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I render a partial within a controller:
render partial: "courses/navigation_buttons"
I have variables within that partial.
How can I pass locals when I render a partial within controller?
Here is what I tried:
render partial: "courses/navigation_buttons", locals: { current_slide: @current_slide, course: @course }
render partial: "courses/navigation_buttons", current_slide: @current_slide, course: @course
@Metaphysiker ...which version you using? Normally it's the strong_params messing with the partial's variable rather than someone not formatting it right. To me it looks like you are rendering it correctly via the rails 4 or 5 guides ... but you know that syntax is for VIEWS, not controllers right?
I'm not sure what "I have variables within that partial." means ... but ... you should not be calling "navigation_buttons" from a controller. Its bad MVC or breaks it.

Instead you need to call a view file that does the task. Then that view calls to the `buttons_partial` to load it from within that view with the same call & normally all the layout stuff would be attached at the `app/views/layouts/application.html.erb`
@Mirv Rails 5.2.2, ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux]
I found a way, but It seems ugly to me:
I let javascript do the rendering:
content = $("<%= escape_javascript( render "courses/navigation_buttons", current_slide: @current_slide, course: @course ) %>");
My goal: If a button is pressed, a partial should be reloaded via AJAX.
I was following the idea here: stackoverflow.com/questions/10539143/…
But I could not figure out, how i could pass variables to locals
@Metaphysiker Are you attempting to call render in the controller? ... because turbolinks should handle all of that for you if you do it properly in the rails way & you should never have to worry about rerender etc
@Mirv No. Here is my controller action:
def render_navigation_buttons
@course = Course.find(params[:id])
@current_slide = params[:current_slide].to_i

respond_to do |format|
Oh, I see another way
good - i was worried you were saying you were trying to dive and and out of the controller with renders, that's kind of what that other guy is doing - but there's something smell~y about it
@Metaphysiker ... do you have 0 jquery in your project otherwise?
I do have some other jQuery, but I suspect that the problem lies elsewhere
Another question: I often have the problem with variables inside a partial
I mean the answer to your question is in the controller - rails automatically makes an @variables available to the view, so if your controller has it - the render from the other view just has to stick it into the locals ... caveating you understand nested models/strong_parameters will block you if you are traversing to another controller/model not in original
Currently, the following code produces this error:
def render_navigation_buttons
@course = Course.find(params[:id])
@current_slide = params[:current_slide].to_i

render partial: "views/courses/navigation_buttons"
results in:
I had said before - you really should not be rendering a partial from the controller, it breaks the rails way - it's a hack
Showing /home/sandro/workspace/lernkurs/app/views/courses/_navigation_buttons.html.erb where line #2 raised:
undefined local variable or method `current_slide' for #<#<Class:0x00007f6e7c06d3c0>:0x00007f6e7c085a88>
Did you mean? @current_slide

Rails.root: /home/sandro/workspace/lernkurs
ah okay
Would that be an option:
I have a file called: show.html.erb and a partial called _show.html.erb
Then I render show.html.erb which has the partial in it. Would that work?
Let's find out
Yes, you want one of your 5 CRUD action views to call the partial OR to call the partial from the app/view/layouts (if it needs to be in every view)
Thank you for your help
Yes & to pass those local's in, you just have ... @course in the controller, then in the view when it calls the render partial - your locals passes that @course
here's an example i use for partials, not as complicated as what you are doing, so you just get the jquery going after (not that there is anything wrong with using js in there - just kind of messy as later someone else is going to be like???)
View using haml to make my code cleaner
= render partial: 'shared/player_list', locals: { list: @players }
My controller
      def show
        @players = Players.all
        @countries = @player.countries
Now - the last element is that in the jquery file in basicb/basicB/app/assets/javascripts/ there needs to be jquery for calling what those other guys did in the question you linked - what you were missing is once you called that action from another controller - inside that controller you needed a @course for the view to pass to locals as it renders the jquery response (which I didn't do what you did so its not there)
I'm trying to recreate. At the moment, when I press the button, then the whole new page gets rendered, with header, footer. I just want the code inside the show.html.erb-file. Any idea, what I did wrong?
Here is my code
def navigation_buttons
@course = Course.find(params[:id])
@current_slide = params[:current_slide].to_i
    url: "/navigation_buttons",
    method: 'GET',
    data: { id: "<%= course.id %>", current_slide: current_slide },
    headers: {
      'X-CSRF-Token': document.querySelector("meta[name=csrf-token]").content
    }).done(function(response) {
In AJAX, response is a whole new page with header, footer etc. But I don't need the whole page, I just need the code inside navigation_buttons.html.erb
Try the first answer on this one ... stackoverflow.com/questions/42443371/…
I personally, have never wrote a .ajax call - it's oldschool & inefficient use of my time if I already have jquery there to handle all of that for me for free.
This one is really clean too - maybe even the best & if you notice it's not from before 2013 - stackoverflow.com/questions/28286808/… ... watchout for their use of string literal with non ... ' stuff "more stuff" other stuff' aka the quotes
1 hour later…
Good morning, all.
Good morning, all.
From other day ... I ended up doing this ...

  def arrange_values
    @holders.map!{ |v| v.to_sym }
    @holders.map!{ |k, v| v = { k => @parameters.fetch(k) } }
What data type is @holders?
At first it's an array of strings coming from another object that tested inputs, then it's array of hashes when done
the second map is a little odd
I was having trouble making key/value pairs
Hello all
You don't need to assign to v, that assignment doesn't do anything, but the result of that assignment is the right-hand-side
i want to join to a project
So x.map { |k,v| v = 3 } is identical to x.map { |k,v| 3 }
Can one of you experts help me with creating a rating control for my Rails app please?
I had posted a question for this - stackoverflow.com/questions/54033680/…
@Biju That's too broad a question for SO, but a fair question for chat. This is the right place to ask that kind of question. Hopefully someone can offer an opinion.
What you're doing now is mapping your hash to an array of single-item hashes, where each item contains one key, and one value
I was to be able to display 5 stars on the webpage and when the user clicks on any of them, the rating should be immediately saved in the db without a page refresh
If you want to preserve the original hash's keys, but transform the values, you can actually use transform_values for this:
@WayneConrad - were you talking about my question by any chance?
aah - just noticed my tag - thanks
@Biju Yes I was, sorry.
would appreciate any help with this
Actually, sorry, looking closer it's not clear what you're doing @Mirv
Your first loop symbolizes all the values, but then your second loop doesn't use the values at all, it uses the key to fetch something from @parameters
You are right on part of it!
As wayne said, it would definitely help to get the structure of your input @holders and your desired output
@Biju Sorry, that question really is too broad from Stack Overflow. What part of it are you having trouble with?
i gotta jet - going to review this all in like hour
@vishal had suggested this link - bootsnipp.com/tags/rating
and I liked bootsnipp.com/snippets/WaXlr this one in the link he gave
@Mirv Sure. I'll just note that if you want to build a hash from an array, you typically have to build an array of [key, value] pairs, and then call to_h on the result. For example, [ [:a, 1], [:b, 2], [:c, 3] ].to_h #=> { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
@meagar Nicely explained.
thanks :)
@Biju I'm not a web programmer, so I can't help with that. Whether to use react or bootstrap is an opinion I don't have, but I'll bet either react or bootstrap can do what you want. How to do what you want is too broad a question for even chat, as this isn't a code writing service. But we can offer opinions; if someone has an opinion they will speak up.
@Biju Both of those look fine, and there are many more ready-made solutions and ways of implementing it, it's not clear what you're currently stuck on
@meagar - would you recommend one of the ready-made solutions ?
I don't really have an opinion on any of them
oh. Thanks
I also have a question regarding DataTables please
I would pick one and try it out
I tried the CDN approach to install DataTables as suggested on their website - datatables.net/download
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/v/dt/dt-1.10.18/datatables.min.css"/>

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.datatables.net/v/dt/dt-1.10.18/datatables.min.js"></script>
I added the above 2 lines in my <head> in the view
I also gave this block in the <head> of my view
$(document).ready(function() {
} );
the website asks us to do just those 2 steps and we are all set
but unfortunately I don't get a datatable in my page
Can one of you suggest what I'm missing here?
please help!
@Biju - bootstrap will get your project done way faster if you're using rails - you probably want to skip react unless you plan on switching & not programming in rails anymore - otherwise I'd suggest you go with something like Vue.JS
    That is so weird ...

    2.5.3 :068 > @holders.each{|k,v| puts "k=#{k} & v=#{v}"}
    k=timeGreeting & v=
    k=firstName & v=
    k=city & v=
     => [:timeGreeting, :firstName, :lastName, :roomNumber, :company, :city]
    2.5.3 :069 > @holders.each{|v| puts "v=#{v}"}
     => [:timeGreeting, :firstName, :lastName, :roomNumber, :company, :city]
@Mirv - would you be able to share any links which I could refer for implementing star ratings?
@Biju do you mean the visual aspect of it or the entire rating system with storage etc?
I have a movies db - users can view movies and would be able to rate them
I would like to display an image of 5 stars and the user can click on the stars to rate that movie
as soon as he clicks on a star, the value of that star should be saved to the db without a page refresh
I have no idea how to implement this so I would need the complete info
sorry if this is a broad question :(
So there are a few factors in there, but basically you're going to use javascript or jquery (bootstrap is loaded with jquery commonly) ... which hits up an ajax or http call (you don't necessarily need to worry about that). If you want to skip both of those ... Turbolinks allows for what you're talking about too & would be even simplier, but you need to then show a picture to be clicked after
@Mirv You're iterating over an array
That's not a hash, it has no keys or values, only items
[:timeGreeting, :firstName, :lastName, :roomNumber, :company, :city] is the object you're iterating over
that's correct meagar!
So .each { |k,v| isn't useful, v will always be nil
The second block argument will always be nil
Whether you call it v or k or foo
k and v are used by convention for keys and values, but you could do hash.each { |blah, snuh| and blah would be the key, and snuh would be the value
When you iterate over an array, the block gets a single argument, assigned to the first variable. In your first example, you call it k, in your second example you call it v
@holders.each{|v| puts "v=#{v}"} could be @holders.each { |fgsdgs| puts "v=#{fgsdgs}" }
yea - i get the keys part as soon as you said that, I've done as tests blah.each{|a, b, c| whatever } for kicks to see too - just holding all of it in my head & planning the next object overwhelmed me - you were right on the money on the 2nd one higher up so ty Meagar!
So the interface part on the [webtuts star rating](https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/a-simple-javascript-technique-for-filling-star-ratings--cms-29450) ... you can tie that into multiple projects...it can be pushed as an asset from your javascript folder.

Personally, I'd do something like ... [Asters simple stars](https://medium.com/@toodimes/how-to-implement-a-simple-5-star-rating-system-in-rails-using-native-bootstrap-48d5be205fdc) as it's got a decent walk through of how to make it work. Then use that knowledge to setup for another system if you had too
@meagar in regards to ... "...you typically have to build an array of [key, value] pairs, and then call to_h ..." ... is that due to speed, efficiency or something else?
There are a few ways to make a hash out of an array; that's the easiest way. It's just how the Ruby library does it.
ugh ... I think I discovered yet another class lurking in my code & it's got 3 or 4 spots it's intertwined can't decide if I have the energy or time to extract it
@Mirv - I tried including this tag for starters in my table <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span>
Unfortunately it does not display any star
would I include some js or something? The article seems to suggest you don't need any js dependencies for this
@Biju are you sure you have those assets loaded in the bootstrap application already & did you test bootstrap is functioning?
Ruby switches pretty freely between arrays of key/value pairs, or hashes
Ok ... this might be too "extra" ... what you think ... if I don't put this in a class, I'm running checks for empty deliminators in like 7 spots...

class Deliminators
def initialize(start, stop)
@start = start
@stop = stop
raise ArgumentError, "Deliminator start was empty" unless @start
raise ArgumentError, "Deliminator stop was empty" unless @stop

Do I need the raise with custom or should i rely on obj inst failure
It's just how Ruby chose to represent an hash when you convert it to an array, and then it follows that you should be able to convert back from an array to a hash in the same form
yea - i was noticing [:a, "somevalue"].hash or array in some errors earlier last week
@Mirv - I am sure bootstrap is loaded properly 'cos I used bootstrap themes on HTML tables and they work fine. Am not sure what else I should do (specific to this star rating glyphic?) ?
@Biju Have you used your browser's debugging tools to examine the HTML/CSS/JS and see that it is what you expect?
@Biju the themes aren't necessarily in the same library of jquery assets ... so I don't think that assumption that just because the theme css loaded, the rest is loaded is correct ...
@EduardoHerrera Hello!
hi again Ed
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

Don't think this is the only way of loading or I recommend these particular versions - just showing you want to make sure you have all of it setup in your application.html.erb
2 hours later…
@WayneConrad hello
If I want the key from a hash of just one set (say i'm drilling down) is there a better way than @parameters.first.first # => :firstName ? ... map seems like a waste for that purpose but with map I can easily @parameters.map{|x, y| puts x or such
Can you please show a sample hash, and an example of what you want to retrieve from it?
{firstName: "Candy", lastName: "Pace", template: "Default",  directory: "data"}
There are more levels and such sometimes, othertimes not
1 hour later…
@Mirv And what do you want as a result?
I'm using that to gsub in to another string - I'm almost done with that next part, can i tag you tomorrow & see what you think?
i have an Album class with has many Image
the images are created on the front end using javascript promises

I want to limit the number of images the album can have.
However i simply can't use the rails validation because the promises are concurrent so initially the images.count is 0

what is the right way to approach this?
I have to imagine you either have server refuse additional photos even though they are made or saved OR you create a client side offline album / drafts thing ... in a real world environment you wouldn't have a limit (like fb or such)
night gang

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