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Morning EU
2 hours later…
Q: why rails console always in replace mode?

errakeshrails console always in replace mode, when pressing "left arrow" the character get removed,the problem is exist after pressing "insert" button also. After Reload command also same issue is existing.

is rails console and pry are same functionality
@errakesh As far as I know, rails console is IRB. Pry is just an alternative to IRB
@Cereal is the pry will resolve my issue ?
I have no idea, you'd have to try it
I have a question
I have a class Base
module Site
  module Routes
    class Base < Sinatra::Application
      configure do
        set :views, 'app/views'
        set :root, App.root

        disable :static

        set :haml, layout_options: {views: 'app/views/layouts'}

      helpers Helpers
This works correctly with *unless* i use `class Account < Base`. I have a few other classes that do this and work fine. If I use `Account`, it get met with a boot error: `NameError: uninitialized constant Site::Routes::Base`.

Pretty sure it's because `Account` comes before `Base` alphabetically, and it's loaded before `Base` exists, but I don't know how to fix it.
Works if I require it inside the account file. Seems kind of hacky. I'm using Sinatra for the record
Hi guys, I am working on a Rails 4.1 app and I have put this in the something.css.scss file in the assets/stylesheets folder:

#collapseOption .nav-tabs li a:odd
However, the action I am trying on the query (ie display: none;) does not execute here..
While it is working fine with other queries..
Is this a valid css selection?
Thanks :)
@purezen I believe :odd is a jQuery selector, not a CSS selector
Use :nth-child(2)
If you're trying to hide the list items, you'll need to use #collapseOption .nav-tabs li:nth-child(2). If you include the a, it will only search for links inside the first li.
Hmm.. yeah. :odd seems to have been the problem.
I thought :odd was a CSS selector
Thanks there!
1 hour later…
@Cereal Check to see that Base isn't already defined by the framework.
@WayneConrad Changed the name to RouteConfig, same problem
@Cereal Another fine theory shot to heck by the available evidence :)
I'm moderately confused
Maybe account is the problem
Nope, sure isn't
I think your original analysis is correct: Sinatra must be loading the files in alphabetical order. Actually, what I would do is put require_relative statements in each file that needs another file, and not depend upon the load order at all.
So I'd go for more work, basically.
Hmm. Some of the other colonies are getting upset that I keep killing all the annoying natives.
I am trying to translate a line of code into english so I can be sure I know what its doing.

db = Mongo::Connection.new.db('sample-db')
means gem/library Mongo is being referenced
and the class Connection in the Mongo gem is being referenced
and a new Connection object is being created
the constructor of Connection
Find the class or module referenced by the symbol Mongo. Within it, look for the class called Connection. Call the ::new method, which in turn calls #initialize. ::new returns an instance of Connection. On that instance, call #db, passing it the string 'sample-db'. Take the result of that and assign it to db.
In English, "Make me a new instance of Mongo::Connection; from that, get me the database named "sample-db"
Very clear, thanks, but is Mongo a symbol in this line? is it interpreted as a symbol or name?
and that reference to a class or module exists because its present in:
require 'mongo'
Sorry, I used the wrong word. When I said "symbol Mongo," I should have said "constant Mongo"
And yes, it is present in the file loaded directly or indirectly by require 'mongo'
I wonder if I will go to programmer hell for defining the class Main in two different modules in my project.
programmer hell, I would like to see an image of that :P
That might be the place I'll be in next week when I read this code and say, "Who wrote this crap?"
Programmer hell might be full of bugs
My programmer hell would be full of: waterfall processes, pert charts, up-front design, estimates made by non-technical people, arbitrary deadlines, and managers who think that programming happens when you are typing.
And Windows
woooh , the last one, ouch
that one, just insane
so happy i got rid of windows on my desktop
Same here
once you have a bitbucket git repository set up, and made some branches in it, what do you have to do to add code to a branch?
do you set up in your shell that there is a particular addresss that all github commands go to ?
I know a little about github, but nothing about bitbucket
You are asking about both... is that a typo, or are they related in your question?
i am just clueless how to start anything with it
over this holiday I told myself to learn how to use git on bitbucket
looking at commands, feeling lost
part of programmer hell maybe :P
Do you know how to use git locally?
nope ^^
Hmm. I think I'd go looking for tutorials. I can help with git questions, but not bitbucket. A google search for "getting started with bitbucket" shows lots of hits.
yeahj, im seeing thm
too many things to learn at the same time :/
Git is a big subject, but you won't be sorry you tackled it. It is a transformative technology.
Have you considered learning git locally before taking on the remote server part?
haven't considered it
but might
all the tutorials speak about github or bitbucket
What VCS have you used?
long time ago
There's a google tech talk that Linux Torvold gave about git. I'd watch that before doing anything.
It's long, but enjoyable, and explains some things that the tutorials don't, some key concepts.
good idea
i like having solid concepts
seems like not knowing git is a big minus
The most important points: * git is inherently distributed. No node is more important than any other, but you can treat a node as the "server" and another as the "client" if you want.
Also, and nobody seems to explain this: git is garbage collected. When you delete a commit or a branch, it lives on until garbage collection happens. That means that if you accidentally delete something from a git repo, you can get it back.
I once called git a "chain saw with no safety features." But it comes with commands that let you find and reattach your arm without too much trouble.
cool, frankenstein^^
many limbs coming back
2 hours later…
@WayneConrad I've used such commands before
@Cereal Which commands?
@WayneConrad I don't remember exactly. I remember spending the day in a complete panic before finding an SO answer involving recovering files
Oh, commands for recovering lost files and commits from git. Yeah!
@Cereal things like git reflog and git cherry-pick <some sha1 hash you found in the reflog>
I shall name my capital "Foo".

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