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@Dharman okay, please edit my comments to include "Given the sample data, all results MUST end with 15."
@ZoestandswithUkraine nice
@mickmackusa edited one; the other you've covered that in the following conversation
My generosity, while debugging bad answers, becomes very limited when they are code-only answers. Otherwise, I am only helping lazy contributors to be more lazy. I polish my own turds, not other's.
When answerers show real effort in their post, I am far more willing give generous feedback about how they can improve their post.
@Braiam another feature parity question like we were talking about yesterday.
@HenryEcker What about the ones that can't afford top data providers and banks, and have to settle for medium-quality ones?
@RyanM No need to settle! Just float your life-sized credit card in front of your phone to pull up the maps app. That's how currency exchange works right?!
@cigien I chose the older question as the target since I didn't see any strong reason to prefer one over the other. I'm fine with reverse duping.
@pppery I can use my hammer to swap some things around if you fill me in.
@bad_coder it wasn’t a duplicate post. I separated votes/ answers for the two tags.
@DanielWiddis I understood after the fact when it was explained in the comments.
3 hours later…
@cigien that looks like a copy of a code competition question with no relevant code. Or am I missing something?
@bad_coder I got two Necromancer badges out of the deal. :D
@DanielWiddis good deal, always nice to expand the badge collection :)
@SurajRao I'm so happy the grace period got ejected into space for low-rep users
it did? any MSO link?
@SurajRao meta.stackoverflow.com/a/418074/6296561 for the closest thing we get to an announcement, meta.stackexchange.com/posts/21789/revisions (Revision 26) for the "announcement" from staff
ohh.. thats good
You don't need to look further than the revision history there ^ to see it in action
Should this answer be a comment under the question? stackoverflow.com/a/7854231/2943403
Is this a dupe vote posted as an answer? stackoverflow.com/a/7854333/2943403
2 hours later…
@pppery I think it's better the other way around. The target you suggested has 6 linked questions, but this one has 23. The quality of both questions (and answers) seem similar.
@pppery @rene Could this be binned please? pppery is fine with reversing the target.
@SurajRao No, you're not missing anything. (I don't know if it's a copy of a code competition, but I couldn't find a duplicate on SO.) There's no relevant code, that's correct. It's a "how-to" algorithm question.
@cigien → 1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request (cc @pppery)
and (the other tags on that question) seem to be a graveyard of off-topic questions and should possibly be burninated)
post a burninate request then
or two, rather
Could probably queue up [nat] next, it's tiny if it passes
Is this question a resource-request, or is it ok since it's actually asking for a widget in flutter, and the external package bit is optional?
1 hour later…
Hey guys, I'm not lying; I voted a post from a score 2 to a score of 12, and now it's at 6. meta.stackoverflow.com/q/418080/17242583
@pppery That doesn't have any recent activity, does it?
There's a suggested edit to an answer
(stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/31674040, which is how I saw the question)
Ah, I see. Thanks.
@pppery Not only off topic, only one answer is correct
2 hours later…
@bad_coder OP has edited to add code, should this still be closed?
@pppery honestly yes, I can't tell from the screenshot if they've installed to the venv or the base installation. The code doesn't matter because it's an installation question and I don't think the OP knows what "activating the venv" means, I just don't have time today to walk someone through the process. They say the venv is activated, I don't think it is, the OP probably knows best. But a screenshot just doesn't confirm it enough either way.

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