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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@onebree nope, github pages serves only static pages
@cleong Ok okay...
@cleong Is this about betterspecs?
no just wanted to make my side project live, wanted to see what other workflows people were doing
Well, is your project Rails or a static site> And are you hosting it via heroku?
was thinking about heroku.. though i'm not sure what the advantages are for using it
just seemed like a popular option
Well, for work, we use github as cloud storage, but host/deploy on our own servers.
it goes like local -> github -> servers?
We develop locally, submit pull requests on github, then merge on github. We then take the master branch, and pull those contents into the local server we use to deploy
you'll pull the git through the server
If you are doing it alone, then just pushing to the server would be fine, since you already resolved conflicts yourself. Merge/pull requests are ideal for multi-partner projects or if you want to tag version history
thats true
How have you been with betterspecs? I was really busy this week at work
well andrea said to wait for us to create a process before any work
I posted an idea and no one has replied. Guess we have all been busy :-)
i'm still not sure what the exact methodology we're following
Like in all honesty, if there has been this much of a delay in progress (years), then waiting a little longer is fine
In terms of your deployment, I definitely suggest using either bitbucket or github, because they have greeAt visualization and history tools.
thats true
@cleong I am here now, did you get your hosting sorted out/
well i was just wondering what people did with thier rails deployment
where do you guys host it?
all my projects are on Heroku at the moment, but I am probably getting a Linode server soon as well
@JonathanMusso If you're getting a linode, don't forget to set startup scripts for when something goes wrong
linode takes care of everything, but any of your sites would be down til you notice
they do email you though
@Cereal Ok. I've only made this assumption based off some friends recommendations. They use it for Node.js. Do you recommend anything else? Currently I am with Media-Temple but I would have to bump up to Private VPS for Rails I think
No, I like my linode
Over the years I've had it, it's only gone down twice
and it was back up before I noticed it was down
Previously I was with Dreamhost for 10 years
Both were hardware faults
5 hours later…
@fivedigit No it is not an engine. It is simple a vanilla Rails. But without adding the path to the autoload_path it didn't work...
1 hour later…
Hmm odd.
Good morning all!
Hey good morning
Howdy. How are you?
I'm good thanks was implementing xls in rails yesterday :D
can't seem to get the template right in XML but all newbie stuff
Haha cool :)
going onto the scary relationships between db's this week [customer has many through]=> [allergies] <=[allergy has many through]
well its one of the many relationships i need to do :D
How are you five, did you have a good weekend?
has_and_belongs_to_many is truly scary. Stay away from it :) It's almost always better to use a has_many through: instead
Yep! And now it's already monday again :P
yes i will, getting the database schema half right in google sheets was what i did before i started my app
but you realise stuff along the way hence migrations :D
ya Monday already 5 days of work :sigh:
Yes migrations make it a lot easier. :)
good morning
Hey Jonathan, how are you today buddy?
Not too bad, thanks for asking. How about yourself?
I'm well thanks, just knocking back a fresh brew and drawing boxes :D
Morning fivedigit. What's new an exciting today? Sounds great Xavier, I have to do that as well at some point today xD
the coffee or drawing some boxes ? :D
Boxes, got a coffee already, heh.
I've changed from coffee back to tea. I'll be off buying some green tea and herb teas during lunch break. The cafeine boost in coffee apparently makes me too hyper active ;)
Man I quit coffee for the longest time...started drinking it recently over the past few weeks.
Better than chain smoking I guess...
That is certainly true.
that's true, i like green tea have you tried a brand called Tea Pigs five?
it's one of the best brews of green tea i've ever had
Hmm no I will have to check that it's available here. Green tea is great
Haven't heard of it. There's some other good brand I'm going to buy, but I forgot the name, so I have to figure that out again :)
Green tea still has cafeine, but it's gradually absorbed by your body. Herbal tea has no cafeine, same goes for Rooibos (but I don't really like that)
Have you tried fruit-tea?
igcdn-photos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t51.2885-15/… I tried it in this contraption and I was pleasantly suprised
Ah yes! Fruit teas also don't have cafeine of course :)
Oh cool!
That's awesome, although a bit overkill for me to do at work :) I like the hourglass.
I always forget to take the tea out, so the hourglass is a great solution ;)
ya imagine going a tea-break and setting all that up
Good morning, y'all. Insomnia, so writing code :)
For cute_print? :)
Morning Wayne!
I have many choices! Packages for two of my gems need to be updated (says gemnasium). cute_print needs some refactoring, and then a bug fixed. And then the side project begs my attention. The side project is paying, so it should probably win.
Great tune. Didn't Alan Parsons produce that?
James Guthrie and David Gilmour I think
Whoever did, it was pretty good stuff.
Ya Pink Floyd is legendary. I need to get their latest album. Been listening to the Zeppelin remastering, amazing.
Gemnasium told me two gems needed to be updated, but four did. And the email wasn't right about which dependencies needed updating. That's weird.
Dependencies of dependencies?
Most Floyd is too depressing to me. Roger Waters is the only guy in the world that can write a double album about how lousy his childhood was because his dad had the bad manners to get killed in a war and have it go platinum.
@fivedigit Not even that. It said that cucumber (a direct dependency) was outdated by a patch level, but it's not. Instead, rack (an indirect dependency) and rspec (a direct dependency) each had a patch-level update.
Actually, that was a little harsh. I apologize to the Floyd lovers among us.
There's more depressing lyrics in some subgenres of country music ;)
Haha, yeah. I have to admit I'm a fan of Hank Williams. So go figure.
Hey nothing wrong with with with having an opinion. Everyone interprets things differently. I am guessing you are speaking of the Wall?
Yes :)
I wonder how I can get the name of the rake task(s) that listed the current rake task as a dependency.
I'm whitelisting the "db:" tasks so that only safe ones are permitted to be executed against the production database. I have a "prohibited_in_production" task that I'm adding as a dependency to all prohibited tasks, but when I print the error message I want to print which rake task is being prohibited.
Does this help at all Wayne? - jasonseifer.com/2010/04/06/rake-tutorial
The part where it defines a task to make coffee, that could help. I'm a bit tired :)
Heck of a day for insomnia. The boss will be in town today.
It's early for you, 3 am? You in the office already?
Yeah, 3am. I usually roll into the office between 5 and 6.
AYe that is early. I am sure things will be fine today.
It's not like I'm every actually away anyway.
Alright, diving into rake with the debugger. I'm interested in getting the call chain, and I've just hit a method called "invoke_with_call_chain". This is promising.
Time to hookup Devise for the 4th time XD
Maybe someone should make a gem for that :D
There's no good way to do what I want: A rake task is never told what the call chain was. This will need a monkey patch :(
Uh oh..Monkey Patching sounds dangerous XD
I try to avoid it.
Aye. I've only come across it in the lesson a month or so back.
This isn't something I ever thought I'd see in Ruby: class InvocationChain < LinkedList
What's odd about that, bad inheritance?
Oh Rake has a LinkedList implementation? :)
Java memories are getting back to me now ;)
A copy of Gender has been removed from the module tree but is still active! derp.
I rather have a memory leak in my application than this error >_> Time to find the offending code
@fivedigit Yeah. It seems like an odd optimization... the call chain is never going to be all that large.
@fivedigit I don't recall ever seeing an error like that...
I'm probably having a Gender instance stored in a class variable somewhere. But it's terrible to find these :)
It could also be indirect
Googling.... oh, yuck. Optimization, as usual. The source of most pain.
Alright. Gems updated, a little work on the side project. I guess I'll clean up and go to my day(ish) job.
Oh now my blog is getting traffic for Saturday's post :)
That was me. I had an outdated tab which I refreshed out of... well, for no good reason. Just to see that the text still showed up.
Ah I see a Phoenix. And a Malmo and Moscow but I doubt the latter two are you as well ;)
No, I don't use botnets to hit blog pages.
Fair enough ;)
On the legacy project, I was cleaning up old branches and found some commits from 2013 that I thought were lost. The merge is a mess, but I want these changes.
I renamed lots of files in that branch, and they've since changed. I'm going to need to undo the renames, do the merge, and then rename again.
Ouch o_O
It's worth it. It's a feature I abandoned in 2013 because instructions came down from on high to not make any enhancements to the legacy system, but it's 2015 and the guys who use the legacy system are still wanting this feature. So I'm going to sort of accidentally recover this branch and merge it into master.
"accidentally recover" haha :)
Has anyone used mailgun.com?
why isn't it friday already sigh
I evaluated (not used) mailgun, along with some other companies, for potential use by my company. Let me bring up my notes.
Can always pretend it's Friday today. But then I'd have to pretend working on a Saturday tomorrow. Then I rather have a Monday ;)
My notes say I liked mandrill better than mailgun, but mailgun was a close second. Mandrill won on docs, pricing, and openness.
Hello, welcome and good morning.
I have a question regarding method organization in Active Records
I am coming from Java and I am not used to get all sorts of methods for free
such as <<
Let say you have customer.reviews << my_review
that will add the review to the customer reviews, but if I want to add validation logic I need to use callbacks?
Is that right?
In Java I would have created a method like addReview(Review review) and it would have validation logic.
You want to run run checks to determine if you want to add that review to the customer's reviews?
And customer is an ActiveRecord object which has_many :reviews?
Yes, that is correct.
It is an example, I am looking for the correct way to encapsulate business logic in the model layer since you get a lot of methods for free by ActiveRecord
I think it's better to keep business logic out of models, but I'm no expert... I'm working on one project where we're using the DCI pattern to do that, but we haven't decided whether we really like that or not.
The review being added will have its customer attribute changed and then validations will be run on the review before it's saved. So you could get away with a simple validation on the review object, but it depends on the type of checks you'd want to do.
So where do you put your logic?
In two places: In "Context" classes, which encapsulate user stories, and in mixin modules that the context classes mix in to the models as needed. The idea is that you can have business logic in the models, but it's not defined in the model class... it's defined in the same file as the context class.
I'm just trying it out, and I'm not convinced it's the best way. What I do know is that on a previous project where we shoved all the business logic into the models, the models became morbidly obese and practically moribund.
An imaginary requirement: customers must have 150 points before adding a review. I automatically get the << method. I must use validation callbacks here?
Our project is medium to large sizes, and we're dividing the logic between models, service objects (which are kinda like the context classes), forms and different types of decorators.
If I add a method add_review that has the logic it will leave the << open with no validation.
Though if you'd enforce that validation on <<, you could never anywhere in your code in any way add a review to a customer with less than 150 points. Maybe this is more of an authorization thing.
If they've got less than 150 points, they should never see the review form anywhere. And if they try, they should be denied adding a review. I'd enforce it at a higher level.
Ahh, forget the example
I am looking for an answer to where and how to enforce business rules
when active record adds magic methods
Right. It does depend on the type of rule ;) A straight answer to your question would be to either do that validation, or extend the reviews relation and override the <<method. This should work:
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :reviews do
    def <<(review)
      customer = proxy_owner

      super if customer.can_haz_reviews?
But I have never used that myself.
Hehe, lolcat spelling.
The last approach does make it really hard to communicate any type of error back to the user in a Rails way though.
I've accidentally rebased that two-year old branch, and some tests might be accidentally passing.
Nice! ;)
I want Jim Weirich back, dang it.
I didn't have time to shower this morning. I feel so gross
I hate that feeling.
hmm i once worked with a guy that did that regulary and he used to keep these man wipes on him
man wipes?
think of them like baby wipes but 4 times the size for guys to wipe themselves if they didn't have time to shower etc
refresh-wipes i think they're called
Spotify feeds me Ruby by the Kaiser Chiefs XD
embrace the greese
be one with greesy
then you'll never have to shower again
@XavierAkram all your UI mockups done on paper?
Nothing beats paper! I love that you put them on your portfolio website too :)
wireframes? well i do them on all sorts of things
thanks, thats hella outdated
last time i updated that was like 2 years ago lol
but paper yes, but only to make it quick and dirty
for myself i just sketch, for clients i sketch and then wireframe using axure
Yea they look great, I've always used paper...wonder if people use digital things these days.
oh for huge projects i use axure
i have other 9000+ wireframes for this current project
I will check that out
axure is a bag of **** i hate it, but it's what's industry standard
if you want to just get something easy to use for yourself there are plenty of freebie online wireframing tools you can use
I have tried a few out but don't like the feel of them compared to pen and paper
Perhaps I will setup a grid background and then just use Wacom
well depends what you're doing it for
Pretty sure adobe has 1 or 2 out there
xavier you focused more on UX or web design?
Adobe has 0
Thought I saw one
One sec, if creative cloud ever loads I'll name it
@cleong long story short i'm a UX Lead now but i started as a UI Designer then Front-End Developer
:D Cheers buddy
oh you mean Muse?
No idea
i tried that a while back it's a bag of **** too
Haha :)
whats your process for UX?
the hardest thing is keeping upto to date re-usable libraries
cleong now you're asking me, i couldn't explain it over typing but it all depends on the client
different businesses have a different applied model
okay i see
@cleong this is a very good book if you are interested
thanks i'll check it out
I would send ya the PDF but only have printed copy
i took UX in school, it seemed like "mature" UX process was one that included users very early on but i feel like thats not how it's done in industry
ya i got no idea what a 'mature' process is
we just put our users first and balance commercial viability with usability
Isn't "mature" a code-word for "does things my favorite way?"
well then in the eyes of my wife i'm certainly not "mature"
this is basically what we learned + having users early on to make suggestions about design youtube.com/watch?v=M66ZU2PCIcM
@Cereal yep, i tried it early on wasn't impressed totally forgot about that
Yeah, their edge products are beta afaik
i like edge animate D
I don't like responsive design so I've never used it
I also can't design in the first place
all i will say is design is a very cheap skill to buy
development is a very expensive skill to buy
development > design
Yeah, but when you're making your own stuff, it's like "Okay, sick backend... and bootstrap! =D"
When you're making your own stuff you can just buy a template
for the Backend and hire someone to design the FE
that's where i always struggled was making the backend
Backend's ezpz
Design super hard
okay lets trade skills
plugs in the link cable
i feel like five will intercept our skills
and keep them himself
I actually have all the technical knowledge for front end. I know javascript, html, and css. I can't for the life of me male something aesthetically appealing though
Start with basic color theory
And I do front end like every day
It just looks very bland
can you send a screenshot or link to an example?
That's what I always do. Steal from different sources and let it evolve. XD My previous blog design was horrible
Using bootstrap and I stole a theme from bootswatch.com
honestly thats what most designers do
and because we been stealing for so long we develop our own styles
then continue to steal
it's a vicious circle
designer A steals from Z who then improves A's which in turn is then stolen by Z and improved by Z ...
You can lose inspiration as a designer, you have to constantly be looking at things. Different angles, trying to find inspiration, etc.
well in the commercial world a designers job is hella tedius
it's 90% of the time pixel pushing
its why i fell out of it
I am bias from 3D work but I believe fine-arts is a must
as an artist in general rather
@Cereal it looks ok BUT! why are you using so many coloured backgrounds
try applying white to all those reds
makes the text hella hard to read
@XavierAkram It's color coded for the result of the vote. Red = guilty, yellow = unsure, green = innocent
if you scroll down you can see it
How would you do it?
then i would suggest you over-ride the default colours with something darker and use white text
or use an error label
or an icon?
a vote outcome column, because you have so much colours its too much for my eyes to process
Icon would be good.
Good idea
font-awesome that bad-boy
@Cereal save this website color.adobe.com it will help you
@JonathanMusso I actually use that for guild wars 2 dye jobs >.>
ah that's the new Kuler
Writing an app to convert palettes from there into dyes in gw2 actually :/
I see you are pro SC 2 player heh
that's the last thing i designed
and that's a white back
Trello did a good implementation of a colour blindness adaptation
^ that is very important @WayneConrad
@JonathanMusso I play that game entirely too much. I'm top 500 na at the very least
have you seen them on labels ?
@Cereal awesome, I haven't played much since first year of release. In D3 last year was playing with top 5 on NA ladder. We ended up playing with Deadmouse lol he started his own clan.
@JonathanMusso Right on
The only problem with my sc2 habit is other games kinda suck in comparison. I take a couple months break every year or so because Iget sick of it and that's like the only time I play my backlog
Ya I hear ya. Same thing for me with Diablo II. Nothing has compared to it IMO, so I just lose interest in new games. I bought a few off the Steam Summer sale to try out so we shall see.
@XavierAkram Nice! Did you design the icons as well?
I shoulda been grandmaster this season, but I stopped playing at the start of it. Made the push when it opened, was first in masters but fell asleep. Didn't play since >.>
:p highest I went was Diamond
and that was in the beta haha
@JonathanMusso just the middle logo, everything else was from icon packs
you guys know of the nounproject?
Either way well done. @XavierAkram ah no first time seeing this, interesting, thanks.
@JonathanMusso Should check it out again when legacy of the void comes out. They've made a lot of economy changes in the beta. Start with 12 workers, base mineral count reduced. Speeds up the game a lot
Will do, that expac looks cool.
Coming out this year?
No release date as of yet
It's very early in beta. Don't even have ranked play yet. No UI changes
if (_user.Type.ToLower().Equals("admin") || _user.Type.ToLower().Equals("satisloh")) {
     WarningIntervalTextBox.ReadOnly = false;
if(!_user.Type.ToLower().Equals("admin") && !_user.Type.ToLower().Equals("satisloh")) {
    //MonthlyClickCommitTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
    //NumWorkingDaysTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
    DayReplenDueTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
^ Who lets me program
Why did 4 years ago me think this was a logical thing to do
it is kinda redundant
I could just be an else.
for starters, don't use Java :-)
doesn't C# have == for strings? Laaame :-)
@JanDvorak Needless to say, I came from a java background when I made this app
doesn't java have else? Laaame :-D
My programming learning went Java -> Actionscript -> C# -> Javascript -> Ruby
With c++ and c in there somewhere
Also VB and quick basic
and some php and python
and cobol
and lua
Everything kind of exploded after java
look into Haskell
haskell is getting alot of hype lately eh
Oh I needed to ask you guys - my friend has built an HTML/JS game with a framework. He is looking to incorporate Multiplayer functionality at some point. Can I build this with Ruby/Rails?
Yes. Node.js is also an option
@Cereal that's an impressive tech-stack man
That's what happens when you don't have friends
how about us?
You enable my unhealthy consumption of programming languages
When I find that one of the our devs has checked in commented-out code, and there's nothing there explaining why, I just delete it. There shall be no commented-out code without an explanation (or better yet, if it's code that is sometimes needed, make it legit instead of having it hide in the shadows like a thief).
No need for commented out code when you have version control!
If I find that a dev is cherry-picking and reverting code in order to turn it on and off, there's going to be a conversation about it :)
no need for version control when you have commented out code! runs
That's acceptable-ish. Better, anyhow.
@Cereal looks like i need to lose some friends and get some of that unhealthy consumption
class Boss
  Again = SimpleStruct :again
  def decides_to x; Again.new x; end
boss = Boss.new

You've created the perfect boss: It almost always says "yes."
should I use method_missing and allow any adverb?
In for a penny, in for a pound.
gents, is there a downside to using lots of gems?
Yeah. Weight
The more gems, the more likely they'll get tangled up in each other's dependencies.
i thought that was the case
I need to update this gem, but one of its direct or indirect dependencies is pinned by another gem I'm using... etc.
version hell?
is that a frequent problem for rubyists?
It's not too bad usually.
That's why you should always use min-version dependencies
@JanDvorak Thanks. I am itching to learn Node.js at some point. If I use Ruby/Rails anything specific I need to look for?
you probably want real-time server->client communication, meaning you want websocket support
other than that, anything that can accept HTTP connections "will do"
github.com/imanel/websocket-ruby ok I will bookmark this. Thanks man!
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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