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but, u have another resource. using that u can learn anything in a short term.
another resource u mean yourself? :p
nimesh I have a mask text in my project
I want to have a validation on it. it user dont fill it, something happen...
for example 4 digits
its text is ----?
i don't get it
a mask text box with 4 digits
what is its default text?
I mean...
I cant say! :(
ok u can show me image
i guess: u having problem in masking... the text become "----" instead of blank when user leave mask box without entering value?
m i right?
yeah yeah
u r right
ok min
There is a property PromptChar in MaskedTextBox
the default value is _
u can change it to space
but, u cannot leave it blank
when u validating the text value u should trim that value first
otherwise it will returns four space
@Nimesh but it dosent work for ----/--/--
bcz of "/"
coz "/" is a fixed character
it should be there.
I know
what exactly you want? instead of ----/--/--
null value!
so, it should not be shown like this...? or it should be display like this but it should return value as null?
it should be display like this but it should return value as null
aha... MaskedTextBox does not allow any property that return a value null if value is not entered.
here u need to create another usercontrol that can return value like that.
I get it
thanks :)
nimesh in my code, if user makes blank the mast text box (----/--/--) it return null value
I set it manually
    if (!(mtxtEndAgreementDate.Text.Trim() == "/  /"))
        employmentClass.endAgreementDate = mtxtEndAgreementDate.Text;
        employmentClass.endAgreementDate = null;
Or for melliCode:
    if (!(mtxtMelliCode.Text.Trim() == ""))
        employmentClass.melliCode = mtxtMelliCode.Text;
        employmentClass.melliCode = null;
yeah this is also good
in my sql database, melli code is unique number that can be NULL
but i suggest u to make it better
(maskedTextBox1.Text != maskedTextBox1.Mask)
like this
ahan, yeah
but i need to check it first
so wait for a min
Ok I explain my problem
u check it
in my sql database, melli code is unique number that can be NULL
but, when I enter Null value for twice, it makes error
and said that it cant be
do u get me?
sorry.. i am confused in "when I enter Null value for twice, it makes error
and said that it cant be" this lines
btw condition will be
if (maskedTextBox1.Text.Replace("/","").Replace(maskedTextBox1.PromptChar.ToString(),"").Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("HAS VALUE");
EmploymentCode:38 already have null value for melliCode field and u have created unique key on that field
3 hours later…
my boss and my master boss were here!
they were here again!
I lot of work I have to do
first Im going to lunch
ok take ur lunch
If u love ur wife, why u want to see my close up picture and make her sad... ?
u can remove it
but it cab be displayed in history
like this
so send an email to me..
ok delete it now
Im waiting
Im just writing
everybody is looking in my pc what m i typing
they knows that im all the time chatting with u
ok i will give u an answer in simple language
U sent?
nop i have just wrote
Ok when it finishe send me
Im waiting u
some relations cannot be describe orally.
u cannot call ur uncle as dad even u r loving him a lot.
u r writing yet?
u r writing yet?
still writing? :d
big answer :d
not a big answer but, it is not a simple
if u ask me about sql and .net i can give u answer in a second or two
aha :d
but if u ask me a question about anything that i also don't know how it does.
then it will gonna confused me
when ur writing be finished?
for example if i ask how much u love any people that u know since about 1 week.
then u can asnwer this question easily
but if i ask how much u love ur brother or sister then it can be difficult to measure.
this is imposible
its difficult to say
if i ask what was ur age where u have started walking then u can say it was 1 or 2 years. if i ask what was ur age when u have started to love ur mom. then u will not have any answer.
I can understand u
even if u ask me when u have accepted me as a friend then i will say "i don't know". no body can give that answer what was the date? what was the time?
but they are not my answer nimesh
say that
I know its difficult to say
but say plz...
u can control ur mind but, u cannot control ur heart
it will not listen ur voice
it will do what it want to do...
there are lot of thing that i want to share with u
ok, so share...
remember u have rely on me when u have said that the antivirus is showing ur file as a firus. and i have said no it is not a virus. u just accepted that.
I dont know why!
in that time u were in trouble. u think that i did it. and I have said that no i did not... and rely on me again.
i know u don't have any answer of these question
event i don't have
u can if u want
Im waiting for ur email still
u know this question is the most toughest question in ur all questions...!!!
but I really really want to know
u know it verry difficult to answer like this question when when ur friends eyes on ur screen
ok, dont say... :-|
but i will give u my answer anyway
what r u doing now @nimesh?
Im trying to send u mail but it getting failed i dont know why
wait i m trying otherwise i will tell u in another way
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