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I'm so happy with how my web framework project is panning out.
Except I realized that my readme is horribly out of date with my code.
Hey, I'm completely new to backends, I want to make a simple app with users that can have permissions to read or write some CRUD resources (ideally, the users are a CRUD resource too). Is rails a good idea for this?
If you want something small you can look into sinatra, but I think rails would be alright too.
If you were to use sinatra, I would recommend sinatra+sinatra-activerecord for database usage.
Any tutorial/example you would recommend? There are thousands of them, I don't know which one to read first!
Do you already know ruby? Any experience with back end web development?
I know ruby, but no rails; and no backend experience (I'm an iOS developer)
I was trying with Elixir/Phoenix first, it was easy to create the resources, but I just couldn't make authentication work
and the fact that I'm not familiar with Elixir didn't help
I actually have to run, I'll be back in a half an hour, if somebody else in the room doesn't help you by then.
OK, I'm back
That page looks like a good starting point for sinatra, and if you feel like that's too easy or too hard just go forwards for backwards.
@thesecretmaster A good README is a lot of work. Maybe more work than the code.
@WayneConrad Would you mind reading what I was recomneding to @NiñoScript and making sure all of it sound like good advise?
I second your opinion on everything.
Also, I enjoy working on the readme, I think it helps me understand the code better.
I think the hardest part is the concepts and structure for the code, then the readme, then the code.
Sometimes I start with the README. If I can explain it to someone, I can probably code it.
Just finished updating it, and I'm not confident that it's convincing
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
Hope all are doing fine.
Actually I have got a series of records in my index page with respective "hide"link on each record. Then problem is when I click the respective link it hides the record but moves to the top of the page, how do I stop this? any suggestions are most welcome.<td class="col-1"><%= link_to "Hide", {controller: "rak361s", action: "hide", id: rak361, method: :put},{:style=>"color:#ccc;"} %></td>
4 hours later…
@WayneConrad There's no good idea that someone hasn't already invented a name for.
Uh oh. Cinnamon is crashing (in fallback mode) and my .xsession_errors has a line **BUG**.
1 hour later…
Morning all
morning @meagar
@JörgWMittag Great article... thanks.
1 hour later…
@Queen k
4 hours later…
I'm playing sysadmin right now. I've got a hard drive filling up and no idea who's doing it. It's so large that running du on it takes ~4 hours.
3 hours later…
We filled up a 5TB drive to where it has 46GB free before we stopped the growth by rebooting some servers. We still don't know where the growth is so we can clean it up. Nor do we know why the writes were happening. What we do know is that we're still on the edge of the cliff, but the wind is no longer blowing so hard.
Let me just put it out there that Xorg is a royal pain sometimes.
Only sometimes?
What's it doing to you?
Not starting and complaining about virtualbox (I think)
Based on .xsession_errors
I'm really curious about your weird server issue, so if you figure it out, please tell me (if your allowed to)
I don't think there's anything secret in this. Right now we are doing forensics to try to discover where all the space went. When you have 5TB of files, it can be interesting to figure out.
Anyone ever heard of Wayland?
Yes. I think I read the page, decided it sounds nice, and wished them luck.
(not in a sarcastic way, either).
Well, I fixed the vbox issue, now I think something is wrong with opengl

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