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A: Got a Version list as Folders, want to find highest Version

ZouZouThe idea would be to use a comparator to compare each String (I removed the part which was using the Set) : public static void main(String [] args){ String [] names = { "", "", "", "", ...

Phew, this seems to be more complicated than i thought. I did never work with anything using < and >, i somewhat avoided it. If you can now tell me how i can use this/how it works it would be awesome! Okay, just saw the edit. If I'm right, i should now be able to use set.pollFirst() to get the highest Version, right?
@Marenthyu You'll need to cal set.first() because pollFirst() removes the element from the collection. But yes the idea is here. Do you want to store all the names in a collection?
Hm, I am not used to Collections. And actually, i only want to get the newest Version thats all. i am trying to run this in my method "public static String getNewestVersion()"
@Marenthyu I edited my answer without using collections. The idea remains the same. Note that this assume that each version number has the same length, but you can change this by checking both the lengths of the resulting arrays when splitting.
okay now. i believe this would work but now i got another problem: i got some files next to the Version Folders, so i can't get the names List from File.list() - any idea for this?
@Marenthyu Check my edit
I did not know that and this works really fine now, thank you dude! Helped me a lot!
@Marenthyu You're welcome :)
Any problem?
@ZouZou - i played a little bn it with this and found out:
i got this: and it gives - not 69 as supposed
wrong screenshot^^
there we go ;D
let me create those folders
im looking on the code now: after it splitted the Strings - shouldnt it be able to use the whole String as Integer and not only the 1st character?
OH yes you're right
sorry for that
np - just: what does "" actually do, i dont get that.
and this is even more simple
first let me update my answer
then I explain you
answer updated
now what don't you understand? - chat does it output for what you are giving it?
(code working btw, thanls ;D)
It compares the values of the two integers.
when you call, y)
this method returns the value 0 if x == y; a value less than 0 if x < y; and a value greater than 0 if x > y
ah, okay!
and if you have time for me now, can you maybe tell me more about these things that use | and >? i never quite got these.
i meant.
And if you check the source code, it basically does this : public static int compare(int x, int y) {
return (x < y) ? -1 : ((x == y) ? 0 : 1);
So if it returns 1, it means that x > y and hence that your tempValue is greater than your maxValue
got it.
I don't understand what you said
about these things that use | and >
What do you mean?
like the set you mentioned earlier. It was like TreeSet<String>
what does the <> stand for?
TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<>()?
You understand what <String> means?
I think it means that TreeSet uses String as Values - correct?
Yep, it's called generics.
ah okay, thats what i wanted to know.
And this <>
Is a new feature added in Java 7 called "Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation"
the compiler can infer the type argument
infer? im german, sorry, what does infer mean?
and you avoid writing redudant information
Hmm, forget what I said, but understand that before Java 7 you were doing
TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>()
Now you can do TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<>() .
now, i've seen some times now that "Sets" are better to be used instead of Arrays. Can you tell me more about Sets?
Set and arrays are not the same thing, they are used for different purposes.
So there is no better betwenn both
it depends on the context
hm, okay and these would be? since i see i could have used them here.
Typically, you use a Set when you don't want to allow duplicates.
I suggest you to read the doc, and you'll find a lot of informations on the web about the collections.
Thanks then dude. Helped me a lot ;D
You're welcome.

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