Is you PayrollCode_Code numeric? if yes then you don't need to add single quotation for that. And I prefer to use IN statement instead of multiple OR operator.
Dim sCode As String
For Each drv As CListItem In lstnoncash.SelectedItems
sCode &= drv.ItemData & ","
IF sCode.Length > 0 THEN...
@TheDictator Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You may want something like this :
Dim a As String() = {"1", "2", "3"}
Dim query = "select sum(Amount) from tblEmployeeTransactions " _
& "where PayrollCode_Code IN "
'here inStatement will contain : ('1', '2', '3')'
Dim inStatement = "('" & String.Join("', '", a) & "')"
Use System.String.Split:
Dim source As String = "Tom, John, Jason, Mike"
Dim stringSeparators() As String = {","}
Dim result() As String
result = source.Split(stringSeparators, _
Or use Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Split:
Dim sour...
Dim dap As String = "" For Each drv As CListItem In lstnoncash.SelectedItems dap = (drv.ItemData) + "," Next Dim result() As String = Split(dap, ",") MessageBox.Show(result)
how do I view result I get 1-D array cannot be converted to string
do like this
Dim result() As String(lstnoncash.SelectedItems.Count)
For I As Integer = 0 To lstnoncash.SelectedItems.Count
result(I) = lstnoncash.SelectedItems(I).ItemData
Dim result() As String = lstnoncash.SelectedItem For I As Integer = 0 To lstnoncash.SelectedItems.Count result(I) = lstnoncash.SelectedItems(I).ItemData Next MessageBox.Show(result(I))
Error 1 Value of type 'Integer' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String'.
when I do this noncash = DirectCast(lstnoncash.SelectedItem, CListItem).ItemData() Dim result() As String = (lstnoncash.SelectedItems.Count) For I As Integer = 0 To lstnoncash.SelectedItems.Count result(I) = lstnoncash.SelectedItems(I).ItemData Next MessageBox.Show(result(I))
Dim result(lstnoncash.SelectedItems.Count) As String
For I As Integer = 0 To lstnoncash.SelectedItems.Count
result(I) = lstnoncash.SelectedItems(I).ItemData
Dim source As String = "Tom, John, Jason, Mike" Dim stringSeparators() As String = {","} Dim result() As String result = source.Split(stringSeparators, _ StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
I am using NPOI dll for genrating excel sheet in C#. When I apply formula on some cell programmatically and export excel then in protected mode of excel sheet all the cells having formula show '0' value. but when i edit this excel all formulas work properly on those cell.
Is there any solution f...
ok what is the difference between
Dim sCode As String
For Each drv As CListItem In lstnoncash.SelectedItems
sCode &= drv.ItemData & ","
sCode = sCode.Substring(0,sCode.Length-1);
Dim result(lstnoncash.SelectedItems.Count) As String
For I As Integer = 0 To lstnoncash.SelectedItems.Count
result(I) = lstnoncash.SelectedItems(I).ItemData
room topic changed to ASP.NET : If you are having doubts then *don't ask to ask the question just hit your question here (Lucky if you get the answer :D) Don't Disturb Who wants to work!!! And if you have code to show then use [] [css] [javascript] [jquery] [mysql] [oracle] [sql] [sql-server] [wcf] [wpf]*
I'm developing a website with asp.Net / C#, and a SQL Server 2008 server.
I have different profils(infrastructure engineer, stock manager ...), each profil have
different users, and it's specific inetrfaces.
I created different folders, each folder contains the inetrfaces of each profil.