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2:08 AM
Looks like customer support FAQ . Question ad answer posted within same time by same user ? Any action needed, Mod flag or ....... ? stackoverflow.com/questions/68538103/…
@Shree Self answers have always been explicitly encouraged by stack overflow, not sure what the problem is here.
2:23 AM
Ya I know that . But not all customer support FAQ is welcome on SO and it's fit to SO standard. They all are QA format doesn't mean they are welcome or I am missing some thing ?
2:57 AM
What are the chances that the link at the end of the answer is spam? stackoverflow.com/a/68531129/2943403
3 hours later…
Just got another spat of revenge votes. It used to bother me, but now I think my mindset has shifted. Perhaps I should interpret these batched downvotes on my questions to be an indication that I am appropriately rocking the boat. I mean, I am not calling anyone names or belittling while curating. Even if I am not directly spurring change, I am raising awareness.
Yeah, you make an appearance.
7:07 AM
@jps Heads up: I think you forgot a link in your comment
Is this question (NATO) okay, or recommendation/general computing?
@RyanM thanks Ryan, but I fixed it already
but a strange question
Yeah, it's like asking the difference between a computer and a piece of paper.
2 hours later…
8:45 AM
Welp, that is officially the worst edit I've ever seen a post author force-approve.
9:15 AM
@RyanM In contrast, the comment is probably the most succinct and accurate description of an edit I have seen.
@VLAZ HA...yeah, checks out.
9:34 AM
How should a user asking "Hi, This code is sensative to a training I've participated but I can't delete it becasue a limit of deletion per day. Could you please help to delete it?" be handled? Note that the user has already vandalized a bunch of content in an attempt to delete it.
(if any moderators want to handle it directly, it's in my flags as a user rage-quitting)
@RyanM advice them to flag for mod attention?
@tripleee I considered that, but "If I flag my post with a request to delete it, what will happen?" here suggests that such flags will always be declined...which might be a desirable result here, though. In any case, they edited the question to something that's not a bunch of "x"s and removed their comment, and it had no answers, so.../shrug
I'll leave the flag to see if mods want to do anything about the vandalism/deletion rampage on the other posts.
Maybe Roomba can help
Also someone downvoted it somewhere in all that so now it'll Roomba
It's more annoying that they deleted an answered question; the unanswered one I don't care too much about
10:08 AM
@RyanM they should have the training company raise a dmca take down request via the contact us form. We're in no position to verify their claims and their argument for deletion is not relevant.
10:40 AM
@ThierryLathuille I'd call that a [flag-pls] personally, that's abuse of the site.
(though it's just been deleted by flags)
@RyanM Thanks, I didn't know about this one !
11:05 AM
just checked what other reviewer typed for "causes harm", got amused by this message: "It wastes reviewers' time."
@Ruli I chuckled, but yeah, that's...not a very useful message. Your choice of the canned "no improvement" really fits perfectly.
11:36 AM
@RyanM Yeah, we've seen that before, users that approve edits because they don't understand what's happening
Even with almost 16k rep
@Braiam They usually have less rep than me, though :-)
11:48 AM
@RyanM Eh, we have already 1m rep that are against any form of question closing, so yeah...
12:06 PM
It almost looks like 7 users decided to collectively troll Stack Overflow
@jps We can't accept a request like that in this room. Please use flag NAA to get rid of such answers
@Dharman ok, thanks
(the reason we can't accept it is because answers can only be deleted if negatively voted, though it's not needed because you can just flag NAA, as Dharman said)
Today in "whyyyyyyy?!": A question tagged , featuring impeccably aligned screenshots of code...in Visual Studio Code.
@RyanM If you want an answer: some users tend to tag with anything remotely relevant. Even if they are trying to solve something in Java, they might tag tag C++, C, and C#, for example because it's all programming languages. I guess it's similar with editors - one code editor is almost as good as another.
@Dharman lowest common denominator is a concept that keeps popping up in my mind
12:22 PM
@VLAZ They did not, I feel I should note, tag any of: , , or . They did, however, tag .
(and also two reasonable tags)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what tags seem reasonable to a user is sometimes follows moon logic. I assume they had some question about the UI of the code editor, hence .
> i was designing a chatbot using flutter and DialogFlow earlier it was working perfectly fine in DialogFlow UI but when i designed my own UI using XCode and flurter the chatbot in not responding like when I say Hi it is not givin' the output.
that is the entirety of the non-code text.
See - it has something about UI in the question.
Indeed :-)
^ They are honest about the content of the image, though
12:29 PM
You can see a lot of regex question also tagged because the user knows they have something called "a pattern" in their question. Yet pattern-matching explicitly states that it's not about regex. Often they'd also use or even though the former is for Apple systems, the latter for Qt. And the question might be about C# or something.
Tags are often enough applied haphazardly with the only metric being whatever matches some keywords in the question.
Yeah, fair...
I think the weridest regex combination was when it was also tagged
@VLAZ And people complain that the system suggests ilogic tag combinations. Maybe we tag our questions illogically instead :D
@Braiam Latest XKCD comes to mind :P
12:58 PM
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, the post is not currently eligible for such a request.
1:45 PM
Is this question off-topic?
@Machavity Seems like borderline general computing at a minimum
@VLAZ ugh, that tag
@TylerH I know. Nobody likes design patterns. /s
@Machavity Dunno. I'd personally consider it a SU question. The core of the issue is that node_modules has a ton of crap files in it. And operations involving literally thousands of files at once are quite slow.
It's not specific to Node. But it does show up a lot when doing development using Node.
There are some ways to mitigate it. They are ultimately tricks to just deal with many small files.
2:10 PM
@VLAZ Yeah, like using linux or ssd
heh, my solution on Windows is to just open a Linux shell and do rm -rf node_modules
It's much faster than hitting delete in the Windows Explorer.
On an actual Linux machine it'd be faster still.
The explorer doesn't use transactions (or whatever api there is to unlink several files at once)?
and for moving the folder, just tar is pretty good, as it gives you one file to move. And doesn't need to compress it.
Windows Explorer first tries to find all files to delete. Then it starts deleting them.
2:13 PM
I think that works. Closed it. Thanks for the feedback
For the record, our current project at work which only uses Node to get some libraries and compile the front-end code has "121.165 Files, 8.214 Folders"
The size is over a gig.
Yeah, I try to avoid node dependencies. xenorchestra is the only one and it's because it's selfcontained to it vm
@mickmackusa I still don't get how you are able to do it.
@Braiam I have few repositories on github that are very simple. They have TS and ESLint as dependencies. I occasionally get PRs from dependabot on GitHub that just says "vulnerability found in version x.y.z of <some package I don't even directly reference>" and offers to update it to x.y.z+1 or whatever is the latest version.
I'm quite annoyed. I'm not a fan of the JS ecosystem.
2:30 PM
The thing is that most of those can be avoided
@Braiam But what if you want to check if a number is a positive integer? Wouldn't you want to install a package for it? Which has 2 dependencies. And each of those has one dependency. That way you end up dragging in five packages for this functionality. Much better! /s
So that's why we have a single tag for many functions on SO! /S
2:45 PM
"what do you mean by docs?" stackoverflow.com/questions/68546106/…
@desertnaut a doctor? Who?
I'm going out on a limb but maybe the user don't know docs=documentation on programming context
The documentation will see you now
Brb, fetching my sonic screwdriver...
@Braiam That package is also made by a high rep SO user...
3:05 PM
Oops! Something Bad Happened!
... review queues not working?
Back again.
I got it as well, took about 30s to load before error, also back
how does user search work when you set the sorting for reputation=all? I tried this search and here is a screenshot of the results
It seems quite random.
@VLAZ It doesn't, think there's a bug report on MSE for it
That would explain why it seemed like it didn't work...
Well, it does it by user ID I think, but that's not helpful
3:16 PM
It works for me, but maybe that's a mod thing
OK, potential workaround - be elected as a mod.
Thanks. I...thought it'd be more recent. It's from last year.
3:35 PM
@VLAZ That explains things
4:52 PM
@VLAZ You weren't kidding, even the "polifill" is basically two standard functions github.com/sindresorhus/number-is-integer/blob/main/index.js
5:30 PM
@Braiam What personally annoys me the most about that package is that I actually thought about it and couldn't think of when I'd need it. I know the first thing that springs to mind is "if you need to check if a number is a positive integer, duh" but that's the problem. Usually when I need to finally handle a value, it's passed multiple validators, so I don't need to check if it's Infinity, or NaN as the package does. Furthermore, small generic validators are much easier to maintain.
Moreover, I've never needed an unbounded positive integer - usually it's something like 1-100.
Or if it's unbounded, it's any number. Can't think of something in between that would have really benefited from such a package.
5:53 PM
I'm looking for suggested edits where the suggested editor was deleted.
Need a volunteer? ;)
I've tried some SEDE foo at suggested edits where suggested edit user is missing, but it's just giving me edits by "anonymous user" which isn't the same.
@VLAZ He, funny, because I only care that its a number and trust the input validation to do its job.
@JeanneDark Heh.. I doubt anyone is going to suggest an edit and then delete themselves to give me test data :)
If anyone goes go and review edits and happen to come across one, I'd be happy to get a link to it :)
@Scratte Is it possible that a deleted user gets shown as anonymous?
6:04 PM
@VLAZ I don't think they do. I think they get show as userXXXXXXX
I'm pretty sure anonymous, is a special case in review, since it's lacking an entire element. Someone helped make me a nice user card for anunymous :)
But that also means that if deleted users are not the same special case, the element will have a subelement, that holds the deleted user information.
@Scratte Yes, that's what I'd expect as well. But just wondering whether this has been changed. BTW tried using where se.owneruserid is not null and u.id is null but I get odd results.
As in, some edits have an anonymous user, others have an existing user with an account.
anonymous is for users that don't have an account that do something, like suggesting an edit. userXXXXXX is what is used if an account previously had a different user name and the account was deleted.
@VLAZ Do you have have a link to the odd results? :)
@NathanOliver Yes, that is what I am expecting too. I just can't find a single edit by a userXXXXX :(
6:10 PM
@Scratte here I also removed the filter by time. There are very few results.
It doesn't have to be an active review. Any old review will do too.
@Scratte The XXXXXX is actually a number. All users get a username in the form user user<next_user_number>. If an account changes from that, then it is reverted back to it if it is deleted.
@NathanOliver I know. I used that myself. userX also works for X being an integer, not a digit :D
@VLAZ That is very odd results indeed.. and no deleted user among them.
Okay. Wasn't sure if it was sarcasm or not. text does not convey that well :(
@NathanOliver Sorry :( That was me trying to make a joke..
6:15 PM
What happens when a deleted user tries to make a joke in a chatroom? Any examples?
@Scratte Hmm, upon reviewing - perhaps the ones which have an account are the result of account merger. Not sure about the anonymous ones, though. Most seem to be from 2011, so perhaps a temporary thing back then.
@Scratte No worries.
I'm thinking SEDE doesn't hold information about deleted users. So perhaps to SEDE anonymous and deleted is the same.
@AdrianMole They get told they need 19 more rep to join chat? ;)
6:16 PM
@AdrianMole What happens when a user is deleted while joking in a chatroom? :P
@Scratte A priest, imam and rabbi-
Rabbit? goes into a bar?
I could Skip all the current reviews to try to get to one, but I think it's better to just have more people looking for one and help me out :) I'm a trusting person that way :P
rabbits, the best people to bar hop with
I'm a squirrel.. I can fly! :D
squirrels don't fly, they just fall slowly ;)
6:23 PM
@Scratte The full joke continues with rabbit says "I'm a typo".
Can you add "typoist" to your joke too?
@NathanOliver I miss the room squirrel
Me too.
6:45 PM
btw @Makyen @Machavity the issues I was seeing yesterday both required separate Ctrl+F5 of the respective page view types (not just loading new items of that type) to resolve, interestingly enough
e.g. the reject edit button required me to hit Ctrl+F5 at least once on a page with a pending edit before I could reject the edit... even if I had never gone to that specific question before
and same for the draggable close-vote modal issue; even on a review item in the queue I had not seen before, I still had to Ctrl+F5 before I could drag the item around.
Caching is a helluva drug
@TylerH Not terribly surprising. The cache date on that JS file was long. What was weird was the browser wouldn't pull a new version even with a force pull. Yet you could go to MSO and it would fetch the right version...
Very odd
I'm curious what they're doing as I know Taryn et al have been having a hellish week or two recently
Well, Adam actually worked with me in the mod room for a good 30 mins. The main caching Dev also popped in while we were trying to figure it out. Once I realized you had the same problem it helped add clarity
Ben Kelly. Forgot his name for a sec. He was the one who dealt with the CDN issue last week
7:06 PM
heh, a dev dedicated just to caching things
Not sure if he's only caching, but he's lower profile than Adam or even Taryn. Still, I'm just starting to tinker with Fastly and... it's decently complex
@Scratte There is a different spin on this joke: Priest and rabbit go to donate blood. The rabbit says "I think I'm a type-O".
7:36 PM
@VLAZ Are you positive? :)
8:08 PM
"Ability to manage many different projects with developers (i.e. "squirrels")" sorry, what?
Well...it's a 10+k link now.
If one gets a backoff from the API, is that because the overall load may be big or is it primarily set per IP? Meaning I am asking too much?
@Scratte you are asking too much
Hmm.. that is a bit odd though. I got one for 10 seconds earlier and I hadn't loaded a lot :(
Does it take only using the API onto account or also loading other pages?
8:24 PM
sometimes they send those responses for other reasons too
but if the whole API gateway was overloaded you'd probably get a much more different response
I have a script that fetches two things from the API, but it also asks for two pages using fetch.
At the time I got the backoff, only one of the API requests was on.
..I set the other API request to off when I got it, but I kept using the script. And there's obviously no warning when "just" fetching pages.
OK. Thank you :) I didn't touch a thing when I got the notice. I just counted to 10 really slowly :D Before I turned it all off.
If your request is really heavy to calculate you might receive the backoff more often
It's not. I'm just requesting information about one Question at a time. With no Answers on it. I can check, but I think I also don't ask for the body. Just the title, views, votes and stuff and and author information.
Yes, I'm not asking for the body of the Question. Just information that I can use to make a post summary, like on the front page.
Heh.. in version 2.2. I don't get all that collectives stuff in my reply.
8:53 PM
It feels almost wrong to downvote an answer that says "you are a great community"
@Dharman Flag it R/A. Be a rebel.
I only flagged it as NAA
@Scratte the backoff is dynamic, it takes all kind of stuff into account. I'm not sure but I expect they also take execution time into account. So if you happen to make a call just at a moment when SQL sever is a tad busy with different task, you can get a backoff as a result. Do not interpret the backoff as something you're causing on your own. It is more a hello, the system is a bit busy, let's take it easy
OK. Thanks :) That sounds a lot better than "you are asking too much" :)
1 hour later…
10:41 PM
@Dharman I've already done the cv-pls, see above your post
Ohh sorry
I didn't check here before posting
@Dharman Seems like an answer by an author who thinks it should have been a comment. It seems ok to me, I've cleaned it up a bit.
11:22 PM
@mickmackusa Non-english answers qualify for NAA flags, right?
I don't know. I didn't think about it. I just knew that it was a NATO that wasn't worth keeping (and I'm actually hunting for an earlier dupe to close the whole page with) @cigien
Ah, ok. I think it's eligible for NAA. I raised one anyway.
@cigien my canned comment: "Welcome to Stack Overflow. Could you please translate this answer into English, which is the official language of this site. Otherwise this, maybe useful, answer might be removed. Thank you very much. See meta.stackoverflow.com/a/297680/2275490 see second bullet point
The code in the answer looks to be unncessarily divergent from the actual question posted.
The answer is just page bloat even after it is translated to English.
@Vickel Yeah, it may be helpful to leave a canned comment for this. I'm a bit inconsistent with when I leave comments myself :( Thanks for the link, I didn't know VLQ also works. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure I've ever raised a VLQ flag for anything.
11:38 PM
@cigien a previous flagging script I used raised VLQ (don't remember what the name was, maybe Natty report or something), now I use advanced flagging which raises a NAA
11:51 PM
@mickmackusa actually the guy is saying:"I have the same problem" so NAN.
Interestingly I didn't autoflag this one

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