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A: Asynchronus function handeling in nodes js

Sayem AhmedFor starter, if you simply want to log into console, then you can put the second console.log into your callback - exports.showTest = function(req,res) { var jsonString = []; var_show_test.find(function (err, testa) { console.log("In find"); console.log("In function"); ...

what will be in (callbackFunc)?
@Java_NewBie: Passs the function/method name that you want to call inside the find callback. I am updating my answer to clarify.
When i run it, it prints. In my callback. then error on callback(), then In find. I want to print first "In find" and then "In my callback". I am going to check it again.
@Java_NewBie: You are probably doing something wrong somewhere. It will be better if you can post the code snippet that you are using right now.
exports.showEmployeeTest = (function(callback){
return function(req,res) {
var_show_test.find(function (err, employeedirectory, count) {

console.log("In find");

function testCallBack(){
console.log("In test call back");
@Java_NewBie: You should only pass testCallBack, not testCallBack() as argument. You only pass the function name, not call the function.
@Java_NewBie: See how I've done it here.
great thnx it worked :), may be I need some more help. :)
Hi Sayem, I have one more issue to discuss, can I post my code here?
It's better not to extend the discussion in the comment there. We can discuss it here :-).
So what problems are you facing?
I am posting my code
exports.showEmployeeDirectoryTest = (function(callback){
var jsonString = [];
var department;
return function(req,res) {
var_employee_directory_test.find(function (err, employeedirectory, count) {

console.log("In find");
// console.log("Employee directory " + employeedirectory);
console.log("for loop " + employeeLoop.department);
var_department.find({_id : employeeLoop.department},function (err, department, count) {
In find
for loop 528c4f7d9835276812000001
department undefined
In test call back
department ajax dept
what I am doing now, that I am calling another find() and giving it a condition
I see........
when I print it it displays the department fine within find() callback
as it leaves the for loop it says undefined department
console.log("department " + department);
this line is the problem
and also
see the flow of print statemetns
In find
for loop 528c4f7d9835276812000001
department undefined
In test call back
department ajax dept
In "test call back" should print in last
Ok, let's talk about your issues one by one
take a look at your department variable
it's an argument to the innermost callback, right ?
which means you will only be able to access it from inside that callback
and it will not be available outside that function
as JavaScript enforces a function-level scoping for variables
but I have declared the variable on the second line of the function
which means, a variable created within a function will not be visible outside
no, you didn't declare it
let me post the code again
exports.showEmployeeDirectoryTest = (function(callback){
var jsonString = [];
var dept;
return function(req,res) {
var_employee_directory_test.find(function (err, employeedirectory, count) {

console.log("In find");
// console.log("Employee directory " + employeedirectory);
console.log("for loop " + employeeLoop.department);
var_department.find({_id : employeeLoop.department},function (err, department, count) {
I have a variable "dept", and assign this dept in inner callback
it looks like this:, right?
ok, I see
so about the variable
do you realize the execution flow of your program?
I mean, do you understand which function will be called when?
consider only this portion of your code -
employeedirectory.forEach(function (employeeLoop) {
console.log("for loop " + employeeLoop.department);
_id: employeeLoop.department
}, function (err, department, count) {
//console.log("jsonPArse " + jsonParse[attrName]);
dept = department[0].department_name;
console.log("department " + dept);

here, it looks more clean here:
you are calling var_department.find() method
passing a callback as its second parameter
this is an asynchronous function
which means, it will execute on its own
and you cannot control when it's gonna finish it's execution
but as soon as it finishes its execution
it's going to call the callback function that you've passed as its second argument
in mongoose
var var_employee_directory_test = mongoose.model( 'testaddemployeeform' );
var var_department = mongoose.model('department');
so this is var_department
so you are executing this find function for each of your employee, by using employeedirectory.forEach
and each of these finds starts their execution asynchrounously
yes actually first find() callback will give the all employee obejcts
each employee object has the department id
but when this portion of your code executes -
console.log("department " + dept);
and I am using second find() callback to pass department id
none of the find functions have finished their execution
so they haven't been able to assign any values to your dept variable yet
this is why you are getting the undefined
yes this is the case
for the similar reason, you're testCallback is getting fired early
so how can I handle this?
should i try this now?
yes please
ok :)
it is working
In find
for loop 528c4f7d9835276812000001
department: ajax dept
Sayem one more thing
I am very new to node js
and know little bit javascript
I need some great stuff to learn these things
well, everyone was a beginner once :-)
do you have s k y p e id?
so you want to know if I know about any great resources to learn about node js/javascript?
yes, I have one
yes exactly
I want to know about resources to learn
but I don't use it
one resource is you :) from whom I can learn from
you can try codeschool, they have some excellent resources on node.js
and also javascript
then there are this nodebeginner site
I think the last one is really great
and to learn javascript, you can start reading books, blogs
some of the good ones are ajaxians
I will look into these
dailyjs, nczonline, david walsh
sorry, I have to go know
have some urgent tasks to do
any gmail?
I mainly use yahoo
ok great
see you later!
so see you later!
Thankyou very much
you are welcome
1 hour later…
Hi Sayem I need one more thing to ask, Whenever you are free just ping. Thanks

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