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3 hours later…
Good morning five, how are you?
well it's afternoon now where you are :D
It just became afternoon. Hello back from the future!
I'm good, you too?
I'm good thanks buddy, just getting on with a day of drawing boxes :)
much rather be programming instead
Haha :) I'm having a slow day again, same as yesterday. Need to get back into developer zen >_>
man finding a rails mentor is hardwork
An irl mentor?
You can just spam all your questions here
People do that
True that ;)
ya IRL or online mentor :)
1 hour later…
@XavierAkram just ask in here we will all try to help as best we can
2 hours later…
Man Rails simplifies things so much, I keep overthinking a lot of this stuff.
Like what
how I was supposed to upgrade a user profile from standard to premium after payment was received
that's the kinda sugar i need
Hello. Please help. How in Rails/Ruby I can obtain a minimal and maximal possible value of Date? I need it for filtering purposes:
@sgnsajgon do you want to get all model instances between those dates?
@Jared I updated my question. I added used model scope.
are from and to your variables on your model?
1 hour later…
Ugh, migraine. Ugh.
@WayneConrad take it easy man, I suffered from those all my life they are the f'n worst. Get off the computer! :=)
Heh, no, I just work through them. There's a whole half of my visual field that is unobscured.
@WayneConrad Join the party
Migraines at least twice a week or you aren't living!
drink lots of water
This one is a little stronger than normal. Slugging down some water, good idea.
Woke up a couple days ago with probably the worst headache I've had this year. Just went back to bed
Consciousness wasn't happening that day
From a SO question
post "/login" do
   username = "#{params[:username]}"
   #password = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("#{params[:password]}"))
   password ="#{params[:password]}"
I've seen the before. Where they use interpolated strings instead of just using the variable itself
Anyone know a reason why someone would do this?
It it carried over from another language?
It's a curious habit. I don't know why someone would do that.
Maybe they don't know the to_s method ;)
True. I don't think that applies to the example above... the username and password are almost certain to already be Strings... but yeah, I've seen people use interpolation to turn an int into a String.
@WayneConrad honestly since the last 2 weeks i've been getting super bad migraines too, it's the excessive computer usage!
nothing else to explain it
@XavierAkram You too? Someone who doesn't know better might think that Ruby causes migraines.
i started programming ruby seriously like 1.5 weeks ago
Lol ;) Or it's the coffee ;)
when creating has_many :through relationship does the parent table need a field to store any data? my assumption is no
i.e. customers >> allergies << allergy only the allergies (join table) holds the fields
doing an evening just playing with database relationships to get this right :)
the allergies join table would have columns for customer_id and allergy_id at a minimum :)
It doesn't need an id column itself though. It would probably need a unique index on both columns so a customer can only have 1 entry in the join table for each allergy
Of course the join table can contain more columns with data, but just having those 2 ID's is the most common scenario :)
Five, i owe you a beer.
Btw, the Rails convention is to have plural table names. So you'd have customers and allergies. By convention the join table would be called allergies_customers
so i couldn't have my tables as (my actual names) customers, allergens //join table allergies
it makes sense to follow conventions so i should call it allergies_customers and it's named alphabetically ?
You could also name the join table differently, or at least name the join model differently. Tbh, I'm still looking for the best approach with join tables since the names by convention often don't make sense
well as a newbie i think i'll follow the rules
I think the easiest approach for a "non-conventional" name would be to specify a join_table: option on the association in the Customer and Allergy models.
do you need indexes on the customer_id and allergen_id in the join table?
Yes that almost always makes sense to do. Depending on the requirements (I'd assume someone can only have a given allergy once) you could add a unique index, i.e. add_index(:customers_allergies, [:customer_id, :allergy_id], unique: true)
First argument is the table, the second the columns or column that are part of the index
I always use github.com/plentz/lol_dba for all generic indexes ;)
That index would also speed up lookups of allergies for a given customer since the customer_id is the first column in the index. :)
thanks five
Indexes prevent a database from doing what is called a sequence scan. Starting from the first row, and reading all rows and returning the one that meet the conditions of the query. Even after
ah, so it's like lets ignore all other rows just look at this one
that makes sense so an index is important
Even after it has found enough rows, a sequence scan would continue scanning through the rest of the rows, so an index saves the database from doing a lot of work :)
last database i wrote was in MS ACCESS in 2002
right i'm gonna head to the hotel, i'll continue from there :)
so now the stupid question
how do you make the physical join between the data now?
Do you mean you want a foreign key? Or a join when doing a query?
i mean when i sumit the data
so how do i associate allergy to 'Lactose' to customer 'Bob"
how is this data model submitted
The form?
okay i guess rails might be smarter than i expect
yes i guess the form, i will try something first then ask after i've made an attempt
Okay :)
okay question time
Started POST "/customers" for ::1 at 2015-06-23 19:52:06 +0100
Processing by CustomersController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"X7+wShZIgi1xDmXpjPewMlDcI+KhLToKhcRQhahjt9hebYPRgShHSOjfJ6JR/fX8y8V+HTv78p4pMsGQeBN6fg==", "customer"=>{"name"=>"Five"}, "allergens"=>{"allergen_id"=>["2"]}, "commit"=>"Create Customer"}
(0.1ms) begin transaction
SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "customers" ("name", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?) [["name", "Five"], ["created_at", "2015-06-23 18:52:06.925389"], ["updated_at", "2015-06-23 18:52:06.925389"]]
(see full text)
Hit me with your best shot ~
how do i send the data from the new customers form directly into the allergens_customers db
i have a checkbox that loads my allergens into the form:
<% @allergens.each do |allergen| %>
<div class="checkbox">
<%= check_box_tag 'allergens[allergen_id][]', allergen.id %> <%= allergen.name %>
<% end %>
You should have a route for form posts on that url, right?
well my route is /customers/new
Sure, but you do a http post to submit it to the server
oh you mean this?
<%= form_for(@customer) do |f| %>
Err, that defines a form.
Usually a form posts to a server on submit
you mean this then?
@customer = Customer.new(customer_params)
That is, you have a form, and inside that form you have a number of named inputs
yes i do
You should have a function or something that handles when a user accesses specific routes, right?
the only routes i have:
xavier$ rake routes
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
allergens GET /allergens(.:format) allergens#index
POST /allergens(.:format) allergens#create
new_allergen GET /allergens/new(.:format) allergens#new
edit_allergen GET /allergens/:id/edit(.:format) allergens#edit
allergen GET /allergens/:id(.:format) allergens#show
PATCH /allergens/:id(.:format) allergens#update
PUT /allergens/:id(.:format) allergens#update
(see full text)
(here lays my disdain about rails)
okay i think this is too newb of a question
What does your config/routes file look like?
i've found a railcasts video
i will go watch that :)
You should be defining a method to call on a post to that URL in config/routes
inside that method, you can create a new record and save it to the db
which i'm totally not
a form passes all named inputs inside a form back to the server, so you'd just use that data
my knowledge on forms is too basic i'm gonna go study up a bit, sorry for wasting your time and thanks for trying to help me
Rails abstracts everything, so it's not your fault
1 hour later…
Q: has_many :through creation of a new record with checkboxes

Xavier AkramAllergen Model fields name:string class Allergen < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :allergens_customers has_many :customers, :through => :allergens_customers end Customer Model fields name:string class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :allergens_customers has_many :allergens, :throu...

in the end i couldn't figure it out
can someone explain why i should not store elements of an html page in one table
in rails, while building a cms
@XavierAkram I will be AFK some more but I will take a look for you tonight. I have not used the :through symbol but I will do my best
@JonathanMusso aw man, thanks <3
it's those initial hurdles at the start of anything new that hurt
no worries man we all get better by helping one another
I am a newb myself but can't do no harm trying xD
I voted to close this, but mexcal's comments are giving me second thoughts. What do you think?
Q: Rails comment association-model structure

railsrI'm building a small kind of blog website and some of it's models are post, user, comment, obviously. The question is: Is the Comment model/table structured the right way? I'm asking this because it looks like has many through association but I only use has many. I'm a little confused. Is this ...

@WayneConrad after reading the answer by mexcal I would say it doesn't need closing it gave me some insight, however that's a newbies perspective
Alright, thanks.
FUDGE YE got those damn forms / associations working
just required lots of head-banging
i feel like i should now do a speech
thanks guys :)
i found out my app passed review today :D ...but now it's "pending contract" :l
don't know what that means, but congratulations chris!
you pushed it to some store, i.e. Apple Store or Google Play store?
the Apple App Store
thanks Xavier, it's been a long time coming
give us a shout i'll check it out once it's live
what type of application is it?
the application creates user accounts for a kegerator, and talks to the components of the kegerator via BLE using a Bluno
Got a quick ruby question, not really worth submitting a question, but is collection.each do | item| the same as for(String s: ArrayList<String>) in java?

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