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I just realized that the code I've been debugging wasn't working because I used module_function instead of extend self. I completely forgot that module_function made he methods private.
@thesecretmaster d'oh!
Great, I'm starting to get the hang of Rails and Ruby. I fix the problem I had with gem for auth!
I need to learn rails at some point
I'm now at the stage where I am disappointed with the shortcomings of sinatra, so instead of trying rails, I've been writing my own gems.
That seems nice and a bit a of more work!
Anyone know the correct way to run rspec in a gem? I'm already doing what is suggested here to set it up, but how do I run it?:
Q: Setup RSpec to test a gem (not Rails)

ZardozIt is pretty easy with the added generator of rspec-rails to setup RSpec for testing a Rails application. But how about adding RSpec for testing a gem in development? I am not using jeweler or such tools. I just used Bundler (bundle gem my_gem) to setup the structure for the new gem and edit the ...

Also, I'm struggling to do TDD right. I keep writing features then testing them so I stay in green :(
@thesecretmaster design your code in your test . +) its awesome once you get it
trust me
@thesecretmaster I've got a few gems that I test with rspec, but the way I set them up is not quite standard/modern.
i think mini test is pretty good anyways
It is.
The section of this book on P=NP is hurting my head, but the author admits it hurt his, too. I'll have to read it a few times. Many times.
fyi the author has an awesome video on elixir
Rspec seems to have some weird caching. It keeps on puts-ing things that I already removed from the app. Anyone know how to disable it?
@thesecretmaster what do you mean ?
@Nima In my app I'd write puts "Whatever" and then even after I removed it from the app, when I ran my tests rspec still justs prints out Whatever.
hmm rspec doesnt cache anything as far as i know
Maybe guard?
try running the test alone without guard first
Yes, always blame guard first.
so just do:

bundle exec rspec [path to spec file]
Yup, still happening
guard is suppose to reload your code when you modify it. make sure you have the file saved.
you can also type 'reload' in the guard console btw @thesecretmaster
And I just searched all the files in the app directory, and I can't even find the word "puts" in my entire project. My only dependency is rack so I wouldn't just print out the one work "Test".
@Nima Yup, definitly saved it
hmm.. did running the spec without guard output to the console?
Yup, still output
Could just be my computer being weird. Lemme restart terminal.
Do you have evidence that it is a puts causing the output? print can also cause console output. So can p.
Yeah, but I only ever use puts
I stand by the above URL :)
What the heck? I just restarted terminal and it magically disapeared.
@thesecretmaster btw a good debugging technique for these crazy situations:
comment out everything!
then slowly uncomment
^ one of my favorites
yea.. @WayneConrad that is actually a binary lookup i think
I should make a blog entry for "stupid debugging tricks of the master" with that and other non-clever but effective ways to debug things.
thats what the technique is called
I'll just blame this horrible old mac air from 2013 that always has it's fans on full, even when I only have terminal open.
lol crazy
Did I mention that caching was seen at the scene of the crime? You know, caching, the known serial murderer of correct computation?
When I worked with eclipse and tomcats give me trouble, I just clean the server three times. Don't know why but 3 is the magic number. 1 and 2 times doesn't work.
I'm low on my usual whiskey, so I'll uncork the special stuff tonight. Life is hard :)
Ohhh nice! It's been a while since I drank from my bourbon
I'm going off to slay goblins and what not (Oblivion on PS3). Thank you all for making this channel interesting and awesome today and every day.
have a good one @WayneConrad
@WayneConrad have a nice time!
Enjoy yourself!
11 hours later…
good morning, fine people
Good morning, awesome people.
I feel like if I say "morning" now, I'm unhumbly calling myself "awesome".
... inhumbly?
Whatever the antonym of "humbly" is.
Good morning, people of unspecified awesomeness.
Ohh now I feel less awesome :(! It made me smile every time @WayneConrad said that... thanks meagar... ( :P )
You can't please everyone :)
My bad, I ruined it
Good morning!
This morning I finally finished my rspec practice project. I have ~2 tests per method which seems about right.
I usually end up with more, but I write a lot of lousy OOP full of conditionals.
Hi folks
good morning
did anyone use this the below script?
@Jes No, not I.
It upsets me that while both `extend self` and `module_function` exist, I have a use case where I can't use either and just have to define the method twice.
I can't use `extend self` because it applies to all the methods in the class and I can't use `module_function` because it makes the methods private.
uninitialized constant AWS (NameError) what does this error mean
@WayneConrad i use that script but stuck with this
@thesecretmaster You can use module_function on individual methods. You can also declare an individual method public.
module Foo
  def bar
  module_function :bar
  public :bar
^ untested
Glad I asked! I was just gonna leave it. Thanks @WayneConrad
@Jes That is possibly a bug in the script, or an error in how you are invoking it. It would be best to contact the author of the script.
Good/bad/other morning/evening/other, fine/average/poor/awesome/other person/entity/automaton/other
Now seems like a good time for me to say good morning
Anyone know how to avoid this awkward way of adding a method to a different scope?
def method(*args)
I'll pretend that method is called foo, because calling it method hurts my head :)
My bad. I would edit but it's too late.
require 'forwardable'

class MyClass
  extend Forwardable
  def_delegator MyModule, :foo
Oh! Good to know forwardable exists. Thanks!
I use it fairly often.
Wait, I thought I understood it, but now I'm confused. In your example you can can use MyModule's foo method in MyClass?
In that example, we've created an instance method MyClass#foo that delegates to the module function MyModule.foo
MyClass.new.foo would call that function
Am I doing something wrong or does it just not let you def_delegate in main?
I don't do much in main. Can you show code?
module Bar
  def self.foo
    p "Hi"
Bar.foo #=> Hi
foo #=> undefined method foo but I want it to call Bar.foo
So currently I'm doing:
def foo
  p "Hi"
Which works, but feels wet (not DRY).
module Bar
  def foo
    p 'hi'

include Bar
Sorry, I didn't give the whole context. In Bar there are also a ton of other methods which I don't want to include.
Why don't you want to include them?
Because it's for a gem and I don't want the end user to accidentally / intentionally call one of them (at least in main, they should only be able to call them with Bar.method_name).
Why are the methods the end-user should not call in the module?
I think I know why, but don't want to guess.
Because the method I want to expose to the user are also used by other internal methods inside the module. I could move the method, but then it would seem stylistically wrong because it "fits in" with the other methods in the module.
That was going to be my guess :)
There's a pattern you can use here. Let me mock it up.
module MyModule

  def do_something

  class MyClass

    def do_something


    def dont_touch_me



include MyModule
I think I understand that, but it feels redundant to define do_something twice, once in MyModule and once in MyModule::MyClass because one literally calls the other.
@thesecretmaster That's a very common thing to do in software
But isn't that not DRY?
Not particularly, but it's the DRYest you're going to get
At some point the hard limitations of the language have to be respected
You can't have public/private methods in a module, so you have to give on some front
when I've built something similar, I usually provide a MyGemNameHelper module that is explicitly meant to be mixed into a controller or model
That contains the very limited set of methods you'd want to actually pollute your own object with
^ this
By the way, just for educational purposes... remember the forwardable module?
require "forwardable"

module MyModule

  extend Forwardable
  def_delegator "MyClass.new", :do_something

  class MyClass

    def do_something


    def dont_touch_me



include MyModule
If you use a string or symbol as the target of a delegator, that target will be eval'd.
Anyone have thoughts on what I tech I should use to just surface a front end on top of a DB where all the logic is in the ETL? Just a JS frontend framework? Rails (my wheelhouse) seems like quite the overkill
Rails has this plugin that it puts an automatically derived gui in front of all the tables that you can then customize. I can't remember its name.
Like ActiveAdmin?
or one of those other 'admin like' setups
That's probably the one I'm thinking of.
Activeadmin is pretty good
Used it for the first time recently, was pretty impressed at how well it works
Thanks ^_^
Neat. I have a meeting tomorrow to clarify my requirements of "build UI on top of database" so hopefully this fits :P
@meagar Let's say I have an app, and I want an "admin" section, could I just use this instead ?
You could
I'm not completely sure about how far you can push the customization of it
If your client needs a really tailored admin interface, then I would probably build one out quickly with Twitter Bootstrap
Well the thing is I'm the client :D! So I guess I'll try and get back later to tell how I liked it
I tried to replace the first column in a csv for each row in ruby and save the file after that. Run my code, check the file ... it's empty.. Well I think I messed up something somewhere :P
@Marc-Andre You've hashed the file to a very small state
^ An actual Turing machine.
@WayneConrad Yep! It will be way quicker to work with that file now !
You should get paid extra for it.
2 hours later…
> remember: Unix is the answer. But only if you asked the question VERY carefully. ;-) -- seen in a github issue
I'm in a conundrum
I have 2 cpus here, one's an APU so I told really care about it, but I'm pretty sure the other one is an i7
I have everything else but a mobo and a gpu
But I don't know if the cpu works or not, and I hate building computers
ah, it's a 4770k
APU? Auxiliary Power Unit?
and 4770k is really hot.
i7 > anything you'll need for a while. Unless you're doing crazy number crunching to find last decimal of pi
PLugged in my old mobo, seems to actually boot
No thermal paste though
Oh, APU. til.
Yeah, not the best little CPUs
1 hour later…
So I just installed rubocop because I was curious about how it worked, and it got upset that I used " when I could have used '. Why does it matter?
I'd probably tell it to suppress that warning. Whether or not to use ' or " is not real important. It's good to be consistent, but even that's not super important.
I was googling and I just found some angry ranting blog posts about one v the other
afaik it's a good practice to use " whenever possible
I think that, if it's more expensive in terms of computing, it's negligible compared to the headaches that it can save you
I actually recall reading that in a style guide somewhere, I just can't remember where
I use ", but for no particularly good reason. I can't get too worked up over it.
In my opinion, you should only use " when you're using interpolation
Makes you intent known and whatnot
I'm sure if I looked at my code, I wouldn't be following that though
@Cereal I agree on the "make your intent clear" part
but if we're being such purists might as well not use such a flimsy feature such as interpolation amirite ;)
with all that separation of concerns jibber-jabber and whatnot
code? in my strings!?
I dunno, the only difference to me from ' and " is that I can interpolate in ". Kind of follows that you'd only use it for interpolation
But that might stem from ignorance
no, you're absolutely right there
@AlfredoGallegos That's a good point. I don't like to see much done in interpolation. "Put this variable here" is what I prefer. I dislike seeing actual code inside #{}
I never really considered putting code in interpolation as an option ._.

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