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Are you there?
thank you very much for the help
So, I need more information about your error. I think I can help you more.
:D thank you very much
what information do you need?
The first, please ensure that your service works correctly. :)
I am writing an app that gets geolocation and sends it to my server
for learning purposes
I managed to get the geolocaation
I got stuck when I was trying to pass the data to server
app used to crash but with your help it doesnt
but I do not get any data to my server
Yes, So you wanna send some data to server
But It doesn't work fine?
You got some error about Network?
Could you show me your logcat?
01-28 15:33:52.004: D/Network(2470): Network
01-28 15:34:02.035: D/Network(2470): Network
01-28 15:34:12.074: D/Network(2470): Network
01-28 15:34:22.105: D/Network(2470): Network
I assume that it is calling the network?
Where is your server?
I dont mean to be ungrateful, would teamviewer help?
Is that published?
Yes, sure
971 889 742
I can help you by Teamviewer.
So, how can I call you?
Ela or Buwa?
Ela is fine
:"> Yes, Ela

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