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Hi, I am unable to download the gems under
instead, all the gems are placed under /Users/prashanth_sams/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p481/gems/

The interpreter set on Eclispe
points to the following gems location /Users/prashanth_sams/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/gems/bin/gems/
3 hours later…
what are some of the best Ruby books?
to me it seems like there are 3 categories of Ruby books; the newbie books/the advanced/the special area book like database stuff with Ruby
am i right?
Does anyone know a workaround for this? github.com/bundler/bundler/issues/3066
@CanVural Use linux/macosx? :P
I am. I hate windows :D I need my script to run on windows too. I am using a vagrant box for windows :D
And nevermind i found a way
I gave up trying to make ruby work on windows a long time ago :P
ended up dual booting
vagrant is cool. never had a problem
2 hours later…
rails g model Survey type:string source:string is returning Survey is already in use or reserved. I don't have any models yet and I'm not seeing it in a reserved list. What else would cause this message?
@Ryan Is your app name Survey too?
1 hour later…
@CanVural yes. I gave that a shot and changed from model Survey to model Response and it worked. Of course then I also got errors using type:string which I guess shouldn't so changed that to profession:string
i'm having a bit of a Rails- and Javascript-related problem... wondering if anyone here might be able to help
i have a file input field
@TeemuLeisti Sure. Just ask it. Someone will answer if they know.
the HTML looks like this:
<td class="field-value" bare_field="" colspan="1">
<input id="file_collection_upload_file_1" class="file" type="file" name="file_collection[upload_file_1]">
what i'm trying to accomplish is to have a button named "Clear" which would clear the input value from the file input
i've tried several things
I'm using JQuery, and marking elements with gray to see whether I'm finding the right element
the following piece of jQuery code does color the background of the file input, including the "Browse" button:
jQuery('html').find('.file').css('background-color', '#888');
but if I replace the "css(...)" function with "empty()", nothing happens
anyone have any ideas?
not many people on at the moment, i suppose
Try this:
all right, will do
ok, i tested the background coloring first, and it paints the file selection gray
now will try the clearing
YEsS! it worked!
Thank you!!!
coming to this chat was a good idea. :) thanks again, i've been struggling with this for a couple of hours.
cool, thanks
Star my comment if you liked it, please
yes i will
Why is that a good idea? This is ruby room :D
thank you!
You're welcome
err, since i got the answer :)
it's ruby and sometimes rails
and i'm doing this in rails
there was no one in the javascript room
and sometimes js haha
i tried that first
ok, gotta go back to coding.....
Have fun
@Vass That seems like a reasonable grouping
@WayneConrad cheers :)
Is it problem at my side, or Rails Tutorial doesn't work any more?
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
What should I do, clear history and cache maybe?
Works for me too
what is the best way to fill a subset of a multidimensional array with another multidimensional array?
@Vass Details needed
@WayneConrad o/
i have an array with 4dimensions
i have another of 2 dimensions
the last two dimensions of the first array are the same as the second
but then I do:
=> [[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4]]
irb(main):047:0> aa
=> [[[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4]]], [[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4]]], [[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4]]]]
which does not look right
@CanVural I tried like 20 times, cleared history and cache, and nothing :) What am i missing here?
=> [[4, 4, nil], [4, 4, nil], [4, 4, nil]]
irb(main):051:0> aa
=> [[4, 4, nil], [4, 4, nil], [4, 4, nil]]
@Vass Oh, I see the trouble.
@WayneConrad really? :P what is it?
You'll need to create aa differently. When you use Array(count, object), it places that object in each of the count elements of the array. The same object is in each element.
I thought that it was just like a multidimensional array, that I could index like a matrix
It is, but it places the exact same object in each element of the array.
Let's try something.
you can do that, but when you are creating your array, every position has the same object
ohhhhh!!!! with the same point reference??
so it is not independent separate duplicates??
oh man
This shows what's happening (run this in irb):
a = [1]
b = Array.new(2, a)
p b
a[0] = 2
p b
The fix it to use the form of Array.new where you pass it a block. Array.new will call the block to create each element of the array.
b = Array.new(2) do
b[0][0] = 2
p b
Or, for your specific case:
aa=Array.new(3) do
  Array.new(2) do
    Array.new(3) do
      Array.new(2, 0)
ok, is that the most concise way to do it?
You could use the {...} form instead of do...end and put it all on one line. That makes it shorter, but not more concise.
so by not putting the 'Array.new' for the new dimension within the parenthesis of the first array it is actually creating a 'new' array rather than a single reference object put in all the entries?
thanks again, it is a strong realization
i was so confused
Thanks for asking
equivalent of concerns in rspec? (DRYing up the code)
@PatsyIssa Shared examples and shared contexts, perhaps.
@claim.payment_reference = nil
              @claim.should_not be_valid

              @claim.payment_reference = "#ref212"
              @claim.should be_valid
For example i have that in ~20 tests
shared example looks like it
Either that, or a customer matcher.
with a customer matcher, you can write expect(@claim).to be_whatever_name_i_want_here
It's more of a testing validate_presence_of, the catch is we're using the state_machine gem
so it { should validate_presence_of } won't work
RSpec.shared_examples "a property" do |ele, prop, val|
  it "should validate_presence_of #{prop}" do
    ele.prop = nil
    ele.should_not be_valid

    ele.prop = val
    ele.should be_valid
Looks good?
Almost got it working, need to figure out how to pass @claim as the ele
@WayneConrad works like a charm cheers :D
@PatsyIssa Great!
195 LOC to 130 i can sleep well tonight :P
@PatsyIssa If I had my way, programmers would get paid extra when they reduced LOC without reducing clarity.
And a big office party when entire classes or libraries went away.
I m still refactoring, gonna end upwith less
turns out all I have to do is pass context for shoulda matchers to work
Have you ever used the state machine gem?
and the shoulda matcher gem
basically my problem was with validation inside states, I thought it had something to do with the state machine turned out to be context problems
Not sure if i made much sense :P
A little. No worries. I'm only half paying attention. I'm learning RabbitMQ. The company needs message queuing, badly.
90 loc :)
I m out have a good weekend guys :D
Take care.

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