privacy never sounded so good. -Krishna

posted on February 20, 2015 by Krishna

Today’s comic is dedicated to all the lazy people who complain about their lazy coworkers. -Krishna

posted on February 20, 2015 by Krishna

Like most Mac users, I have frequently used folders and files that I need immediate access to. DropZone 3, by Aptic Software, gives me that, and much more, by organizing ...

posted on February 23, 2015 by Krishna

In light of Lenovo’s recent meltdown over installing Superfish adware on their computer systems, I bring you today’s comic. Lenovo initially denied any wrong doing in the matter, but thanks ...

5 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
3 hours later…
29 messages moved from TopDroidBox
11 hours later…
Guys is this allowed? imgur.com/a/k8fE5
using a fake account to answer your own questsions
2 messages moved from JavaScript

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