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@Jens good morning
3 hours later…
good moring @Jens
@ASR have u worked in Spring MVC web service
@Departure no yar
@Departure spring mvc basics i knw
@SpringLearner Good morning
@Departure Good morning
Good morning @Roxy, @greenhorn
@Jens i am at home today so i am online with another id am resech and development
i was waitng u
i need some help in Spring MVC
i found some MVC rest web service
need some help
No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/SpringRestCrud/list] in DispatcherServlet with name 'mvc-dispatcher'
this print in Console
@Jens good morning @ASR
good morning
@Departure How looks your code?
@ASR Good morning
means @Jens MVC Spring rest full web service
@Departure Yes how look your annotations which jars do you have added?
This example i am doing Using Maven
no need to add jar file
am showing COntrller class
@Departure You run this project in eclipse?
@Departure and how do you call it in browser?
for getting Employee
2015-09-25 10:52:32 WARN PageNotFound:1114 - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/SpringRestCrud/list] in DispatcherServlet with name 'mvc-dispatcher'
this coming
in Console
@Departure SpringRestCrud is your project name?
yes this is Project name
@Departure any errors in your log?
this is Log
Error is not there but it show 2015-09-25 10:52:32 WARN PageNotFound:1114 - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/SpringRestCrud/list] in DispatcherServlet with name 'mvc-dispatcher' after calling localhost:8080/SpringRestCrud/list
Look here: 2015-09-25 10:52:23 INFO RequestMappingHandlerMapping:197 - Mapped "{[/employee/list],methods=[GET],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],cu‌​stom=[]}" onto public java.util.List<com.beingjavaguys.model.Employee> com.beingjavaguys.controller.RestController.getEmployee()
You have to call localhost:8080/SpringRestCrud/employee/list
very nice
thanx very much
@Departure You are welcome
every method will call localhost:8080/SpringRestCrud/employee/ MEthod name right?
or Should i chnage in Web .xml file ?
@Departure yes
@Departure No that is configured in the controller annotations
ok wait
@RequestMapping(value = "employee/list", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody
List<Employee> getEmployee() {

List<Employee> employeeList = null;
try {
employeeList = dataServices.getEntityList();

} catch (Exception e) {

return employeeList;
like this
No you have th annotation on class level @RequestMapping("/employee")
public class RestController { which mean, that is a part of the url for all methods.
then you have the annotation on method level. that will be added by spring
thanx yarr i will learn today web service part
thanx @Jens
@Departure You are welcome
localhost:8080/SpringRestCrud/employee/delete?id=2 delete method will call like this
what does {} mean
no it is localhost:8080/SpringRestCrud/employee/delete/2
localhost:8080/SpringRestCrud/employee/createcreate?[{"firstName":"bhavan‌​a","lastName":"hegde","email":"[email protected]","phone":"900211565}]
create method should like this
create mehtod not working
@Departure Create is RequestMethod.POST. you can not call in the browser
how i will call this
should i make it get
suppose that i have to insert some data then
@Departure No. There is a firefox plugin which supports POST requests, or you have to write a client to so this
how to write client
@Departure Read about resttemplate
one more thing that i want to know
that currenlty it saving in file Stream i want to print it in browser web page for that we have to create jsp page
@Departure But this makes no sence, if you do not write it in a file, you can not read it for update/delete and so on.
@Jens for edit also we have write client ?
@Departure Is it annotated with POST or PUT?
its not there i will have to write
@Departure in the code you provided is no edit function
private static void createEmployee()
final String uri = "http://localhost:8080/springrestexample/employees";

EmployeeVO newEmployee = new EmployeeVO(-1, "Adam", "Gilly", "[email protected]");

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
EmployeeVO result = restTemplate.postForObject( uri, newEmployee, EmployeeVO.class);

like this we have to create client right
@Departure Yes but i would not set the id to -1. i would set it to zero.
yes it will come dynamically
id is Primary key
so no need to set
@Departure right
@Departure You should not add it to your server part
@Departure that should be a client, which calls the server part
final String uri = "http://localhost:8080/SpringRestCrud/employees?fname="
+ employee.getFirstName()
+ "lanme"
+ employee.getLastName()
+ "email"
+ employee.getEmail()
+ "phone" + employee.getPhone();
yes according my server
i have changed it
what change we need
@Departure you have to build a new Project for your client, and add the code there
but @Jens in Soap Service we create client such way like Document Style in Soap
not in reset
@Departure REST and SOAP are different thinks
yes using eclipse we have to create client
@Departure Yes that is also java code
i have create that client
but so many thing is written in client
@Departure Which thinks?
public com.beingjavaguys.controller.RestController getRestController() throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
like this way method declaring in client
@Departure Ok you are talking about soap not rest?!
i am talking about rest
i have create Client using eclipse i have gone through google
@Departure But if you use spring resttemplate it is much more easier
ok wait
we have to take Dynamic Project for this
@Departure I wood take a spring project or a normal maven project
@Departure It is not a web project, because it is not running in a web container like tomcat
@ThilinaSampath Hi
please hlep me for get outbound call
Good Afternoon @Jens @greenhorn @ASR
@ThilinaSampath Halo mchn
@JudeNiroshan good noon, how are you
I got a strange SimpleDateFormatter issue. Any advice greatly appreciated
Q: SimpleDateFormatter returns two different time zones

Jude NiroshanI have these two strings as input strings 03/12/16 03/14/16 I make a single SimpleDateFormatter object to get the date difference like this DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy",Locale.US); Date dateChkIn = formatter.parse("03/12/16"); System.out.println("Checkin date at nigh...

@JudeNiroshan Hi
@ThilinaSampath obe nama hodata ahala purudui wage
@Jude mawa dannawad?
@JudeNiroshan What is EST and EDT?
@JudeNiroshan mawa dannawada?
@JudeNiroshan mata podi udawwak karanawada?
how are u?
@ThilinaSampath mokakda scene eka?
oba rezg ekeda?
@Jens how are you today since it is a weekend hope you would be happy ;)
@greenhorn Yes i am happy. Hope you too?
@Jens so today you leave by 2pm is it
@greenhorn Yes
2 hours later…
@Jens i have some doubts
@greenhorn Then ask
map is an interface am i right @Jens
@greenhorn Yes if you mean java.util.Map.
usually use interface by using "implements" keyword is it @Jens
@greenhorn right
in this they haven't implemented Map but code is working fine how it is ? @Jens
@greenhorn They do not implement a map, they uses HashMap.
@Jens to use a interface is it necessary to use "implement" keyword
can we use interface without using the "implement" keyword
@greenhorn No. Only if you ant to write a class wich should impement the interface
@Jens can you say it clearly please
@greenhorn If you want to write a class which shoud "be" a map like MyMap you have to implment the interface Map like: class MyMap implments Map
If you only want ro use a map to get key value pars in a program you program must not implment Map
@Jens is this case applies to all for other interfaces also?
@greenhorn sorry can not get you
@Jens i asked whether the same condition which you told is applicable to Set, List,etc that is "If you only want ro use a map to get key value pars in a program you program must not implment Map".
@greenhorn Yes. An interface only provides methods which has to implmented for Classes which will be compatible to this interface.
@Jens Collection is also interface right?
@greenhorn Yes it is
in this what is List,queue,set @Jens
@greenhorn That are also interfaces
@Jens so we can't use collections directly is it? like below
Collection coll = new Collection();
@greenhorn No because Collection is an Interface and can not be instanciated
@Jens yes this is the point which i forgot and that confused me lot now i got it
@greenhorn That is fine.
@Jens Arraylist,linkedlist, vector are classes that implements the list interface is it?
@greenhorn Yes
@greenhorn name itself reveals it :)
@JudeNiroshan LOL :P
how you doing ?
@JudeNiroshan are you asking me?
yes. I do
similarly set interface can by implemented by HashSet, treeset,linked hashset is it @Jens
@JudeNiroshan i am doing good, how about you?
@greenhorn Yes HashSet, treeset,linkedhashset implments set
@greenhorn have a small look at Collection interface
that's the mother interface of all !
@Jens thanks why i clarified with you is tomorrow i have an interview friend
@JudeNiroshan i know that but i am revising myself with an expert that's it :)
Good Luck with your interview !
@JudeNiroshan thank you
@Jens, are you busy?
Have you looked my SimpleDateFormatter question ?
4 hours ago, by Jude Niroshan
Q: SimpleDateFormatter returns two different time zones

Jude NiroshanI have these two strings as input strings 03/12/16 03/14/16 I make a single SimpleDateFormatter object to get the date difference like this DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy",Locale.US); Date dateChkIn = formatter.parse("03/12/16"); System.out.println("Checkin date at nigh...

@greenhorn you are welcome. Good luck
@Jens thank you
@JudeNiroshan I think it is answered or not?
@Jens I got to know why it is happening. But there is no solution for my existing code
@JudeNiroshan Solution means you need the same timezone or what kind of solution you need?
@Jens How should I modify the existing code to avoid Daylight saving time
@JudeNiroshan Why you would avoid it?
As i understand your code it is like a hotel booking system right?
That's what I'm looking for. Anyway before I ask this question, I even didn't know about, Daylight saving time
@Jens Of course. Because this will cause many bookings to be inconsistence in our system
This will lead to a dangerous situations when it comes to practical world, where customer goes to hotel and trying to stay 2 nights, but hotel will kick them off after first night
@JudeNiroshan As i know you have to leave a hotelroom at 11 or 10 am not at midnight, so you can use 10am instead of 0am and your problem is solved.
@Jens Time is not considered as inputs. As you can see I have a String "03/12/16"
It's just a date. So, it is not advised to use hardcoded values
@JudeNiroshan Yes but you can set the our to a fix value as it is in the real world
@JudeNiroshan But in real world it is. If i book a room until tomorrow i have too leave at 10 am also if the timezone changes.
I am looking for a perfect solution. Because except this scenario, currently bookings are going pretty well. If my solution break the existing problem, that's gonna be a huge problem. Can you please help me?
@Jens If I set the time, but still problem will be there. Because I am dividing the difference by 86400000L. which is the # of milliseconds of a whole day
@JudeNiroshan Have you tried it?
86400000L is the standard # of millis of a normal day
@Jens There is another problem. How can I try this one? Because my local time is not Locale.US .
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    	try {
			DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy",Locale.US);
			Date dateChkIn = formatter.parse("03/12/16");
			System.out.println("Checkin date at nights check - "+dateChkIn.toString());
			Date dateChkOut = formatter.parse("03/14/16");
			System.out.println("Checkout date at nights check - "+dateChkOut.toString());
			int numberOfNghts = 0;
			Long numberOfNghtsCalc = ((dateChkOut.getTime() - dateChkIn.getTime()) / 86400000L);
@JudeNiroshan If i try it i get timezone CET
my output is this
Checkin date at nights check - Sat Mar 12 10:30:00 IST 2016
Checkout date at nights check - Mon Mar 14 10:30:00 IST 2016
number of nigts calculated - 2
@Jens yes. They pick the system default time zone
so, in my local machine, this Daylight saving time is not interpreting :(
@JudeNiroshan in my also not
our servers are set to EST. So, the difference can seen in our production server. But i can't play with it.
@Jens can you brief about vector and linked list in short
@greenhorn Have you read the javadoc?
@greenhorn Vector is Thread safe
@JudeNiroshan Do you have any testserver
@Jens i refered some sites and i want to finalize it
@JudeNiroshan yes i know
@Jens yes. All test servers are in local geographical area. That won't work. I have only our production running in EST timezone
@JudeNiroshan Let it change by an administrator
@greenhorn What do you need to know?
@Jens as i know linked list provides the convenient to add element first and last
@greenhorn You also can add en element at a specific index
@Jens and vector list is a extensible array and thread safe and it has so many legacy methods
@greenhorn That is right
@greenhorn you can give intial capacity default size is 16 elements
@greenhorn Which methods are "legacy methods"?
@Jens I tried 3 bookings in my production which goes through this issue. these are the results.
12 - 14 = 1 night
12- 13 = 1 night
13 - 15 = 2 nights
last two cases are awful
@JudeNiroshan Yes because only times which starts before 13th and ends after 13th has the problem
@greenhorn So what is your doubt with it. I have to leave in some minutes.
@Jens exactly!
@Jens i just had some clarifications with you and it's finished, Have a nice weekend my friend :) @Jens
@Jens Thanks for your time! Have great weekend!
@greenhorn you too.
@JudeNiroshan You too. I will try to find a way to solve your problem.
Thanks a lot
I hope you will find a perfect one! I am pretty sure about that
thanks for sharing @JudeNiroshan
always !

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