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@UdayPrasannaN please check this link stackoverflow.com/questions/38046497/…
4 hours later…
i'm good
hw r u
@VikasRana I implemented output cache in my code but still google is saying : "Leverage browser caching"
[OutputCache(Duration = 20, Location = System.Web.UI.OutputCacheLocation.Client, VaryByParam = "none", NoStore = true)]
it will take some days to fix this
sometime google take time to index new changes
hmmmmm could be possible
i have a quick question.. simple for you though
any idea how to solve this?
Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
Show how to fix
sure go ahead
i didnt work in it but i'll search it for you
okay so I am executing a store procedure and getting result in class model. I want to get result in json directly without using model. is it possible ?
like in place of List<AbcClass> just a json object
it is possible bro but how let me check cos somebody asked me in an interview
check this
the catch is here i'm using mysql
and i cant change sp
anything for that ??
check this one
I think this just a lib function
  SUBSTRING_INDEX( service_values, 'quota', -1),
  '": ', -1),
 ' ', 1) AS quota,
FROM client_services
WHERE service_id=1;
or try using subString
is this for me ? @ArijitMukherjee
both of them
i think you didn't understand what i'm asking or i didn't understand what you are telling :p
var result = MasterContext.Database.SqlQuery<DemoClass>("store_procedure_name", _param1, _param2).ToList;
return me List<DemoClass> in output
but i want a simple json string in output instead of model. so i can use it in view for performance. @ArijitMukherjee
yes @VikasRana for that only i gave the material I think that should help
@ArijitMukherjee i didn't understand the logic of substring in it. seems intersting
why I sent is is you can run a query on your sp and generate a string which looks likes a json and then in your view you can pass the string as json
but I think the github method also does somthing like that
hmm ohk
@VikasRana does quartz woks on shared servers as well?
not sure
1 hour later…
Morning all
1 hour later…
hey guys
some help with this
Q: Value does not fall in expected range MVVM

GotaloveCodeAm trying to bind 2 items to a xaml page.One is an observable collection of services the other is an instance of expert item.Am getting an error A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in myapp.Client.DLL when I try to raise an INotifyProperty changed for the expert i...

here is my stacktrace
at System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
at MFundi.Client.ModelItem.OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
at MFundi.Client.ModelItem.SetValue(Object value, String name)
at MFundi.Client.SummaryPageViewModel.set_Expert(ExpertItem value)
at MFundi.Client.SummaryPageViewModel.<Activated>d__b.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<ThrowAsync>b__3(Object state)
5 hours later…
@ArijitMukherjee it does buddy but not trustworthy...My Quartz is stopping tasks after 4-5 Hours....
5 hours later…
Hi all, I'm totally new to ASP.NET and I'm trying to work through the Google Compute Cloud tutorials for ASP.NET/IIS
One of the pieces in their documentation says "Put the *.json file you just downloaded in a directory of your choosing. This directory must be private (you can't let anyone get access to this), but accessible to your web server code." I'm assuming that this means that I can't put the file in my web root, but how do I make it 'private', and how to I make a folder that's not IN the web root 'accessible' to the web server code?
Oh, and to make matters more complicated (to me, a complete n00b), my ASP.NET code is not in my c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ directory. It's elsewhere on my computer, and when I run the code (which I downloaded from Google as a part of the tutorials), the URL is localhost:nnnnn, where nnnnn is a 5-digit number that I assume corresponds to a port that's being set up specifically for this web site to run in
In my IIS Manager, I see that I can set up different 'Sites', but I've had no luck creating one and pointing it to the code that's not in inetpub\wwwroot.... in those ASP.NET code directories, would I point to the /bin/ subdir, the /obj/ subdir, some subdir of one of those, or to the directory in which the actual code resides?

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