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@Mogsdad You can't blow air well enough
I can produce plenty of wind.
Input please: Should I roll back an OP's edit? They have received an answer, then updated their question with the new problems from that code.
Yep, since it invalidated the existing answer
@Mogsdad I say yes. If they have another question then they need to ask anther question. They can always link back to the first one for reference.
musical chairs with changing questions after answers ain't cool
@Mogsdad I don't think the OP can comment on answers as he only has 30 rep.
@NathanOliver He can comment on answers to his question.
You can always comment on your own posts.
I think Nathan is having a senior moment
50 = comment anywhere.
@Mogsdad Okay. I knew you could comment your own question but I didn't know if answers to your question counted
I've only asked one question and that was after I could comment everywhere.
Ah, because you know everything already?
Nope. I just have a hard time finding a good question to ask that I can't find a solution to with some research.
I've gotta share this. Check out the explanation of the change... and the "more specific" tag... stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/10952116
w..o..w... Just wow.
Yep. BTW... I'm now in love with "Reject and Edit"... although it ends up with edits on old questions once in a while.
as long as it improves it and its once and a while then that is improvement FTW
sent him this comment, perhaps it is visible: stackoverflow.com/questions/1431445/…
jeez Adolf is causing problems again.
@Drew I've taken to putting those on the user's own posts - that one will notify the OP, not just the user you want.
> asked 6 years ago
I know Mogs. In the past, if it is on edit, the approved edit guy has responded. I try to stalk down only under unrelated questions like 2 to 4 people that are friends
@Braiam two of those reviewers are barely over 2,000 reputation...
@NathanOliver If you were to post such a FR, I'd upvote it multiple times if I could!
@Tunaki I'm going to. the more I look at the more I think we need to stop wasting delete votes in the LQPRQ.
BUT (there's a but) I think this is the same FR as not using from the pool of 50 CV in the close vote queue
@Tunaki but in this case we are just "wasting" them. The CV's are not being wasted.
just that the 10k tools has a page for dv's but no queue of course
@NathanOliver One could say they are wasted since other guys could vote to close
Above report still alive
could not agree more Tunaki
That was dirty, Tunaki
Good evening guys. You know how questions with pretty much no research efforts are handled?
@NathanOliver (to tell you the truth, I was thinking about such a FR myself but I fear it's going to be much downvoted and
@Kyll I don't do dirty™
you mean like most questions here, black ? :P
@black No research effort is a reason to downvote
@Tunaki meh. meta votes don't count so I aint scurred
like the reason Nathan was suggesting why he doesn't ask questions because he is not lazy and knows how to research
Yeah I did downvote; but can it go farther than that? Like closing it?
@NathanOliver downvotes all of Nathan's main-site answers
@black Is it off-topic?
oh we love doing that, if there is a good reason
@Kyll No it isn't
@TylerH Go ahead. The voting script will fix it :P
@black Well then... no, there isn't anything you can do
What's surprising is how many upvotes it got!
@black ?
Spelling mistake du jour, appearing in >59K posts: everytime.
what is the link to it black ?
Here it is. Had they opened the link I put a comment to, they would've known the answer.
@Mogsdad Le plat de résistance
@black What's the problem with that? Seems fine to me
close for a duplicate, or suffer a litany of answers
It's a basic question that's been answered in the docs, yes, but unless there already exists a duplicate it would make a good target
@Kyll Cela devrait être pièce de résistance , non?
@Closey completed tags
@rene Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name           | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | .net               | 4     | 2015-11-26 18:43:07 UTC |
 | twitter-bootstrap  | 6     | 2015-11-26 18:37:30 UTC |
 | css3               | 8     | 2015-11-24 21:05:34 UTC |
 | google-docs        | 4     | 2015-11-23 21:18:25 UTC |
 | google-spreadsheet | 3     | 2015-11-23 21:16:54 UTC |
 | google-apps-script | 6     | 2015-11-23 21:16:54 UTC |
 | asp.net            | 3     | 2015-11-19 21:38:51 UTC |
@Kyll Yeah that's it ... I wonder how it got so many upvotes
@Nordehinu completed tags
@rene Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name       | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | forms          | 5     | 2016-01-18 19:38:33 UTC |
 | iphone         | 3     | 2016-01-17 05:07:16 UTC |
 | image          | 9     | 2016-01-13 20:21:04 UTC |
 | c              | 3     | 2016-01-08 01:41:40 UTC |
 | navigation     | 3     | 2016-01-07 20:27:31 UTC |
 | .net           | 7     | 2016-01-05 05:29:33 UTC |
 | android-studio | 4     | 2015-12-30 05:54:26 UTC |
 | asp.net        | 4     | 2015-12-21 20:15:42 UTC |
@Mogsdad Les deux se disent. Le mot pièce est en effet plus distingué mais s'utiliserait surtout pour de la viande ("une pièce de viande")
Please type in a language everyone can understand -_-
@NathanOliver not if I... go slowly... >:-) muahahaha
what's wrong with this black (as a dupe target) stackoverflow.com/q/30065675
@Closey next 10 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@TylerH The next 10 tags are: 56, 37, 37, 33, 28, 27, 26, 26, 25, 23
doesn't need to be perfect, just better
@TylerH One a day for 2 years?
@Thaillie Not for cuisine.
@Drew Yeah they're very close
@NathanOliver not that slowly
do you think I'm ageless?!
Aren't all bots?
@black start the process, i will follow
The more effective result would be to somehow assume the identity of shog
@Nordehinu start event
-sudo get-priv-shog9
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
9,186 need review
1,962 reviews today
3,065,255 reviews all-time
could really hush a crowd with a new name change to that @TylerH
@Kyll Mais en anglais , l'expression familière utilise pièce. Qui se soucie vraiment?
android rulez ...
@Drew Other people found it related too but nobody sent a close vote ... dunno why
I like to imagine that anytime someone who has been question-banned by Shog gets a popup image of his face glaring at them whenever they try to ask a question
Since when does Uni handle the events and not closey?
@Mogsdad Moi >.>
@black people are lemmings. Do the deed
@Mogsdad in french you would actually say plat de resistance wouldn't you?
I thought piece de resistance was an American saying only
Requesting authorization for posting latest Commitstrip as onebox
@TylerH I picture this coming up.
@Kyll goferit, it's hilarious
@Kyll You get one per day
@Drew Done it.
@NathanOliver I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Hence the link - and that in English, the Franglais uses piece.
@Mogsdad I don't actually speak French so I don't know what you said
Obviously, if you haven't read it yet, stackoverflow.com/a/1732454/4174897
Also I just saw that the second answer on that is pretty offensive
thx black. See how easy
@TylerH Hopefully Google Translate would do the job... since that's where I got the French from...
Real work beckons. afk
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Drew Lovely fast ahah. I gotta thank you, not ya
@Mogsdad D'accord avec notre ami Kyll, les deux se disent mais "plat de résistance" est beaucoup plus utilisé !
and a dividend check for your troubles
@Mogsdad @Kyll par ici on dit plus pièce de résistance, indistinctement du contexte. Not sure if it really counts as an influence from english, it's been in litterature for some 150 years apparently
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier Ah, tu es de quel côté?
well, there's the right side of the atlantic, I'd be on the wrong side :p @Kyll
Ah un québécois!
but now that I think about it, maybe I was just unconsciously contradicting for the sake of barging in...
Nathan passed an audit!
@Tunaki Jeu de mot sur droite/gauche, right/wrong?
Ca compte pas. Tu sais au Québec... :p
@Tunaki Le Québec est quand même du mauvais côté de l'Atlantique...
isn't there a "speak english" rule... -_-
There is \o/
As long as we all agree that French is the one true language.
Official language of the UN
sorry for taking over your screens for a little while
I think you can be forgiven.
Can we stay on-topic a bit, please?
Rene passed an audit!
@Tunaki very poor at that, he even misspelled bytehost
@Tunaki it sure reads like an advertisement
Is it still spam if there's no link? I guess so.
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [android-studio]"
Well it's gone.
@Closey starting
@TylerH Happy reviewing!
Nathan passed a audit!
Nathan passed a audit!
@NathanOliver You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today (3 of which were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 20 minutes, averaging to a review every 31 seconds.
just got a drive by DV on my one and only question. I wonder if I made some upset but not upset enough to DV my answer.
question downvotes are free
Yeah. Nothing else has happened so I guess I'll be stuck with it. oh well.
hmm the timeline says the downvote was 20 hours ago
at the start of the UTC day
timeline won't give specifics about the time of voting
so at least 20 hours ago?
At most. all votes are given at the start of the day UTC
ah the start of the current day
I was thinking it waited to tally them up at the end of the day
essentially, just take the Date/Time and chop off the Time part.
Downvote was 2 hours ago from this
Ah. I didn't see it until just now when I gained rep. I normally never check until I see green.
oops. for the sd. must be time for some more caffeine.
1 minute of fun ... now go to reddit
@rene You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today (1 of which was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 55 minutes, averaging to a review every 1 minutes and 25 seconds.
Oh, ok
Just within the boundaries of the event
Still need to kill that grammar bug.
Is there anything that sounds boringer than a grammar bug?
watching paint dry?
It should be a simple fix at least
Put it on the list for V3
we got a live one
sd ignore- edited
Later guys
Welcome to SO. Your code is welcome too. — Hrundi V. Bakshi Jan 16 at 9:37
@Drew if you don't, how would you vote anyway :D
you wouldn't
might even answer it :P
@TylerH If SO was Canadian, rather that Amercun, we'd have to say everything in English AND French.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier And if it was in la Belle Provence, we'd have to have it in French first, with a larger font!
@Mogsdad that would be awesome :p
(I'm in Ottawa, btw, where we confuse tourists with street signs like: "Rue MacDonald-Cartier St.")
@Mogsdad This Ce would serait be confus confusing.
ugh my brain
Oops, sorry for apologizing.
@Mogsdad thank goodness it's not, then
@TylerH We'd have poutine, instead of waffles!
Or... poutine ON waffles!
well, actually, if it were canadian, you would be allowed to speak wathever language you want.
insta star
but poutine is gross
cc @rlemon
I hope you are receiving the internet punch I'm sending your way right now
More for us, then.
it's amongst the better things in life
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier that's why I cc'd the lemon to come do it for you
Note: it's for UL, not SO
my answers suck
how pertinent of a note @Tunaki
I was also getting startled
@Tunaki I actually have the opposite
@Braiam Hm?
... problem
Passed Android audit
@Braiam it's called switch sites at the bottom of the screen, just below Run Query
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier I know... but by the time I remember it, is just too late already
I see what it does now
I thought it meant how many answers have you given that outscore your total number of answers
No it doesn't
It is showing how many answers have outcompeted your own answers on questions
and who the highest scoring competitor is
Which is excellent; now I know my target competition
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[android-studio]"
@tun here is a jar for you stackoverflow.com/questions/34871241
@Drew Jar is closed.
u 3
I've come to the conclusion that android questions suck
now look what you did
at least, all the ones in the queue do
There's no hope, is there?
guy tries to tame his audience "so, please remove negative feedback (thumbs down) now" stackoverflow.com/questions/34848634/…
That'll work.
Another pile of bad tag-only edits waiting to be rejected. The first couple I've hit are NOT about the tag being added.
nothing in the queue about it though
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 1 hour to continue reviewing.
@TylerH Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Mogsdad I've sent a , with many explaining why those looks bad
@TylerH I've hit two in the queue, so far.
a tetter?
@Tunaki, you are hot again....
@Mogsdad had to approve two
@PetterFriberg \o/
Oh, +100 \o/
@Tunaki, I'm at 6 now..... looking good : )
it is aging
Seems broad
I didn't think "Spam" when I saw this in review, but now that I see an identical deleted answer from another David, posted earlier today...? stackoverflow.com/a/34887825/1324
definitely spam
totally unrelated to the question
yes spam
at the very least its advertising another site/community
which is not allowed in answers
he seems rather excited about them
I highly recommend Paul Roub for JS consulting. Phenomenal bug-free work and responsiveness to client needs
@sd why?
Hah, I bet it's the "Lose weight"
its gone now
This is the first meta question that I've ever seen that has more than 100 up votes, and not a single down vote. Impressive Meta, impressive indeed... (In case someone ruins that... i.stack.imgur.com/wlYQ4.png) — Zizouz212 24 secs ago
@Tunaki RULES and I'm tagging along with 7 votes..
Oh, so we're tied. Actually, I have a "starred" more :)
He just need another vote....
I don't see your Meta Q @PetterFriberg
Hmm lets give 1 to @Braiam
Well I only got 82 some lousy downvoters...
@Tunaki it is all in the title, not really important what you write ; )
@PetterFriberg Ah, you're talking about that comment of yours. I thought you made a separate FR for syntax-highlighting jasper-reports.
@Tunaki No I don't have the courage YET, I tag along with you....
Its a nice ride
sd remove- Undo edited
why is the close vote primarily opinion based?
I would surely hope that no website has willy-nilly access to my computer in this detail! — deceze yesterday
Both gone..
Past the 2 minutes.
@Braiam I have to say that meta question made me really laugh. The comments there, hilarious!
just that two idiots downvoted it >:(

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