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@frankWhite: Hi
u there ?
yes, I\m here
@Maulik oh, I don't see this message early :(
its fine
I am trying to create bg task like :
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] setKeepAliveTimeout:600 handler:^{

if ([ChatService instance] == nil)

[[ChatService instance].presenceTimer invalidate];
[ChatService instance].presenceTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:30 target:[QBChat instance] selector:@selector(sendPresence) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
DLog(@"keepalive handler succesfully registered");
DLog(@"keepalive handler cannot be registered");
log says : Only VoIP apps can set KeepAliveTimeout
do you have any idea how to create ?
for this you need add to *plist some changes - set background mode. But this does not work if you don't really use VOIP in your app...
yes I know this
thats why I am search the best possible way
I think - you can create simple background task
and in completion block try recreate it
are you working for QuickBlox ?
as you have good knowledge of it so :)
but I don\t sure that this will be work :(
I don't work
but I know people who works :)
another confusion is regarding the friend list
and I use it in real projects
my current flow is like :
github.com/SonnyBlack/BomBom - this is my sample
if you interesting - you can see it
yes sure why not
in future
I have another confusion can I ask you ?
@Maulik what is with contact list?
my flow is like :
I first read my phonebook and send all phone number to server and server returns mathed contacts as QBUUsers
yes, I can respond with delay..
and I am displaying in table view
now I have another view called friend list in this list all QB user's list is displaying
now user can send friend request from here
now what happens
if I use [QBChat instance].contactList then it returns QBContactItems
now I have user Id
and have to get user by ID.
this process is too long
is there any better way ?
wait please, I think
yes, this correct. I know, this look don't very good. In future, this will be checking by adding new feature to QB admin panel
ya, what if I have more than 100 contacts ?
you need use pagination
yes I know
for every ID need to call get user by ID and its delegate method
Are you use this method ? usersWithIDs:pagedRequest:delegate: in QBUsers?
if I have 50 contacts then I have to call 50 time !!!
thats the problem
for every contact
like this?
[QBUsers usersWithIDs:12345 pagedRequest:10 delegate:self] ?
I understand
I don't thing thats a good approch
I see you little hack :)
in this method
you can pass string - user's ID separated by comma
you sure ?
and in result you get array off users
for this case exist pagination
for instanse
if you pass 50 id
only 10 will be returned at first
you can get code snippet in that github project
your project is giving me an error
at this line
[aTitle boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(280.0, 100000.0)
No visible @interface for NSString declares the selector boundingRectWithSize
this project write for ios7 and later and iOS 7sdk
ohhh :( :( :(
this is ios7 sdk method
and at second - my error
I forget add QB framework
I'll fix it later
in my free time
Also, do you know how to register presence for friend ?
-(NSMutableString *)createStringIDFromUsersSet:(NSMutableSet *)userSet {
NSMutableString *retVal = [NSMutableString new];

for (NSNumber *userId in userSet) {
[retVal appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld,", (long)userId.integerValue]];

return retVal;
this is helper method
as example
you are welcome)
suppose I have 50 users in my table
@Maulik no..
you want determine how friend will be online|offline
I know by their last request time
right ?
wait please, I look what about it write in QB site
they write we need to check their last requested time and if its more than 90 sec then they are offline
you can implement this method
in chat delegate
but only when user is in contactList
if user is not in my list then I would not get it status
i understand..
I am totally lost
how would I get contact list with QBUUser
You want get contact list of any user right?
I think in this case you need use CO
because [QBChat instance].contactList return contacts only for current user
This is horrible I know :(
it only returns contacts ID only
we need to make another call to QB server to get other info of that ID
it see like this
and if I use only my phonebook's contact then I can not get presence of the user
1) you get user IDs
2) you create string with this IDS
3) you perform request to server and get users profiles
yes i'll try this out
did you use custom object in your demo
if you want get global user status - l don't sure that is possible
yes not possible
what I can do is , I need to refresh my contact list after 10 - 15 sec
so that last request time can be update
of the friend and I can get to know that they are online or offline
No ?
Yes, I think. You can try get user's every minute and for each user check field - lastRequestedAt - but I think this is not very good idea
For instance, you get your 50 users
and every minute you get request for it
yes and how to add friend in the list ?
while I am not using contactList !!!
using CO or chat contact list?
chat contact list
i know [[QBChat instance] confirmAddContactRequest:userID]
QBChat addUserToContactListRequest
[[QBChat instance] addUserToContactListRequest:userID]
yes I know
but as I said I am using phonebook contacts in friend list
If you use CO - you create new CO entity for each user
and in this case you have one more problem - when you load 50 users, you need load also 50 CO objects
that represent their friend list
and when you can add user to contact list
you update certain Co
If I right understand your problem
for instance - you add me to contact list - update my and your contact list Co
even I don't know my problem !!!
I know - at now
I don't like use QB because it have some problems like that
but now some people working on it
for it improvement
must be
because data are still distributed
and in near future I hope they fix it
not centralized
I know that they want create custom field for users
and also that delegate pattern
even I want to get user profile pic then have to call server and server will give response as a file and again we need to write code to update it to the right user !!!!
I do it in that sample
they should return a simple URL thats it
we can easily update it
yes I saw this in your project
and I am exploring it
I really appreciate your code
good code , structure
thank you :)
I want write tutorial in future
as I am still afraid of blocks :)
based on this project
block - very good thing
using blocks - not my idea
I get it from here
you mean QBClient ?
files ?
QBClient - my file
but idea
got it
of using blocks
is not my
so where do you store friend's profile pic ?
i guess u are not storing anywhere
I don't create cache for it
at now - they load every time
I used NSCatch
in this file
and reload table after completion
if image is available then it will set or it will go for download
and stored in NSCatch and reload table
of course, in real project need implement cache..
UIImageView+QBContent - and refactor it for thread-safety
I see good framework SDWebImage
May be one day I improve UIImageView+QBContent like in this framework
ya got it
good thing!
also AsynchImageView is good
I've used it most my projects
My app is test, so many thing not completed yet
I write it in my free time
but still its good to me
I know that many people have many problems with QB
like I am too)
and I want to create it as example to other
thats a good thing
I appreciate
do you use skype ?
I will busy next hours..

if you have questions - you can write me here, or on email
or on skype
Alexey Kolmyk
my skype
not at all
I don't guarantee that can help you but I can try
y ? :)
hope se
there are very few people to help in QB
I know only one) - Igor
another is u :)

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