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good morning @SpringLearner, @greenhorn
@Jens good morning
@greenhorn How are you today?
good @Jens so many works today
public FeedbackDAO getFeedbackDAO(){
return new FeedbackDAOImpl(getDataSourceLocal());
@Jens in above why we defined getFeedbackDAO() in configuration class
and what does it does ?
@greenhorn You configure which DAO class to be used for the FeedbackDAOinterface. That is the same as the xml deklaration of the bean.
@Jens you mean like this below
<bean id="helloWorld" class="com.tutorialspoint.HelloWorld">
<property name="message" value="Hello World!"/>
@greenhorn Yes
@Jens can you please compare these two and explain me?
@greenhorn Both are the same. One is annotation based and one is XML based.
<bean id="helloWorld" class="com.tutorialspoint.HelloWorld">
in this what is "id" and "class" @Jens
@greenhorn ID is the uniquq identifier . i am not sure if it is the class name without the "get" prefix. The class attribute is the instanciated class in your first case FeedbackDAOImpl
@Jens DOES "instanciated class " means the model class
@greenhorn I would say the Bean class is more correct.
@Jens fine so here i didn't see any match between my bean class with FeedbackDAOImpl
@greenhorn Sorry can't get you. Where don't you see any matches?
<bean id="helloWorld" class="com.tutorialspoint.HelloWorld">
<property name="message" value="Hello World!"/>
@greenhorn Your annotation based version would looks like the following in xml:
<bean id = "feedbackDAO" class="...FeedbackDAOImpl">
in this i only defined the BEAN CLASS i didn't see any DAO class mapping with the bean class here
<constructor-arg value"DataSourceLocal">
@greenhorn every class in spring is called bean
@Jens what does this depicts?
also what does this below one says? @Jens
<property name="message" value="Hello World!"/>
It says that the property with name "message" should be set to "Hello World! in the bean.
In java code it looks like bean.setMessage("Hello World!").
Precondition for that is, that the bean has a property message of type String.
@Jens in web MVC we have form and a class which contains getters and setters of that form so how we say the type of that getters and setters class like controller, model or something
@SpringLearner good morning
@Jens good morning
@greenhorn good morning
@greenhorn Sorry can't get you.
@SpringLearner How are you today?
@Jens I am fine
how about you/
public class Agent {
private String customer_id;

public String getCustomer_id() {
return customer_id;

public void setCustomer_id(String customer_id) {
this.customer_id = customer_id;

@SpringLearner I am also fine.
@Jens can we say this above one as "model class" ?
@greenhorn Yes we can.
@greenhorn yes
generally a model class has getters and setters
@Jens what are the other names for "model class"
@greenhorn I think you can also call it java bean
or what do you think@SpringLearner
@Jens fine now my question is where we mapped this form and model class
@Jens as far i know people call it as "bean class" , "pojo class"
@greenhorn pojo class is also valid
@greenhorn It will automatically mapped by spring framework.
@Jens how could it @Jens spring framework should have a fact or logic of finding the right model class for the form
You specify it in your controller.
@Jens yes thats what i too found
using @ModelAttribute we specify it am i right?
@greenhorn Yes
@Jens now can you tell me the flow of web MVC
@Jens see am i understood correctly here postimg.org/image/ugrmjjpdp
@greenhorn Yes that is correct
still i have a doubt @Jens
@greenhorn So i will try to help you.
@Jens when i gave mismatch names between form and model class it doesn't doing it work, how the spring framework understood that the form fields name and model class names are matched
@greenhorn Can you give me a small example
form field:
<input type="text" size="10" name="cust_id" value=" " />
model class:
private String customer id;
@Jens here form field name and model clas variable are not same here hence it will not do operations i.e insert or updating the record in the dao class
@greenhorn That's right. In my understanding the value of cust_id can not be mapped to the attribute customer_id
@Jens my question is how the spring framework understood that the form fields name and model class names are matched or not matched
@greenhorn It will be done by reflection.
@Jens reflection?
@greenhorn Yes reflection.
Reflection is an API with wich you can get Methods for property names and so on.
@Jens how you say it follows reflection API, are you sure any proof is there in spring
@greenhorn Not one hundret percent but i think so. You can take a look in the generated jsp files, maybe you find there how it works.
@Jens thank you so much jens, today i learnt some new facts and things
@greenhorn You are welcome
i am glad that I could help you my friend
please help me
6 hours later…
@Jens yes,its a bean also
10 hours later…
can someone pls help me with this - stackoverflow.com/questions/31818316/…

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