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@OlafDietsche @JamesMassey @Krishna good morning
2 hours later…
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@Origineil hi
in the for loop
put hospitals.push({name: schedules[i].hospital(), id: schedules[i].hospitalId});
change the binding to
<select class="span8" name="hospital"
data-bind="options: $parent.hospitalOptions, value: hospital, optionsText: 'name', optionsCaption: 'Select Hospital'" data-required="true" data-trigger="change">
@Origineil 1 min
I will just try with your way
@Origineil I am using ajax JSON and using each function like this
type: "GET",
url: projectUrl + "getDoctors",
dataType: "json",
jsonp: true,
async: false,
success: function (data) {
$.each(data.doctors, function (index, currPat) {
if (currPat.userid == "${IDis}") {
//set value to doctor
doctor = currPat;
$.each(currPat.schedules, function (index1, schedule) {
//push each schedules to gloabl schedules array
//schedules.push(new Model.Schedule(schedule));
//schedules.push(new Model.Schedule(schedule));
but its not working
not working...as in you get an error or just no data
yes I get error
Uncaught TypeError: string is not a function
if I do this
you are using new Schedule() ...and then schedule.hospital()
hospitals.push(schedule.hospital,schedule.hospitalId );
then there is no error
that schedule.hospital is a string
but in the drop down I am not getting any value
so now what to do/
you need to put {} for the push ....hospitals.push({}) a new object ....that contains two properties
so it looks like
hospitals.push({name: schedule.hospital, id: schedule.hospitalId})
so I will remove ()
depends on which schedule you want to use ...right now you are using the json property
so you dont need the ()
if you were using the Schedule object
you would need the ()
but if i do then changes my JSON format
so you have some dependency on the id and hospital name being separate?
{"id":2,"name":"doc","degree":"BDS","gender":"Male","username":"doc","password":‌​"","email":"[email protected]","mobile":"1234567890","imgFile":"imagefileValue","imgSrc‌​":"imagePathValue","imagePath":"imagePathValue","userid":11,"department":"Anesthe‌​siology","schedules":[{"id":"1","day":"Tuesday","fromtime":"05:23","totime":"12:1‌​8","hospital":{"name":"Yashoda","id":5},"hospitalId":5},{"id":"2","day":"Monday",‌​"fromtime":"10:01","totime":"11:01","hospital":{"name":"Yashoda","id":5},"hospita‌​lId":""}]}
this extra hospital":{"name":"Yashoda","id":5} is added
yea ...thats what we told it to do by push({}) and subsequently binding to that object in the UI
so if you have to keep the separate
if the JSON is changed then in the server side JSON desriable code has to be changed
but I dont have server side code
you can see hospita‌​lId":""
its blank
I need to have a value
you can see hospita‌​lId":""
let me think on it a second
so what if we just add another observable in the Schedule ...the JSON will change but its just extra information the deserializer can ignore
can we pass hospitalID ?
the purpose would be to store what we just did in a separate observable...then subscribe to it
and set the individual properties you care about from it
I am not having much knowledge in knockout
so what ever you are saying just goes over my head
so in the Schedule object
add a new observable ...called myHospitalObs
I will undo everything
data-bind="options: $parent.hospitalOptions, value: myHospitalObs, optionsText: 'name', optionsCaption: 'Select
no we need what we did
the builds on it
this* builds on it
then inside the Schedule you would have this.myHospitalObs.subscribe(function(nv){})
where function(nv){} becomes function(nv){this.hospital(nv.name); this.hospitalId(nv.id)}
might need to use nv.id() since I think that will be an observable
what about hospitals.push(schedule.hospital,schedule.hospitalId );
shall i keep or delete?>
keep but it should be hospitals.push({name: schedule.hospital, id: schedule.hospitalId})
its giving error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined
past the source
for Schedule
var Schedule = (function () {
function Schedule(data) {
this.id = ko.observable('' + Schedule._id++);
this.day = ko.observable('');
this.fromtime = ko.observable('');
this.totime = ko.observable('');
this.hospital = ko.observable('');
this.hospitalId = ko.observable('');
this.myHospitalObs.subscribe(function(nv){this.hospital(nv.name); this.hospitalId(nv.id)});
if (data != null) {
this.id = ko.observable('' + Schedule._id++);
this.day = ko.observable(data['day']);
this.fromtime = ko.observable(data['fromtime']);
right about this.myHospital.sub ...put this.myHospitalObs = ko.observable();
I did
run in my chrome
after that clicked add timing
then a new gets added
and after that when select the drop down (hospital drodpwn)
then it gives me erro
ncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
so clicking the hospital inside of the dropdown is what caused the error
that would mean it was coming from the subscription ...which means this.hospital or this.hospitalId would be undefined
which shouldn't be happening
so what to do now?
paste source for the <select>
<select class="span8" name="hospital"
data-bind="options: $parent.hospitalOptions, value: myHospitalObs, optionsText: 'name', optionsCaption: 'Select Hospital'" data-required="true" data-trigger="change">
hey can we do another way
I can retrieve all the hospitals
in json
for example like
id: 40,
status: true,
address: " Barkatpura",
name: "woodlands"
id: 41,
status: false,
address: "kachiguda ",
name: "woodlands"
id: 5,
status: true,
address: "Somajiguda",
name: "Yashoda"
id: 6,
status: true,
address: "Mallakpet",
name: "Yashoda"
id: 7,
status: true,
address: "Jubli Hills",
name: "Yashoda"
and from this json
I want those details whose staus is true
and keep the ID,name in our hospital dropdown
so how does status play into the equation?
the hospitals that should be in the dropdown are those where status = true
it would roughly end up the same ...the root of the problem is that 2 observables need to be set from a single <select>
which can be done via a subscription
but the information you need for the other observable isn't "readily" available where you need it
see i can do like this
var test=$.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: projectUrl+"getHospitals,
jsonp: true,
so now test is a json
which has all hospital details
from there can we retireve those whose status is true and keep them in the hospital drop down?
that would work
so shall I undo everthing that we did till now?
for populating the dropdown
but the problem is with the value binding
so my idea is not possible?
it doesn't change the root problem
2 observable being affected by a single dropdown selection
well that and the fact that you want to maintain the JSON structure ..those 2 things together are causing an issue
b/c we have proven it is possible to get the hospital and id in to the json
just not in the expected format
just for one last check
inside of the subscription we added
and an if check
if(nv){this.hospital(nv.name); this.hospitalId(nv.id);}
sorry i didnt get you
maybe the optionsCaption caused the issue....I haven't use the binding very much
this.myHospitalObs.subscribe(function(nv) { if(nv){ this.hospital(nv.name); this.hospitalId(nv.id)}});
ok i will check
same problem
yea i just reproduced in fiddle
need a scope variable
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
at the top of schedule put var self = this;
and inside of the subscription change this to self
like this
    this.myHospitalObs.subscribe(function(nv) { if(nv){ self.hospital(nv.name); self.hospitalId(nv.id)}});
now its working
and I am getting json too
but the JSON format is changed
what json deserializer is being used
that "extra" information shouldnt matter ...it will be ignored
if the variable name isnt in the class
do you know java spring?
a little
but we have to give in a particular format right
not sure how forgiving it is on the format
I'm used to deserializing with GSON or Jackson
ok then 1 min I will pass to server and check
there is another way ....
we could do the data assignment from the $root viewmodel
@Origineil see
actually I have lots of hospitals in database
out of those hospitals only activated hospitals should be shown in dropdown
k that would be a ko.utils.arrayFilter on the list of hospitals returned by the ajax you put up earlier
for example
this has all the hospitals
I need to show only those whose stattus is true
so I think we have to change our code again
look into ko.utils.arrayFilter
for now though I have to sleep
work in like 4 hours
well where are you from/
usa, AL
thats nice
thanks for helping
have a good night
Take care
ill be on tomorrow ...during spare time ill think about a better solution
to keep the JSON structure
ok thanks
@JqueryLearner good morning bro.
Good morning everybody.
2 hours later…
@OlafDietsche @Krishna how are you guys?
1 hour later…
Hi @JqueryLearner, I am fine.
How are you?
@OlafDietsche physically I am good
but mentally not fine
this knockout js is killing me
What gives you the difficulty?
Most probably not, but I will look.
Can you recommend any intro or tutorial to knockoutjs?
@OlafDietsche I am following this book i follow syncfusion.com/Content/downloads/ebook/…
this is their official tutorial learn.knockoutjs.com
@OlafDietsche please upvote my post
@JqueryLearner in tenstion
@Krishna ??
@JqueryLearner u have done swing right?
Q: Setting on top dialog if Frame of Dialog in Java

KrishnaI Have one Swing application in java in which i am opening one Dialog on click event and after that i an opening another dialog on that first dialog button click. but when i click on that second dialog then first dialog is getting visible and that 2nd Dialog is Disable when i tried to close that...

@JqueryLearner can u help me with this.
@JqueryLearner Please see if my answer works for you.
@Krishna sorry yaar
I saw your post but can not answer
@OlafDietsche which lines you have changed
@JqueryLearner okey just u can u just upvote it so other people can have focus by that.
i have solved that problem but dont know still why its causing prob in app.
@Krishna done
@JqueryLearner thanks bro.
HTML: See the end of the table, around lines 123-129
Javascript: See the addSlot() function, lines 190-194
@OlafDietsche but in my project its not working
you did not change any thing in the js ,right?
How does the code in your project differ from the JSFiddle?
in the fiddle
See my answer above, I changed the addSlot() function
Ok, and what is the problem?
in the profile tab
when you click the save buton
then you will JSON in the console
that is changed
I want JSON this
I want this type of JSON
@JqueryLearner wanna post ans?
@Krishna I dont know your answer yaar
@JqueryLearner i will tell na:)
@JqueryLearner i got ans :)
@Krishna ok
@JqueryLearner post that "Just Give Parent Frame to the Frame that you wanted As Parent Frame in your Case Just Put Second Dialog Parent as First Dialog in the Contractor. and Main Frame as Parent into First Dialog"
I am having sever head ache now
I am leaving
@JqueryLearner before u leave post it.
@JqueryLearner take medicine and take rest.
@Krishna no friend
I have been facing issue since morning
now even a silly ones also not solved
@JqueryLearner its okey happens. :) and ya thanks for upvote. :)
@Krishna agar voting ke baare main baat karenge to hindi main baat karenege.taki moderator ko pata nahi chalega
@OlafDietsche sorry friend I have to leave now
because I am not feeling well
we will discuss it tommrow
@Krishna @OlafDietsche bye
@JqueryLearner alvida. and ya sorry me usko right diya haan because usne pehale diya tha ans.
I need a script in jquery that is actually creates me this pattern of elemrnts in the array: a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,a,b,c,a,b,c,a,b,c,a,a,b,c,d,a,b,c,d,a,b
I have this script by now jsfiddle.net/LhsSm/1 but it's not working as it should...
May you please take a look?
@Krishna so the first 10 elements should be "a" than on the 2'th floor they should be "a", "b", "a", "b" etc... than on the third "a", "b","c", "a".... and on the 4'th "a", "b", "c", "d", "a"
@AlexStanese well m not from .net but i can give u logic if u want :)
@Krishna what do you mean by .net?
@AlexStanese jsfiddle.net
@Krishna aham... this is my code so far but it's not working as it should
var floors = ["a", "b", "c"],
	floor = 1,
	step = 10,
	temp = null,
	i = 0,
	j = 0,
	k = 0,
	result = [];
for(i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
	if (i%step === 0) {

	if (floor <= floors.length) {
		temp = floors.slice(0, floor);//imi ia a, ab, abc
		for(j = 0, k = temp.length; j < k; j++) {
		    result.push(i + temp[j]);


@AlexStanese wait let me see.
@Krishna ok
@AlexStanese take look at this. u need to use 2 for loop
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
                if(i == 1){

                if (i==2) {
                if (i==3) {
                if (i==4) {

@Krishna I actually need the values in the array..
I need that array
@OlafDietsche are you online?
Yes, I've been away for a while, but now I am back.
How are you?
now feeling better
came home
actually i was telling about the JSON
Ok, that's good. I hope you're well soon.
I am having problem
when ever something is not solved my head starts pain
today I was so disturbed
I made a wrong transaction online and my bank charged me 3000 rupees
another tension
so decided to come back home
is your email active now/
I have my mail reader open, if this is what you mean.
I received your test email.
I have just sent you the source code
@AlexStanese sorry after some time will get back to u/
Ok, I got the source.
@OlafDietsche sorry actually i could not make fiddle because having sever headache and rushed to home.so sent you the source code
actually the JSON i am getting from your fiddle and mine defers
so i was getting error at the server side
Ok, and what is the difference?
i want like this
so gave you the source code
Ok, I compared the two versions jsfiddle.net/5nZRh/10 and jsfiddle.net/5nZRh/13 and I see no difference.
its my bad
i should have informed you before
Ok, now I compared the version I get from the jsfiddle with the pastebin.
I get differences in "password" and "imgSrc"
When I enter a password in the form, the JSON includes it as well.
What remains is the imgSrc.
I don't know, if this is what you need, but when I change fileObjectURL: to value:, imgSrc appears in the JSON too.
I need to select an image first, of course.
2 messages moved to recycle bin
@OlafDietsche sorry
my mind is not working properly now
Ok, let's try tomorrow.
the JSON from your fiddle and the JSON i gave in the pastie are same or different?
The values are different, of course.
But apart from password and imgSrc, I see no difference.
Maybe, there's something I don't see.
When you get an error from the server, it should tell what it is missing.
I mean format
are the format same?
I think the format are different because I made changes in the js part but i have not updated in the fiddle
thats why i gave you the source code
after you provided the fiddle i tried to send the json to server but the server gave me error
I don't understand what you mean with different format.
Can you give an example?
And what is the error message, you get from the server?

my answer worked, this can be upvoted by people
this part i added
and in the pastie hopitalid is not empty
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
1 message moved to recycle bin
are you online?
Yes, I jumping back and forth.
I am still looking into this issue.
I don't see, where the hospitalId should come from.
You have a field for hospital and all the other elements, but you don't have a field for hospitalId.
@DLJ welcome
1 message moved to recycle bin
@OlafDietsche see I have a ajax code like this
var test=$.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: projectUrl+"getHospitals,
jsonp: true,
and it will give json
now from all the hospitals
I have to get only those whose status is true
this json has hospital name,id,address
those hospitals whose status is true should be there in hospital drop down menu
for example
in the above json
id 40,5,6,7 are true
so in the drop down I have to show woodlands,yashoda,yashoda,yashoda
now when I select any one hospital and when I save then the corresponding hospitalID should be sent via JSON
the source code I have sent is up todate
so please do use that
Ok, but I am away for a while.
@OlafDietsche you understand my requirement,right?
1 hour later…
@JqueryLearner I updated the last jsfiddle with the source, you sent me.
But this doesn't work at all.
The appointments don't show up.
See http://jsfiddle.net/5nZRh/18/
Maybe tomorrow, good night.

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