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@JqueryLearner Hi...
@CJRamki hi
how are you?
@JqueryLearner fine man...
@CJRamki hi gm
@JqueryLearner hi gm
@ASR gm
:) :)
2 hours later…
Hey everybody. How's you all doing? I've a quick question, Does anyone have a working php mailer script with name and message input only? I couldn't find a good script to reuse unfortunately.
@CodeMonk yeah...
@CodeMonk did you mean send mail from php?
Yes CJ... but I am looking for a script which has only name and message input. I'm not a php developer you see...
I'll be using the html form action
alright... let me try this one... thanks
just use this simple code...
save the file with .php extension.
and run it...
actually I have to use html file type only.
@CodeMonk you cant send e-mail without serverside script
or you should use local mail client
like outlook express
using html mailto attribute...
which framework you are using?
@CJRamki whats the issue?
@ASR same as yours
@CJRamki the form is on html. It is a campaign form. Will be used for sending emails. So technically this will be distributed via email. That email is in html format. i have to use the <form action="whatever_mailer.php">
what's :14565527?
@ASR that's not something i'm looking for :) but thanks
Q: How to Resolve the CkEditor CurlyBraces?

LaxmanI am new to the CKEditor. In My Project I have an issue related to Curly Braces. My Problem is when i enter the code for the curly braces in the source window like below; Code View: <h1>Normal code for curly braces</h1> {Normal Code} <h1>Hard code for curly braces</h1> &#123;Hard code&#125; W...

@CJRamki hi can u look into this?
@CodeMonk wait... i will provide the script
@CodeMonk there?
@ASR sorry dude... no idea...
hey.. yes i'm here...
morning hours at work.. always occupied.. haha
@CJRamki so do you have the script?
@CodeMonk hey could you send me your html form in pastie...
it will use full to create a readymade php code...
or i will post the sample syntax... you can follow that..
well there's not much in the form... a very basic form...
let me send you the code
hmmm... ok
@CodeMonk you did not getting email id from the user?
@CodeMonk ok
as it is an email campaign, we will get their id by default. so the users doesn't need to enter their email id
copy the code..
save it as php extension file...
in form action give the file path.
then run the html file
@CJRamki thanks... let me try
if you running it in local machine, you need local server
like apache or iis
yep.. i do have that...
and you need to configure smtp from your local
let me know the output...
@CJRamki it says syntax error on line 9
although i've to remove $subject and $to parameters.. as those are not in the form
@CodeMonk hey dont delete those lines...
read the comment of the lines...
i did, but i'm talking about the following line. it says syntax error
mail($to,$subject,$message,"From: $from\n");
@CodeMonk put semicolon (;) at the end of this line
aha.. cool...
@CodeMonk Eeeeeeeee :D
as i was thinking... SMTP on localhost port 25 error
haha... that is a sucker
Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in localhost\news\mailer.php on line 9
@CodeMonk try in online server...
i'm doing that :)
or configure smtp in local host
which server you are uisng?
Hi anybody pls reposne to this...stackoverflow.com/questions/21620521/…
Q: After deleting the session in shiro, Automatically creating session is called and another session is created

HarryI have a problem with apache shiro, When session expired, it is calling the delete method in my coding (which extends CachingSessionDAO) but the problem is after deleting it from cache and db.. I calls session create method and the session is created and then it calls delete method to delete that...

nice... i already seen this...
oh.. did you use it?
@ASR nope
@CJRamki it's working like charm :) thanks CJ
@CodeMonk glad i could help you...
welcome :)
CJ ramki!
@CodeMonk are you from?
@CJRamki Denmark
Can u help me out in my ques!
@CodeMonk Hmmm... ok...
Code monk! u can also!
pls let me sort out my prob!
very urgent!
@Harry sorry... i have not worked with shiro...
same with me @Harry... never worked on Shiro
@Harry i think no other related issue in the web...
@Harry what is the issue on Shiro? although i've never used it, but let me see if i can find anything
i think it may related to your code logic
hi all
i have small doubt
@Anjaneyulu ask
I am having json_encoded data. When I am decoding it with json_decode() function it is working fine in local.
but when I move it to live json_decode is returning null value
how can i solve this problem??
@Anjaneyulu working with php?
any idea about above problem ?
Q: PHP json_decode() returns NULL with valid JSON?

Joel AlejandroI have this JSON object stored on a plain text file: { "MySQL": { "Server": "(server)", "Username": "(user)", "Password": "(pwd)", "DatabaseName": "(dbname)" }, "Ftp": { "Server": "(server)", "Username": "(user)", "Password": "(...

first check your json data is valid or not using jsonlint.com
then try the solution part of the above SO question
and then try with json_last_error( );
my json data is this one
can you please tell me what might be the problem
The error is Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_last_error()
any idea please help me??
@Anjaneyulu have your tried it in jsonlint.com
yes it working fine
@Anjaneyulu when i run this code...
i got
Parse error on line 32:
...        "question": ‌​"6"    },    {
Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '['
that is my exact format
Q: How to get all columns using Distinct on oneColumn and Union on tables?

ramanI am using following query to get Count of Unique Records from a table based on 3 conditions as below: Select COUNT(*) FROM ( select distinct(SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL) from SUBSCRIBER where SUBSCRIBER_ACTIVE = 1 and SUBSCRIBER_ZIP between '30000' and '31999' Union select distinct(SUBSCRIBER_...

please help me
it may be this stack chat editor fault...
stack editor problem only
you copied from the original json only na?
pls check it
@Anjaneyulu tried json_last_error( ) ?
echo json_last_error();
i am getting an error as Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_last_error()
@Anjaneyulu php version?
it works only in PHP 5 >= 5.3.0
better you could refer
A: JSON works Locally but not with Servers

Eduardo StuartWhen you access another domain be carefully with "Crossdomain". To use with dropbox, try changing the URL to: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fmw63i4v7dtnx6t/package.json Your code will be like this: $.ajax({ dataType: "json", async: false, url: "https://dl.dropboxusercontent....

i tried like that. but the problem is not solved. I tried like
getting the json code from url with results variable and directly used the json_decode
$arr = new stdClass;

$array = (array) $arr;
This is my code
@Anjaneyulu so it is working in local server. right?
you having problem in web only right?
print that $_GET['results'] in web...
it will show if the json values are arriving or not...
before json_decode line
just put
echo $_GET['results'];
let me know the out put...
@Anjaneyulu have you tried?
i am getting data
getting displayed
sorry data is not getting displayed
@Anjaneyulu so you are not getting data from the source url right?
now i had changed the variable name and the now again after echoing the data
data is displaying as
@Anjaneyulu working?
its just $_GET['results'] variable value
when i decode it with json_decode it is returning null value
@Anjaneyulu so you got value in $_GET['results']. right?
the problem is decoding json value only ah?
do one thing...
post that results value in pastie...
and send me the link..
do it by yourself
$out = jsonValues;         //assign the results json value in this variable
echo json_decode($out);
let me know the out put
or paste that code in pastie..
and send me the link.
i will try it in my local
the out put i got is [{\"answer\":\"1\",\"question\":\"17\"},{\"answer\":\"1\",\"question\":\"20\"},{‌​\"answer\":\"1\",\"question\":\"19\"},{\"answer\":\"1\",\"question\":\"12\"},{\"a‌​nswer\":\"1\",\"question\":\"10\"},{\"answer\":\"1\",\"question\":\"8\"},{\"answe‌​r\":\"1\",\"question\":\"11\"},{\"answer\":\"1\",\"question\":\"6\"},{\"answer\":‌​\"1\",\"question\":\"14\"},{\"answer\":\"1\",\"question\":\"9\"}]
I am passing my json data through the url.
dude.. put it in pastie...
and send me the link...
this editor have some fault..
or paste it in jsfiddle and send me the link...
it shows the out put in web
it shows this result
so what i need do @CJRamki
‌​ this are errors i think ?
@Anjaneyulu hey see than transcript in chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript
hey what it is means that ‌​?
I didnt passed the value in the json encode
It is generated automatically
@Anjaneyulu those guys are having much experience in these issues...
yes yes
better you could speak with them... i will join you there...
they dont listen your words until you post your issue...
Hi all, can anybody please help me with my symfony routing problem? [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21628654/route-slug-to-subdomain-symfony-1-4) is my question
Q: How to match HTML Entities in JavaScript?

LaxmanHai I am new to CkEditor. I have a requirement in my project preventing CkEditor to convert from HTML Entities. &#123; and &#125 are the HTML Entities for open braces and curly braces. When i enter entities in the code view those html entities are prevent to convert curly braces in editor view...

@CJRamki hi
@CJRamki bye good night

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