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Q: 2 pages in frames: data, form, update data on form submission

Andrés ChandíaI have a framed page, on the right src="data.php" on the left src="form.php" data.php: echo "<a font color=".$row['state'].">state</a>"; form.php: <form action="data.php" method="post"> Active: Yes<input type="radio" name="state" value="green"> No<input type="radio" name="state" value="red">

and you want to do it in 1 page 2 frames? cause right now you seem to accomplish that in same frame.
I don't know if I get you, but on the right frame is data, which need to be updated the moment the form of the left frame is submited, so you still have form on the left and data on the right...
please make it clear what you are trying to do, what do you expect to get as a result, and what you get instead.
index page:
` <frameset cols="50%,*" border="0" scrolling="no">
<frame name="data" scrolling="auto" src="data.php">
<frame name="form" scrolling="no" src="form.php">
</frameset>` does this make it clearer?
no this is just code, it doesn't tell me where you expect to see state change.
in data.php page
so posting into "data" iframe would result your php echo to run and show the state
why is this not a solution for you?
you there?
ok, at data I actually have: $query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE word LIKE 'a%'"; and actually the echo is like this: ` echo "<a font color=".$row['state'].">word</a>";`
that gives me a list of words in green or red depending of the color stored in row "state"
okay great
what is missing in your code?
you wrote, you need to see states and this codes seems to accomplish that?
oh, sorry I just sow that all the confusion comes from a mistake I have done in my question
I had put <form action="data.php" and I should have put <form action="todb.php"
but that makes me think that maybe I can put what is in "todb.php" in the file "data.php" and this way your solution would work, am I right?
I mean put the two queries at the same file, the one that actually query the db and the one that update the db..... yes, no?
yes right. try that and let me know if it works for you.

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