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I thought that too, so I asked a question on Stack Exchange Politics.
Q: Why did Obama commute Chelsea Manning's sentence?

MangoI mean, I honestly do not understand. She leaked hundreds of thousands of US government documents to WikiLeaks (when Manning was a Private in the U.S. military). And he just let her go? BTW she's going to be released on 17 May 2017. Am I missing something, or is there a bigger picture?

I smell a POB on that one
Oh noes, politics. crawls under desk and hides
@JanDvorak A who?
primarily opinion based question
Ah, yes.
Someone already commented with an answer though...
Actually, it seems like POB is ok on politics.se from a quick look around.
Today I deleted 3084 lines of code.
That's very close to my record of 4.1K 😄
@WayneConrad Now it's time to delete more!
I can probably kill a few more hundred tomorrow. It's been a good day. Alright, was past time to go home. I'll see you all tomorrow.
Thanks @WayneConrad for the refinements suggestion. I'm going to implement that in my gem. Issue #30!
You are very welcome.
Good job on isolating your monkey patches to a single file, by the way.
That's a Ruby best practice... a single file, or a single directory, for all of your monkey patches.
I figured I would probably kill them at some point anyways.
It's best practice because we shouldn't let monkeys get out of control.
That's it for me too, good night people.
Interesting question:
Q: DRYing repeated rescue statments

ToshI use stripe as a payment processor. Within the application, I send a request to Stripe to execute charge or for other types of processes, and basically use the same error handling boilerplate like below. rescue Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e, # do something rescue Stripe::AuthenticationE...

Also, a funny meta answer. I really need to be on SO more.
3 hours later…
7 hours later…
2 hours later…
Connecting to a vpn without a UI is much more difficult than I expected
I can't tell if I'm connected or not
@Cereal I've never used a VPN. We're getting one here, as soon as the overworked sysadmin gets to it. He likes command-lines, but we have many Windows programmers here, so whatever he does will probably work either way.
@Cereal Can you ping one of the boxes on the other side of the VPN?
@WayneConrad There is some Windows programmers that don't shy away from not having GUI :)
I believe that's true. My bias is that those would be the better ones.
I have the same bias, but there is a loot of good dev who don't need command-lines since Windows and a lot of Windows program have a "good" GUI version.
How does such a dev. automate repetitive tasks?
I'm probably exposing more bias there... there must be other ways to automate repetition other than CLI scripts.
Yes, took some searching.

Connecting the VPN is easy, it's just some config files and you're good to go. But I had to run `route add -net <server_ip> netmask <netmask> dev ppp0` to ping a local (relative to the vpn) server
now smbclient is working fine to get files off the servers. This is a windows VPN + share too, so that works
A lot of tools can be called with parameters in the command line too or expose API I guess.
1 hour later…
Whenever I read about some new language and find that it separates statements from expressions, I lose interest.
You mean if language.has_statements then res = "not interested" else res = "interested" end; puts res?
@WayneConrad What might that language be?
@JörgWMittag Haha, yeah. Pretty much. And nice pun there. It's kind of sad that I feel that way, but on the other hand, it's a senseless distinction that adds no value to a language.
Ah, I remember looking at Nim (then Nimrod) back in 2008 or so.
I like that it uses C as a backend... that's how C++, and other good languages started. It's a good way to get a language up and running, and leverage the strong code generation in modern compilers.
@WayneConrad Could you give an example, not sure I know exactly what differentiate a statement vs expression (from a quick google search I've just made) and how a language could separate both
In languages that make the distinction, expressions have a value, but statements do not. For example, let's take BASIC as an example. 1 + 2 is an expression that has a value, 3. LET X = 1 + 2 is a statement that assigns 3 to variable X, but the statement itself has no value.
An expression evaluates to a value. A statement has no value, only a side-effect.
Ruby has only expressions, there are no statements. Even a method definition, a module/class definition, or a loop return values. (Even if that value is just nil.)
@JörgWMittag hinted/joked at the distnction. In languages with statements, you have to do this: if cond ; then y = 1 ; else y = 2 ; end. If languages without statements, where everything has a value, you can do this: y = if cond then 1 ; else 2 ; end
The thing is that this distinction is somewhat arbitrary. In fact, languages which distinguish between both usually have an "expression statement", which is a statement that consists only of a single expression and throws away its value. They also sometimes have "statement expressions" which are expressions that consist of a statement and evaluate to some bogus value (e.g. NULL).
Great so if in a language you can't do y = if cond then 1 ; else 2 ; end you will not be exited. Ok I get it. And now I get the @JörgWMittag joke
Thanks for taking the time to explain things, greatly appreciated
Thanks for asking.
Functional languages typically have no statements. After all, they are all about values and something that has no value has no value in FP ;-)
I do not have a bachelor degree in computer science, so I'm good at learning and using languages, but the theoretical aspect of computer science are still a thing in progress. Some day, I'll probable take the time to read a book or two about this. But not at the moment, too much things to do, and it does not prevent me from doing my job.
What impure functional languages have instead is a "Unit Type". The unit type is a type that is only inhabited by one value. Typically, that value (and the type) is written as (), i.e. the empty tuple. (There can only be one tuple that has no element.) "Statements" are then expressions of type (), and "void procedures" are functions that return (). E.g. in Scala, println returns Unit and assignment evaluates to ().
@Marc-Andre Did you see the link I posted to the Imposter's Handbook a few months back? I think that's what it's called. It's made for people like you and I, without CS degrees, who want an overview of what we missed.
@WayneConrad Yeah I kind of remember something, thought it was cool, but did not do nothing more about it. I think I was waiting since IIRC you said you gonna read it
I read an early draft, and found it very good. It's been updated a few times since; I expect it's even better now.
Thank for reminding me, I'll add this to my book list to buy. That should make a good birthday present
@JörgWMittag Thanks for explaining that.
@JörgWMittag I think I get it, but it still a bit blurry, but it's a bit better now. Since some statement don't return value per se, they use a generic value to return something ?
In a pure functional language, the very idea of a statement doesn't make sense: there are no side-effects, so something that doesn't return a value just doesn't do anything.
In a pure functional language what would a println function return or would it even be define like a "normal" println ?
However, in an impure language, there can be side-effects. One way of handling this is to separate things that have values (expressions, functions) from things that have side-effects (statements, procedures). But that complicates the language and the syntax. So, what we do instead is to define a value that carries zero information (like the empty tuple) of a type that has this value as its only instance, and define this "information-less" value as the return value of something that has no …
…meaningful value. Kind-of like puts in Ruby returns nil, because, well, there is no meaningful thing it could return.
@Marc-Andre In a pure functional language, println would take two arguments: a string and the state of the world, and return a new state of the world in which the string is printed to the screen. (At least that's one way to interpret it.)
Good make sense
However, we have a problem here: the caller could have held onto the old world value! Now our caller has two worlds at its disposal: one in which the string is printed and one in which it isn't. What do we do if it calls println again with the old world value as input? We can't "unprint" what we printed (especially if we printed to an actual printer instead the screen.)
We need to make sure that "Worlds" don't get re-used. There are some type system tricks we can use: there is a concept called linear types, which are types that can only be used once. Clean works this way, all IO functions take and return World types that are based on linear types.
This is fascinating.
Haskell goes a different route: it uses a concept called monads. Monads allow you to "enrich" a computation with additional structure but hide that structure away from the computation. So, the "world values" never actually get exposed, they are always hidden (and since they are never exposed, they don't even really exist in the runtime at all).
In both cases, the result is the same: the pure functional program returns a purely functional value that is basically a description of the side-effects that the program would like to perform. This description is then interpreted by the impure language runtime. This allows the programming language semantics themselves to remain pure.
Someone once said that Haskell has better support for side-effects than C, since in Haskell, they are first-class, can be passed around as arguments, can be returned as values, can be stored in variables, can be composed. In C, they just happen.
Really interesting! It really amazing how "simple" things like printing to a screen, can be such an important task and need a lot of thought to it!
Purely functional programming would be pretty boring otherwise. You need side-effects, otherwise all you do is make the CPU hot. Which, some might argue, is also a side-effect.
^ blog entry, @JörgWMittag? Because it's good stuff.
If I ever get around to having one … :-D
If you want, toss me some markdown and I'll put it on mine, attributed to you.
Or I can cut and paste from here. I hate for it to scroll into obscurity.
Go ahead!
@JörgWMittag How do you want it attributed? Name and link to your SO profile?
@Marc-Andre May I also copy some of your questions into a blog entry? If so, the same question for you: Give your name and a link to your SO profile?
@WayneConrad Yeah no problem!
And name and link to SO profile is fine
Awesome, Thanks.
Just ping me with the blog entry when you're done :D
Good that you link to the definition, you saved me a google search !
^ @Marc-Andre @JörgWMittag
Good evening, guys.
Sometimes I wonder what babies think about, how they think, what the see and feel, etc...
@Mango I do too. There is one painting that Éliane always smile or laugh to. I don't know what so special about it.
1 hour later…
What I can say is that their interest, vision and expression is growing very fast at a young age!
A baby generates neurons even faster than I kill them off.
I would really like that Ruby would be more accessible on Windows. I'm sure Ruby could benefit from this.
I wonder if it's possible. It would take people who run Windows making all the gems run right on Windows.
Well from what I recall installing Ruby on windows was a pain. JRuby is at least less complicated.
If only I know what it would take I could help a little bit.
Question for those of you with low level language knowledge
In C, I define a 2d array
at the top of the function
quickly leave the room
halfway down the function, I define another 2d array, then set its values to 0
This modified the original 2d array
For what possible reason?
@Cereal C has no array bounds checking. Most likely, the way you modified the second array was wrong. Alternatively, one of your arrays is using all or part of the other array's memory. This is easy to make happen in C.
We'd need to see code.
I switched all the 2d arrays to just 2 arrays to see. Second array is getting modified
That's not what I wanted to copy at all
So I fixed that problem, now faced with another
Passed an array to a function by pointer - the value of the second array is wrong
it's pointing to the last element of the first array as the first element of the second
Oh I'm dumb
I hate how all the bugs in the program are my fault
I gotta star that.
Do I get a cookie for correctly guessing that memory aliasing was at fault?
I like chocolate chip, thanks.
1 hour later…
Well I made cookies
Do you want me to snail mail one to you
They're gluten free, but still pretty good
@Marc-Andre Ironically, on Windows, JRuby passes more of YARV's own tests than YARV does. The most important thing we (the Ruby community) can do, is eliminate C extensions. Unfortunately, there is still a myth among the Ruby community that C is necessary for performance. However, both JRuby+Truffle and Rubinius have shown that crossing the Ruby/C boundary is very expensive. JRuby+Truffle has demonstrated a pure Ruby Gem outperforming the equivalent C extension.
Thanks everyone! I was gonna ask a front end question here, made an MCVE and then fixed the issue. Gotta say, position:relative when I don't need it will kill me yet.
@JörgWMittag Yeah I really like JRuby at the moment, I just don't have a good way to manage it on Windows (as far as I know) and some gems don't work with it. But it has been a mostly positive experience. I feel like my rails app on local is a bit slow to start but I did not search why and if I've done something stupid

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