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Alright, I'll go for DRY over cohesion. Thanks for the advice.
12 hours later…
It's just more Rails magic, I guess
If you expect that the show action will "magically" have an @post variable available for it, then you start thinking a little differently, and eventually it's expected and consistent behavior and no longer surprising
But if you're sporadic about it, then it's a liability
I also do the same thing for nested resources, which is a practice I'm a little less stoked about
# resources :posts do
#   resources :replies
# end

# app/controllers/replies_controller

class RepliesController < ApplicationController
  before_action :find_post
  before_action :find_reply, only: %i(show)

  # GET /posts/:post_id/replies/:id
  def show
    # ...


  def find_post
    @post = Post.find(params[:post_id])

  def find_reply
    @reply = @post.replies.find(params[:id])
The find_post isn't necessary in this case, it could just be def find_reply; @reply = Reply.where(post_id: params[:post_id]).find(params[:id]); end
But again, each of those methods will probably wind up containing some level of authorization at some point
Actually here is a real-world example from my current project, of before-action finders going slightly crazy:
  def find_container
    if params[:folder_id]
      @folder = current_user.accessible_folders.find(params[:folder_id])
    elsif params[:project_id]
      @project = current_user.accessible_projects.find(params[:project_id])

    @container = @project || @folder || nil

  def find_document
    scope = current_user.accessible_documents
    scope = scope.merge(@project.documents) if @project
    @document = scope.find(params[:id])

  def find_writable_document
    scope = current_user.writable_documents
And up top in that controller,
  before_action :find_container, only: %i(index create)
  before_action :find_document, only: %i(show copy)
  before_action :find_writable_document, only: %i(move destroy)
1 hour later…
Y'all have been busy in here :P
@meagar That makes perfect sense. I see how that meshes well with authorization, which is what I'm currently back-fitting into this app. Thanks for the examples.
Good morning, Jared.
Just randomly glancing the snippet above and just wondering. would the @container = @project || ... be better written with or statements instead of || ?
And just did my research... or is super duper low on priority so if you did use it @c = (@p or @f or nil) would be the way it needs to be written
carry on ;)
Sup Philet
@Jared That's right. Use or and and for flow control; || and && for logic.
Can anyone tell me why my tutorial app is looking for an application helper (application_helper.rb_helper.rb) which is not there, and when I change the name of the helper (application_helper.rb) to match the one named in the error to application_helper.rb_helper.rb, and try to reload the page, the error remains, with changes to the missing helper file name exactly equal to the changes I made to the file in the app? (application_helper.rb_helper.rb_helper.rb)
@Philet Did the chat room's markdown mess up the filenames you gave, or are the filenames such as application_helper.rb_helper.rb correct? That looks messed up.
yeah that's as they are
I don't know what to make of it. I'm not very good at Rails, or maybe I'd be able to guess.
my actual file is just application_helper.rb, but the error says missing file application_helper.rb_helper.rb. So I changed my file to read application_helper.rb_helper.rb, and the error then adds another helper.rb to the missing file name!
OK, I see. What line of code is triggering the error?
@Philet Are you using helper 'application_helper.rb' in your controller?
I tried to find that, I looked through the whole file system to find that route, but I couldn't find it. I'm new to this, so I obviously am missing something. That said, I couldn't find a single line of code referencing the application_helper.rb file
yes @meagar
that's a problem
You a) don't need to explicitly include the application helper module, and b) don't give it a filename, just a name
I don't follow you there...
If you had app/helpers/posts_helper.rb which defines a PostsHelper module, you would include that in your controller with either helper :posts or helper PostsHelper
When I said yes, I meant that the helper file is in the app/helper location
you would not include it via helper 'posts_helper.rb', that would break things
Should I be using helper ApplicationHelper instead of include ApplicationHelper?
Ah. I meant, do you literally have the line helper 'application_helper.rb' in your controller code
@Jared You shouldn't need to do either
no I don't. at least I think I don't. I can't find any line referencing application_helper.rb or any variation of it
ApplicationHelper gets mixed into all of your controllers automagically
I needed to require it in one of my specs for some (probably poor code cleanliness) reason
Ah, then you'd use include
helper is a controller-specific method
And there is an include_all_helpers too?! I get the feeling I will never know half the stuff in Rails
It just gives you the magic of doing helper :posts, :things, :stuff instead of include PostsHelper; include ThingsHelper; include StuffHelper
Yea, we have some view element generators in our helper =\
@Philet Anyways, the correct name for that file is app/helpers/application_helper.rb.
Adding _helper.rb to the end of the file isn't a solution, even if it worked all you've done is mask the problem, not fix it.
yep that is the name of the file in the app.
I'm willing to clone and inspect your repo if its available somewhere
so doesn't it tell us something that when I add the additional helper.rb to the file name, the error message adds a new, third _helper.rb to the so called missing file name?
That is pretty weird
like, when you name the file application_helper.rb_helper.rb, the error changes to indicate it cannot find application_helper.rb_helper.rb_helper.rb?
That's a new one for me,
I can't think of anything off the top of my head that would cause Rails to behave that way, maybe some gem is doing something clever with autoloading that's gone awry
wow.. this is a new one.. pressing the the A key on friends machine randomly opens last pass lol
it somehow hijacked it.. lol OSX..
Maybe there's something amiss inside application_helper.rb. Does the error change if you comment out all of the contents of application_helper.rb?
checking that..
c:/Users/Phil/desktop/blog/app/controllers/application_controller.rb:1: unterminated string meets end of file
I guess fix that syntax error and see what happens.
I don't understand that error...
where is the string I need to fix?
I am getting this one too:
Unable to autoload constant ApplicationController, expected c:/Users/Phil/desktop/blog/app/controllers/application_controller.rb to define it
Perhaps the unterminated string starts at line 1 of application_controller.rb
okay I messed up, hold on
Okay, so my helper looks like this:
module ApplicationHelper
and the error for that is this:
Missing helper file helpers/c:/users/phil/desktop/blog/app/helpers/application_helper.rb_helper.rb
then when I change the helper to this:
#module ApplicationHelper
I get this:
Couldn't find ApplicationHelper, expected it to be defined in helpers/application_helper.rb
It doesn't say what line is attempting to require that helper? =\
That's pretty weird
Note that it's prepending helpers/ as well
I think the line module ApplicationHelper is trigger a recursive attempt to find the module. I like meagar's hypothesis that something has goofed up the autoload machinery.
It's basically trying to do helpers/#{name}_helper.rb
But "name" is being expanded to the absolute path to the file
I notice you're on Windows so... I'm out of my depth. I've never taken that particular plunge before.
@Jared Does this answer?:
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
@Philet What version of Ruby are you using?
And what version of Rails?
Rails on Windows is for the brave. Many people who have to do Rails on Windows spin up a VM with Linux on it, and do their Rails work in the VM.
@meagar where would I find the code he?lpers/#{name}_helper.rb
@Philet I'm suggesting that some Rails internals are trying to build up a relative path that way
I wonder if something is trying to do string concatenation to build a path, instead of using File.join()
Phil@DESKTOP-2B0JTV5 /c/Sites
$ rails -v

Phil@DESKTOP-2B0JTV5 /c/Sites
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.2.4p230 (2015-12-16 revision 53155) [i386-mingw32]
Is this inside a cygwin install?
If bravery is a quality @Wayne it is often coupled with ignorant!
I don't think so @meagar
@Philet I think that's true. It's also why newcomers sometimes accomplish things that make the experienced wonder how.
I'm doing this on a new laptop, and had gotten well past this playing with rails on a Win7 computer... I am thinking of just wiping my old laptop and running Linux, you would recommend I do this then...?
For me, Linux would be the right choice. I don't do anything that requires Windows, and when I do need Windows, I have it running in a VirtualBox VM.
Linux on laptops can be an adventure of its own, however.
Yea, Linux and Drivers can be a fun task. But once that is all sorted out its nice for dev
haha okay... so do you mean linux on a laptop, and or linux on a virtual machine on a laptop? I guess I could do linux on a vm on my desktop as well, but that's in the basement and it's cold down there lol
For me, I'd just run Linux on the laptop, and Windows in a VM. If you already have a Windows laptop, it will be easier to install Linux in a VM on the laptop.
Thanks for the help, it was fun... I've already had so many problems just getting going with rails on this computer, I think I will just skulk back to rails on my win7 desktop haha, and eventually get a linux vm going and play with that. gtg to work!
Talk to you later, Philet. Thanks for visiting.
This is just... odd. I've got a database.yml that gets a password from an environment variable, whcih is set in shell, but when I run rails console from that shell, the environment variable is not set.
Is Rails doing some kind of crazy environment cleansing?
For me, it would be to find a job that gives you a macbook pro :|
Almost all of my Rails experience has been development under OSX, deploy under Linux
I don't trust development on a different OS than deployment. Did you ever get bit by OS differences when deploying?
Nothing that I can remember
There's a data point against my bias.
OSX is quite close to Linux is most regards, except that the file system is case-insensitive which is horrible
Oh, I know why it's not working. It's spring.
Caching is extremely blamable in Ruby
Rails.cache.fetch { all the things }
I'm curious, are Rails people mostly full-time employed, or freelance/consulting?
Both for me
Full time here
But mostly full-time
By which I mean, I think the vast majority of Rails devs are employed full-time
Sounds like it, I wonder if it's something like 80/20 or 60/40
To which the answer is "probably yes"
Ooo, I think we have access to the data of the SO developer survey
Anyway, yeah, my freelance contracts stopped coming in, and I have no idea what to do besides applying for full-time jobs
Looks like a 80/20:

# SELECT employment_status, COUNT( employment_status) FROM import.survey WHERE tech_do_array @> ARRAY['Ruby'] GROUP BY employment_status ORDER BY count DESC;
   employment_status    | count
 Employed full-time     |  2970
 I'm a student          |   440
 Freelance / Contractor |   379
 Self-employed          |   216
 Employed part-time     |   136
 Other (please specify) |   109
 Unemployed             |    78
 Prefer not to disclose |    36
I wonder why the freelance contracts stopped.
I wish I could be in this category: Retired | 9
You can be... just move to Mexico and live out a van. Bam retired
I got into making "Facebook apps" in 2013, and the market went down since. (to nobody's surprise) But I've always wanted to make actual applications™
Although lack of internet and living essentials would mean it isn't the best retirement... but those are the sacrifices needed :P
"actual applications™" :D
I've been debating looking for a new Railsy job. Steady pay and being outstanding at a Giant Co. or be surrounded by smart people at less stable Small Co... choices.
Among Ruby+Javascript devs in the U.S.:

   employment_status    |  avg   | stddev | count |       q1_q2_q3
 Self-employed          | 109260 |  78760 |    27 | {30000,95000,202500}
 Employed full-time     | 104350 |  39420 |   722 | {75000,105000,125000}
 Retired                | 100000 | 103320 |     3 | {45000,85000,147500}
 Freelance / Contractor |  89780 |  49540 |    69 | {55000,85000,125000}
 Prefer not to disclose |  77500 |  47870 |     4 | {50000,65000,92500}
Curiously, among the same subset in Canadians, full-timers avg 64k, freelancers 61k vs. self-employeds 35k, even more the unemployed guy at 45k (n=1)
Those who came on the survey via FB average a good 20-25k less than those who came via Reddit or Twitter. Kinda crazy.
Guess I should start using Twitter and Reddit more heavily to increase my salary.
I don't understand that chart. What is it showing? Average what?
I was going to ask what you used to munge that data. Then i had to look up what munge actually meant.
salary yeah sorry. along with stddev and quartiles
salary midpoint* in the survey
(shoved the CSV into Postgres)
'Mung' or 'Munge'; v. 1) Mash until no good. 2) Mung until no good
Programmers do have an affinity to recursion it seems hehe
I'll bet the salary is a lot less for ruby without JS (which is me).
True, would you consider yourself a full-stack Ruby dev even without JS?
I don't think so.
I just turned down a job inquiry for Rails with "I've got no front end skills at all." I should fix that.
Gotta flip it to a positive
'I specialize in the backend of Ruby'
Maybe you should be my agent :)
@JonathanAllard Those are interesting numbers.
Let's see
Pretty similar no JS vs yes JS. Among Rubyists:

 does_js |  avg  | stddev | count |      q1_q2_q3
 f       | 63680 |  50090 |  1190 | {25000,55000,95000}
 t       | 62540 |  49390 |  2663 | {25000,55000,95000}
Stop doing JS and get a 1140$ check.
I'm surprised. And underpaid.
By at least $1,140.
On the other hand, I live in a low-cost-of-living part of the country. Salaries here are lower.
I make like
At least the canadian dollar is stronger?
... stronger than what?
Than 'the' dollar. #murica
No, not even close
1 USD == $1.32 CAD
> 1 Canadian Dollar equals
0.76 US Dollar
Did i accidentally reverse my googling >.>
Yes :)
If you make $35k in canada, you make like $27k in USA
Well then... Pros for your salary... you can buy the freshest of poutines
@Cereal Move to Toronto
@meagar It's just because they're hiring me as a student. Essilor requires a bachelor, but my boss is jumping through like 7 hoops
I lived and worked in London making $45k, moved to Toronto and more than doubled that in 2 years
London Ontario btw
Those who included "Ruby" averaged 62k in Canada and 97k in the US.
I would've liked to see how it differs inside of Canada or US, I think there are some significant differences between Toronto/Montreal
Wonder what it's like for like Cleveland vs NY etc
97k USD is a pretty good salary
62k Canadian is not
Pretty much. Whereas I'm on track to make a 20-24k this year :<
But wait, the survey is probably in USD, so that'd be 62k USD still. Can't say the same about my money
North America + Western, Northern Europe, listed 'Ruby':

      country       |  avg  | stddev | count |       q1_q2_q3
 United States      | 96520 |  48460 |  1329 | {65000,95000,125000}
 Switzerland        | 88270 |  46110 |    26 | {60000,95000,112500}
 Denmark            | 70150 |  48270 |    33 | {45000,65000,95000}
 United Kingdom     | 69800 |  42500 |   281 | {45000,65000,85000}
 Belgium            | 68620 |  39300 |    29 | {45000,55000,75000}
I should look for work...
You can see how the new Developer Story works out for you ;)
4 hours later…
Are websockets useful for much?

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