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3 hours later…
How good is this answer? Would Dharman approve a flag on it?\s stackoverflow.com/a/6696595/2943403
@CertainPerformance seems more like a typo ...
1 hour later…
@tripleee OP acknowledges duplicate; somebody could cast the final close vote as duplicate
@tripleee I did but it only links in comments.
hmm, drats
oh well, it will roomba in 10 days anyway
I like how the auto-remove-duplicate-suggestion-comment-on-dupe-closure feature removed tripleee's comment that was not the standard dupe comment, but not VLAZ's that was the standard dupe comment.
I guess it just removes at most one comment?
@RyanM I didn’t know there was such a feature…
is this question - Binary Search using Geometric Means actually on topic?
@Ruli with a bit of effort I could argue it is about optimizing an algorithm. But I'm not enough of an SME in that field or tag to judge if the question has enough substance to be answerable and if the answer is code or a CS explanation how geometric means should be detemined.
@Ruli for SO at least, it seems VLQ
@sideshowbarker you need to redefine VLQ then. I can read that question perfectly fine. That is not gibberish. Don't make me go to meta to teach the mods what VLQ looks like. It will be a mess.
yeah let’s please not have that 😋
anyway, I will admit I didn’t look at it carefully — but that I didn’t take any action on it either
if I were asked to take any action on it, I reckon my answer might be different
@Ruli you flagged it but not left a close vote?
@rene FWIW, what I saw lacking it in was exactly what the first commenter said: Where —in that wall of text — is the actual question?
@rene barked at the barker
@sideshowbarker Even the bold text doesn't read like a question.
(sorry, couldn't resist)
@user692942 right — as currently written, it seems like it’s asking people to do a lot of work that most people just won’t bother to do
it’s the kind of question for which a relatively easy improvement could be something as simple moving the actual question up to the beginning, and then following the question with something like: Here are more details… (or more context, or whatever)
When is the geometric mean faster: When X, or instead when Y?
@sideshowbarker exactly!
@user692942 They don't have enough rep to vote to close
If an answer with active spam flags on it is deleted as a result of the parent question being deleted, what happens to the answer? Does the user get the spam penalty, do mods see the spam flags on the answer, does it affect spam prevention mechanisms, etc? Is any of that affected by how the parent question was deleted (by the OP, by other users, or by red-flags)?
@user692942 I will cast close vote once I reach 3K rep, but I am not trying to reach it so that will take another year :D
@JeanneDark Missed that, on me.
@cigien I would expect all flags to be marked helpful so that would mean the answer is spam deleted and the IP of the OP fed into spamram.
@rene That makes sense, thanks.
@cigien RyanM: "Self-deletion doesn't mark red flags helpful, only deletion by other users or moderators." And a chat message by Cody seems to cover the case you are asking about:
"The answer in question wasn't deleted as spam. It was merely deleted implicitly, as a result of its parent question being deleted. A spam flag on it was marked "helpful", but no spam flags were validated against the post, so there are no consequences. Thus, that doesn't need to be flagged or have any action taken on it."
That is ... suboptimal. At a minimum red-flags shouldn't be cleared.
@JeanneDark Ah, so the spam penalty isn't applied when the parent question is deleted. Nice find, thanks, that covers what I wanted to know.
Indeed, that's not ideal. Maybe if the answer has any active spam flags they should cause the spam penalties to be applied, just leave the flags as you said so mods can take a look later.
So there is at least 1 meta post about it, and the last para of the answer makes sense. Ok, so until the company does something about that, do mods want custom flags on answers like this one that's definitely spam, but didn't get the penalties. It's not a common occurrence, but it happens now and then.
Hey folks. I was on the verge on asking this on meta, but I don't think it would be well received. Are there more bad questions asked on Fridays? Bad as in closed the same day as it was asked. I've had a feeling this is definitely the case for a long time. Has anyone else noticed the same? I suppose he answer might of course be that more questions overall are asked on Fridays(?).
@Lundin subjectively, absolutely
though last week was very quiet; I would not have expected that effect from Thanksgiving but perhaps there was something else
I'm not an SQL person but this should be possible to demonstrate with a SEDE query
@Lundin if that is true then you're better not live on Iceland ....
data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/946269/… looks like Wednesdays get the most questions if I'm reading this correctly, but the Microsoft documentation for what the numbers mean is predictably obtuse
is that 1 == Sunday like in the US?
the big question is of course how many of those are closed within say 2 hours
@gre_gor Is the use of the stackoverflow.com/questions/18050071/… duplicate appropriate there? I'm on the yes side, but I understand how that requires considerable flexibility in interpreting policy
@rene I recalled that old meme too. And it must have appeared for a reason, I think
@Lundin I don't think there's a correlation... or, empirically, do people become sloppier while approaching the weekend?
Either way it doesnt seem like there are more questions overall on Fridays. Except maybe schools are more prone to schedule programming tests late in the week?
my understanding is that professional or serious programmers take the weekend off and then the site gets dominated by random newbies
@tripleee yeah, that is the default. I switched it to Monday now: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/1681078
We do know (and someone proved with statistics) that there was a drastic traffic increase during school starts as well as during exams. I would suspect that newbie students are more prone to ask bad questions than the average SO newbie
@KarlKnechtel I am not sure either. But it prevents it from being roombad.
@rene Would it be possible to also show the number of closed questions per day? It doesn't necessarily mean that the closed questions were asked that day, but maybe there's a trend.
But you wouldn't know if it was due to more close-worthy questions or more active close voters ;)
@JeanneDark That's a good point. And close voters do not necessarily have the same nocturnal behavior as bad question askers...
@Lundin and with deleted questions taken into account as well: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/1681084
@rene So the ratio is actually the worst during weekends. tripleee's theory about professional programmers taking the weekend off from SO.
Or no wait, I'm reading that backwards... weekends have a lower closed-within-4-hours ratio
So maybe its the close voters taking the weekend off
closed within 4 hours is pretty stable but within a day and overall is higher on weekends
deleted is very stable
Hmm actually regarding the statistics, one has to take time zones into account. Because it isn't Friday at the same time everywhere (except on Iceland).
in case it's not obvious, the linked gist adds the ratio out of the total number of questions posted; I suppose it could be done in SQL too but ...
I'm guessing the DB uses US EST time zone or such? Or is it using Universal Standard Time (aka GMT)?
pretty sure it's UTC
yeah, all times are UTC
(which is in fact slightly different from GMT, definitionally)
As in time from epoch? Now in which time zone did epoch occur? :)
UTC also
I just realized now that I might be slightly too nerdy... I read UTC as Unix Timestamp Converter. Err nevermind... them weird programmers.
yeah I was wondering where the epoch curveball came from
Nobody actually knows what UTC stands for. In English, it's Universal Coordinated Time (UCT) and in French (used for numerous international Standards) it would be TUC (or TCU?). Just where the order of the letters came from is a mystery.
@AdrianMole Wikipedia has it down as a compromise between these two
@AdrianMole yes, basically.
There few things as poorly standardized as standard committees, in my experience. We also have "the OSI model", "the SI system", "CE declaration".
All of it French or Frenglish.
Who watches standardises the watchers standardisers?
Do we, then, need an SCSC? (Standard Committees Standards Committee)
@AdrianMole Yes
It is Meta from here all the way down
if you visit Sellexurb you can see OTAN and NU and UE signs everywhere
Does Meta have any standards?
@AdrianMole Depends - which one abbreviation is closer to French?
@AdrianMole If you consider low then yes.
Trouble with the French is that have never really forgiven/forgotten that the British got to keep the Prime Meridian and the one that went through Paris was abandoned.
Comité Standard pour les Comité Standards?
@AdrianMole But at least after it was decommissioned, it was used to create the Eiffel Tower 2.0 which has integrated time lasers and a baguette reheater.
I think, for a while, the French defined the Prime Meridian as that line which passes through a point x metres west of a particular point in Paris.
Well the British in turn likely refused to adopt the SI system just because France was one of the main countries pushing for it. Or driving on the right side of the street.
Driving on the right harks back to Napoleon Bonaparte (he was left-handed).
In the olden days, you wanted to have your sword hand on the side that other coaches/horses passed you by.
Btw, when to use "not about programming" and when to use "belongs on Super User" for questions like that? Is there some policy or is it just subjective?
in practice you should almost never migrate anything unless you are familiar with the destination site
No but "belongs on" doesn't migrate, or does it...?
@Lundin "...belongs on..." is voting for migration.
Three close votes for migration (to the same site) will migrate a post. It has to be unanimous. Presumably, a mod-vote is binding.
Hmm well that could actually be handy. Not so much for Super User perhaps, but other sites. The site could perhaps check your rep on multiple sites and then give you a "migration hammer". There's a lot of posts that I could migrate to other sites where I'm certain that they would be fine.
There was once a way to close as belonging on SU (and SF) without migrating it: Retiring Our Community-Specific Closure Reasons for Server Fault and Super User
Incidentally, is there a reason why comments aren't shown in the RO queue itself? Or is that down to a user-script I'm running?
Comments are shown in the "Question (revised)" tab, but not in the default "Revision" tab for some reason
@AdrianMole uh? I thought they do. Actually I frequently leave comments to reopen reviewers
@janw Aha! I guess that "Revision" tab is a devil-spawn of the editor system.
@blackgreen Yeah - but when it is pushed into the queue because of an edit, it is the "Revision" tab that shows by default.
Ahh yes. janw is correct
What's happening in this review (RO queue, again). I reviewed it just about an hour ago (it had a minor edit) and voted to leaved closed (as did two other reviewers). Now I'm seeing it again.
@AdrianMole OP last edited the question in 2014 though (-:
... ah, OK. Seems like somebody gave it a reopen vote since the last review.
1 hour later…
^ suspicious upvotes
@TylerH Don't think it's spam. I'd be willing to side with a R/A, though. But I delvoted for now.
@VLAZ I considered it spam as it was basically just an advertisement for apple/iphones
Is this possibly a (partial) answer?
@JeanneDark Taking away the first 2 sentences it looks like an attempt to answer
I've edited the answer a little
Looks better now!
@miken32 FWIW I think that SD report is OK with regard to self-promotion. The author clearly states "I have a post", which is explicit disclosure of affiliation
other issues notwithstanding, of course
Yeah that's true. They're definitely skirting the line though; it can't hurt for them to have more info.
So is down for me . "We are currently offline for maintenance"
I just love my former coworker's way of managing file versions... i.sstatic.net/EtLVp.png
interesting, I was able to cast both a VLQ flag and then a spam flag on the previous SD report post
@TylerH the One True Way to do versioning.
@4b0 IIRC that page is also served to you by the HA-proxy whenever the current call takes more than 5 seconds. So if you're unlucky and the application server that is busy getting your data but it gets blocked from making progress after 5 seconds the HA-proxy finishes the request for you, leaving a poor application server with an aborted request and results that go straight to the garbage collector.
@VLAZ I especially enjoy the only one labeled "production" also being labeled "copy"
It's only proper to have a backup of prod, of course.
@bad_coder don't you hate it when they do that ....
Is it generally acceptable for a user with the 2k privilege to edit an answer (let's say a top answer) with a link to their own answer? Should this be rolled back?
There's this meta question but it doesn't show strong consensus. Also, it actually refers to suggested edits.
@blackgreen Good question and nice finds. If it's posted to draw traffic to one's own answer I'd consider it spamming ... but as you said: rather grey area.
that's the main issue
although the linked answer is presented as a proper answer, so I'm wary of calling that "spam"
And the closed (and graveyarded) spanish post is actually spam for a tyre company ...
@tink Yeah, didn't see the link at first
P00f :) ... gone burger
@tink I'm more annoyed the code isn't MRE, it's a client/server that only shows the client, but the client isn't needed because the real Q is: "how to append to list" :P
@tink still no 10k for me, otherwise I'd "habla" it to English :)
Heh. I can actually understand most of the text, but wouldn't have bothered with a translation ;)
@tink if it were a "wurst spam" there'd be less users able to read it :)
GRIN ... I can do Wurst fluently ;D
@tink I have so much nostalgia of rotwurst on the street :(
@Juraj even if it had more detail, wouldn't it be an engineering question? Looks like hardware specs to me?
@bad_coder jedem das seine ;)
1 hour later…
@tink hard to know without details and clarity :-)
@Juraj heh.
I reached 10k today ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
This answer has been edited to more explicitly disclose affiliation, and to not be link-only, but I can't cast an undelete vote because it was mod-deleted. Any mods around to decide on an undelete, or should I just flag it? stackoverflow.com/a/74658229/1255289
@bad_coder Congrats. Here is some 10K fun for you: 1, 2, 3
@bad_coder congrats!
@NathanOliver I had been wanting to see those posts, thanks for linking them.
@TylerH thanks, I'm happy. I can take it easier from now on.
10k lines of bad code in one day. Beats my record.
@bad_coder here's my favorite 10k+ question stackoverflow.com/questions/31662675/what-boy-do-i-pick
@TylerH lol, ah 10k is a world of hidden gems revealed.
huh. i have a rediculous number of deleted answers
1 month in 2012 i deleted 15
@KevinB comparable only to the number of laxative emergencies you've graced chat with.
@StephenOstermiller lol I sometimes write good code :)
I need to learn to do that
@Dharman rehash, my current mood.
you dance well
@Dharman kudos to the dancer, very expressive.
@V2Blast drinks on me today :) have a Port wine.
@bad_coder congrats, keep up the good work :)
@TylerH lmao, the last comment is perfect.
although arguably it's a how-to dating question, not debugging a problem with a dating situation...
@RyanM I personally really appreciate the tag
can anybody make sense of what this question is trying to say? Is it just asking for a link to a repo?
@Ethan Yeah, looks like a tool request.
@Vickel thanks, now we only have to win the World Cup :)
@bad_coder hahaha, I hope so... 1st task, Switzerland....
@Vickel a surprisingly dangerous team, see the 2016 2:0 defeat
stackoverflow.com/questions/41983209 Isn't this off topic? it seems to be effectively tech support for using pypi.org
@bad_coder I know, and in round of 16 every team is dangerous... and the ball is very round
@KarlKnechtel no that's reST or MD syntax for GH PyPI. Pure programming.
@KarlKnechtel I also adjusted the tags.
@Vickel the ball is very round indeed, and the champions have to win every game, it's as easy as that.
I mean, the top answer there seems to indicate that the problem is with the URL, not the reST syntax.
@KarlKnechtel I understand, but correct syntax of directive arguments is still reST syntax in a specific context. You'd have to nuke a lot of Qs going by that criteria (including most RTD Qs).

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