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Ahh, ok lol
Bored bored bored
Just hammering out some art styles for a multiplayer HTML game a friend and I are making. Going to use Ruby for the game server!
Cool. Rails or something else?
Rails I think, my mentor told me it doesn't matter what is used in the backend. Node.js isn't required. Since I am learning Ruby and Rails...may as well :D
It's a good choice
Aye, think so. Won't be for a while yet.
Going to use the Phaser framework for the game logic though.
First try, superblock not found...
This is not the easy victory I was hoping for
I'm shrinking a filesystem
I need to turn the partition's unused space into another partition into which I will do a 64 bit install.
ah, linux?
Yep. Switching to 64 bit
Great! Which distro?
The data is still there. If I restore the partition table, it's good. Hmm.
I haven't used Debian, does it have good hardware support?
actually I have Kali installed on VM, Debian based I believe
Pretty good in my experience.
Alright. File system resized, but not the partition. That part has me stumped. I'll get back to it tomorrow.
@Nima Howdy ho
THANK YOU for the kind words guys! @WayneConrad, @JonathanMusso, @Kneel-Before-ZOD :) i feel right at home!
hey wayne, sorry i couldnt get back to you sooner, i announced my departure at work today
glad to hear it buddy!
you can imagine how that went.. lol
boss nearly started sobbing ..
Saying goodbye is hard.
what kind of position did you leave?
team lead
but this was an opportunity i couldn't miss, my new company is a direct partner of IBM
lots of data manipulation in this job lol .. so @WayneConrad get ready for lots of questions hah
Will work for beer.
how about a virtual one?
Only virtual work for virtual beer
alright im off 2 bed ladies/gentlemen . see you all in the AM. have a good night, morning, evening
See ya tomorrow
peace nima
9 hours later…
grumble grumble stupid file system
FAT32 being a bully? ;)
ext3. I've shrunk the file system, but I can't seem to shrink the partition without making the file system unreadable. This should not happen.
This answer made me wince. In the absence of any explanation, it's poor advice:
A: Rails - how to store large numbers like 100000076685963

sameera207try float t.float :fb_uid And seems like this is something to do with facebook (probably facebooker) and assuming these numbers will not use as arithmetic operations, you could probably use just string t.string :fb_uid HTH sameera

Yea, floats are only fun if you want 'faster' math with less accuracy
Heh, @WayneConrad this is where I am at now. stackoverflow.com/questions/28907782/ruby-on-rails-seed-data Look at the initial comments XD
@JonathanMusso A slightly nicer way of doing Foo.where(attribs).first_or_create is to do Foo.find_or_create_by(attribs)
@Jared Okay thanks. So without writing any code in the .rb file you cannot check the table with Pry right?
Never used pry, but usually in debuggers you can just run commands just like IRB if you're at a breakpoint
so you could try Foo.all
Ok, thanks man!
1 hour later…
Is it possible to create an UI from a padrino application??
@saurabh Hello, welcome. I don't know. What is padrino?
Padrino is a Ruby Web framework
And what do you define as a "UI"?
I want to create few UIs, that is some console, where user can click on a button and start some task
SO I was thinking to create some simple HTML pages
I know with Rails this can be done, but from Padrino can this be done or I have to write a rails application
@saurabh here is a quick tutorial on how to make a blog site with Padrino. It covers everything from setup to UI www.padrinorb.com/guides/blog-tutorial
"console" and "HTML pages" are different things, but I think I know what you mean. Padrino says that it is for writing web applications, so it should be able to serve HTML pages that serve as a UI on the browser.
Thanks, I will check that
@saurabh I saw your SO question about it. The question is a little broad and may end up being closed.
Some of the problem is just a result of language difficulty, I think.
Aha. It looks like you need a different procedure to shrink a RAID partition. Alright... let's boot into the rescue disk and try it.
Arg. The units are killing me, because they're unstated. fdisk tells you what the physical block size is, and the logical block size, then it asks you how many blocks, without telling you whether it wants physical blocks or logical blocks. And over there, this app treat a block as 4096 bytes, and that other one as 4000 bytes, and this other one as 1000 bytes. Some of them tell you what they consider a block to be, and some don't.
are you on linux wayne?
Sure am
Maybe success...
possibly :P
Question... Do session variables persist between curl calls or is that just browser voodoo?
The Rails session persists between curl calls. The session can be backed by memory, or memcached, or database.
The client is issued a cookie which identifies the session; each request from the client contains that cookie; that's how the server knows which session in the session store to use.
Cool, thats what I was hoping :D
I finally got that partition resized. It turns out that for me, there are three sizes to change: The file system, the partition, and mdadm (Linux software RAID), which stores its own partition size and ignores the actual partition size. Who knew!
Well i bet that was a treat to go figure out
More than one wtf was uttered
2 hours later…
What's the benefit of using haml for angular templates?
better for source control maybe?
@Fuser97381 As opposed to what?
HTML which is the default for angular templates.
HAML is easier to work in. No closing tags, concise selection of classes and IDs.
And the con is that it is yet another thing you have to learn where HTML is generally accepted knowledge amongst developers
True. On the other hand, it's not very complicated.
Yea... its the only con i could think of :P
I think there are some alternatives to HAML now, some competitors. I haven't examined them.
I think slim is the biggest one in the Rails world. Supposedly more performant
For most of angular you spend more time worrying about ng-this and ng-that so I don't think that the class/id argument is worth much. I do think that using a format that enforces whitespace could make merges easier.
I like the look of slim. It's syntax is a bit more explicit than is HAML's.
what do you guys think of Crystal?
Guys I am just starting Rails. Building a "Reddit" clone. I have just got introduced to Pry which I am finding a little overwhelming. I have installed the "faker" gem to generate false data. For my assignment I had to create my own custom post which I did in 'seeds.rb'
title: "A Test Seed Post",
body: "seed seed seed"
I am supposed to locate this in Pry and then create a comment for it. How the heck can I view data already created?
@JonathanMusso I think Ruby/Rails IRC could help a bit more
@JonathanMusso execute rails c. This brings up a console in which you have access to your models.
@Apoph1s I don't know anything about it.
@WayneConrad crystal-lang.org
Compiled Ruby
Ruby syntax, with the efficiency of C
@WayneConrad Yes that is where I am now, the Rails console.
@JonathanMusso What do you want to do next?
@Apoph1s That could be interesting. I'll have to add it to the ever growing list of languages I want to try.
@WayneConrad These are the instructions mate.
Add a post with a unique title and body to seeds.rb.

Before creating a unique post, verify it exists in the database. Only seed the post if it doesn't.

Run rake db:seed a couple times, start your Rails console and confirm that your unique post has only been seeded once.

Repeat to create a unique comment and confirm that it is also only seeded once.
I have created the post in seeds.rb and ran 'rake db:seed'
Seed finished
255 posts created
503 comments created
A lot of these keep being made from the Faker gem every time I seed -.-
It's pretty amazing
@JonathanMusso I don't want to read that much ;) What is the next step you need to do?
run rails console and use Post.where(title: 'A Test Seed Post').count and that should be 1?
I confirmed Post.last was my post made. Now I need to add a comment
Yes @Jared, that returns 1.
well step two passes :D
[15] pry(main)> Post.last.comments.create(body: 'Seed comment') seems to have work. So now to actually make sure it is in the database I must exit Pry and rake db:seed again I think?
Yea, so instead of doing .count on it, just pull back .comments and make sure your debug comment is there
Thank you Jared,
No problem. I expect payment to arrive in the mail ;)
:D Liquor or beer? haha
.... yes...
^_^ brb guys
Thanks for stepping up, Jared. @JonathanMusso, I'm sorry I was short with you.
no probs... gave me an excuse to ignore my LDAP problem for a while :P
@WayneConrad is pretty busy, he is the most senior, we should all stop bothering him so much lol
I'm sitting here playing on the banjo waiting for an ISO image to finish downloading. So there's really no excuse for me to be testy with anyone.
you play banjo?
like from the south kinda thing? lol
I shouldn't use the word "play." More accurate words for what I do to the Banjo include "bother," "annoy," and perhaps "desecrate."
i have the next 2 weeks off
boss told me i dont need to show up lol
i feel like an out of job bum now
Is that an "escort you out the door" kind of thing, or a "take two weeks of pay without working as a kind of severence pay" kind of thing?
more like "thanks for your 2 weeks notice but take the time off instead of coming in, we already know you wont be focusing on the job anyway" lol
yea it was nice of him, kinda had a pizza party today
last day of the job, although not technically but i guess officially
Pizza, that's even better.
@Nima you will get another one (Pizza or Job) depending upon your performance :)
@AteqRana i sure hope so, on top of everything they offered me in the job, they also mentioned there is a monthly bonus
how long you joined your recent job you left ?
and NOT based on how much sales your bring
i only did a year here and immediately found out i needed a new job
because the salary was just not cutting it here and also the management was god awful, our COO was in toronto and we are in montreal
haha , you must not be a rails developer?
rails lead <<
yea.. lol
i was hired as a lead and everything i wanted to make design decision CEO our COO would step in and negate me
Great.. Best of luck Nima.. heading to bed catch you another day
haha you must be thankful they didn't ask you to do PSD to HTML/CSS
CEO: "how long we can get feature X working" ..
Me: "about 3 weeks or so depending on the workload"
CEO "have it done by tuesday"
oh they TRIED.
yea they went there..
i simply said i am NOT doing it
hmmm Last year my boss hired me as CTO and till now i'm doing everything even HTML... :)
i'm still in office
CTO means "We are too cheap to hire a team, so you we are just gonna throw everything at you"
100% true
But i do freelance alot....
i used to do that in my college days lol
even more.. My boss is in NY and i'm in Pakistan
one day he gave me the keys of office to open it on regular basis
BCZ i'm CTO .... lol
they have a head office in NY?
alright i gotta get outta here, cya all later guys
ok good to chat you Nima
catch all other guys later. !
Seya Ateq
later Nima

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