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@OlafDietsche @Krishna @JamesMassey good morning
@JamesMassey how are you today?
not bad
I am fine
where are you from?
I am from india
your english is good
but I do not think so
well, its understandable
which is better than half of the people who ask questions on this site
now a days I dont answer
very busy with my work
yeah, but you've already got 3k rep
I can imagine
i have 6.8k
i spend time while i'm waiting for pull requests answering questions
I knew it was a hell of a lot higher than mine
earlier I used to spend most of the time here
so earned
I think I got 3k during 1st month itself
then gradually decreased
and now hardly i get 50 reps in week
you are more intelligent than me and senior also,
you have 5+ years of experience and i have 1 year
5+ years, is 4 years of Java work in Uni and 1 year actually writing production code in Spring
I only graduated last year
mine is total IT experience 1.2 year
do you have a degree?
whats your degree in?
bachelor of technology in electrical and electronics
I've got a Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering)
Well, your Java is good, given you must be self taught
i learned java myself
@NamoNamo welcome
@JqueryLearner thanks
i am iphone developer but now tried to learn jquery
can u tell me the starting ppoint of jquery
learn javascript first
then move to jquery
@NamoNamo yes @JamesMassey is correct
earlier i was not aware of js and directly started to learn jquery
so everything was going over my head
you should be atleast have basic idea of js
otherwise you can not understand any js frameworks
like if you know core java then only you can understand spring,hibernate javafx etc
i learn javascript
i have basic idea of js
ok then there are many tutorials available online
you can go throgh them
how to integrate jquery in my phonegap app
if my understanding of phonegap is correct (and it might not be tbh) it should work just like javascript. Make sure you are importing the jQuery onto every HTML page you want to use it on.
@NamoNamo no idea about phonegap
k i will try
@JamesMassey in this fiddle
line 112 and 121
in js section
I am adding the values to array using for loop
but now I want to add the values to array from json that i get from ajax
so i did
type: "GET",
url: projectUrl + "getDoctors",
dataType: "json",
jsonp: true,
async: false,
success: function (data) {
$.each(data.doctors, function (index, currPat) {
if (currPat.userid == "${IDis}") {
//set value to doctor
doctor = currPat;
$.each(currPat.schedules, function (index1, schedule) {
//push each schedules to gloabl schedules array
//schedules.push(new Model.Schedule(schedule));
//schedules.push(new Model.Schedule(schedule));
@JamesMassey but its not working
any idea?
are you getting any error messages? or is it just not returning any values
i'd put a breakpoint in your for loop and see what is being returned by AJAX
no error in browser console
but the input fields in the form are not filled
is my way right?
I mean are these 2 lines
schedules.push(new Schedule(doctor.schedules[schedule]));
yeah it looks right
1 hour later…
Q: getting values from JSON to fill in the form fields

JqueryLearnerIn this fiddle line 112 is schedules.push(new Schedule(doctor.schedules[i])); and line 121 is hospitals.push(schedules[i].hospital); In this way I am filling in the form fields and using the for loop.But as var data = { "doctors": [ { "id": 1, "schedule...

wait don't you want to put doctor.scheduled[index1] ?
actually you want to push doctor.schedules
there is no array selector required
sorry did not get you
schedules.push(new Schedule(doctor.schedules));
use the entire schedules object to create a new Schedule object
which you then push into your global schedules array
I think you got downvoted because of your question style
you need to tell people what you have tried
to solve the issue
because it looks like a 'gimme teh codez' question
@JqueryLearner does that work?
@JamesMassey no
if (currPat.userid == "${IDis}") {
//set value to doctor
$.each(doctor.schedules, function (index1, schedule) {
//push each schedules to gloabl schedules array
schedules.push(new Schedule(doctor.schedules));
@JamesMassey not working
what are you trying to do?
are you trying to add the test data to a new doctor?
or just the test schedule to the global schedules array?
thats another problem with your question, you don't actually tell us what you are trying to achieve, so we can't say if the code you have given is correct.
from ajax
I am getting json data
and I want to insert that data in my form fields
so why do you need to loop through schedules?
json is like this
"doctors": [{
"id": 1,
"schedules": [{
"id": 1,
"totime": "13:19",
"dayId": 1,
"location": "Somajiguda",
"fromtime": "12:19",
"hospitalId": 5,
"day": "Monday",
"hospital": "Yashoda"
"username": "doctor",
"degree": "MBBS,MD",
"email": "[email protected]",
"imagePath": "imagePathValue",
"department": "Bio-Chemistry",
"name": "doctor",
"userid": 4,
"gender": "Male",
"mobile": "1234567890"
because on your fiddle it looks like your data is being inserted on your form correctly
if i want to get day,hospital fromtime
then i have to loop
fiddle is correct
so you are expecting an array of doctors? and you want dayId, hosptial and fromtime fields
for each doctor in the array?
is that right?
Where do you want to store dayId, hospital and fromtime?
is there a hidden field on the page or are they going in an array somewhere?
hey i am able to get view appointments
only the view profile not able to get
$.each(data.doctors, function(doctorIndex, doctor){
$.each(doctor.schedule, function(scheduleIndex, schedule{
var dayId = schedule.dayId;
var hospital = schedule.hospital;
var fromtime = schedule.fromtime;
that will loop through all schedules for all doctors and give you the dayId, hospital and fromtime
where will i write this code?
do whatever you want with it inside the loop
inside the ajax
under this line
if (currPat.userid == "${IDis}") {
did you copy paste that line from somewhere else?
I made a mistake
yeah i thought so
var doc = new Doctor();
you are essentially saying set a doctor to the currPat variable, but doctors don't have a userId field on them
i was writing
but i need to pass doctor
var doc = new Doctor(doctor);
its a silly one
that is a problem but you also have another problem
did you copy paste the code for that $.each block from some other part of your system? Some part to do with the manipulation of patients perhaps?
did you get this:
$.each(data.doctors, function (index, currPat) {
if (currPat.userid == "${IDis}") {

from somewhere else?
thats from json
no the actual code to do the loop
did that come from somewhere else?
sorry i didnt get you
success: function (data) {
$.each(data.doctors, function (doctorIndex, doctor) {
$.each(doctor.schedules, function (scheduleIndex, schedule) {
schedules.push(new Schedule(schedule));]
try replace your success block
its just a guess at what you are actually trying to do, but if (currPat.userid == "${IDis}") makes no sense in the context of what you are trying to do
I will explain
see this ajax
type: "GET",
url: projectUrl + "getDoctors",
it will get all the doctors details
for all doctors
everything from my database
each doctor has unique id
and i am storing that id in session
so i am doing if currpat==$Idis
hope you understand?
got it
success: function (data) {
$.each(data.doctors, function (doctorIndex, doctor) {
if(doctor.id == "${Idis}"){
$.each(doctor.schedules, function (scheduleIndex, schedule) {
schedules.push(new Schedule(schedule));]
just fix your curly brackets
so loop through all returned doctors, and then if the doctor's id matches the one you want iterate through his schedules, and push them to the global schedule array
Don't you have some ajax url you can call to return just a specific doctor based on their ID?
no no
i dont have that
just wondering
did that work?
what I suggested?
i am trying
aww you removed your question
i wanted the rep ::P
if you want rep then I can upvote some of your old answers
hahahaha nah
next time don't delete your question
i got downvotes
so deleted
by all means have a look at my old answers, but only upvote if you actually think my answer deserves an upvote
i have another problem
I want this type of json
"id": 2,
"name": "doc",
"department": "Anesthesiology",
"degree": "BDS",
"gender": "Male",
"username": "doc",
"password": "",
"email": "[email protected]",
"mobile": "1234567890",
"imgFile": "",
"imgSrc": "",
"imagePath": "http://socialtv.s3.amazonaws.com/iwiUdiwiUd.jpg",
"userid": 11,
"schedules": [
"id": 27,
"day": "Tuesday",
"fromtime": "05:20",
"totime": "12:18",
"hospital": "Yashoda",
"hospitalId": 5
but the way I am getting is
"doctor": {
"id": 2,
"name": "doc",
"degree": "BDS",
"gender": "Male",
"username": "doc",
"email": "[email protected]",
"mobile": "1234567890",
"imgFile": "imagefileValue",
"imagePath": "imagePathValue",
"userid": 11,
"department": "Anesthesiology",
"schedules": []
if you know the reason
then I will post a question and you answer that
under what conditions do you want to add a schedule to a doctor
when do you want to add a schedule to a doctor?
$('#saveButton').click(function () {
var testjson = ko.toJSON(viewModel.doctor);
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("doctormetada", testjson);
console.log(projectUrl + "updateDoctor");
url: projectUrl + "updateDoctor",
type: "POST",
data: formdata,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function (res) {
formdata = new FormData();
@JamesMassey see in the fiddle
when you press the save button
i'm looking at it now
then you will get in the console
I get a schedule in the array
{"id":1,"name":"doctor","degree":"MBBS,MD","gender":"Male","username":"doctor","‌​email":"[email protected]","mobile":"1234567890","imgFile":"imagefileValue","imag‌​ePath":"imagePathValue","userid":4,"department":"Bio-Chemistry","schedules":[{"id‌​":"1","day":"Monday","fromtime":"12:19","totime":"13:19","hospital":"Yashoda","ho‌​spitalId":5}]}
what are you missing? is it the imageFile and imagePath
i am missing department
No you aren't its before schedules
something is missing
are you getting any exceptions?
tell me if the squence is different will i get error
you're missing password
and yes you usually will
if it violates a null constraint on the database
ohh yes
then how to add password
so if username can't be null on the database and you are missing username, then an exception will get thrown
store the value of password in a hidden input field
I mean how will get a password field in json
are you storing the password field on the form?
i am not getting the password from json
but when i submit the form
the i passing the password via json
{"id":2,"name":"doc","department":"Anesthesiology","degree":"BDS","gender":"Male‌​","username":"doc","password":"","email":"[email protected]","mobile":"1234567890","img‌​File":"","imgSrc":"","imagePath":"http://socialtv.s3.amazonaws.com/iwiUdiwiUd.jpg‌​","userid":11,"schedules":[{"id":34,"day":"Tuesday","fromtime":"05:20","totime":"‌​12:18","hospital":"Yashoda","hospitalId":5}]}
well you need to get the password from the json
thats your problem
see I am intentionally keeping the password field as empty
suppose you do not want to change the password then keep it empty
so I am keeping
if you do not want the users changing the password on this screen, then put the value of the password into a hidden input field. That way you store the current value and don't let the users change it.
the value of that field will be picked up when you serialize the form data
ok that i can do
now my json string does not have passoword field
how to create password field?
you need to get the password field in the json
i can not change server side code
well you're stuck
there's no way to get the password value
all you can do, is not pass it back
so delete the form field that is supposed to contain the password
cant we append a password field and give a ""
and after that submit the form
then you would wipe the existing password
in server side
if input password is blank then it will not change
so I can send blank passowrd
then thats fine
just my json should have a passoword field and blank value
so how to append
go $(formdata).append({password: ""});
see in this fiddle
when you submit the save button
then in the console you will get json
can you just update this fiddle
to get password field also
$('#saveButton').click(function () {
viewModel.doctor.password = "";
only one line
@JqueryLearner good morning.:)
I am not getting any error now in the STS console but the value is not getting inserted in the database
@JamesMassey if i alter the json field sequesnce then will it create problme
it shouldn't really
I don't really know]
In my working JSON it is
{"id":2,"name":"doc","department":"Anesthesiology","degree":"BDS","gender":"Male‌​","username":"doc","password":"","email":"[email protected]","mobile":"1234567890","img‌​File":"","imgSrc":"","imagePath":"imagePathValue","userid":11,"schedules":[{"id":‌​35,"day":"Tuesday","fromtime":"05:22","totime":"12:18","hospital":"Yashoda","hosp‌​italId":5}]}
I'd have to have a play around with your server code
with no password
then don't send a password through
my json is {"id":2,"name":"doc","degree":"BDS","gender":"Male","username":"doc","password":‌​"","email":"[email protected]","mobile":"1234567890","imgFile":"imagefileValue","imageP‌​ath":"imagePathValue","userid":11,"department":"Anesthesiology","schedules":[{"id‌​":"1","day":"Tuesday","fromtime":"05:20","totime":"12:18","hospital":"Yashoda","h‌​ospitalId":5}]}
ok, so don't send
1 sec
then I have to lots of server side changes
just don't send the password field with the json to the server
ok fine
lets start from the beginning
when I press the save button
then this ajax is called
url: projectUrl+"updateDoctor",
and this is my requestmapping

public String updateDoctor(@RequestParam("doctormetada") String doctormetada,@RequestParam(value="image",required=false) MultipartFile image)

Doctor doctor=doctorServiceImpl.updateDoctor(doctormetada,image);
return doctor.getId().toString();

yep i remember
now what details you need?
I think you need updateDoctor()
so the first JSON works and gets inserted
are you sure you have your logging configured correctly?
because your JPA will give you a message if it doesn't insert a value
wait I will modify log4j properties and get back to you
@JamesMassey log4j properties updated
what happens now?
how to use logger
and in which class should I use?
if an exception is thrown it should get printed out anyway
thats what you are looking for'
i mean we should use Logger logger =something.logger
post your config
private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DoctorController.class);
is this right?
no your actual log4j.properties
Thats right
That day we did
and I have saved log4jproperties
can you post them
#Updated at Thu Aug 25 10:02:44 GMT-05:00 2011
#Thu Aug 25 10:02:44 GMT-05:00 2011
logfile = D:/socialtvlogs
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, R
# file appender
log4j.appender.R.layout.conversionPattern=%d [%t] - %m%n
# console appender
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n
ok change log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout
you mean instead of R
yes I should write stdout instead of R
try now
now what next?
did you get anything in your STS console?
2014-05-06 12:43:15,870 [tomcat-http--48] INFO org.hibernate.stat.Statistics - HQL: SELECT u from User u where u.id=11, time: 2ms, rows: 1
2014-05-06 12:43:15,872 [tomcat-http--48] INFO org.hibernate.stat.Statistics - HQL: SELECT dept from Department dept where dept.name=:name, time: 1ms, rows: 1
2014-05-06 12:43:15,875 [tomcat-http--48] INFO org.hibernate.stat.Statistics - HQL: SELECT deg from Degree deg where deg.name=:name, time: 2ms, rows: 1
2014-05-06 12:43:15,881 [tomcat-http--48] INFO org.hibernate.stat.Statistics - HQL: SELECT u FROM Doctor u WHERE u.user.id=11, time: 6ms, rows: 1
@JamesMassey I am going for lunch
I will be back n 15 minutes
i'm going home soon
Good morning everybody
@JamesMassey are you online?
@OlafDietsche hi
@Krishna are you free?
@OlafDietsche if we change the JSON field sequence then will it create problem
This is my working JSON
{"id":2,"name":"doc","department":"Anesthesiology","degree":"BDS","gender":"Male‌​","username":"doc","password":"","email":"[email protected]","mobile":"1234567890","img‌​File":"","imgSrc":"","imagePath":"imagePathValue","userid":11,"schedules":[{"id":‌​35,"day":"Tuesday","fromtime":"05:22","totime":"12:18","hospital":"Yashoda","hosp‌​italId":5}]}
and this JSON is not working
{"id":2,"name":"doc","degree":"BDS","gender":"Male","username":"doc","password":‌​"","email":"[email protected]","mobile":"1234567890","imgFile":"imagefileValue","imageP‌​ath":"imagePathValue","userid":11,"department":"Anesthesiology","schedules":[{"id‌​":"1","day":"Tuesday","fromtime":"05:22","totime":"12:18","hospital":"Yashoda","h‌​ospitalId":5}]}
@JqueryLearner yes dude m here.
There are a few differences:
- schedules:id:1 vs schedules:id:35
- gender: the first Male has some invisible characters appended (whitespace?)
- hospitalId has invisible characters
Otherwise, if the property names and values are the same, order should be no problem.
@OlafDietsche hi
how are you?
2 hours later…
Hi @ASR, I'm fine.
How are you?
can you try it?
Q: How to add a new row on button press?

JqueryLearnerThis is my button <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-bind="click: $parent.addSlot" value="Add">Add Timing</button> actually when this button is pressed,I want another row to be inserted.So I did following way var Schedule = (function () { function Schedule(data) { ...

this is the fiddle jsfiddle.net/5nZRh/6
in fiddle it works
but in my project it does not
@OlafDietsche iam good
@JqueryLearner I looked through the code, but I can't figure it out.
When I press the Save button, an alert pops up and the JSON string is printed to the console.
What else should happen, when I press the Save button?
@OlafDietsche in the appointments tab
click on add timings button
then a new row gets added
Ok, I can see that.
So, this works in the fiddle but not in your project?
@OlafDietsche yes
And in the question on SO, is the code you posted the fiddle code or the code of your project?
@OlafDietsche the problem is solved
suppose I have static class inside an interface
then how can i create object of that class
@JqueryLearner What do you mean with a static class? Is this Java?
@OlafDietsche yes
I am asking about java
You can just create it with new like any other class

interface iface {
public static class inner {
inner() {

public class outer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
iface.inner i = new iface.inner();

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