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I am using window.open to open new blank window as child window now i want like if parent window is closed child should be close as well.is it posible usinf jquery or javascript?
other windows can;t be closed using other page js
browser cant detect how many other windows opened?
can detect maybe.
but defeinitely cant close other window
any event for parent window close?
googled ?
:( ok
google and let me know.
i tried but nothing .
tried to google what
learning what to google is also required
how to close child window on close event of parent window.
^ googled.
didnt get anything useful ?
got much more but not useful.
let me try once again.
if you didnt got then i dont think there exist.
Any free business mail hosting? How is zoho?
heard it is good
Holy Shubhank to rescue :)

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