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03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 17:00

Good Morning!!
hi @DH__ good morning
Good Morning to All
Hello @DH__, @Sabilv
@Sabilv @Mohit Gm
Morning @Shell
hello @Mohit
hi Shell
@Shell Gm
morning all
Morning @DH__ @VikasRana
@Shell GM, good to see you
Good Morning @ArijitMukherjee
hows everybody :)
morning @VikasRana
great enjoying rain in Gurgaon
First rain of the season.
same here in chandigarh
rain ruined most things here in karnal its time to cut crops
sorry to hear that
morning @TheDictator
@Mohit hello man
gd mng to al
morning all
@Html.ActionLink("Preview", "IdCardPreview", "Admin", new { id = item.intIdCardId, empid = item.intEmpId },new {target="_blank"} )
this code i have written while clicking on preview a page will open in new tab
can any1 tell me how i can open a new window
@Gotalove @Mohit
@Cool how about target-new property?
@Html.ActionLink("Preview", "IdCardPreview", "Admin", new { id = item.intIdCardId, empid = item.intEmpId }, new { target = "_new" })
this also i have used it is opening a new tab
not window
no i mean like this target-new: window
look at this
or use javascript window.open
good to see you back @Shell
yeah.. I was also missing u all. i was reading your msgs on whatsapp daily. but, i could not send any single msg
@TheDictator @Gotalove add shell to g+
Good Morning @Gotalove
very good morning @Mohit
@Gotalove @TheDictator @Gotalove all on g+ @yash @Justcode
Good morning @Justcode
@Cool got the answer?
Morning all
hi guys! anyone who has a good tutorial about two dimensional array in vb.net?
yes it is working fine
@eirishainjel morning miss.. So long time?
This is 2D array in VB.NET dotnetperls.com/2d-array-vbnet
@TheDictator yes.. :) how are u?
@Gotalove @Mohit
@Cool Cool
it works
wsup @Cool
@eirishainjel I am good..
using js?or
And i think this will help you out tutorialspoint.com/vb.net/vb.net_arrays.htm @eirishainjel
which did you use?
@Mohit +1 dotnetpearls is best place to learn a new thing
u have given that is woking fine i have modified little
Yes @VikasRana, He is brilliant
<input type="submit" id="NewBrowserBtn" class="btnPrimary" value="Preview">
@Cool cool :)
and other jquery and all same
Cool What happened
Just Relax
and Explain what is happening
that pbm woking dear
now what is pbm?
that qs solved
Ok what do you want to do, it think you wanna open a new window to show some popup, am i right?
yes popup i am not able to do
@Justcode @TheDictator


so i have done like opening a new window
Well i have been learning a few Arijit
@Shell fyip as well
@Mohit what are you learning?
whats that please share :)
I think we should develop ourselves as flexible to all techs. @ArijitMukherjee no one knows what future bring for us so be ready to learn something new always whether its ms or outside
It's a Message Queue, to deliver messages even if user is offline.
it will wait for user to show online and then deliver it to user.
eg Whatsapp messages
@VikasRana its better to adapt and prepare before the technology vanish
ok :)
cool :)
ya i believe the same, actually crisis will always be there and new technologies will always be there
we just need a zeal to learn something new and be always ready for challenges
that's the way i see it.
but the survival of a developer in india has just gone high
and the best thing is by seeing this way it seems like I am a Warrior
@ArijitMukherjee your article whats it about
Dear Arijit, i think around 30 Technologies emerge every year. Who knows the future what will be game changer.
The name captured me but after scheming the content I have goten bored :(
ha ha ha :)
how technology changes how to adapt early to survive
Q: Unable to exit Sql cursor

ArbaazThis is hard for me to explain but I have tried my best to make it as easy for you all as I can. I have two tables. One stores information about customer tbl_installations. Another his internet bills tbl_bills (this one is more important). tbl_installations CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_installati...

ive seen people working in vb.net since their start
n people still working in classic asp
getting high pays
Can anyone please tell me what is it that I am doing wrong?
@ArijitMukherjee coz clients dont care about tech they care about results
i agree.
but company u work for do :)
well it is not easy for even companies to switch as there are licence issues. which have licences dont want to waste. and pay for another licence
open sources are capturing the market
time is changing my friend @ArijitMukherjee @Mohit
Ok lets wrap up Well i know for atleast 10 years Microsoft will be in the Business and this is the maximum period for we can code then we have to change our job in management which don't get affected by Technologies so till now its safe.
@ my company my boss doesnt care about the tech he wants the solutions only
@Gotalove hehehe Close Enough
back to PHP
haha Nimesh you saw it
ya we have to learn new technologies but for fun and self improvement.
yes i agree with @Mohit
I think a good addition to any microsoft developer would be to learn android dev
@Gotalove yeah :D:D
microsoft is going nowhere but if It does android will be the 1 to take over
@Gotalove they have started their own open source project
what @ArijitMukherjee microsoft or?
I work with Android as well he he. ya Gotalove Microsoft had gone open source
@Shell you're online in facebook
posted on October 14, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Paz */

@Justcode i was... just closed it
nice @Mohit @ArijitMukherjee let me google the link
@Justcode surprised? everyone is using it here.
KT just came here so, i have closed it
okay, I didn't knew about it
Anyone has any idea on SignalR
i am having little bit problem.
My SignalR Mobile Client works great on 2G and WIFI but don't works well in 3G.
sorry Vikas don't get it.
Away From Keyboard [afk]
got it, actually i am newbie for chat so now i had found a solution internetslang.com has those shortcut.
Thanks Shell
<input type="submit" id="NewBrowserBtn" class="btnPrimary" value="Preview">
$('#NewBrowserBtn').on('click', function () {
window.open('/Admin/IdCardPreview', '_blank', 'left=100,top=100,width=400,height=300,toolbar=1,resizable=0');
it is working fine
@Html.ActionLink("Preview", "IdCardPreview", "Admin", new { id = item.intIdCardId, empid = item.intEmpId }, new { target="_blank" })
if i want to use the ActionLink then how to use
and all
@Cool I dont think you can use it in action link like that
maybe sth like window.open (@html.actionlink)
so that the url is in the new window
window.open is is showing error
Q: Knockout Binding - Event is not getting Triggered From Scheduler Event Template

RJKI have been using your Kendo Knockout js. I'm facing an issue when i use "event Template" for the Kendo Scheduler. Knockout Click Event is not triggering. View model function is not getting called. Scheduler Event Template: <script id="event-template" type="text/x-kendo-template"> # if ...

Could some one please help on the above question?
@Gotalove @Mohit new window is coming
one preview page i have done it is working fine if i am not giving new window
@Cool and share your code so I can use it next time :-P
check @Gotalove @Mohit
show your ActionMethod IdCardPreview
idcardpreview signature
normally in a new tab it is working fine same i want to put in that new window
@Gotalove sorry i didnt get u
It doesnt have the parameters so you are getting ---Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
yes exactly @Gotalove the point
super yar
@Html.ActionLink("Preview", "IdCardPreview", "Admin", new { id = item.intIdCardId, empid = item.intEmpId }, new { target="_blank" })
this i suppose to pass empid to the controller method
but how to pass id in this <input type="submit" id="NewBrowserBtn" class="btnPrimary" value="Preview">
you dont pass in submit
you pass in the formpost
means when i will click on Preview button one value i should pass which i will catch i Idcardpreview method
how i can pass in formpost
@using (Html.BeginForm("IDCardResponse", "Admin", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
r u telling about this
one of the links I gave you
I've lost it
A: Open mvc view in new window from controller

GrophBanksYou can use Tommy's method in forms as well: @using (Html.BeginForm("Action", "Controller", FormMethod.Get, new { target = "_blank" })) { //code }

back from lunch
same here
hi, you can tell me why when the Text is "" dose not match all ? var results = from res in d.Table where
@frank because your field city have a value
no haven't believe me
have ""
i must use "." + ... + "." ?
i must use "." + ... + "." ?
i must use " * ." + ... + " * ." ?
var results = from res in d.Table where
try this first
    var results = from res in d.Table where
ok i try
strange still not match
posted on October 14, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Arekibian */

@frank try to debug first
check your values
Hello @Justcode
Did you guys worked on white label yesterday? @Justcode
@yash oh ya wait a while now starting
ok...i am too starting...wasn't feeling well yesterday....@Justcode
i can use regex in Contains ?
hard to give answer when u dont know the issue
hello @yash what is white label?
LOL what means that ?
i know the issue
i dont know if Contains allow regex inside
Hello @Shell Long time to see you
@yash yeah
Where were you? On Leave? @Shell
@yash yes i was on leave
Do you know about White Label? @Shell
@yash u mean white label product? or anything else?
@Shell nah white labeling means selling other websites products
@Justcode yeah that's a white labeled product.
for example Big Bazaar brand garments
so, what he want to do with that? @Justcode
@Shell he wants to integrate it in his website
hmmm.. So where's the problem @yash
i don't know much about white label actually...@Shell
back to pavilion
@Cool y?
went for launch
@yash side not :- they may be use a webservices for this
@Cool oh cool cool
a lady says "smoking should not be allowed in public place" then why they jealous from other ladies. :P
Hello Everyone
I want to use Star rating into my application
does anyone know Which plugin of reference will be more useful
to use Star rating
user image
like this
ajax rating?
server vs client :D
many differences are there
But, i can go with jrating
half-star rating is also good when u want to give rate in .5 value
anyone with windows phone app development experience?
@Sabilv not so much but question? using xaml?
hii @Justcode nope, just curious about windows phone development
@Sabilv nothing different just a designing difficult to do
and at backend c#
@Justcode ahh the rest is almost the same with asp ?
@Sabilv yes but don't compare it with asp compare it with wpf if you know wpf then its easy to use
@Justcode WPF , huumm just heard
aah, so many articles to read start asap :/
huum :)
hi @Gotalove
will you give some suggestion
check this
@Justcode You there?
this is a good site to start @yash wpftutorial.net But it leave it after basics.
i have seen it before..@Mohit
then these are some pdf to download it-ebooks.info/search/?q=wpf&type=title
click whatever you want, and click on download section
@Mohit @Justcode window phone api are different from wpf ,look at them also
@VikasRana ??
runtime api's
@Justcode @Mohit Here is the code:-
@VikasRana I don't know what you're talking about
hmm forget it i thought you are talking for window phone and wpf @Justcode
@VikasRana hehhe ya
firstchild vs thix.index == 0
which is better to check for first td?
firstchild +1
hi @mohit
hi cool
@Justcode any reasons for that?
@ArijitMukherjee inbuilt attribute!
any suggestion pastie.org/9646782
to find element @ firstchild
on what Cool
A: Delete duplicate cells of a one column :html

Lalit BhudiyaUse this code it is working fine. var seen = {}; $('#test td').each(function() { // Encode column and content information. var key = $(this).index() + $(this).text(); if (seen[key] && $(this).index()==0) { $(this).text(''); } else { seen[key] = true; } })...

@Cool pastie is only for code not for writing paragraph
means it will never check or go on to other td's right
you can write here
on other case it traverse every td right?
ok @Justcode thanks
thanks @Justcode
next time i will not do
I have a form having different fields,,,,like location ,sublocation ,name,mobile no etc. That new window is opening also.

My aim is 3 buttons are there apply,reset and preview.

Suppose first i will fill the data in that form and when i will click on preview all the data should display i that new window ..

Still now i have not stored that data into database so we have to fetch the from that form only...
Can you give some suggestion
So what is not working
just get the data from javascript and send it to the window if you have problem in retrieving from form.
i am thinking how to take the value from form to new window
this way data in your form is also not lost and will reach on your popup as well
if this is the case
Actually in reality i don't get the real question.
Q: How to pass data from Parent html window to pop-up window

WebbyI am trying to pass some data from parent window to pop up window in html. Below is my code- <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function init() { popupWin = window.open('','popupWin',''); popupWin.document.writeln('<html><head><title>test</title></head><body><form><input typ...

does ssl slows down your speed?
Bye All, kal ki chutti hai
I don't think so @Justcode
I think so yaar
ok bye
ok bye @mohit
@mikedidthis summon caprica here
I will try!
@mikedidthis ok
@mikedidthis I'm not dead! Honest!
@Justcode That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
There you go.
thanks man :D
bye guys.. times to leave office
yeah c u tomorrow @Cool
@TheDictator I'm afraid I can't let you do that, The Dictator
@TheDictator Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@mikedidthis Thankx man
03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 17:00

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