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Q: Tools for creating call graph for Ruby application?

Nikita  LuparevI am looking for tools that create call graph for Ruby applications, like this https://pycallgraph.readthedocs.org/en/master/ but unfortunately it's for Python. Anything that could help me analyze unfamiliar code easily would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Quick question about 'yield' in ruby. That just evaluates the block after the method called, if there is one. correct?
Yes. Yield calls the block; yield's result is the result of the block.
If there is no block, yield raises an exception.
and yield(@foo) stores that result in foo? reverse engineering some crazy code here -.- lol
No. That passes @foo as an argument to the block.
def foo
foo { |x| p x }
This prints 2
Awesome, thanks @WayneConrad :D
Glad to help.
That's exactly like taking a callback parameter in js. Can you do function as argument in ruby?
Yes, very much so. There are many ways to do it.
First, you can make a block into an explicit rather than implicit parameter:
Please show me!
def foo(&block)
foo { |x| p x }
# prints `2`
Oops my caps lock was on
Second, you can pass a callable thing to a function. A lambda is callable, so let's do that:
def foo(f)
l = ->(x) { p x }
This prints 2, because even numbers are awesome.
well I've learned enough for today... time to go home
Aww. I was just getting started. Have a good one, @Jared
I don't actually get to leave... only 10 am here ;)
Fuser is listening, though. So I can go on.
You can turn a method into a callable thing using the method method:
def foo(f)

def bar(x)
  p x

# prints `2`
Great examples. Thank you.
You're welcome! That was fun.
and how often do you use that in your daily code @WayneConrad?
Not daily. Maybe weekly.
Those specific tricks, not that often. Passing around callable code as an object, daily.
If you've ever used an around hook in rspec, you've dealt with code-as-an-object.
now time to go learn about around
I'll show you. Let's say there's a file you want to have open during the test run, but close it after.
around do |example|
  File.open('/some/file') do |file|
    @file = file
Your block is passed to the around function. Rspec saves that block. Then, for every example, it calls the block, passing it some more runnable code... the example itself. Your block at some points tells the sample to run.
Oh, oh, I gotta show you this. You probably already use this. You can turn callable things into blocks using the & operator:
def foo
  yield 2
l = ->(x) { p x }
# prints `2`
Here we have a function that expects a block, but we don't have a block.. we have a labmda, a callable things. The & operator will turn that into a block.
@WayneConrad How would I make this accept another parameter?
With blocks, you get only one. If you want to pass more than one runnable thing, then you use explicit arguments and pass in lambdas or other callable things.
There's a SO question about this. Let me go dig it up.
Okay. But if, instead of call block.call(2) I want to make it call block with one of foo's parameters, what is the syntax?
def foo(n, &block)
foo(2) { |x| p x }
# prints `2`
LOL thanks.
@WayneConrad This is great! LOL @ method method. Weird that you have to do something to make a method into a callable why is that?
That's because the Ruby syntax for calling a method is to just name the method. If Ruby used parentheses to indicate a method call, then you could use the bare method name to refer to the method itself.
Python takes that approach: Parens for a method call, no parens to refer to the method itself.
We call methods very often, but refer to them seldom, so Ruby's choice of no parens for method calls, at the expense of needing something special to refer to a method, is a good one.
Yes javascript does that one.
Do you have any more related tricks? This is fun.
Yes, one more that ties them all together.
[1, 2].map do { |e| e.even? }
#=> [false, true]
That's not the example... we're just working up to it. Do you understand that code?
@WayneConrad So in this one, it's relying on the trick that there's always an implicit block parameter that you don't show in the method signature. I'm guessing that yield implicitly takes the implicit block and you're passing the 2 to that implicit block. Correct?
@WayneConrad Yes. Verily.
@Fuser97381 Correct
You may know that you can shorten that to:
[1, 2].map(&:even?)
How this works is very cool. The & operator turns a callable thing into a block argument. It does that by first call #to_proc on the argument. Symbol#to_proc dynamically creates a proc that takes one argument, and calls the method with the same name as the symbol, passing it that argument.
That's a very dense explanation, so please ask questions.
So, essentially, the result of :even?.to_proc is Proc.new { |e| e.even?}.
@WayneConrad What's a proc?
A Proc is a very close relative to a lambda. They're so close that I don't even remember how they differ. They both wrap up some code that you can pass around as an object and call later.
So as far as vaguely callable type things, there are:
* proc
* lambda
* method
* block
Actually, just three. The method method actually returns lambda or proc (I forget which).
Q: When to use lambda, when to use Proc.new?

Michiel de MareIn Ruby 1.8, there are subtle differences between proc/lambda on the one hand, and Proc.new on the other. What are those differences? Can you give guidelines on how to decide which one to choose? In Ruby 1.9, proc and lambda are different. What's the deal?

Oh god no, my brain!
Sorry. My brain melts a bit at this point, too.
You can define your own callable things, too.
    def foo
      yield 2

    class Bar
      def to_proc
        proc { |x| p x }

    # prints `2`
proc is an alternate to Proc.new. They both do the same thing.
Wow... return from within a nested proc will return for the whole method. Interesting.
Oh, right. I had forgotten that.
Because a block is really a proc. Check this out:
def foo(&block)
  p block.class

foo {}
# prints `Proc
And when you return from a block, you want it to return from the method within which the block was defined.
I'm glad you're asking these questions. I'm re-learning some important things I forgot.
So here foo {}, the {} is defining an empty block, not an empty hash?
How does the interpreter know?
Because that's what foo expects?
Or because it's the last argument?
Because it's not inside parentheses. foo({}) passes an empty hash. foo {} passes a block. foo({}) {} passes both an empty hash and a block.
Oh I didn't know that. So to pass an empty hash, you must use parentheses. I hadn't known that. I might have made that mistake before without knowing.
Ruby is such an old language. You always turn up SO answers from ages ago. I'm really not used to that. Everything else I use is much newer.
2008! Crazy.
The worst part is that is has changed a lot since its been more widely adopted, so anyting from even 2013 is probably crazy out of date
My first programming job used a language invented in 1957. The version of it I used came out in 1961.
Anything referring to Ruby 1.9 or later is still current, at least for Ruby semantics.
If you count being a TA, my first job was marking assignments written in C and Fortran, which are both pretty old. It does seem like Ruby had some changes in 1.9 that make a lot of the older posts out of date.
Yes, there are some big changes between 1.8 and 1.9. Not so many big changes since.
... my first job was Java, so i'm like 90s :P
FORTRAN IV for me. It seems like a long time ago. Probably because it was.
1978, I think.
oldest language i've used it Scheme/Prolog. But i can't imagine an enterprise codebase using those
That's pretty cool, though, having experience in them.
Prolog was fun being all logical you more or less made fancy state machines
Scheme though gave me a burning hatred towards parenthesis :P
heroku is a pita!
At least its nicer than locally hosted cloud platforms >.>
everytime I push to heroku something is broken! haha the nooby struggles
Yea, hopefully once you get past the initial setup you won't have to touch it too frequently, just your code base
I just started the associations section of the course. So now that you can login and create a post, it will show which user created it, how many comments, etc. Works fine locally, pushed to Heroku, migrated the DB and now I have view errors on the posts#index.
is it saying no object or method for something you just migrated? I have to deploy twice with my local setup if the DB is touched -.-
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `posts' for #<#<Class:0x007fd36a111c10>:0x007fd36a110518>): yes
wonder if I should clear the database, because prior to this it was using the usernames that you guys signed up with before the associations
hmm I think that worked
you guys can register now, should take a minute to get authentication e-mail. you can view posts here jonathanmusso-bloccit.herokuapp.com/posts and make a new post here jonathanmusso-bloccit.herokuapp.com/posts/new
My OOP design skills suck. I always end up with some variation of a MainLoop class. That always feels wrong.
OK, now it's a MainProcessing class and a DivertProcessing class. The "ing" is a signal that "business logic lives here"
MainProcess and DiversionProcess. Fixed
I like.
You need to be around more when I name things. See to it, please. ;)
Will do. Once my ears start ringing i'll know that the world needs my naming conventions!
Ew. Just found a place where I'm using an exception for flow control. What the heck is wrong with me?
I keep doing things that I know better
raise, or throw?
Yeah, it should be throw/catch instead of raise/rescue.
Although throw/catch are implemented using exceptions, they signal intent differently.
Oh, can't fix that yet. It's in the part of the code that has no unit test coverage (a problem I'm fixing today).
I don't even unit test. But that's mainly because usually I'm the sole user of my "apps"
When my apps malfunction, someone calls me to make me fix them. My #1 goal in life is for them not to call me.
Sounds legit. Is there a good personal project I should take that would teach me proper unit testing?
"teach me" = "force me to use and learn a lib for"
I think you want to try some exercises in test first programming: you write a line of test first, then you write the code to make it pass. Then another line of test that fails, then adjust the code to make it pass.
I found this, but I don't know if it's any good. It's got the right title: testfirst.org
I'll take a look, thanks.
Please let us know if it's useful.
Is that a... video tutorial? Ew.
Ew. Sorry. I didn't realize.
Video tutorial + one example project (or something) downloadable, perhaps related to the video + a chat room + an about page that includes links to four libraries.
OK, maybe keep looking. It looks like it's focused on learning the language at the same time, so it'll probably move too slow.
I'll just pick some random task I come up with and open an RSpec documentation.
If you were here, I'd just show you. Half an hour and you'd know it.
Syntax is easy to learn and I know the theory behind unit testing. I just want to get used to it.
The Mike Hartl tutorial does a good job of putting TDD at the forefront. Just a lot of fluff in it that comes with learning rails
I could use some Rails tutorial. Thanks
you'll end up making your own Twitter clone
2 hours later…
is there a way to set a before_action in a controller.. that excludes a method... in other words I know you can do this before_action :method_to_call, only: [:show, :edit, :update]
and it will only take place with those methods
is there a way to do something like...
before_action :method_to_call, !only: [:index]
so that it happens before all methods except index
I think the option might be called except
ill give it a shot
works, guess i should have delved a little deeper
I can't believe I knew that. I'm not a rails guy, and my memory is awful.
It kinda confused me that it's the same key as a ruby keyword
@WayneConrad I AM BACK!
What's the keyword for catching exceptions?
lol what does it mean when you have to do this with your API response:
law of demeter violation?
@Nima have you tried CSS?
lol im talking about an API response.. like if the API is giving a JSON object so deeply nested..
clearly a smell
@JanDvorak begin...rescue...ensure...end. And I think that else comes in there somewhere, but I never use it.
rescue... oops, sorry
I think it's try...except...finally in Python
@Nima Welcome back!
i've been on a break
just got back, starting my new job on friday lol
i guess this was kinda a break for you as well lol without me constantly disturbing you
Oh, pah. You're fun to have around.
you know i was playing around with APIs of a game and it returned an object which had a structure like: toCheck[1].children[0].children[1].children[0].children
do you think that is a sign of a smell in the system?
law of demeter violation maybe?
I like "suggestion of Demeter," but yes.
I also heard the term "one dot rule"
There might want to be an actual first-class, non primitive object that you can ask questions.
wayne i was reading that..lol
It didn't make any sense
Let me try again.
Arrays and Hashes are great for moving data around in a program. However, look for behaviors that could be moved into the hash or array. If you find one, wrap that hash or array in a class and put the behavior there.
i see
It's easy not to notice that the hash or array would be better as a regular class, because there may be on 3 lines of code over here that search it, and 5 lines over there that print it, and so on. It doesn't seem like much.
To be trite, OOP is about Objects. Love your objects.
i mean when GET/USER/1 returns an JSON object which is like:
If that's the only thing you're doing with it, that's fine.
As soon as you start getting multiple pieces of data out of it, or doing anything complicated, wrap that JSON in a class.
right right
My belly is so happy. Chino Banditos for lunch. I won't need dinner tonight.
sounds good
It's Chinese Mexican Jamaican food. It's wonderful.
Chinese Mexican Jamaican food... law of demeter violation right there
And to make it better, I'm making some progress on the code I was stuck on.
Doing some test-first programming, yay. I'm often awful at that, but I'm having good success right now.
I think I hate logging. You gotta have it, but it sure dirties up the code.
lol indeed
i have been playing ubisoft.com/en-CA/game/far-cry-4 for the past 2 weeks lol
I've been playing Brahm's Lullaby for the past 2 weeks, in two different styles. I finally got it, so moving on to Ghost Riders in the sky.
I think I've learned a new way to practice that will make it easier to learn a song. I hope.
That wonderful time of day when you think, "I'm too tired to do this," and then you realize that it's because you've been there for 9 hours and should, by all rights, just go home.
yes wayne
go home!
@WayneConrad.....Lol...you just made my evening
I'm glad you liked it. My favorite so far is "What have you tried so far?" "I have tried to ask on Stackoverflow"

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