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good morning @MohammadRajob
2 hours later…
posted on May 14, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Tutorials,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Tutorials,Objective-C Earlier this year I mentioned a nice tutorial from Yari D’areglia on using the Xcode storyboards tool and auto-layout to create interfaces that adapt to different screen sizes and orient

3 hours later…
office e khub bz cilam
aj onek din pore office ele to?
aj ratre theko
1 hour later…
good evening
i have small doubt
can i ask u
ya sure
fire your question
plz check it bro
i am using json parser to retrieve json data
i got json reposne
@SaadChaudhry check the query if you are free
@user3222991 please send your code in pastie.org
I can't open pastebin
plz check this link
@user3222991 bhai pastie.org
plz give me 5 mins bro
now check it once
@SaadChaudhry u there?
NSLog(@"object class == %@",[jsonDict class]);
tell me
add into code and tell response
    NSArray *arr=[stringArray componentsSeparatedByString:@"<\\\/font>"];
i got exception this line of code bro
[__NSArrayI componentsSeparatedByString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7564e90
i got exception like this
you want to avoid \\\/ from array?
yes bro
webView=[[UIWebView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width,self.view.frame.size.height)];

[webView loadHTMLString:strResponse baseURL:nil];

[self.view addSubview:webView];
i am displaying json response in uiwebview
in webview the data displaying like this
["{\"id\":\"6\",\"title\":null,\"description\":null,\"year\":\"2012\",\"date\":null}","{\"id\":\"4\",\"title\":\"Predictions proved correct in the year 2013\",\"description\":\"*<\\\/font> Financial system in America for this year is not indicated progress this year too. More problems will creep up.
\\r\\n*<\\\/font> Aggressive stage of Telangaana agitation- formation of seperate Telangaana state- bifurcation of state - sure indications are \\r\\n\\r\\npredicted.
\\r\\n*<\\\/font> Bad days for congress party was predicted long back. The same situations will continue.
but i want to display like this
* Financial system in America for this year is not indicated progress this year too. More problems will creep up.
* Aggressive stage of Telangaana agitation- formation of seperate Telangaana state- bifurcation of state - sure indications are predicted.
* Bad days for congress party was predicted long back. The same situations will continue.
Q: Remove Special Characters in NSString

user1705351i am convert paragraph into words it contains many special characters like " , " . ` how to remove this characters in nsstring and get only alphabets in nsstring ex "new" to new //the special characters are change

Q: how to remove first 3 characters from nsstring?

Rahul VyasI have a string like this "A. rahul VyAs" and i want to remove "A. " and the space after the "A." so that new string would be "rahul VyAs" How do i achieve this?

good night mates...

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