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Q: Exception is not correctly handling if the model validation fails

errakeshThis exception not handling this error. There is no question update template, after question update it will redirect to index page, but when the model validation got error while saving the below message is showing. def update begin programme.. ...... Question.save flash[:sussess] = "Questi...

2 hours later…
is it hard to get a python scripts to run within a rails framework? I have seen some solutions here on SO, but I wonder if it is actually practical or reliable?
should maybe more effort be put into making it homogeneous?
Hello everyone
I have a question I'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm trying to override the charset of my html.haml view from UTF-8 to ISO
I've tried to hard code the character encoding at the top of my view with # encoding: iso-8859-1
and also tried to convert it in the controller by overriding the charset of the respnse
that didn't work either. Not sure if I'm approaching this the right way...
@Vass No harder than running any other program. Ruby is pretty good at shelling out, execing, forking, etc.
@WayneConrad, great, good to know, there are some python libraries for stats which I want to use, and all I produce will be integrated into a rails framework
@Vass Oh, if it's a Python library (and not program), then you'll need to write a python program that invokes that library and dumps it output to stdout, a file, etc. Then your rails program shells to that program and reads the output.
@WayneConrad, it needs to print it out? is that not a high performance overhead?
There is one python script that will keep running and another used occasionally when a button is pressed.
should the outputs be made to a text file, stdout, or something else?
is the text file option really slow?
stdout is often easy, and faster than writing to a file. IO.popen makes it pretty easy to slurp up stdout from a script.
stdout is just the output from the irb analogue in python?
or can it be from a script?
how does ruby connect to the stdout of the python script?
a common buffer created?
@Vass You're in *nix and not Windows, right?
Anyone have some thoughts on how I might be able to override the cahrset in the meta tag of my rails view?
@Smooth Sorry, I'm not really a Rails guy
I want to change the charset to iso-8859-1 in the head's meta tag
yeah, its Linux
@Vass OK, good. It's done with *nix magic. Your program runs the script using IO.popen. IO.popen creates a pipe and connects the script's stdout to that pipe. You then read from that pipe. It's really easy.
output = IO.popen("/path/to/some/script", "arg1", "arg2") do |io|
^ something like that
1 hour later…
^ Or maybe not. The close_write might not be needed.
I want to use private constants in Ruby, but they're too much of a PITA.
1 hour later…
@WayneConrad, well, this is great, I didn't really understand stdout, or pipes, looks like magic. Was kinda hard to get my head around it. There weren't any layman analogies around to put it into another perspective, but I think that I 've got it.
When you do stdout from a script run in irb or the terminal/shell, it prints it out to the area it was started from. If from another process which started it, it feeds the stdout to it. and you can make a pipe as a type of level of execution where the output goes directly rather than temporarily stored elsewhere
@Vass Basically, yes.
1 hour later…
Hello everyone
I have a question: How to get module name within included block, in ActiveSupport::Concern ??

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