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A: QuickBlox : Already logged in Error after Logout

frankWhiteAccording to SDK reference, exist session, simply user login and login to chat. 1) you need create session. You may create it simply: [QBAuth createSessionWithDelegate:self]; or with extended request: QBASessionCreationRequest *extendedAuthRequest = [QBASessionCreationRequest request]; ex...

1+ for [[QBChat instance] logout];
More, How to handle login fail in <code>[[ChatService instance] loginWithUser:[LocalStorageService shared].currentUser completionBlock:^
}];</code> this block
For this you need assign some class as a delegate to chat
[QBChat instance].delegate = someClass; and implement its methods. ([]( like - (void)chatDidNotLogin
yes its already there ChatService but when Already logged in error occurred, completionBlock did not get called !
Are you using this? […](

Class ChatService does not implement fail block. You need add something like failBlcok and implement it in this class
Yes, chatDidNotLogin is not implemented only chatDidFailWithError is implemented
Something like this: - (void)loginWithUser:(QBUUser *)user completionBlock:(void(^)())completionBlock failBlcok:(void(^)())failBlock;

then add block as a property and invoke in chatDidFailWithError
ok but how would I get to know the reason of fail like already login, network error etc ?
also I tried to implement chatDidNotLogin method in ChatService but it did not called for Already logged in error !!!
Hi @frankWhite
- (void)chatDidNotLogin
if(self.loginFailureBlockBlock != nil)
self.loginFailureBlockBlock = nil;
I tried to implement above method in helper class
but did not called
If you want generate this issue then try this : do login, stay on the same login page and do again login
wait pleas
I download this project now
Are you login for this user? bobbobbob
I've create my own
and you login to room?
simple login
to chat
I don't find register at first
means ?
Look, when I first tap to any user name - I see alert with login and registration. After that I create my own user and after that when I tap to any user - open chat
How are you perform login two times?
I have created views in my app
hm.. this app is private?
yes... :)
ok in LoginViewController.m file
comment this line [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
in method -(void)completedWithResult:(Result *)result context:(void *)contextInfo
I commented dismiss
now you will be in login screen after login
Did you try invoke QBUsers logout after first login?
[QBUsers logOutWithDelegate]
yes I did
hm// wait please I checked
put a another button beside login
will check
yes. I see this error now
please wait, I try to find solution
in login controller
-(IBAction)testLogout:(id)sender {
[[ChatService instance] logout];
[QBUsers logOutWithDelegate:self];
replace to this
add this to chat servise
in h - file
-(void)logout {
[[QBChat instance] logout];
try now
-(void)logout {
[[QBChat instance] logout];
this in m-file
in my case it now working
Are you here?
If you want, I can upload this changed project
I did the same thing to resolve the issue
I think the issue occurred because I didn't sign out from the chat
and I tried to sign in again in chat
3 hours later…
yes ;)

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