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@KenWhite really curious what makes that question American, especially given that the prose in the image is Hebrew... (and says the same thing as the first line of the Stack Overflow question)
@RyanM Yeah, I was afraid to ask that - I wasn't sure I'd like the answer. :-)
4 hours later…
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
@RyanM Well the site lists 3 of the 4 tools the user stated in their bio
but I just care about someone taking a look at it since it being in the flag backlog from the strike isn't ideal and it seemed like there being a lot of posts would maybe be an issue
OT no-repro, "It was ultimately resolved by buying a new MCU at Mouser and reworking the board."
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
Is the star beside the number of reopen (and close/delete?) votes link under a post a new thing? I guess it indicates that I have cast a vote.
Don't recall having seen it before.
yes found when i (should be applicable for everyone) there is a meta post related to it, vote close it shows Asterix * beside it
in fact it appears for delete vote as well!
3 hours later…
@MayukhBhattacharya Thanks. It's a good new feature, IMHO.
2 hours later…
@AdrianMole yup
4 hours later…

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