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@Jonas How did they even do that? I thought the system blocked posts that had the identical title to other posts.
2 hours later…
@user16217248 The duplicate title checker has been broken at least since the MSO post here was posted in December 2022.
^ ^ ^ That should have been "Request for offsite resource" instead of "Not about programming" [done -Ryan M]
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Cristik I think the noise you removed was spam.
@user16217248 yes, exactly
1 hour later…
@VLAZ It didn't felt like spam to me, that's why I removed it, I might've been wrong though
The rest of the answer seemed like a genuine attempt to answer the question
What's the prerequisites for protecting a question apart from rep? For some reason I can't find that option anywhere any longer.
The PHP question mickmack posted about above needs it. Drawing lots of attention and lots of low quality late answers, perfect spam target.
@Lundin Needs at least 3 (?) answers from low-rep users that have been deleted.
The deleted answers on that Q don't count, as their posters all have >10 rep.
@AdrianMole Are you sure? Sounds extreme.
Well, protection would do nothing to prevent any of those answers: it only stops users with <10 rep from posting.
^That is for the system intervention. If you consider it is protection worthy, then it's up to you
Yeah I know but questions with 100k views and attracting lots of low quality answers no matter poster rep are perfect spam candidates. This is what protection is for.
OK - It only needs one answer from a low rep user that has been deleted. link
@Lundin It is what it should be for. It's what it doesn't quite achieve...
Old questions are full of detritus that just builds up over the years. And it doesn't come from 1 rep users. Just every few months to a year somebody decides to throw their hat into an old question with multiple pages of answers. And manages to repeat a dozen of them while also adding some new problems.
Yeah... makes we think we should have a downvote-pls chat room...
Like that 30k rep person talking back when getting criticized for some 12 year old link-only answer to the manual... Maybe we shouldn't have deleted it but just massively down-voted it.
@Lundin While often I've wished for such a thing, it would probably be taken as organised voting. Yet, the mere fact that we'd need something like that to counteract upvotes on answers that shouldn't have been posted points at a fundamental issue with voting and the content curation.
Or a way to organize a group of some 5 veteran users for a certain tag, who go through such posts and just delete away. Isn't that what "collectives" are supposed to be good for?
4 hours later…
@Lundin In theory - yes. I don't know how it is in practise.
1 hour later…
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine this del-pls request is unnecessary and arguably improperly closed, and I think it violates the issue at heart here: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/426208/… -- is this question really so bad that it warrants manual deletion as soon as possible? I think not. The question provides an input, has a specific request for help, and a desired output.
That they did not make an attempt is downvote-worthy, sure, but "no attempt" is not a valid reason to close questions.
As such, I'm binning the request for being invalid and potentially site rule violating.
@TylerH Looks like a trivial problem that should have a lot of duplicates. Does it worth to reopen?
I was just about to ask that. I would think there is a dupe target out there but I don't know how to search for it
I found at least two
If you can find a dupe target and post it on the question I'm happy to take a look and potentially retract my reopen vote/request
@Vega add the links into the comments?
@Vega Thanks!
I think the closure reasoning there is bad. It's not Too Broad. I do think it should be closed as a duplicate
@Machavity if only someone here had the power to unilaterally reopen it and re-close it as a duplicate... :-P
@Machavity <3
@TylerH I disagree. It's unclear at a minimum because "can someone help me?" is not a real question.
Where did OP write "can someone help me?"
I see "Please help me to create a function to transform (the above) and produce the output (below)"
Yep - that's not a real question at all. It's unclear what help they actually need.
They literally state the exact output they want
how is that unclear?
I don't understand what help they need in order to achieve that.
they need it done
Since they don't have an attempt, they need all the help required to go from point A to point B
So basically the question is "please write the whole thing for me"?
The question is "How do i do X"
As most "how do I do X" questions are
which is perfectly fine
Still doesn't seem like a real question to me
it's probably a duplicate
"not a real question" is also not a valid close reason
@KevinB It is; Vega helpfully found some earlier
how many different ways can you convert an array of objects into another array of objects
@KevinB as it happens, there is a handy language-agnostic canonical stackoverflow.com/questions/444296/…
thanks again to @Vega for making me aware of it
You are welcome! :)
man, language tags for answers would really be nice
there's a lot of things that would be really nice
like when closing as a duplicate being able to choose a specific answer and leave commentary
oh, yeah, that'd be amazing
haven't thought of that before
being able to link a question almost dupe-closure-like to another network site would be nice
i envision it as bridging the gap between dupe question closure and helping the user solve the problem in their scenario
the dupe might fully explain what's happening and how to fix it, but often people need a little bit more
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine I don't think that's the correct standard here. It has the necessary parts to posit an answer, which means it has a MRE and is a "how-to" question. It's a duplicate, tho. Their top question is no different
> An attempted solution is not a goal. It's a tool to help us better understand where the original poster is stuck by learning what have they tried. Questions should be judged based on their usefulness. Not based on how "deserving" someone is to get an answer.
@KevinB yeah, I do sometimes comment about which answers are relevant when I dupe hammer
"Can someone help me?" is aimed at folks who want broad help, usually needing a "starting point"
although not often, because 50/50 chance of the OP responding saying "NOT A DUPE UGH" etc.
@Machavity yeah, that smart aleck comment by one user "they don't require answers either" ...irked me
Is this spam: stackoverflow.com/a/77358377? To me it looks like spam, but I'm not 1005 sure
@Cristik Yes. They have the blog site linked in their profile
1 hour later…
Is this a reasonable question with no code? Seems like it might be opinion-based to me.
@miken32 yeah, seems opinion-based to me. The question they are asking is "can I normalize these values or is that risky" which is opinion-based without further clarification
@TylerH Ok thanks, will make it official
Any C++ folks out there: Is this tag the same as this one?
@Machavity Looks the same to me.
Not a C++ folk, but stackoverflow.com/questions/67411397/… makes me think it is
A few users use it on questions about other languages, so that will be fun to clean up.
The STL and C++ Standard Library are different things, but "stdlib" refers to the C++ Standard Library, that much I know, thanks to Lightness Racing's proselytizing about it for years
Yeah, stdlib is a synonym already
I would say should be synonymized to . The latter is the proper, formal name.
but I am not a C++ SME
Might be safest to ask on Meta
@Machavity of std, not of C++ Standard Library
Since stdlib was synonymized to std, and stdlib is the C++ Standard Library, std should be synonymized to C++ Standard Library as well
Not sure who synonymized stdlib to std, but I'm assuming it was a C++ SME
See stackoverflow.com/questions/5205491/… for further reading (although it's mostly about stl vs standard library, several answers make reference to std when talking about the standard library)
@VLAZ yeah, found it shortly after mentioning
Glad to be of no use to you! :P
though he's not a mod nor ever was one, so I can't see who all voted for it. Not sure if mods can see that
he's a C++ SME at least
@Machavity IMHO they are
Thanks. Gonna approve the synonym but not merge. Now let's see if Meta notices...
@TylerH Fair point, but would take a Meta survey to approve
@Machavity eh? Isn't that what you were asking in the first place?
you merged them in the other direction
not a huge fan of that... but I don't use C++ so I won't die on that hill
[std] was the larger tag, far and away
2 hours later…
@user16217248 reason?
your latest comment on the question before it was deleted states it is unclear
given that it's 10 years old, it's unlikely OP will return to clarify it if they haven't already done so
the only answer also concludes by stating it's a matter of opinion as well. Doesn't seem worth resurrecting, to me.
@TylerH I think it was wrongfully closed and has potentially helpful answers. I later returned to the question, and since the code was not consistent with what the question was asking, I went ahead and edited it, since the code appeared to just be a typo.
And then I posted a but it got deleted instead :/ so I'm posting a
@user16217248 You think it's not a matter of opinion?
Despite the C and C++ SME answering it stating so?
I think it's better to phrase the question anew in a separate question, that is careful to not ask for opinions, than to try and salvage this one. It had ~260 views after 10 years... that is decidedly not particularly useful
Otherwise even "What are the disadvantages of allowing boolean-to-integer implicit conversions?" may still get closed as opinion-based
@TylerH The question was basically what is the motivation for language designers to disallow bool to int implicit conversion. But given that many languages do, there must be some logical reason that compelled them to do so. Whether that reason is more important or not than the advantages of allowing them is opinion based, but asking for what that reason is is not opinion-based IMO.
Questions asking for designer motivation are almost categorically closed as off-topic/opinion-based here
the only scenarios where they aren't is when moderating users just don't see them in time
The answer is always ultimately "because the designers preferred it that way"
Yes but the designers preferred it that way because they thought the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. But asking what the actual advantages or disadvantages are is not quite as opinion-based, at least in my opinion.
I think you're free to try and craft a question that carefully asks about the advantages and disadvantages. In many cases it depends on various factors whether something is an advantage or disadvantage. I think we've had this conversation before. And it may well be a duplicate anyway.
it also probably needs to focus on a specific language or it may be considered too broad.
Do you think "What problems does disallowing bool-to-int conversions solve" would be a less-opinion-based way to ask the question?
Less opinion-based for sure but too broad/open-ended (if it is not well known that there's a finite, small number of such problems)
does the same principle of what you are interested in apply in the opposite direction (int to bool)? What about bool to string?
Or is it just bool to int?
thinking for example about similar/adjacent questions like stackoverflow.com/questions/22160432/… or stackoverflow.com/questions/32009694/…
Bool/int and vice versa. Bool is typically just implemented as an int behind the scenes, so why not let us access the int representation directly without having to use ` ? 1 : 0` or != 0.
@TylerH The answer says that is to enforce program correctness. Do you think a question like 'How does preventing bool-to-int conversion enforce program correctness?' would be better still?

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