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I think #9 is wrong.
module_function causes a module method to be callable as a "class" method on the module, without the module needing to be included, as well as as an instance method when the module is included.
in #20, are those really class variables? I always thought that they were just instance variables defined on the top-level object.
#24 is true, but you probably shouldn't.
I don't think I knew about #4. That's cool.
The advice in #42 doesn't support its case well. There's not much real difference between defining a global constant and a global variable.
For #54, you don't have to use that awkward Range.new(1, 10, false) to define a range that excludes its end point. Just use three dots: 1...10
#66 shows my favorite anti-pattern. :)
I don't even have patience to read that list tonight.. :P Will do tomorrow
68 is good advice for when someone has made a predicate with a negative sense. Better is for a predicate to always be in a positive sense. Prefer #has_apples? to #has_no_apples?, because negativing a negative predicate is awkward.
I am debating on making a new vm, because this one is sooo slow. I cannot tell if it is my host, the vm settings, or the vm itself
The alignment of the backslashes in #71 is rediculous.
@HunterStevens I was reading an article the other day on the so-called "VM tax." I guess, depending upon the VM engine and what specific thing a VM is doing, the tax can vary from pretty much nothing, to very high.
#72 is exciting: It says that Ruby 2.3 introduces a squiggle heredoc form that removes leading spaces. Woohoo!
@WayneConrad do you know anything about virtual box to help me? It seems like changing the cores from 2 to 4 made things worse. A lot of tlag as I type.
I don't know much about it. I use it, but don't mess with it much. I tend to give my VMs not very many cores and not very much ram.
At work, I think my Windows VM has 4 gig and 2 cores even though my box has 32 GB and 8 cores. I have a linux VM that I think has the same 4 GB + 2 cores. Both seem to run fine.
Okay I will lower the cores again. I just have intermitten internet issues that are very bothersome.
What are youur network settings in the vm?
I set up bridged networking, because I didn't know what I was doing. One of these days I'll fix it.
Did you install guest additions?
@JonathanMusso Howdy!
I love the guest additions.
@WayneConrad How the hell are ya boss?
Sick again. I've spent most of the weekend sleeping. Haven't even practiced much banjo--thinking I'll call off the next lesson because I don't have anything new to show the teacher.
I did spend some time today moving around the circle of fifths... my teacher thinks I need some music theory.
Sorry to hear that my friend. I hope you get better! It's not related to your stint in the hospital is it?
Yes I have guest additions
@HunterStevens Host hardware? VM config?
@JonathanMusso Thanks. No, the hospital thing was an utterly bizarre and rare malady that didn't involve a virus or bacterium: idiopathic omental infarction
What I've got now is a sore throat and a cough... again. Second time since Christmas. Very annoying.
@JonathanMusso see me on hangouts.
@HunterStevens Sorry, I shouldn't be interrupted your troubleshooting.
@WayneConrad Hmm. Try to take it easy and don't over do it this week. Hopefully it isn't bronchitis.
I just picked up a Linode. Time to configure it and pull the plug on MediaTemple.
@WayneConrad don't be sorry. Hangouts lets Jon see my specs and control things via remote desktop
because i am lazy
@JonathanMusso I don't know anything about either. What caused you to switch?
@WayneConrad MediaTemple is just an arm an a leg for what I need to do on my personal hosting. I think Linode is a tad better performance wise than Digital Ocean so that's why I went with it.
@JonathanMusso May I ask what the difference in price is?
@WayneConrad Actually they are the same price, I chose the $10 dollar a month plan. It looks like they are the same now haha. I think there is a difference in upload speed currently
@JonathanMusso why is linode better than DO in performance?
So... is Google telling us Firefox does not support modern web standards? gaming.youtube.com
That link itself works in firefox, latest, on xubuntu
@JonathanMusso still getting issues but they do not last as long :-)
^ nevermind
^ is somewhat worse or more frequent I think...
I am ready to flip a chair.
@HunterStevens I misspoke. At the time Linode offered more bang for your buck. Looks like they are the same now.
@HunterStevens Uhoooooh.
Hello guys
i am planning to start ruby on rails
can anybody tell me from where to start?
@Learning hello! Do you already know ruby?
@HunterStevens:No i dont know anything about ruby.I am a .net developer bt thinking to start ruby
@Learning then first you must learn ruby. I suggest going through the first two "books" of ruby monk.
Then when you're comfortable, and ready for rails, the rails guides site has a getting started section for you to follow
@HunterStevens:Which two books you are talking about?>
@Learning railstutorial.org is a good place to start
@Chris:Thank you so much sir
no problemo
Does anyone know why my rake task defined in "lib/tasks/scheduler.rake" as recommended by the Heroku documentation has suddenly stopped being recognized in production on Heroku (doesn't show up on the list shown by "heroku run bundle exec rake -T"), but is completely fine in local development? The whole app now won't load at all, with the message "rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'my_task". I didn't change anything relevant recently, and I'm sure it's a change on Heroku's end
I'm using the Heroku scheduler add on, and it was running perfectly until about a week ago. I dont' know what changed.
It's a very similar problem to the one described here: suranyami.com/post/69550647468/…
So after a week of bashing my head against a wall trying to fix this, I come here and ask for help only to discover 5 minutes later I was pushing to the new staging app but checking for updates on the old staging URL. Such is programming
This guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO26TjhQWvA

talk about Machine learning with Ruby. He also demonstrated how can a character photo can be recognized.

I am preparing an application to wish happy birthday to my friend on Facebook automatically but the main problem I face is "captcha solver".......How do I develop that in Ruby?
@user2792268 Heh, right you are. Such is programming.
@AbhimanyuAryan I don't know. I can't imagine Ruby would be the best language for that.
I would implement everything in Javascript when I would design the real extension but for starters I though i should try that in Ruby
3 hours later…
Q: Rails SocketError

aniketI am trying to access mail of outlook using mailman But I am getting an error. getaddrinfo: Name or service not known I was able to do of gmail with the code but when i tried for outlook it is giving me error. [outlook_controller] require "rubygems" require "bundler/setup" require "mailman" c...

Can anyone help me in resolving this problem
2 hours later…
@Learning when you go to the website ruby monk, there are four "books" or sections to work on. Just do the first two that are listed
Any website where i can learn building projects with rails? (cost-free)
does "your own" count as an answer?
@Aniket railstutorial.org
Good morning, all.
@Aniket Good morning. Did you see my comment on your question?
Good morning, all.
I think Wayne is glitching
It snowed yesterday :-)
The fact that you're smiling about that tells me you're not the one that shovels your driveway
It's still snowing outside my window :-)
I don't even have a driveway :-)
It's still snowing outside my window :-)
snow looks so pretty. It's the first snowfall of the season and the year for NJ
I'm getting double messages ._.
^ Same, from Jan
They see me glitchin'
They hatin'
@Cereal Usually. Oh, I see it. Yes.
@Cereal I would blame rlemon's theme
CSS can do wonders
Can it make me smart?
@Cereal because I am not using that theme, and I do not see double. I know that is ONE difference between you and me
It's not the theme
Just a socket bug, I imagine
They see me glitchin'
They hatin'
I'm pretty sure I sent "Good morning, all." twice.
Oh hey, it did send twice
Then it is stackoverflow!!!
PCG challenge idea: make a glitchbot
That shouldn't be too hard
program club group? It is the morning, I can't think straight
^ I did not know that was the acronym for it... I just called the site code-golf
I hate nodelists
test (just kidding, this was intentional)
They're array wannabes
or rather don'twannabes
I hate js sometimes
contains is a method on classList but not Array
also on Set.
Arrays have includes, since ES6 or so
It's just so inconsistent
Huh. neat
I should probably be testing this in the sandbox
Creepers have entered github: github.com/onebree/dotfiles/commit/…
Oh god
You'd think you'd be safe on github
I know. I am deleting the comment, blocking him, and reporting him
Guys. In rails, you can share sessions across subdomains for your website. How, do you take it further by having a new domain entirely. For example, a user has a page on my site "www.mysite.com/user/1". The user can submit their own domain in the dashboard settings say,"http://www.user1.com". That shares sessions with the user page on my site. Similar to how sites like tumblr.com?
@HunterStevens Probably a good idea
Like, the only way to interact on github is to comment on issues, pull requests, or commits. You'd think that would deter weirdos
@TommyAdey I THINK Tumblr works by having someusername.tumblr redirect to someusername.com. I am not sure how to do that in vanilla rails. You may need a gem
He's pretty active on github too
Yeah, I am thinking his account got hacked.
He's from china - different culture, it might be okay there
A coworker a few months ago was given a githuib account to post tickets from one system as issues on github... After a month his work email was hacked, which was linked to Github, and he sent email-comments on random PRs
Are you typing test a third time?
I'm trying to remember how mutationobserver works
!!google how does mutation observer work
Sadly I can't write perfect code without trial and error, regardless of docs
Nor can I. That's why I love tests so much.
why is the bot named @CapricaSix ?
It's from a TV show
!!wiki caprica six
Number Six is a family of fictional characters from the reimagined science fiction television series, Battlestar Galactica. She is portrayed by Canadian actress and model Tricia Helfer. Of the twelve known Cylon models, she is the sixth of the "Significant Seven". Like the others of the "Significant Seven", there are several versions of her, including Caprica-Six, Shelly Godfrey, Gina Inviere, Natalie Faust, Lida and Sonja. She is the only model that does not use one particular human alias for all copies. The character was named after Number Six, Patrick McGoohan's character from the show T...
I keep binding the mutation observer to the wrong tab
I know it is from a tv show, but why her of all things
Because she's a bot
and zirak probably liked battlestar galactica
oh okay
If I make a slack version of her, I will call it Caprica-Slack
Personally, I think they did it to see how many people emailed her flirting
Yep, this is definitely going to be the bot I make. caprica-slack...
Please don't name her that
Question is, should I base the bot off of current slackbot, or lita-bot?
@JanDvorak why?
don't like
then what DO you like?
okay, I will base it off of the current slackbot then
and instead of !! commands, I would do regular slash commands
Doesn't slack already use slash for things?
yes it does. I think Caprica only uses !! because it is easy to spot in a message? Not sure actually
Or am I thinking of something else
Slack uses slash for some typical IRC things like /kick, leave, join, me, who, etc
Ah. Might be a good idea to use a different command then
This chat is against me
You actually can still use slash commands for custom things: api.slack.com/slash-commands
Oh, well if you can do that, do you really need a bot?
No, no bot then
Why doesn't SO chat bot need an API token for open weather? github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/source/plugins/…
There we go, glitchbot v1.0
This does not make sense... It says I need !!/ but then later says only !!: github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Commands
it changed
So a slash is not needed? Time to edit the wiki!!
The slash is part of the command name
!!learn /somecommand "<> This is some command"
@Cereal Command /somecommand learned
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: /somecommand
@Cereal That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: /somecommand
function getMessageText(node) {
  return $(node).find('.content').text();

function sendMessage(node) {
  var fkey = $('#fkey').val();
  var text = getMessageText(node);
  console.log("Message sent");
  $.post('http://chat.stackoverflow.com/chats/44914/messages/new', { text: text, fkey: fkey });

function isMyMessage(node) {
  return node.classList.contains("message") && node.classList.contains('neworedit') && $(node).closest(".user-2424975").length;

function eachAddedNode(addedNode) {
  var classList = addedNode.classList;
5% chance to resend your last message
it's more like 15% chance, because the chat modifies messages like 3 times every time you send
@HunterStevens Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
Nudge tells cap to ping you after x amount of time
where x is number of minutes
So like !!nudge 400 take out the trash, would ping me after 400 minutes with the message "take out the trash"
!!/nudge 1 testing slash nudge
@HunterStevens Nudge #6 registered.
@HunterStevens nudge testing slash nudge
!!nudge 1 testing nudge without slash
@HunterStevens Nudge #7 registered.
@HunterStevens nudge testing nudge without slash
How does the wiki page look now? (I've made a gist, as to not disrupt the production wiki) gist.github.com/onebree/75a17a9638568d04cfe7
@meagar why is this post locked? It seems to make zero sense, not to mention it's an essay in one paragraph. stackoverflow.com/questions/1732348/…
@HunterStevens Because it's hilarious
@HunterStevens At the top of the post, it says "... because of the high number of off-topic remarks generated"
I was talking about the answer, notthe question
Oh. It says " to prevent inappropriate edits to its content."
I mean, the answer itself has innapropriate conent. I don't see why the weird letters are fine. The post wzas created with those characters, and never removed
It's one of the greatest posts on SO
If you type regex that attempts to parse html in chat, you get an easter egg too
It's transcended being an answer and became a meme. It can't be removed.
@HunterStevens The weird letters are there for cinematic effect. Like in a movie, where the video starts to get noisy and goes crazy just seconds before the monsters attack?
@Cereal h̯̊ͦͬ͞͝è͎̱͕̲͙̘͓̗̊ͭ͑́ ̧̛͍̰̯͒̈́ͦͨͩ͟cͨͩ҉̡̙̲̣̹o͉̹̲͔̪͙͂̒͂̅̽͟m̸̜̗͚̞̠̹͔ͭͥ̂̾ͯ̑ͤͫͬ͘͟e̗͕̙͔͖̞̞͖̐̃̔̅̒̑ͦ͜s̋͂̌҉̨̥̭̪̮‌​̗
You can't judge that post by current standards. It was from a time when we were allowed to have a little fun on SO.
@WayneConrad No fun allowed on supersrsbzn-overflow
I am interested in this repo, but it no longer exists. How do I know if others forked from it? github.com/johnhof/Slackbots
We're nearly past the age of moderation, so maybe a little fun will soon come, too.
@Cereal did that but I cannot do capitalization in quotes to filter the search even more
@HunterStevens It's a joke, and the most popular post of all time on Stack Overflow :p
really? wow
Rightfully so
hi all
@@nima Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
^ Ouch, major issue right there.... This is ruby!
@CapricaSix .. who are you? also this is a Ruby room
is he a bot?
don't use commands not meant for you
congratulations @CapricaSix you made it to my ignore list!
I am going to make a pull request tonight fixing this issue.
@Nima caprica six is a bot: github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot
You can un-ignore her. I was testing the !!welcome command, but it is clearly broken. First reported 2+ years ago. I will make a pull request tonight about it
I do not know much JS, but I think I can manage it. I am going to make it so the !!welcome command spits out the text from <div id='roomdesc'>
i didnt know you can have bots in SO?
Well, this is the official-unofficial bot of stack overflow. SO has no open API for its chat, so the bot relies on JavaScript to read text elements on the page.
It is also present in every room.
not she isn't
interesting stuff. i would have never guessed
she's only in this room because someone asked me to add it to the autojoin list
She is welcome here; obviously a source of amusement for many.
and I would love to change the welcome message to be less room specific, but not everyone agrees with how it should be done
and therefore it is what it is
how do i unignores someone?
@rlemon I commented on the issue with an idea
the original issue:
> The welcome message isn't useful for anyone but us (in its current form). For other rooms (or all rooms) maybe it should say this:

Welcome to the <Room Name> chat! <Room Description>. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yes. And I made a suggestion in that issue regarding the welcome message
@rlemon gimme credit!!
"Welcome to <room name> chat. Please see the room description in the upper-right corner, and read any rules there."
That seems like a good idea, @WayneConrad. I doubt anything will be changed any time soon, though
> 14) --noprompt -- http://6ftdan.com/allyourdev/2016/01/13/101-ruby-code-factoids/
> If you execute IRB with the command line flag `--noprompt` you will enter in to an IRB session with none of the extra characters showing up on the left side of the terminal. This is great if you want to experiment with code and then use you mouse to copy & paste from it.
@HunterStevens feel free to PR it, it's open source after all
I know, but who knows when it will be looked at ever again? I have PRs from elsewhere dating back to June.
you have prs on the bot's repo?
no, other repos.
But the fact that there are issues opened from 2013 and not closed on the bot's repo is :-/
wanna help close some?
sure :-) But I know minimal JS and would do better with jQ
Would be a good js learning experience
yeah. What should I work on? I want to update the wikis before anything
@WayneConrad reading through that list of ruby facts. I do not like some of the "facts". I mean, @ means an instance var, not a class-var, necessarily.
I'm scraping someone's webpage. What's the best way to grab the last bold tag and the text preceding it? I'm tempted to just regex for non-tags around a tag.
What does "best" mean in this context?
least CPU instensive. Sorry
in javascript, I forgot to say
would a CSS :last-of-type work?
@HunterStevens Yes, some of the facts are a little bit ambiguous or misleading.
The author appears to take corrections well, however.
Good point. I'd have to DOMParse it first but this seems like a good selector.
and of course .prevChild.textContent for the preceding text.
Yup, I am sending him a list of things to correct
Thanks for mentioning my tabular alignment hobgoblin. #71 also suffers from it.
Also the one with backslashes, in a way, Because the author uses extra spaces to make a mega backslash
More interesting than that, #71 doesn't need the backslashes at all.
Oh wait, it does need the first backslash.
1 hour later…
Quote of the day: "Some guy wrote that library." Well, of course. Who else? A dog?
My cat has written better code than me on occasion, so I wouldn't ignore the possibility.
I am hoping I did not just hear someone say "I gotta dump" in the office...
Maybe they said jump... I hope.
Have you guys used Stripe Connect in order to connect customers with multiple vendor in one single application? How's the impression of using connect for that? Do you know some alternatives?
I am not that familiar with developing with Stripe. Have you checked their API docs? They are extensive, a lot of info.
I'm just looking into that now: https://stripe.com/docs/connect and everything seems straightforward.
Just wanted to know about impressions on using their API.
I have not developed much with the API. Only enough to write a test or two. But like I said, their docs are amazing.
Yeah, I see. I hope everything will go well.
I'm the the land of weirdness.... where models work fine from console, but the tests complain that they have no DB connection.
Are you doing export RAILS_ENV=test? And have the right info in config/database.yml?
Hah. I figured it out. I'll show you.
My money is on turning it off and on again
module PercyDbMigrate
  FactoryGirl.define do
      class: Dest::FranchiseDownloadCategory
    ) do |f|
      f.association :franchise, factory: :dest_franchise
      f.franchise_download_type =
        Dest::FranchiseDownloadType.find_by!(Name: "General")   # <- bug is here
That line needs to be: { Dest::FranchiseDownloadType.find_by!(Name: "General") }
Yes, factory girl is strange with those things.
What was happening is the factory was trying to do the lookup at load time, but the DB connections aren't made then. The lookup needs to be done lazily so that the DB connections are established.
Oh, and the equal sign is nonsense. FactoryGirl doesn't work like that.
@Jared Turning me off and on again might help.
... I"ll uh... look for someone else to do that....
You kids and your dirty minds :)
I am no longer the only person modifying asterisk configs on this test server... Things are getting hairy/confusing now
@WayneConrad You walked into that, come on
I admit it.
@HunterStevens Are the configs under source control?
creating software = the experience of never ending changes of features (by managament*) and requirements until you explodes
seriously, we just had a demo meeting and management basically started to completely change all the features and demanding completely different ones.. well.. there goes 3 weeks of work
Various degrees of that are totally normal.
basically they said: this is completely useless, build this other thing instead but oh that thing should also be able to talk and walk like a duck but fly high as well and also become a dragon at some point
oh and maybe we can also add an ice cream machine on top of our application
Hehehehe, yeah. I've been there so many times...
Agile is the purported cure for that, but it doesn't work unless management plays along.
Alright, done working for the day. I took a very long lunch/nap, so ended up having to work a bit late.
lol cya
@WayneConrad no they are not, because they are under /etc/asterisk... But that doesn't stop putting them in git.

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