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A: How to make collage of images according to different shapes

iPatelI just put my logic. your view has been display 4 images (with different shape) so you need to take 4 UIImageView in .h file and one UIView name is ImgContainerView in .h file make sure that your all button has same action method and give all button to it's tag. for example each button has meth...

Thanks a lot for your quick response but dude image can be less or more then 4 and shapes also can vary. So please help me in this scenario. I already thought your solution but its not according to my requirement. But again really very glad to see your quick response.
Logic is same you need to set dynamically frame of each ImageView as per your requirement. and how can you recognize shape ??
You mean i've to manage dynamically, no one is other solution.i think its too complex coz suppose i've selected 10 images and then there are 9 shapes and then i've to make it programmatically right ?
@DharmbirChoudhary - No there are many solution may be, but i thinking bout it :) in all case/solution you must need to know about shape otherwise how can you set images ?? And YES you need to set dynamically frame of each ImageView base on shape. and really your question is fine and interested :)
If you don't mind can you see collage in this app… . I want the same as in this app. Thanks
I already understand your question.. but i want to know how can you recognize your shape? (you told me that shape is not fix so..)
I'll recognise according to image length like if image = 1 then shape = 2, image = 2 then shape = 5 ,image = 3 then shape = 6, image 4 then shape = 9 ,image = 5 then shape = 5, image = 6 then shape = 5 ,image = 7 then shape = 4, image 8 then shape = 3 , image = 9 then shape = 3.
Ok Then If image = 7 then shape = 4 then i want to know about arrangement design/flow of 7 images in specific shape (which type of 4 shape will be ? or how can you get it or create it).
these shape will be fix...
i am asking you about this shape .. ok. then you need to create all imageView as local by using for loop.
for(int i = 0 ; i < lengthOfImages ; i ++)
are you there ?
yes boss
i'm uploading image where you can see the shape
now plz see shapes for 7 imgs
is it any restriction for maximum selection of images ? if i select 20 images then ?
at max 9 & 10
ok.. may be there are many solution bt from in my mind come only one thing, that whats about use db ? i mean create table for arrange image of shape ?
otherwise you can not get pattern of shape .. may be :)
create table name is wtevr u like..
field name should => id, imageLength, totalShape, X-Axis, Y-Axis, width, height
and fill all data related to imageLength.. it is fix. :)
OTHERWISE can you get pattern of selected shape ?????
@RuchikaGupta - have you any other solution ?
ok thanks buddy......
you mean totally i've to manage....
ok i'll do it.....
thanks a lot dear for your valuable tym.. ;)
may be :( al d best .. most welcome :) eNjOy coDiNg :)
ha ha ha its ok dude.... and u also enjoy the coding....

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