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@Rob can you please have a look at the code i posted above ;and help me resolve the issue asap?please try and understand my problem,i will be short of time in a day or two,as i've to submit it.please understand the urgency and provide useful feedback as you always do,sooner rather than later.thanks & regards.
@Rob you are my only hope on finishing this project which is on the verge of completion;as i have no one else to help on the issue.
6 hours later…
@Neelang Sorry, I was buried yesterday and was not able to take a look (and because I'm reviewing a full code sample, it isn't a 2-3 minute question).
You have code that says:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell";
    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
    if (cell == nil) {
        cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
        NSDictionary *reservation = reservations[indexPath.row];
        NSString *carName = reservation[@"carName"];
        NSDate *reservationDate = reservation[@"reservationDate"];
Two issues: 1. You should be retrieving the carName and reservationDate outside of the if statement. 2. You don't set the cell.textLabel and cell.detailTextLabel on the basis of what you retrieve. (You're retrieving the data, but not doing anything with it.)
Also, in viewDidLoad, you're retrieving reservation_date as a string, and you want to retrieve it as a NSDate. Thus, this:
    FMResultSet *rs = [database executeQuery:@"SELECT car_name, reservation_date FROM reservation WHERE username = 'appDelegate.username' "];

    NSAssert(rs, @"%s: Unable to create recordset: %@", __FUNCTION__, [database lastErrorMessage]);

    self.reservations = [NSMutableArray array];
    while ([rs next])
        [self.reservations addObject:@{@"carName":[rs stringForColumn:@"car_name"], @"reservationDate":[rs stringForColumn:@"reservation_date"]}];
    [rs close];
Should be:
    FMResultSet *rs = [database executeQuery:@"SELECT car_name, reservation_date FROM reservation WHERE username = 'appDelegate.username' "];

    NSAssert(rs, @"%s: Unable to create recordset: %@", __FUNCTION__, [database lastErrorMessage]);

    self.reservations = [NSMutableArray array];
    while ([rs next])
        [self.reservations addObject:@{@"carName":[rs stringForColumn:@"car_name"], @"reservationDate":[rs dateForColumn:@"reservation_date"]}];
    [rs close];
And you cellForRowAtIndexPath should be:
    - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell";
        UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
        if (cell == nil) {
            cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier];

        NSDictionary *reservation = reservations[indexPath.row];
        NSString *carName = reservation[@"carName"];
Where that prettyDate was that routine we wrote the other day that creates a NSDateFormatter and converts the NSDate to a user-friendly text string. (This is also why that prettyDate routine used the static for the formatter, because we can be calling it many times.)
@Rob this line "cell.detailTextLabel.text = [self prettyDate:reservationDate];"  shows an error;saying "no visible @interface declares the selector prettyDate".any changes i need to make?
this is what l can see in the console  "2014-01-23 19:40:45.366 edmunds[366:c07] RegMembers: Neelang - 1234 - [email protected] - 111111111
2014-01-23 19:40:45.373 edmunds[366:c07] RegMembers: a - a - [email protected] - 12345
2014-01-23 19:41:02.295 edmunds[366:c07] a
2014-01-23 19:41:04.869 edmunds[366:c07] a
2014-01-23 19:41:04.871 edmunds[366:c07] DB Error: 1 "near "=": syntax error"
2014-01-23 19:41:04.872 edmunds[366:c07] DB Query: create table if not exists reservation (reservation_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, username TEXT, car_name TEXT, car_image_name TEXT, reservation_date=DOUBLE)
@Rob when i copied the prettyDate method to the tableview code,the error went away but the output is not shown in the tableview(it's blank).
@Rob here's the complete code of the "showHistoryViewController.m"  :  for you to review.     #import "ShowHistoryViewController.h"
#import "carSelectViewController.h"
#import "carBookViewController.h"
#import "carDetailViewController.h"
#import "carTypeViewController.h"
#import "FMDatabase.h"
#import "FMDatabaseAdditions.h"
#import "loginViewController.h"
#import "FMResultSet.h"
@interface ShowHistoryViewController ()


@implementation ShowHistoryViewController
@synthesize reservations;
- (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewStyle)style
if you wish to see the code of any other view controller,kindly tell me ;so that i can send it to you.
In your
create table if not exists reservation (reservation_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, username TEXT, car_name TEXT, car_image_name TEXT, reservation_date=DOUBLE)
What is that = for?
That's clearly a typo.
In terms of prettyDate, didn't you write a method called prettyDate?
Perhaps you have it in your other view controller.
@Neelang You have to include it here, too.
You cannot call the prettyDate method unless you have a prettyDate method. lol.
i did include the prettydate method in the tableview's view controller,and the error has resolved.secondly i would like you to see the console's text output i pasted above;which is showing an error .is that responsible for the problem?
2014-01-23 20:14:43.251 edmunds[484:c07] DB Error: 1 "near "=": syntax error"
here's the error shown in console output,that i wanted you to see.
sorry,my mistake."typo"!
that error in console got resolved.when i click on the button "btnBook"(button which is booking the car).the output on console is shown below: 2014-01-23 20:40:00.583 edmunds[527:c07] RegMembers: Neelang - 1234 - [email protected] - 111111111
2014-01-23 20:40:00.587 edmunds[527:c07] RegMembers: a - a - [email protected] - 12345
2014-01-23 20:40:28.944 edmunds[527:c07] a
2014-01-23 20:40:31.237 edmunds[527:c07] a
2014-01-23 20:40:38.649 edmunds[527:c07] date NSDate = (null)
@Rob on a lighter note;i know this isnt the case of 2-3 minutes of reviewing the code,otherwise you would have chewed and thrown the code within seconds.lol
4 hours later…
@Rob i found this link on our issue (if it may help): "http://ideaxdiscovery.blogspot.in/2012/06/sqlitefmdbuitableview.html" this link contains chinese you'd have to use auto translate that (translate.google.co.in/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://…) ,the link in the brackets is the translated link(if that works).
@Neelang I'm not sure what your question is.
If you're asking about all of that logging of the dates, you had that code in your booking view controller that logged the contents of the reservation table.
Clearly, that was just debugging code that you put in as you were learning how to select data from a table.
But You clearly don't need to NSLog the date stuff anymore, so you can remove those lines.
Anyway, what's the question?
@Rob i read this post while a search on google few minutes back;and saw a somewhat different approach(using a objective c class) for doing the same thing we are trying to do,so i thought if you could go through that and tell me if we can use that post's idea in our app?
I think the model class idea (rather than our NSDictionary) is a great one. I didn't suggest that as you seemed to be struggling over more basic issues. But I always use custom classes (like that article's Artist object, for example).
i tried that code in the app(commented few lines in the code of yours),but it didnt work,so i thought if we can use that way of doing things and get the desired output.if you feel that this code(of that post is irrelevant) then that's fine;i just wanted to share something and improve my knowledge.
I'm not sure where you stand. You say "it didn't work", but I don't know what's happening.
i guess now you got the idea of what i was trying to tell you or "what's the question?".
No, I have no clue what your app is currently doing. You gotta tell me what the app's doing or else I can't help you.
no no i mean i tried to use some part of the code in the post in my app,but the tableview was still blank.
Ok. Tableview is blank. Got it.
So, have you confirmed that the table view's delegate and data source are hooked up properly?
that's the same thing happening when i use your code.
I.e. are you seeing your tableView:numberOfRowsForSection: method getting called at all?
wait a sec.
Second, in viewDidLoad, you're retrieving data from the table. You should try logging reservations array (or put breakpoint in there after it's retrieved the data and examining it in the debugger). Make sure the data is being retrieved properly.
As a general debugging concept, simply throwing up one's hands and saying "it does nothing" accomplishes nothing. You need to debug your app and precisely identify the source of failure.
Setting breakpoints in your app and single stepping through the offending routine is a great technique for debugging.
Or temporarily inserting NSLog statements.
as you asked me about the tableview's datasource & delegate being hooked up or not?they are hooked up to "tableiew" as per the xib file.
So, when you put a breakpoint or NSLog in tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:, you're seeing it get called?
If so, great.
Once you've confirmed that, then look at viewDidLoad. Is it successfully retrieving data from the table in the database?
@Rob i put an nslog before and one after the "return[reservations count]" inside the tableView:numberOfRowsInSection from which the one before the "return[reservations count]" is seen but the one after it is not seen on the console output.
Yeah, you wouldn't see a NSLog put after a return statement, because return says "exit this method immediately, returning such-and-such value."
So, the fact that you're seeing the one before getting called means that you've confirmed the table view data source is working. Great.
Now, focus on viewDidLoad. Is it retrieving data successfully? I.e. what is in the reservations array when viewDidLoad is done.
i tried to put a nslog inside viewdidload just below superviewdidload;which can be seen;and then a 2nd nslog inside the numberofsections: method above the "return 1;" which is seen twice,but i couldnt see the nslog which was inide didrecievememorywarning.
inside i meant.
Yep, you wouldn't expect to see didReceiveMemoryWarning get called. (If it is, you have separate problem.)
OK, in viewDidLoad, have you checked to see whether data is getting retrieved successfully? I.e. NSLog the reservations immediately after the while loop.
when i put the "nslog(reservations);" statement after the while loop just before the "[rs close];" the app crashes and gives the error "2014-01-24 02:17:26.328 edmunds[451:c07] -[__NSArrayM length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x753a720
2014-01-24 02:17:26.543 edmunds[451:c07] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSArrayM length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x753a720'
*** First throw call stack:
" inside the console.
@Rob you there bro?
Sorry, I was working on other stuff.
(If you don't include "@Rob" I don't get notified.)
@Rob oh,my apologies!
Sorry, you want NSLog(@"reservations = %@", reservations);
NSLog is a printf-style formatter. You need a format string with those percent codes, and then the list of variables/expressions you want to to print.
Anyway, those cryptic errors are pointing out that the first parameter to NSLog must be a string, not an array.
@Rob here's the output in the console "2014-01-24 02:29:29.344 edmunds[480:c07] reservations = (
OK. So, it's telling us it didn't find anything.
<strike>Can you paste the database opening logic again?</strike> [never mind, found it]
Do you know how to open the database in your simulator on the Mac OS?
@Rob "   NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *docsPath = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
    NSString *path = [docsPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"contacts.db"];

    FMDatabase *database = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:path];
    [database open];

    [database executeUpdate:@"create table if not exists reservation (reservation_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, username TEXT, car_name TEXT, car_image_name TEXT, reservation_date DOUBLE)"];
I just noticed you SELECT statement. That's wrong.
    FMResultSet *rs = [database executeQuery:@"SELECT car_name, reservation_date FROM reservation WHERE username = 'appDelegate.username' "];
Should be:
    FMResultSet *rs = [database executeQuery:@"SELECT car_name, reservation_date FROM reservation WHERE username = ?", appDelegate.username];
@Rob ok,let me try that,i just tried your code,but anyways let's see.
Do you see why those are so different?
Unless the username happened to be, literally, appDelegate.username, you'd get no results.
@Rob i get it partially,but can you explain bit detailed?
This SQL
SELECT car_name, reservation_date FROM reservation WHERE username = 'appDelegate.username'
That's like if I said:
SELECT car_name, reservation_date FROM reservation WHERE username = 'bob'
It's literally looking for a username that is "a" "p" "p" "D" ...
Anything in quotes is a literal string.
But you didn't want to search for the string appDelegate.username.
You want to search where the value is equal to the contents of the appDelegate.username property.
@Rob wow the tableview is populated with the car names,but sadly not the dates.
Ok, this is complicated to diagnose remotely.
@Rob here's the console output showing both the car names,dates   "2014-01-24 02:37:13.721 edmunds[519:c07] reservations = (
        carName = "Hyundai verna";
        reservationDate = "1970-01-01 00:33:34 +0000";
        carName = "Renault duster";
        reservationDate = "1970-01-01 00:33:34 +0000";
        carName = "MarutiSuzuki dzire";
        reservationDate = "1970-01-01 00:33:34 +0000";
        carName = "Mahindra scorpio";
@Rob if that helps!
Yes, that does. It tells us we have couple of problems.
First, are you setting the date formatter in FMDB like we talked about a few days ago?
you have to do that everywhere you open the database.
@Rob where shall i put the statement "[database close]"?
That's tough to answer in the abstract.
If I recall correctly, you're opening and closing the database within these various methods, in which case you open at the start of the method, and close at the end.
Many of us open the database once when the app starts and don't close it until the app terminates.
Your call.
@Rob may be in the tension of editing the code i forgot to add the "[database close]" statement!as i cant see that in the code.
The date formatter issue is that everywhere you instantiate a FMDatabase object, you want to set the date formatter for that FMDatabase instance.
Can you show me the setDateFormat you call on your FMDatabase instances?
@Rob - (NSString *)prettyDate:(NSDate *)date
    static NSDateFormatter *formatter = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
        formatter.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterFullStyle;

    return [formatter stringFromDate:date];
} i guess you asked for this.
That's the routine for converting a NSDate to something you'll show a user.
We're talking about the FMDatabase method, setDateFormat.
You were complaining that you didn't like the fact that dates were being stored as cryptic numbers.
I showed you how you can use setDateFormat to fix that.
My question to you is what string did you end up using with FMDatabase instance method setDateFormat?
Or are your dates still stored as "cryptic" numbers?
Didn't you put in the setDateFormat call in your code that saved the reservation?
@Rob ya you showed,but i cant figure what you are asking for.shall i put the full viewdidload here?
@Rob what about the fact that i forgot to write "[database close]" statement?
Show me the code that opens that database in the other view controller, where you save a booking.
@Rob - (IBAction)btnBook:(id)sender

    NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *docsPath = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
    NSString *path = [docsPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"contacts.db"];

    FMDatabase *database = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:path];
    [database open];
    database.dateFormat = [FMDatabase storeableDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"];

    NSDate *dt = dtPick.date;
    NSString *strDate = [self prettyDate:dt];
That's it.
    database.dateFormat = [FMDatabase storeableDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"];
So, you need to that in your other view controller, where you instantiate the FMDatabase object.
By the way, database.dateFormat = ... is the exact same thing as [database setDateFormat:...].
The "dot" syntax is called "syntactic sugar".
@Rob interesting!
So, make sure you set dateFormat for the FMDatabase the same way everywhere.
(This is one of the reasons I don't like using that dateFormat, but I won't try to talk you into using the "cryptic" dates again.)
@Rob what about the fact that i forgot to write "[database close]" statement?
Just add it in the appropriate place. It turns out, I'm pretty sure that if you're using ARC, when the FMDatabase object is deallocated, it's automatically closed.
@Rob yes i know that discussion about cryptic dates made us mad!
@Rob so there's no need to write that statement anywhere?
@Rob yup
Technically not necessary, but probably good to put it in the appropriate place, stylistically.
Removes ambiguity in your code. Makes your intent plain. But not necessary.
Ok, I really want to wrap this up, so let's pick up the pace here.
Did you add the dateFormat call yet?
(to your view controller where you're retrieving data)
@Rob the tableview you mean?
Yes, the one where you're trying to return all of your data.
(You need to add this dateFormat code to everywhere you create a FMDatabase object, but let's focus on the table view that shows you your reservations.)
@Neelang You there yet?
@Rob i did put that dateformat code after     [database open];but it didnt show me the date
One thing at a time.
Ok, when you log the reservations, what do you see now?
(in viewDidLoad)
@Rob reservations = (
        carName = "Hyundai verna";
        reservationDate = "2014-02-01 00:00:00 +0000";
        carName = "Renault duster";
        reservationDate = "2014-01-20 00:00:00 +0000";
        carName = "MarutiSuzuki dzire";
        reservationDate = "2014-01-18 00:00:00 +0000";
        carName = "Mahindra scorpio";
        reservationDate = "2014-01-22 00:00:00 +0000";
        carName = "Hyundai i10";
Those look good, right?!
Much better.
Now fix the table view to show the sub title.
You're using UITableViewCellStyleDefault
You presumably want to use UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle.
And you might want to change the CellIdentifier to be something unique (e.g. a value of @"ReserverationListCell" or something like that).
Do that adjustment in the cellForRowAtIndexPath in this view controller.
@Rob in here "        cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
The UITableViewCellStyleDefault says "show me some text (and perhaps an optional image), but no subtitle".
But we're using the detailTextLabel (the subtitle) to show the date.
So we want to show that by changing the style to UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle.
And we want to use a unique CellIdentifier value, so that iOS doesn't get confused between the cells you use in different view controllers.
(Some might show a subtitle/detailText field, others might not.)
@Rob give me a sec plz.
@Rob there's a problem.
@Rob let me explain it to you.you see there are two user accounts(username) i have created in the app,when i use one user account to log in the results are perfect(tableview shows the car names,dates as we wished),BUT when i log in with the other user account the app crashes.
@Rob you there bro?
yes. but you have to tell me where it crashes and precisely what the error was. But first, if you log in with the same user account, does it work?
@Rob ya bro it works like a charm,with the one user account that i have been using for some time to log in.
@Rob but for the second user account it crashes ,and the error in the console is "2014-01-24 03:26:05.653 edmunds[808:c07] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[1]'
OK, and what code generates that exception?
@Rob i dont know!
Add exception breakpoint.
Do you know how to do that?
Just add exception breakpoint for all exceptions.
If you do that, when debugging app, it will generally stop the debugger at the line of code that caused the exception.
It generally makes it easier to identify the offending line of code.
(FYI, when you fix the problems that caused the exception, you can turn off the exception breakpoint.)
Judging from the error message, I bet you have something that attempts to populate an array called objects (or retrieve data from that array), but that there's nothing in that array. But it's hard to say until you identify the offending line of code.
@Rob shall i check the checkbox?and let the other option as it is?
i did that and ran the app ,it crashed again.
Did the debugger pause at a particular line of code that caused the exception?
By adding the exception breakpoint, it doesn't stop the crash, but simply pauses execution at the line that caused the exception. (In general. There are some types of exceptions it doesn't do such a great job at.)
@Rob it was stopping at the "        return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
" line in the main.m,before and still it shows the green arrow on that line only.
Hmm. Even with the exception breakpoint turned on? I would have expected it to show you the offending line of code.
Otherwise you have to look at the stack trace and see if you can figure it out there.
Or just put breakpoints all over your code at points that are logical for where you're seeing the error and narrow it down that way.
@Rob did i do the "add exception breakpoint" right?
or shall i remove that and add a new one?
When you look at your breakpoints, do you see something like:
Note, in that left panel, I've selected the second to last navigation panel.
That shows me all of my breakpoints.
(This is Xcode 5, Xcode 4.x is similar.)
You should see one that says "all exceptions" with a dark blue arrow next to it.
If you click on that dark blue arrow, it becomes light blue (meaning that the breakpoint is disabled).
@Rob i have xcode 4.x,and that's what i can see in the left pane,same as the image.
When you click on it again, it becomes dark blue (meaning that its enabled).
OK. The exception breakpoint isn't a panacea for finding the offending line of code, but it's a useful technique to remember for the future.
It doesn't sound like it's finding it for you in this case. So you'll either have to dig through the stack trace (which is going to be too complicated for me to explain via chat), or manually set breakpoints and single step through suspect routines where you think the problem may rest.
But you're seeing it after you log in as a different user? But before you pull up the view of reservations?
Figure out where in the user experience the crash occurs and that will help you narrow it down.
Just set breakpoints in all of the logical places the problem might occur, and keep hitting the "continue" button until it actually crashes. Doing that, you'll be able to narrow it down.
Once you find the offending routine, debug again, this time single-step through the offending routine, and that should help you identify the offending line of code.
@Rob when i click on the + sign at the bottom of page ,it shows three drop down lists "1.exception-in which i let it be as "all",2.break-in which i let it as "on throw",3.action-in which i let it as "add action";then below it there's a checkbox saying "automatically continue after evaluating" which is unchecked by default.shall i keep them that way?
Yeah, the default settings for "add exception breakpoint" should be fine.
You might want to watch WWDC 2013 video "Debugging with Xcode" if you haven't done this before: developer.apple.com/wwdc/videos/?include=407#407
(You need a paid developer subscription to watch Apple's videos.)
They're great videos, so it's worth the price of admission, if you're not already a developer.
@Rob i dont have that.sorry.
@Rob let me tell you when the app crashes so that you can have some idea of where the problem might be lying.
(This is, to warn you in advance, going to be near impossible for me to diagnose via chat like this. But go ahead and describe where it's crashing.)
@Rob everything works fine until i press the button to "view history" on the view controller which contains the buttons to show history and to confirm car booking(the one having date picker).
@Rob the same view controller where we wrote "prettyDate method".
@Rob if you wish i can paste the code.
So put NSLog statements or breakpoints in that view controller and figure out precisely where its crashing. If it crashes before you see the log/breakpoint, you know the problem occurred earlier than that. It's a process of elimination.
The viewDidLoad is a likely candidate. Maybe confirm that appDelegate.username was not nil?
Single-step through that routine and see what you see.
Do you know how to single step through a routine?
@Rob nope,sorry!
First, add a breakpoint:
See that blue arrow in the left margin?
That's a breakpoint.
I got that by clicking on that left margin.
I then run the app.
And it will pause at that line:
See the green highlight? That's the line I'm on.
I can then click on the "step" button:
It then takes me to the next line (and I can see that my NSLog showed up below):
Just keep doing that.
@Rob oh silly me,i knew that!
If you want, at the "(lldb)" prompt, I can examine values.
po appDelegate.username
Or look at them in the lower left panel.
@Rob i didnt get you.
@Rob i got the place where the exception occurred!
the green arrow stopped at "        [self.reservations addObject:@{@"carName":[rs stringForColumn:@"car_name"], @"reservationDate":[rs dateForColumn:@"reservation_date"]}];"
inside the tableview's view controller .in the while loop.
@Rob "while ([rs next])
        [self.reservations addObject:@{@"carName":[rs stringForColumn:@"car_name"], @"reservationDate":[rs dateForColumn:@"reservation_date"]}];
    " to be precise.
So, you have some record where one of those is coming back as nil.
Look at the table. Do you have a row in that table for that uaername which looks suspicious.
i guess the reason of exception might be the changes we made to the app delegate from "    FMResultSet *rs = [database executeQuery:@"SELECT car_name, reservation_date FROM reservation WHERE username = 'appDelegate.username' "];
" to this "    FMResultSet *rs = [database executeQuery:@"SELECT car_name, reservation_date FROM reservation WHERE username = ?", appDelegate.username];
" just a wild guess
(use your MacOS SQLite tool of choice )
@Rob give me a minute
I suspect a strange reservation date (stemming from the fact that we were playing around with different ways to store reservation dates
But it will probably be obvious when you look at the table.
You might just want to delete the records from the table. And try doing new reservations. And see if you can reproduce the problem.
@Rob i opened the db,now which table shall i check?the RegMembers(having the username,pass,cell number,email),or the reservations table(having the username,car name,car image name,date)?
@Rob another thing the 3rd party db viewing app mesasqlite only hows the year in the date column(2014).
But your other rows show yyyy-MM-dd?
Check the reservations table.
@Rob i am seeing the reservations table only,in that all records have the date as 2014.
That's the table you were doing the SELECT for when the app crashed.
Is that column wide enough in mesasqlite to show the full value?
@Rob i didnt understand.
Usually these database tools let you adjust the column width. (I don't know mesasqlite.)
@Rob ya it seems to be wide enough
And you're only seeing YYYY in the reservations table for all of the rows?
@Rob yes
I'd try using sqlite3 command line tool.
You know that the full yyyy-MM-dd is there, because we saw that when the app retrieved the reservations data for the other userid.
So if you're not seeing yyyy-MM-dd dates in mesasqlite, there must be something strange about that tool.
But the date is just a text string and we've confirmed that there's the yyyy-MM-dd values for reservations for that other userid.
@Rob ya we could see the full date in the tableview for the other user id
That's my point. The full date is probably there.
Ah, wait, I think I might know what's going on.
The field is defined as DOUBLE or REAL, right?
mesasqlite must be saying "hey, you said it was a number, so I'm going to show it to you as a number".
@Rob and ya the terminal shows the full date.
But, in reality, SQLite uses "weak" column definitions.
Even though the table was defined as DOUBLE for that column, we put TEXT values in there.
SQLite (strangely) permits that.
mesasqlite must not like that, though.
@Rob i asked you many times whether to keep that field' datatype as double or change it ,if you remember.
Yeah, and I argued (unsuccessfully) that you should be storing dates as numbers, which you dismissed as "cryptic."
@Rob dear,i had no other option.
Change the column type to TEXT if you want to view this table in mesasqlite.
@Rob it won't affect the app in any manner right?
So, delete the database (or DROP that table), change your code so that reservation_date is TEXT, make new reservations, and you'll see what you wanted.
It's probably good to make the definition of the reservations table matches the data you're storing in it. SQLite doesn't really care, but apparently mesasqlite does.
@Rob so shall i drop that table & create a new one,with reservation_date set as TEXT?
You can just drop the table and then tweak your programmatically created table to use TEXT for reservation_date.
(I think you're creating that table in a couple of places, so make sure to change the reservation_date definition in all places.)
@Rob is it fine if i delete that DOUBLE datatype column and create a new column a text after editing the code?
Sure, but if you delete that column, it will delete the data in that column, most likely (invalidating all of those rows).
You want to fix your CREATE TABLE statements in your code anyway.
@Rob ok i'll delete that table only,after editing the code ,fine?
So just drop the table, fix the CREATE TABLE statements in your code, and your code will recreate the table for you.
Yeah, that should probably work.
(Obviously, you'll have to make the reservations again.)
By the way, going through this exercise is likely to fix the problem that caused the crash, which I suspect was some old, invalid date information in the reservation_date column in reservations table.
By the way, going through this exercise is likely to fix the problem that caused the crash, which I suspect was some old, invalid date information in the reservation_date column in reservations table.
@Rob give me a minute
@Rob i did as you said,and now it's working like a charm for both user id's
Most excellent. Congratulations.
Good luck in your future coding adventures!
@Rob thanks a ton bro,i owe this success to you.
@Rob but wait a sec
@Rob i have something to ask.
@Rob you there bro?
@i saw this odd issue just now,at the time of login.
@Rob @i saw this odd issue just now,at the time of login.
@Rob may be you've left,but let me type the issue here,for you to see.in my loginviewcontroller i am getting some problem with the alert views;as you'll see in the code i paste below there are 3 alertviews
the first one shows the alert "IF THE USERNAME/PASSWORD TEXTFIELDS ARE EMPTY";second one shows the alert "IF THE LOGIN ISS SUCCESSFUL";the third one shows the alert "IF THE ENTERED USERNAME/PASSWORD IS INCORRECT";but i am getting both the alerts the first one and the third one when the "USERNAME/PASSWORD TEXTFIELDS ARE EMPTY";kindly resolve this if/else ladder issue in the alert views;whi
@Rob here's the code "implementation loginViewController
@synthesize lblPass,lblUserName,txtPass,txtUser;

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
    if (self) {
        // Custom initialization
    return self;

- (void)viewDidLoad

    self.title = @"Enter Credentials";
    appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];

    [super viewDidLoad];
@Rob kindly have a look and help sort this out aswell,we worked together on this viewcontroller's code as well if you remember.please do tell me if i can do anything for you in my own capacity ;hope to get your priceless guidance in future too.thank & regards.Neelang

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