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learning about using modules to structure an application....
Let's say I have
    module SomeApp
        class App < Sinatra::Base

    #other file
    module SomeApp
        module Helpers
            def some_helper
I'm having issues accessing SomeApp::Helpers inside SomeApp::App
there's a function called helpers that accepts a module to use as helpers for sinatra
So I need to pass it the Helpers module during initializing
However despite my best efforts, I can never seem to access the module properly.
I believe using Helpers inside SomeApp::App tries to access SomeApp::App::Helpers, when it should be SomeApp::Helpers? So I tried SomeApp::Helpers, but again, it didn't seem to be the correct module.
I'm sure I'm just doing something completely retarded.
2 hours later…
@Cereal I don't have time right now to look at it, but this might be helpful. cirw.in/blog/constant-lookup . The text starting with "If you've ever tried to take a short-cut when re-opening a module..." may not may not be apropos.
Ruby is active!
@Benny33 Yeah, kinda cool, right?
It is, ruby chat is dead sometimes.
Have to say though, I'm not mad for ruby. Its an ok language in my opinion
What don't you like about it?
Its not strongly typed
I'm more of a C kinda guy. Not a great fan of python either.
1 hour later…
@Benny33 It's good its good and bad points. A lot of what's good about Ruby doesn't get good until you are doing some other things, some practices that don't come with the language. I hear you on static typing, though. It can be nice.
1 hour later…
Cereal has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
That's a bit of an obnoxious pulldown
Cereal has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Cereal has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Cereal has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Feeds? I didn't know about feeds. Actually, I still don't.
3 hours later…
Today's cool Ruby fact: "hoge", "fuga", "piyo" is Japanese for "foo", "bar", "baz".

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