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I've done a lot of web programming, but I'm only a day into learning Ruby and Rails. I want to use github.com/maclover7/trix in a form. Here's the form:

    <%= form_with scope: :job, url: jobs_path, local: true do |form| %>
        <%= form.label :description %><br>
        <%= form.trix_editor :description %>
    <% end %>

Error: undefined method `to_key' for nil:NilClass
Did you mean?  to_query
Using form.text_area instead of trix_editor works as expected. What might be going wrong?
Stack trace shows github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/actionview/lib/action_view/… is where the error occurs.
Looks like it's trying to generate an id and class name, but there's no ActiveRecord? How can I get an unsaved record associated with the form?
2 hours later…
Using model: Job.new instead of scope: :job solved my immediate problem. Seems trix_editor isn't perfectly compatible with form_with yet. Bug filed. Thanks for always being there to listen, chat room.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@TrevorDixon Glad you find what was problematic!
Good morning, Rubyists.
@TrevorDixon Quack!
Morning Wayne
1 hour later…
Morning all!
When naming test cases in Cucumber is there a convention you all follow
Or naming the scenarios rather.
Let me look and see what I've done.
I don't think I do anything special when naming scenarios. I keep them short and descriptive:
Got it
former testers at work named it like DOM_RTRN_81_85
for domestic return bank 81 to bank 85
think there's no need to name it like they have...
I think you're right. Unless they have some kind of automation that is scraping the test logs and needing the scenario names to correlate with something...
Or maybe they created their scenarios by converting minitest tests, and the simple way to keep track of the conversion was to give the scenarios the same name as the minitest methods.
Oh, this is interesting. I have the correct permissions to run touch on a file, but FileUtils.touch in my Ruby program is failing with an Operation not permitted @ utime_internal. Research required.
Creating a script to run though strace so I can see what kernel API it is calling.
Same user for both things?
Yes, same user. I've got my strace, let's see what it shows me.
The API is utimensat, and the man page has a long description of what permissions are needed for it. The return code, unfortunately, doesn't indicate which of the long list of conditions failed.
I got my answer. Setting the mtime/atime to a specific time needs special privileges compared to just changing the mtime/atime to now. To set those to a specific time, the caller must be the owner of the file. Being in the correct group, which is enough for "touch", is not enough for utimensat with specific times.
I feel a SO self-answered question coming on.
Never mind, it seems like a silly question now that I know the answer.
A lot of questions seems silly once you know the answer but still
I'll just leave this here
Q: How to exit the Vim editor?

jclancyI'm stuck and cannot escape. It says: "type :quit<Enter> to quit VIM" But when I type that it simply appears in the object body.

Haha, nice.

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