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A: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden Error when accessing website

scottmIn IIS, you need to find out which app pool your application is running from. Just right click the web application under Sites>Manage Web Site>Advanced Settings. The first property should be the app pool. Now, click Application Pools. You should see a column called "Identity". Add that use...

Yes it says ApplicationPoolIdentity. I checked your link but I'm not really sure where to go from here...
@slandau, Which app pool is your application running under?
Classic .NET AppPool
Then you need to right click on your folder (\svn\K2...\Chatham), go to Properties and under the Security tab, add the user IIS AppPool\Classic .NET AppPool with at least read permissions.
Couldn't find the name =/
You might need to change the Location in the Select Users or Groups dialog to your machine, not a domain.
Okay got the name added, however that still didn't fix the issue. I'm thinking it has something to do with ISAPI ReWrite.
Hi scottm
Do you have a default document setup?
Yes I do, however, we use ISAPI to re-route
same error =/
try giving that user full permissions to that directory to exclude a permissions problem
Still didn't work. We can exclude that issue
which isapi rewrite implentation are you using?
have you added these permissions:
i'll try to
It's going to be a permissions issue one way or another, probably based on that app pool identity account. You may need to add it to \windows\temp\ also
alright. thanks for all your help :)

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