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A: How do I use jQuery to disable a form's submit button until every required field has been filled?

mkprogrammingGuess my first instinct would be to run a function whenever the user starts modifying any of the inputs. Something like this: $('#submitBtn').prop('disabled', true); $('.requiredInput').change(function() { inspectAllInputFields(); }); We then would have a function that checks every input an...

Updated it, guess you learn something new every day?
Just threw the answer together but you're right. So adding == "" would fix this correct?
works for me :) edited. Thanks!
Thanks for the reply! I tried this on my site and couldn't get it to work. So I replicated your code on jsfiddle. Still no luck. I have to imagine that with all or even 1 field empty, the submit button should have no action when clicked, right? This isn't the case on the test page. Could you tell me what I did wrong? Added textarea and selectbox just to be sure.
Fixed it, like I said, I didn't actually test it or anything :P But it should work now.
There it is! All fixed. Thanks!
Encountered an instance where this does not work. If the required field is already entered on page load, the submit button remains disabled until that field is cleared of its value, and then a value is re-entered. Any idea how to work around this?
try running inspectAllInputFields(); when the page first loads ;)
I added this and it seemed to do the trick. $(document).ready( function() { inspectAllInputFields(); }); Is this the best way to handle it?
Yes that is why I wrote the function that way. You could just put the call to that function right about everything though. (Above the initial submit button disabled true)
That worked great. The only lingering issue is what seems like a conflict with another jQuery script. I'm using this Select Box script - It basically replaces my selectboxes with anchor tags so that I can style them more easily. Requiring these modified selectboxes to have a value doesn't seem to be working with this script. If I turn off the jQuery Selectbox script though, they work fine.
Not expecting a solution for this though. Think I'm just going to leave it be.
you could consider trying to replace every $(....
I'll give that a shot. But here's something else I noticed. If the user enters a value for the very last input that's required, the submit button won't switch to enabled until the user clicks out of that last input box. So the user would have effectively need to click twice after they finish typing.
once outside the input box to fire the function so that the button is enabled, and then a second time to actually click the submit button
I believe you could bind the function to ".keyup(" instead of ".change("
I'll try that out.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
worked like a charm.
No such luck on the jQuery(... trick for dealing with the Selectbox plugin. I'm ready to admit defeat on that one.
Thanky ou for your help!
on the .keyup method
no problem :)
doesnt work if the user double clicks the input to bring up a list of their past values
and then uses the mouse to pick one
so i suppose i should use .keyup AND .change?
whats the best way to write that?
yeah I guess (not sure how efficient it would be but..)
a combination of the two i mean so that it looks for both
just do a .keyup and a .change
separately like this?
$('.requiredInput').change(function() {
$('.requiredInput').keyup(function() {
ok cool
might not be that efficient but that might do the trick
just duplicate it and switch .keyup to .change. thought their might be a way to do it all in one line
guess not, and yeah, doesnt seem very efficient =p
there might be a way to do it on one line... hmmm
I don't think you'll notice any "lag" or anything doing it on two separate lines though
good enough for me :)
Thanks for everything.

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