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with some workaround if I alter **"column positions" **of PostgreSQL , does that affect my rails migrations and models (created earlier)?
2 hours later…
@learner It shouldn't be a problem, after all the same columns are still present in the same tables.
Thank you @fivedigit
Inside recovery.rb(model) I have implemented some logic, and at the end it contains some variables with data like, interest_to_be_paid, principle_to_be_paid, amt_not_paid_prev_month etc Now how can I insert these data to recoveries table? Should I call Recovery.create(interest_to_be.....) from inside Recovery model itself ? Or how can I pass these variables to controller ?
hi guys
i need your help
i am using Net::FTP
to upload and delete file in my server
i want to know, that if delete 1gb file using ftp how long will it take
delete, or delete? Most servers (or anything) tell the filesystem to unallocate a bit of disk space, but they don't go the extra mile to overwrite said unallocated space with random data beforehand
so this can be done with few sec
so it
depends on size right
1 hour later…
i also need to know how to convert byte to Megabyte in ruby
can anyone help me
1 hour later…
@WayneConrad thanks please feel free to answer! And anyone else feel free to answer as well!
Q: Sudoku app for Ruby

magdI have written a Sudoku app for Ruby. This is my first attempt at coding in Ruby so there are sure to be lots of way to optimise it or make it more efficient. To summarise the code: it takes an input file of a Sudoku problem in the format comma separated row, column, value of the initial Sudoku ...

3 hours later…
Good morning.
Hi all
Actually I'd be happy to throw away $100 to not have to do this torture. From Hell's heart, this expense report spits at me.
That must be the company's goal... make it so painful that we'll cave and not ask for the money back.
Hehe, always fun isn't it Wayne?
Heh, yeah.
1 hour later…
Incase anyone wants to become better at OOP, here is Sandi Metz's latest talk. My fav one from RailsConf youtube.com/watch?v=LdWMcs9EEOE&t=7h37m33s
Talks about inheritance and when its incorrectly used and Null-object Pattern
Sweet. I need something to distract me from how bad I am at OOP.
basically if you use "if ... else ..." you could be better at oop :P
@Jared have you ever used the Devise gem?
for a small test project i used it, but not too intensively
have you ever encountered this error with anything ? Errno::ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused - connect(2)):
What is it in relation to?
Yes working on my Reddit clone for school project. Everything works in development, my host was set to localhost:3000. I since pushed to Heroku here jonathanmusso-bloccit.herokuapp.com
I had to change my production code github.com/jonathanmusso/Bloccit/commit/… but now I receive that connection refused error
1 hour later…
how do i check if a number is even in ruby
number % 2 == 0 should work
If you don't know, %, is modulus which returns the remainder when the number is divided by the parameter. In this case the remainder for all even numbers is 0. Everything else returns 1
2.even? #=> true
I always forget numbers are a class... damned java polluting my mind hehe
Which episode? If episode 1, maybe you just have a really discerning little girl on your hands. If it was Empire, then I can't help you :) — Dancrumb 27 mins ago
when does it return A in this code, why is there no condition for A
def grade(num_books, reads_books)
  if reads_books
    return "C" if num_books <  10
    return "B" if num_books <= 20
    return "A"
    return "D" if num_books <  10
    return "C" if num_books <= 20
    return "B"
return C, and return B lines, will not get evaluated if their conditions are not met. So they will keep flowing down. So if num_books is >20 it will always all down to return A
assuming it gets into that block with 'reads_books' evaluating to true
Hey Jared, for the issue I am having. Should I include all of the Devise code to make a stack overflow question? Or just the dev and production environment files and the stack error be enough?
If the only change you made was that default_url then that is what I would focus on.
not sure how heroku handles mailers so I'm not too much help
No problem, ok yeah so the two environment files should be enough to start..I hope. Can always edit it I guess.
Thanks pal
given a string lets say " The blue shirt goes with your blue shoes" how can i replace each instance of blue to black
Q: Rails Devise pushed to Heroku: Errno::ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused - connect(2)):

Jonathan MussoI am working on my school assignment. At this stage I have implemented Devise for authentication. The whole project works fine locally for me. When I pushed to Heroku this is another story. Here is the link to the app. http://jonathanmusso-bloccit.herokuapp.com/ The first time I tried to run the...

what is wrong with this code
def add_more_ruby(string)
result = string.sub('sad', "happy")
return result

def add_more_ruby("i am very sad to be sad")
nothing? you get 'I am very happy to be sad' right?
Sandy is so good she makes me want to burn my keyboard and go get a job flipping burgers.
She's so nice that it would make her sad to hear that, so shh.
i'm going to tell her to come in this room and scold you >.>
The urge to burn my keyboard only lasts a moment. Then I want to go rewrite everything I've ever written.
Yea, i'm still in the afterglow of "i can fix this all right now!" I'm sure the realworld will kick in soon
Anyone here ever used Goliath? Debating using it for an api app
Howdy, five.
A: ActionNotFound (The action 'index' could not be found for CompaniesController):

fivedigitAdd the index action (which is just a method) to your controller like the error message suggests: class CompaniesController < ApplicationController def index end end Read the Rails documentation for more information on how controller basics work.

For some reason those obvious answers always attract quite a score compared to very interesting questions with very interesting answers
Maybe the people like to have very interesting questions needing very interesting answers are more likely to figure it out themselves.
That's a good point, yes
A very interesting point
Here's an example of the kind of insanely specialized questions I sometimes ask:
Q: NASM: emit MSW of non-scalar (link-time) value

Wayne ConradI am attempting to define a constant IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table) entry in NASM, and to do so, I need to emit into a data table the high word of a double-word address that is not resolved until link time. Is there a way to do it? Here's the interrupt handler: ;;; Interrupt 3 (breakpoint) h...

:) I've been answering some interesting older questions somewhere last year. I've only gotten rep for them, once or twice or so. This would support that theory :)
And continuous rep for an answer on a new rails 4 feature. A more obvious question.
Most of my ill-gotten booty is from very simple answers to very simple questions.
A non-zero amount of it was from simple reputation... um... (another word for the act of being a street walker).
I made some headway @Jared. it appears the issue is linked to the confirmation e-mail
I've looked briefly at your question @JonathanMusso, but what are you currently stuck on?
After pushing my project to Heroku it will not work, at first the host was not set for Production which I have since added in. I removed the :confirmable in the User model now, which lets me go to the next page in the app. So something on the production side is causing me errors when sending the email I think
You've only configured SendGrid on development according to your initializer though
Was that it @JonathanMusso?
@fivedigit Looks that way yes. Thanks!
Cool :)
What an unpleasant person :D
They're not too impressed with him in the Python room either.

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