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guys can somebody help me? No one is answering my question and i'm already stuck. stackoverflow.com/q/25866018/3940478
@Shell Ok.. Thanks.. :p
Q: How to identify current user is a member of given group in the string

Stacy KeblerWhen i code for my WPF..i am coming up with a great bug. i am successfully able to load the form according to the user group. but the thing is i am running with a great bug. So here is the bug. .ini file is the one which gives user group according to user input, which means when i switch the grou...

Q: How to identify current user is a member of given group in the string

Stacy KeblerWhen i code for my WPF..i am coming up with a great bug. i am successfully able to load the form according to the user group. but the thing is i am running with a great bug. So here is the bug. .ini file is the one which gives user group according to user input, which means when i switch the grou...

2 hours later…
Morning Friends
Hello @StacyKebler
hi i ws waiting for you
goog moring
:D Good Evening
was doing for the last two days... the same old coding.. didn't moved a bt
Im just downloading ur example
So its like this.. when ever i add a file.. to the folder release.. it should automatically add, delete, update changes and rename..
thats it.. only when my application is running..
You need to take another file watcher for release folder too.
no.. nooo.
Oh sorry.. i am really sorry.. i am totally out of mind..
its the draft folder itself..
i am so sorry
i dont need file watcher for release... .. got mixed up
ok, so u want to watch only one folder that is @"C:\St\Fabrication\Draft"
just tell me how to do for draft..
yup there u go
and Shell... I want to catch the filename in such a way that.. when the draft filename is 112-0001_01 and relase filename is 112-0001_02. This time i want the Part number to be realse filename.. So its like the newer revison should be updated as part number.. if
if release is 112-0001_01 and draft is 112-0001_02. so i need part number from draft thats is 112-0001_02
i tired to compare. but its saying cannnot comapre strings
i have some file names goes like this two. 112-0002_0A
like that too
i dont know this shit company is fucking like hell
hehehe.. right.. let me solve your first issue..
its not a big task right am i disturbing u
after this project i am moving to my embeeded coding..
thnak god
PIC programming. MPlab..
nop actually.. u r not disturbing me.. actually my clg also wants help from me..
morning all
morning @VikasRana
@StacyKebler What happen when u invoke additemfile delegate in all case?
Im showing u
case WatcherChangeTypes.Created:
                    //Insert file in database
                    this.Invoke(additemfile, e.FullPath);
                        string filename = Path.GetFileName(e.FullPath);
                        filename = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf("."));
                case WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted:
                    //remove file from database
                    this.Invoke(additemfile, e.FullPath);
yea i got
actually i need to update to grid view..
i mean in ur words refresh
yeah that i am also tell u
additemfile delegate object is handling AddString() method
so u want me to replace with the above code
where we are refreshing data
no have never donee
this is what i am asking
    private void AddString(string _string)
            string draft = ini.ReadValue("Location", "Draft");
            string release = ini.ReadValue("Location", "Release");
            string drawing = ini.ReadValue("Location", "Drawing");
            string archive = ini.ReadValue("Location", "Archive");
            string[] arrDraft = Directory.GetFiles(draft, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            string[] arrRelease = Directory.GetFiles(release, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
so should i replace the above code
ase WatcherChangeTypes.Created:
//Insert file in database
this.Invoke(additemfile, e.FullPath);
string filename = Path.GetFileName(e.FullPath);
filename = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf("."));
case WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted:
//remove file from database
this.Invoke(additemfile, e.FullPath);
case WatcherChangeTypes.Changed:
///if you are storing file in database(not file name whole file in binary format)
///then you can update the file in database here
///this event will be fired when any data has changed in the file.
gm all
its not adding
@Shell Not adding
try to put break point on OnChanged event and check that where the cursor is going?
@Shell yea its going there
Morning from china
@StacyKebler what you have done in draft folder? I mean you have created another file or renamed it? or modified?
@Shell try to add simply a text file to draft folder.. let say 112-0001_02
its not adding
another file
ok let me try that
@ItachiUchiha o/
@Shell When i create its telling.. this error..
@Shell Please change the both codes to same.. so u will see error
foreach (string file in arrDraft)
Finder finder = new Finder(Path.GetFileName(file).Substring(0, 7));
string abc = Array.Find(arrRelease, finder.Match);
string cdf = Array.Find(arrDrawing, finder.Match);
string ghi = Array.Find(arrArchive, finder.Match);
dt.Rows.Add(Path.GetFileName(file), cdf, file, abc, String.Empty, String.Empty, ghi);
I was supposed to say that
from arrRelease to arrDraft.
and also this line
yea after that
u try it will show the above error
this.Invoke(additemfile, e.FullPath); to this.Invoke(addItemInList, e.FullPath);
in every case
addItemInList is invoking AddString method
we need that
in rename too
so what about e.Oldpath
yup now its perfect except
we are refreshing whole data again so, we don't need it
Oh rename too worked
so can i delete
all these delegate
deletefilePath = new delAddItem(this.DeleteFile);
changefilename = new delAddItem(this.Changefile);
rename = new delAddItem(this.Rename);
additemfile = new delAddItem(this.Additem);
and associated method too
and i have given some lines like this
string filename = Path.GetFileName(e.FullPath);
filename = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf("."));
in change event
we dont need that right
@Shell Yup i deleted all associated fn's to0 .i was wondering what about
string filename = Path.GetFileName(e.FullPath);
filename = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf("."));
in case WatcherChangeTypes.Created:,,,,, case WatcherChangeTypes.Changed:.......and reaname
do we need that
yeah u need that
@Shell Thanks a lot SHell.. That really helped me to learn one new thing.. Also..
if user creates any file by right click on explorer and and New->Text Document
in this case New Text Document.txt file will be created
@Shell Also. Please answer this too
then user will rename it
yup i understood that
that was a perfect.. answer.. came to mind like magic
Q: How to identify current user is a member of given group in the string

Stacy KeblerWhen i code for my WPF..i am coming up with a great bug. i am successfully able to load the form according to the user group. but the thing is i am running with a great bug. So here is the bug. .ini file is the one which gives user group according to user input, which means when i switch the grou...

Also for the refresh data.. u can answer.. here.. i can accept it as answer... here is the link to my question.. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25816445/how-to-refresh-the-datagrid-automatically-if-a-file-is-deleted-from-the-folder?noredirect=1#comment40458310_25816445 .. Also, please answer for my i have some file names goes like this two. 112-0002_0A
112-0002_0C.. I just need to sort the filename according to the last three greatest number.. for numbers and last three greatest letters for alpabets..
@Shell Thats a 50 bounty for that. Its for you
:D:D:D but you should keep open it.. still you have 6 days remaining.. now, you have a answer and u can apply it in your project.. but, still you should wait for another answer.
i will give answer if nobody post another correct answer.
Room mode changed to peer to peer
@Justcode lolz everybody is here but, we are only who made this room active
nah, everybody scared from you
@Shell Ok.. thats fine for me.. I need this answer.. i just need to finish and get the hell out.. its eating my mind.. You ont believ i was searching for one hour in internet to make the file name without extension... Just shit...
and finally i found that. its just two more words...getfilename to getfilenamewithoutextension.. thats sad.. so sad!!!! again i wont forget:p
@StacyKebler that's okay don't be sad!
@Shell is with you
i have some quesstion for all great developers here
on the database how come it has an errror
select b.first_name,b.last_name from boyee AS b GROUP BY b.last_name?
simple query like these should be no problem but errors occurs , it errors on a simple query , how much more to left joins
hahhhahha Cool just code!!!! i am in canada
@StacyKebler yah,he has gone almost whole world last trip was to iran
now may be at canada
@StacyKebler hehehe don't worry BTW, this is not ur work.. U r good in Embedded Programming..
@boyee which error?
@Justcode Oh is it thats nice.. cool!!!
@Justcode lair
@Shell yea embeeded i am master.. You can ask thing!!!. I am in love with micircontrollers.. matlab programming too
for exampel on this query
SELECT * FROM employee group by first_name
this is okay
if you add an alias
#1054 - Unknown column 'employee.emp_id' in 'order clause'
SELECT * FROM employee AS e group by e.first_name
this is just a simple query
@Shell I am gonna sleep.. its 1:30 here.. If you get time, please post answers here. I will get it in the morning!!! For saving the filename in Drawing number according to the last three greatest numbers.. For numbers and last three greatest letters of alphabet.. I just need look both draft and release for the latest revision.. measns.. 112-1111_02 and 112-1111_01.. So here 112-1111_02 is latest so extract the 112-1111_02 and put in drawing number that's it..
@boyee you need to include the columns in select list which are in group by
how much more if i do on the left join with 3 or 4
@Justcode @Shell Good night guy
SELECT e.first_name FROM employee AS e group by e.first_name
should work
have a good day
to all
@StacyKebler night!
@StacyKebler sure.. BTW, if I want to start with Micro-controller then what should i need. I means Tool kit, Circuit board, etc?
SELECT decrypt(e.first_name, 'konsum', 'aes') FROM employee AS e group by e.first_name
if you do something like this issues still persist
@Justcode yeah i know that but, which board should i need to install my problem in 8082
what issue? @boyee
@Shell Mircocontoller you need
Decrypt is not a recognized function?
@Justcode are yaar microcontroller ne board ma attache karya vagar program install na kari shakay.. ane e board nu debugger alag aave chhe. emaj application debug thay
@Shell are programming mate kau chu mne kai khabar nathi vdhare
not it errors on #1054 - Unknown column 'employee.first_name' in 'order clause'
@Justcode actually i have read about that before lot and they have suggested me lot of toolkits but, those are very expensive i cant buy for just learning it
@boyee can you show full code?
Have i killed the chat?

is my solution/answer correct for this question?
i'm sorry this is the schema
SELECT decrypt(a.first_name, 'secret', 'aes') FROM account_type AS at
INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON at.account_type_id =a.account_type_id
this is from the postgre
account_type table
account_type_id - int

accounts - table
account_id - int
account_type_id - int
first_name - bytea
last_name - bytea
morning guys
column "account_type_id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
SELECT decrypt(a.first_name, 'secret', 'aes') FROM account_type AS at
INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON at.account_type_id =a.account_type_id group by a.first_name,a.account_type_id
@boyee is this MySQL?
@Justcode @boye repeating AS for both account type and accounts will definitely cause a problem resolving table name
am I right?
but i use to alias them
aah this isnt sql ignore me and move along I dont know what am talking about :-P
me also :D
i hate postgre
postgre is way too strict
I don't have reason to hate because i don't know what's that? :D
same here @Justcode havent gotten to use it
Btw I cleaned up my file structure for my time attendance
@boyee what is the function do u use to encrypt the string?
and what is the pstgre version?
posted on September 17, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by DoubleD */

Hello Guys...i am late today..
@yash thats good
coz you were up late chattimg on emegle or whatever you call it @yash :)
nope..i was stuced somewhere in morning...thats why...@Gotalove
stuck you mean
@yash then its bad.. i thought u were taking rest today
@Shell I want to split a string by %2c
How to do it?
want to split url string?
u need to decode the string first
Got Solution...Thanks...@Shell
Just Decoded String by using HttpUtility.UrlDecode
posted on September 17, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

@Feeds xD
@Feeds :P''
hahaha @Shell like thats possible
anyone here who can tell me what format datatype.url should accept in mvc?I have tried pasting link urls there but it gives invalid url error and cant find a question where they have posted with a sample url
@Gotalove no
hehe okay
I do something like the pastie pastie.org/9561204 but dbo.GetListChannelAll is table valued function
everytime I execute the query
sometimes give the result, sometimes not
is it the right way to use table valued function ??
haha @Feeds beat you to it :3
2 hours later…
very quiet here today!
bzzzz...sending noise to the room :-P
buddy i waked up..
finally :-P @Shell did you succeed in your signalr problem?
@Gotalove not yet. :(
i will try it by today again
wish you well and share your solution
plus di you ask in C# group?
yeah i have.. but, nobody has given me answer. now i will try to ask tonight when everybody is active
gota I'm playing hide and seek
@Gotalove ^
hehe timesheet taking a shit on you @Justcode
nah, Actually my sir is here
timesheet is about to complete
damn your lucky
Do you want my update?coz you are almost done with yours and can go on to do something else
you want to make timesheet by me?
@Gotalove hehe
hehe no actually the 2 were separate comments but that works the coz was a reply to why
@Shell helllo
@StacyKebler did you even get enough sleep?
was asking whether you want the cleaned up version
@Gotalove Yea... i love to
you were online just a few hours ago thats why I asked.Not to be a creep :) @StacyKebler
few hours ago.. no never
how come
6 hours approximately
@Gotalove didn't understood
@Justcode am saying I cleaned up my mvc time attendance app abit so its easier to understand :) so was asking if you want me to share the copy
ok wait talking with you
1 hour later…
Q: adding handler and module in web.config gives error

Shital KadamI want to add handler and module in web.config file. n write the code in web.config as, <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"> <remove name="ScriptModule"/> <add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule" preCondition="managedHandler" /> ...

1 hour later…
posted on September 17, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Koen Verheyen */

2 hours later…
posted on September 17, 2014 by Visual Studio Blog

APIs lie at the heart of our cloud-first, mobile-first strategy. In order to provide you with the best-in class tooling for consuming our wide variety of APIs - VS Online, Office 365, Dynamics, Azure, Xbox, Bing, to name just a few - we would like to learn more about your experience. Which APIs provided a particularly pleasant experience to develop against? Which tools do you use on a regular b

posted on September 17, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Arekibian */

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