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Why is it that devise doesn't have any user path
Aren't websockets like.. the tcp implementation
!!wiki websockets
WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011, and the WebSocket API in Web IDL is being standardized by the W3C. WebSocket is designed to be implemented in web browsers and web servers, but it can be used by any client or server application. The WebSocket Protocol is an independent TCP-based protocol. Its only relationship to HTTP is that its handshake is interpreted by HTTP servers as an Upgrade request. The WebSocket protocol makes more interaction...
Websockets have 2 directions, which makes them more specialer than the regular request/response stuff (I think)
4 hours later…
is it more or does this* person not understand ruby clearly?
After I use both php and ruby for the same employer over more than a year. I would rather say Ruby is more like a garbage language -- 1) twist syntax to allow people write the same function into different ways is not a cool feature, it is disaster feature which causes more for a team to sync. 2) Duck typing is not interface, don't kidding yourself. they are totally two different thing. 3) ruby attract a lot of master level people try to make the community better, however, the whole community filled with mediocre developers who cannot even understand Rail != Ruby, and also they believe
8 hours later…
that updating DNS records solves the redirect.
@Nima I think this person is expression some legitimate opinions about what kind of languages they like. Ruby, like Perl, embraces more than one way to do it. Some people like that, others find it irritating. Neither reaction is wrong. I think the same thing goes for his reaction to Ruby's lack of explicit interfaces. I find it liberating; that programmer doesn't. He's not wrong... your reaction to these language decisions isn't a right or wrong thing.
Where this person is incorrect is to claim that Ruby is a garbage language. I think that's best treated as hyperbole, as an exaggerated expression of his dislike for it.
I've a Invitee table with a column points. I want to find those first five invitees who reach to 1000points first
@ChiragArya There's not enough data to accomplish that
I have a another analytic table in which I have a callback
after_create :update_points_to_invitee
which gives point to invitee based on actions
like for login you get 5 point for page view you get 2 point
like this
Now I'm starting to get worried about what you can get for these points
means ?
i just to get those first five invitees who reached to 1000 point milestone
Do you realise people can just put a weight on their F5 key, take a short walk and return to a whole heap of virtual points on your site?
Too much work, just write some javascript to do that for me.
Or that.
@JanDvorak I'm handling that as one invitee can get point for a action for one time only
like if he login he can get 5 point for first time only
So, you have a table of actions that lead to points? If you add a time column to that table, you might have enough data to get what you want. I don't want to get blamed for the resulting query, though.
yea i have another table Analytic for that
but with time
how m i supposed to ?
can you give me some logic
I'm thinking in terms of get a table of partial sums (needs a subquery and probably O(n^2) time), sort by points, filter and grab first.
probably much better to do the same logic in code
what i'm thinking is in Invitee model I make a method which will keeps on collecting every users whose points reach to 1000 in an array
and when that array reach to 5
i will return it
making sense ?
points_by_user = {}
users_with_1k = []
records_by_time.each {|user, points|
  points_by_user[user] += points
  users_with_1k |= user if points_by_user[user] >= 1000
  return users_with_1k if users_with_1k.length >= 5
^ won't work as is, but it's the gist of it
I would add a datetime to the Invitee model called "thousand_point_club" and have it default to null. Then whatever updates their points would check after their update on if they were > 1000. If they are insert a DateTime. Then you can just select the Invitees and order by their "thousand_point_club".
Also, once you compute that, you should store it somewhere, because that table's not gonna change.
@Jared or that :-)
Hehe, I'm all about how can i get an easy sql query to get what I want :P
thank you guys
No problem
after_update :check_thousand_points_club_membership, if: -> { thousand_points_club == false }

def check_thousand_points_club_membership
  update_attributes(thousand_points_club: sum(:points) >= 1000)
@Jared ^
Avoid's running the sum query unless thousand_points_club is still false, avoids running redundant update queries if thousand_points_club is already true
Then a nice lil' scope :thousand_points_club, -> { where(thousand_points_club: true) }
@meagar what are you doing in update_attributes(thousand_points_club: sum(:points) >= 1000) I don't really understand
update_attributes takes a hash of attributes/values to update on the current record
no i mean what m i supposed to take in thousand_points_club and in sum(:points)
I'm setting thousand_points_club to the result of the boolean comparison of sum(:points) > 1000. sum will execute a select sum(points) from ... query and return the result
This assumes you add a boolean column called thousand_points_club to your table
The idea is that, the first time your record crosses the threshold of 1000 points, you can "flag" that record as having met the condition and not have to recompute it each time
Yea, i was thinking it'd be a date time so just change it to update_attributes(thousand_points_club: DateTime.current) if sum(:points) >= 1000
That way more than 5 can be made, but you can easily find the first 5
Though I'm just realizing it makes no sense to assume sum(:points) works
Points is presumably stored in some other record on some other table
But they could has_many :points, through: :some_magical_association
yeah ^
has_many :things_with_points
and then
sum(:points) this part i'm not getting
if you can please explain this
and then update_attributes(thousand_points_club: self.things_with_points.sum(:points) > 1000)
sum(:foo) does SELECT SUM(foo) FROM model_table
sum is a method provided by ActiveRecord on collections of records
You give it a field you want to add together and it produces the select Jared describes
If you use it on an association like a has_many, it will also handle adding the where
So, given a User has_many :things_with_points, calling some_user.things_with_points.sum(:points) will produce
select sum(points) from things_with_points where user_id = <id of user>
Ok Got this but what I want is I want to get sum of points of an individual user not whole users
Yes, that's where the where user_id = ... comes in
That will sum the points for a specific user
Assuming that the points are stored as an attribute of some related records in a different table
no no points column is in same invitee table
there is a table Analytic which has points like {"favorite" => 5, "rated" => 5, "comment" => 2, "conversation post" => 5, "like" => 2}
invitee = Invitee.find_by_id(self.invitee_id)
invitee.update_column(:points, invitee.points.to_i + self.points.to_i) if invitee.present?
with this i'm updating my points column in invitee table
If I want to drive some integration tests for web app which uses JS, is Selenium still the thing?
There are different ways to drive Selenium using Ruby. I'm looking at Watir now.
Please explain:
irb(main):006:0> s=60.times.reduce(''){|a, c| a += c.to_s}
=> "01234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859"
irb(main):007:0> s[0..50]
=> "012345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293"
Oops that is fifty characters. My mistake. I think my to_s is wrong.
Oh I forgot to mod 10 first.
Sorry for the interruption
@Fuser97381 FYI you're using += when you should be using +
You don't have to modify the memo in place, just return the memo to the next block
Also you could just do 60.times.reduce('') { |*a| a.join }
Or, what am I thinking, just 60.times.to_a.join
^ that
Oh yeah
Good point.
Except then I wouldn't be getting the (a % 10).to_s, which I what I wanted.
@WayneConrad very well said
Thanks. I'm pretending to be a reasonable person this morning.
I'm looking at gems like cucumber-watir that make it easy to start writing integration tests, and I'm thinking of not using them. My reasoning is that when predefined cucumber steps are present, people tend to not write the defined steps they should be writing. Instead of writing the step, Given that I am logged in, they use the predefined steps to go here, fill in that, click there.
lol.. i really love the comments on HN..
If you're programming in PHP, you're not running around talking about "convention over configuration" giving talks, or trying to make your code beautiful. It's a garbage language, and you know it
Also hyperbole, but some truth to it. Our PHP programmers bang out useful code day after day, and I never see them pacing the floor wondering what to name something or etc.
i know right lol .. this whole thing is because of yesterday's slack post regarding PHP: slack.engineering/taking-php-seriously-cf7a60065329#.eq9zlsiwm
some really interesting comments though:
@Nima Well, I think the comment is true
I worked in PHP for many years, it's still the source of most of my SO reputation despite not answering a PHP question for like 5 years now
And I would never want to work in PHP again
Hmm. Selenium-webdriver is giving me fits. "Unable to find Mozilla geckodriver." Down the rathole go I...
@WayneConrad forsake selenium and join the dark side with poltergeist ;)
PhantomJS wrapper, I use it for capybara, dunno how tightly coupled they are
This web testing stack has so many layers that I don't even know what they are or how they fit together. Is there a summary somewhere of what each of these pieces is? A nice drawing with boxes labeled "selenium-webdriver", "capybara", etc.?
I'll tell you what I use :D
RSpec is the unit test software that runs the whole test suite. I use FactoryGirl and Faker for generating models on the fly for each unit test. Rspec handles the non-view tests just fine (model/controller/helper/etc). Capybara is a library that gives you some nice helpers for actually testing your views such as visit some_page/ contains some_x_path_content/has_link Foo. What capybara doesn't do out of the box is any AJAX requests.
And that is where Seleneium/PhantomJS come in. PhantomJS is good because its headless and doesn't actually render the page in a fake browser(at least that's how I think it works). So with poltergeist you can test things like autocomplete and other AJAX items in your view.
All tests - Rspec
   view tests - Capybara
      view tests with JS - Selenium/PhantomJS
At least that's how I roll. Some people replace that view layer with Cucumber which does more integration testing via BDD instead of unit testing.
Yes, I'll be using cucumber, because part of what I'm doing is setting up an example to show the QA department. I want them to have something to try that uses tech. I like and that will look yummy to them. :D OK, reading and googling. Thank you very much for that overview. I'm drawing pictures and starting to see how it all fits together. Also, the wikipedia page for Capybara is really good.
Yea, I thoroughly enjoy Capybara. Plus who doesn't like giant rats :D
Is SeleniumWebdriver a specific thing, or is it the generic name for all of the various drivers that connect Selenium to Firefox, Chrome, PhantomJS, or whatever?
Selenium's Wikipedia article is just long strings of names that mean nothing. "The Blah is a Foo that replaces the Baz."
OK, WebDriver is a specific thing.
Or it's a spec. I'm still not clear on that.
Or it's both. Why can't anybody write a clear description of all of these pieces?
I'm going to figure this out, and I'll write the document I wish I would have had. Then I'll publish it on my blog. Then I'll find some article that already did it, and better than I did.
selenium-webdriver is a software package AFAIK
selenium is a library for browser automation that can interface with firefox and webkit, and webdriver is a suite of APIs it makes available for you to consume?
So I run capybara, which is a ruby library. Capybara has drivers which tie it into RackTest, or Selenium, or Capaybara-Webkit. Those drivers are all in Ruby. So far, so good, although I'm not sure what it calls those drivers.
RackTest drives a RackApp directly, I think. No sockets. It's Ruby all the way down. But no JS support.
Capybara-webkit is a capybara driver that uses the QT project's webkit. Not sure how. Is it a C library, or an app with socket interface, or what. But then webkit talks to the app-under-test using HTTP. It's headless, and supports JS.
This is going to be an awesome diagram if I get it figured out and correct.
Here what I mean when I complain that all the docs in this arena are just names joined together with words: "Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara. It allows you to run your Capybara tests on a headless WebKit browser, provided by PhantomJS."
It seems that Selenium has a browser driver for PhantomJS. So does Capybara. Capybara also has a Selenium driver. So Capybara can use PhantomJs either directly, or through Selenium.
Whew. Taking a break.
@Jared Did you install PhantomJS from source, or did you install a pre-built package?
Sorry for spamming the channel with all of this flailing about. It's a confusing arena.
its an independent package I installed
although I think Mac had it by default
Yay Mac
Boo I don't have one.
Heh. I got done installing packages and clone git repos for phantomJS, then the build step told me, "you should probably use a pre-built package. They're over here."
Any of my canadian peeps might be interested in this
$80 down from $200, stellar printer and you can get the HP "instant ink" service to have ink automagically delivered to your door when the printer is low
Do I also get a loan shark delivered to my door when my instant ink credit is low?
I might buy that instead of buying new ink
I think it's cheaper
It's like $3.99/month
Sorry, $2.99/month for 50 pages
the 50 pages are literally any pages, so you have to be a little smart about it
50 pages of full color photos on 8.5/11 glossy photo paper, or 50 pages B&W text
how about one of those rolls of infinite paper, do they count as one page each?
If you can trick the printer into accepting an arbitrarily long piece of paper, maybe
It's a weird model, paying by the sheet instead of paying by volume of ink used
But generally it winds up being much, much cheaper, and you don't have to worry about "oh no, my cleaning cycle used half my damned color cartridge"
I stopped buying HP after some of their shenanigans with half-full cartridges & etc.
Does canada have smile.amazon.com?
I've never heard of it
@WayneConrad I don't know if there's a good alternative? Epson?
smile.amazon.com gives a percentages of your purchases to charity. You just have to purchase using the smile prefix.
I have a chrome plugin that just automagically redirects me to that if i ever go to normal amazon
@meagar Someone--in this channel, I think--recommend Brother to me as a "square dealer" that doesn't play games like HP was doing. I've got a Brother laserjet at home; works great.
@Jared I'm suspicious of those "donate to charity" plugins. I can't say they are why my parents are always getting malware in their browser, but they always seem to be at the scene of the crime.
Huh, funny. I forgot all about Brother, despite being a very happy owner of a black and white Brother laser printer for like a decade
I wonder if you're the one who recommended them. That would be even funnier.
No, I haven't thought about that printer in years
I think I left it behind when I moved to Toronto
@WayneConrad it just redirects www.amazon.com to smile.amazon.com
I'm not saying your plugin is bad. Just that I would stick it under hot lights and ask it where it was on the evening of January 21st.
Here is a gist that shows a Cucumber feature using high level steps rather than predefined steps. Is this good? Bad?
@Jared I got capybara + poltergeist + PhantomJS working, and with less fuss than Capybara ever gave me. Thank you very much for the suggestion.
@WayneConrad Awesome :D. Also if you want to invest in Cucumber and don't want to write basic steps Spreewald has you covered
I'm purposefully not using any predefined steps. I believe that predefined steps lead to tests... sorry, features... that are not abstract enough.
Check out the gits above for a first approximation of what I think a good level of abstraction is for a feature.
And apparently spreewald notes the fallbacks of 'steps' in its web_steps section. Or at least references why the cucumber-rails gem got rid of their defaults
We abandoned Cucumber for just Capybara run view tests. Made the mistake of thinking the business would write the BDD specs and we'd just tweak the steps to make them runtime worthy.
The idea that the business should write the cucumber steps, I've never seen it work, and I don't know how it could. I think if you pair the business with a tester/developer, and they write the steps together, that could work really well.
I use cucumber for integration tests, even though I'm not the business, because I like the level of abstraction it puts me at. It gets me to think in broad strokes.
When you use Capybara, do you prefer using xpaths to specify elements, or css paths, or do you use both?
Jared, did you have any trouble getting #save_and_open_page to work with Capybara+PhantomJS? It's not opening a page for me, neither does it raise an exception.
Oh, interesting. This shows a page in my browser: session.save_and_open_page; session.click_on("Log in"). However, if I try to show the page after clicking on the button: session.click_on("Log in"); session.save_and_open_page, then nothing gets shown.
Oh. This is the part where Capybara is asynchronous, I'll bet. I need to tell Capybara to wait for the page to be loaded.
Ok. Capybara::Session.save_and_open_page has some async. behavior. If my test ends too quickly after #save_and_open_page is called, the page is never opened. If I insert a short delay before the test ends, then the page is opened.
I am about to ask one of those annoying "too localized" questions on SO.
Q: save_and_show_page does not show page if test ends too quickly

Wayne ConradCapybara, a web testing library for Ruby, has a method Capybara::Session.save_and_show_page that brings up the current web page in the browser. This appears to work asynchronously--the web page is shown some time after the call is made. That's fine, but if the test ends too quickly after the ca...

Just a reminder, a month ago Onebree mentioned rails rumble (now ruby rampage). It's in a week, so if anyone wanted to do that, now would be the time to sign up/plan.
I wouldn't even know what to make
I would make something stupid like a FORTRAN I compiler.
as a web app?
That could be interesting
Also, I feel like that would be tough in 48 hours
It would be. FORTRAN I is actually quite a complex language.
You could spend 2 days just parsing it. Perhaps more, since it has no formal spec that is evident on the web.
Wouldn't the ruby rampage people provide some kind of guideline?
IBM has a manual they wrote way back in nineteen fifty something.
I'll just write an app that proxies wayne's app
I feel like in order join, you have to be good at frontend more than backend.
You sure need to know frontend to get a job anymore. <--- exaggerating somewhat
Knowing it is different from being good at it though
I can write html/css/js, but I can't do it well.
I do HTML alright. CSS, not so much. JS, not at all. With time/luck/SO, I can. I am a Full Stack Overflow Developer.
I'm so sad that I'm going to have to cut back on my programming time this weekend. I drilled into my thumb with a philips head bit, making spaces challenging. I wanted to check out rust as a first compiled language this weekend, but alas, you need to type spaces. Maybe I should try brainf**k.
Sorry about your thumb. :D about branf**c.
Oops I forgot a *.

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