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12:04 AM
@RyanM Having just re-read much of that section of code, yes, I agree.
1 hour later…
1:26 AM
@KenWhite That one just need to use search.
Probably. The actual question is just how to identify their PC video card. I didn't bother to search, as it's not really a SO question.
@KenWhite Actually, it's backwards, it is to identify which cards are CCC 3.5
If he knows that, he would know that its system doesn't have a discrete gpu :)
Actually, no, it isn't. The poster is asking how to tell what video card is in their own PC. They can't find the NVidia Control Panel, but can find a utility for Intel graphics.
Because they don't have a nvidia card in their system ;)
I mean, it's very difficult to have an nvidia card and not know which is it.
They are freaking expensive.
See this specific sentence: How do I know that I have a Nvidia GPU card? I know they probably don't have an nVidia card, you know they probably don't, but their question is asking how they would know, and that's a question for Super User and not SO.
1:36 AM
@KenWhite If the question is "how to identify the gpu installed on my system" that would be an SU question.
And even then, that question is already asked on SU
Sending OP to ask the question there is not useful for the OP nor SU, in that case.
Which is precisely what they're asking. How do I know that I have a Nvidia GPU card?. It's not my job to search SU for them to see if it's been asked before. I just know that it doesn't belong here.
@KenWhite The fact that it doesn't belong here, doesn't mean that it belongs there. Remember, do not migrate crap ;)
My argument is that unless you know it's a good question for any site, do not suggest OP to ask on that site.
It's a question about general computing, which means that's where it should be asked. Again, it's not my responsibility to search SU to see if it's been asked before in order to recommend migration. The question is general computing, and SU is the appropriate place to ask it. My argument is that the question is appropriate for that site. If it's a duplicate there, it's SU's responsibility to close it as a duplicate. It's not a badly asked question; it just doesn't belong here.
@KenWhite Nobody is asking you to search. I didn't searched SU, but my suggestion to the OP is more useful to the OP than your comment asking them to ask on SU.
I'm arguing this because you are creating more work on the SU site. And, I'm sure they wouldn't like to reciprocate the kindness we are showing them.
Whatever. You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine. I guess we agree to disagree. :-) Referring an appropriate question to SU is what I did, and I'm not going to debate it with you any further, because we're going around in circles. Thanks for your input.
1:43 AM
I know that having a predefined comment to put under the post is useful for you, but at least be mindful of what you are suggesting.
I know exactly what I was suggesting, and it was an appropriate suggestion IMO. As I said, I'm finished debating this with you. It's clear we aren't going to agree, and continuing to discuss it isn't going to get us anywhere. Please let it go.
3 hours later…
5:43 AM
Has anyone noticed code highlighting not working when looking at a post in the Suggested Edit Review queue?
@BSMP Seems to be working for me.
Perhaps I misunderstand?
@Chipster I see the code highlighted if I go to the question itself but not while I'm looking at that suggested edit.
It's probably just my machine/browser. I'll check later when I have time to look at it from a different computer.
@BSMP You know, I may have been confusing code highlighting with the green vs. red markup.
Also, it's super weird that old duplicate notices are editable.
Ah, I should have been clearer that I was talking about the language highlighting, not the markdown changes.
5:53 AM
Huh, now that I think I realize what you mean, I see it too. The Python code is only white in the suggested edit...
But not in the question itself.
Kind of funny that question was closed by someone who (apparently later) later become a moderator.
Yes. I'm pretty sure the highlighting used to just work.
Also, I vaguely recall a meta post about really old duplicate notices being in the question itself but can't find it. It'd help me explain why I'm rejecting the edit.
6:21 AM
@BSMP You're correct that duplicate notices used to to be edited into posts, rather than be programmatic. It's mentioned in a variety of Meta posts, but I don't have a link handly.
6:58 AM
(really? even the reply text doesn't avoid oneboxing?)
7:26 AM
8:01 AM
@RyanM Yes, thank you!
2 hours later…
9:58 AM
1 hour later…
11:10 AM
There is text in this question that seems to be rude / offensive at first sight but some seem to be "quotes" from films or books. I guess there is a thin-line about expressing your self by using quotes and selecting those quotes carefully to upset and disturb people. I don't think the text itself matters for the question at hand. Any advice? Edit? Flag? Delete (if we could)? other options?
@rene I have seen this multiple times already. Swear words, rude texts. Often when discussing filters. As long as it is sample data which is crucial for the question I would not remove it. I don't think OP was trying to be rude so there is nothing which warrants a flag. I would leave it.
@Dharman yeah, the swear words filter is indeed another grey area. I leave it then. Thanks for your advice.
@rene I think for old questions I would agree with Dharman. However for new questions, asking people to use neutral test data seems reasonable - there are surely some kinds of content we really would remove, even if it is in code.
11:39 AM
@Shree @Makyen bug: URRS thinks this is an invalid request because it thinks that the user is asking to delete the first (querySelector) answer. This shouldn't happen if there's "Answer to" or the request has been sent with cv-pls request generator.
!!/blame URRS
@Shree It's Dharman's fault.
11:56 AM
If a post is both closed and locked the banners contradict each other. e.g. meta.stackoverflow.com/q/397644/1839439
Should this be raised as a bug, or am I too picky?
@Dharman Inconsistency on the UI! The horror :D
Yeah, you can report it, but I'm sure there's a lock notice that doesn't include that piece of text :)
12:30 PM
should "pls explain what this code does" questions be closed?
@double-beep Does it includes the code? It's clearly scoped what exact part of the code they don't understand?
12:43 PM
@Braiam yes, it's ~10 lines of code.
The OP however, says it is PHP, the question is tagged HTML
Remember that the system recommends the tags, so it may go "the system recommends me to push buttons to post question, I must push them!"
@double-beep That seems assembly.
yep, that's what I thought
Retag it and edit to make it nicer if you can. It is clearly assembly but I do not know which flavour
PHP has nothing to do with assembly. It is an interpreted language which never gets compiled to machine code.
The title suggest otherwise.
I voted as unclear, becasue I have got no clue what they are asking about.
12:48 PM
Well, PHP does get compiled, but it uses a JIT compiler to do it on the fly (and usually caches the opcode)
But yeah, PHP and Assembly have nothing related there
It doesn't get compiled to machine code though
Just read a question that suggests the OP's computer is becoming both sentient and anxious. The error is undefined, Please help me out.
I know computers have a console, but do they need consoling? :=/
@Dharman exactly, because it doesn't run on a machine! :-D
@halfer Considering some of the code I've seen, yes, I think they'll need consoling after having to execute it.
@Dharman IIRC it's already been reported in the big list of problems
1:28 PM
TIL I learned bikes don't go backward if you pedal backward bicycles.stackexchange.com/questions/68264/… I... distinctly remember backpedaling on a bike as a kid and going backward... but maybe I've been making that up this whole time?
@TylerH Probably an older model.
@TylerH Fixed wheel bikes maybe, but not regular bikes - they just freewheel. Except in mainland Europe where I discovered as a kid that pedalling backwards applies the brakes!
It certainly complicates things that bikes are different
I'd say they should just make one bike but then bikes.se would hunt me down and kill me in my sleep X-D
Different countries, different things apply. I discovered in New Zealand that the indicators and wipers are on the opposite sides to any car I've ever driven (even in UK, Europe, US, China). I continued to discover this every time I approached a junction and turned the wipers on.
@TylerH BMX bikes are usually fixed wheel... but those are pretty much the only ones that do in my experience
1:36 PM
@Rob Long time no see
Yeah, been super busy lately!
disclaimer: aside from a week in Germany a few years back, I haven't ridden a bicycle since I learned as a child, pretty much
@DavidBuck I really dislike that. I found a special brand that has freewheel for citybikes though, so I'm happy :)
@TylerH makes the phrase "backpedaling" not make sense, eh? Because normally if you're backpedalling, you're metaphorically moving back. But apparently backpedaling literally gets you nowhere.
so my bike knowledge is basically "two wheels on funny metal pipe make people wibble wobble forward"
1:39 PM
@VLAZ Backpedaling just leave you to inertia.
Which is probably what the phrase mean.
@TylerH "wibble wobble"? I think maybe you should go to any city where the majority of people in the streets are using bikes :D
@Scratte Nonsense
@TylerH So.. in about a year or so.. :)
3:03 PM
@double-beep I agree that's non-optimal. I'm not sure how far we should go in resolving it. Both the URRS and Archiver generally assume that if a post is linked in the request, then it's what the request is about. We can have special cases where that's not the case, but really solving it would require natural language processing, which is way beyond what the scripts are going to do.
The sripts do have the special case that for duplicates, if one of the questions is closed as a duplicate of another linked question, then that dup-target is not considered part of the request wrt. determining if the request is complete.
I'm not sure it's valid to assume that, in requests posted from the Request Generator, the only post which should be considered a target of the request is the one which was automatically added. OTOH, it might be a more accurate assumption than assuming all linked posts are targets of the request.
3:41 PM
@Makyen bin this please. OP edit question.
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
4:22 PM
^ This answer is so good, it also answers whether it should be flagged.
^ Utterly offensive. :(
What's this, a sock puppet show?
It is. I might be the master sock. Or your left sock, I'm always confused
1 hour later…
6:38 PM
I love how the SO software looks at a string of a couple dozen or so downvotes, followed by a single upvote, and thinks "ah yes this person should get +10 rep for all this"
@RyanM eh, let 'em have it. That won't stop the eventual question ban. :)
@SotiriosDelimanolis Why delete this now? It will Roomba. Admittedly, the answer might be accepted sometime in the next several days, but that could be handled later, if it happens.
@Makyen Answer had an upvote when I submitted the request.
6:55 PM
The stubbornness of some people is outrageous. I just flagged another one for vandalism due to downvotes.
@RyanM Is that the same Question?
@Scratte the first 15 are, the last 3 are another question
The user in question posted an exam question for an exam that was currently in progress
@RyanM If I ever mention that I may post a Question here, please stop me..
@RyanM How do you know? They wrote it in their Question?
@Scratte the instructor commented on the post. The question was also a straight copy/paste of a clear homework-type question, absolutely no effort or details from the poster.
@RyanM At least if there are no answers, they exam doesn't need to be rescheduled for the entire class.
7:06 PM
which is downvote/close-worthy even without the instructor's comment, but I think the comment pushed some people over the edge to downvote who wouldn't have bothered otherwise
@Scratte Yeah fortunately no one answered it
I only ever once had a 24-hours do it wherever type of exam. It was the best one I ever did. No time pressure. I did stay away from all the other "kids" though to be sure that my answers didn't look like theirs. I think they stopped using them now.
@Scratte I suspect they're rather more common in today's stay-at-home world
@RyanM Right. I wasn't in lockdown when I did mine :)
@SotiriosDelimanolis Just saying, but you can downvote answers yourself, too. Don't do this to force roomba, but in general answers pointing out typo are not very useful, especially if you intend on deleting the questions itself. In my book that warrants a downvote.
@Dharman IMHO an answer pointing out a typo is a valid answer to a question, it's not like answering terrible off-topic vague questions with equally vague answers. Typo questions are just closed because they aren't likely to help others later.
7:17 PM
@RyanM Valid doesn't mean useful. If it was not a valid answer, I would flag it as NAA. The answer is correct and helps one person, but it is unlikely to help me or someone else.
7:29 PM
@Dharman That's a fair point. I suppose if the question is deleted, the votes are all a wash anyway.
@RyanM FWIW I am not punishing the user on purpose. I vote on content, which I wholeheartedly believe is not very useful.
One case where I wouldn't even close a question (doesn't apply here) is when the error is pointing out that you're missing, say, a parameter name, so the fact that that error message in general is caused by typos is, in fact, relevant to others.
@RyanM not exactly. If the post is 3 months old and has a score of at least 3, reputation is retained even though the post is deleted.
True, I'd forgotten about that, though it's not the case here.
7:36 PM
@TylerH That is great news for all those downvoted answers that goes away with the Questions :)
@Scratte It only applies to upvoted. But I feel like this was sarcastic remark
don't you get back the downvote rep loss too?
@Dharman To be honest, I can't tell if is was myself ;)
IIRC it's designed to encourage deletion of bad content
Hi! I'm a new reviewer and I would like to know what should I do when I see some first post that need to be reported but doesn't have any flag left
7:41 PM
@RyanM That's why I made the possibly sarcastic remark. The score has to be >= positive 3, not math.abs(score) >=🙏= 3 :)
@jmaitrehenry Hi and welcome. There is not much you can do. We do not accept flag requests here. We do accept close vote request for questions, but we ask that you limit those requests since you yourself can vote to close questions.
oh I see
@jmaitrehenry How can you tell if it wasn't flagged yet? What is wrong with the post? Can you share a link, please?
@NathanOliver We do accepts flag requests for Spam or Rude. Besides we do offer guidance with casting flags.
It's more an example, like yesterday I found a post not in english and I didn't have any flag left, so I just skip the review. I hope someone else flag it for me.
@jmaitrehenry FWIW non-English stuff gets closed quickly and reliably. That's probably the right action.
7:45 PM
@jmaitrehenry Any idea what language it was? Or what tag? I can try to find it again.
@jmaitrehenry None of the review are "yours" :) So you don't need to worry about skipping anything. Someone else will review it :) The posts comes from a queue and just hands you one. It doesn't leave the queue until it's been handled.
@jmaitrehenry That was probably the right option. You can always come back later and flag it.
@Dharman It was written in a south asian like language, can't say the one exactly.
@Dharman Note that I think Unclear also works for non-English.
@Chipster Yes, but a comment under the question is nice
7:48 PM
@RyanM I say, as Dharman finds one that stayed up for 2 hours... They're almost always caught in the end, though
@Dharman Fair enough.
Another example of post I flag this morning but doesn't really know what I should do with: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61939569/how-to-rename-url-file-using-node-telegrambot-api
The post was really small but contains an url to a python script obfuscated. I try to deobfuscate it and sound weird but doesn't really what it does. I made an edit to remove the link and flag it but is it the right thing to do?
@jmaitrehenry Yes, but I would also flag as off-topic, because the question is too vague.
@Dharman I can only set 1 flag, but yes, or at least not clear as we do not have an error or nothing else. Instead, I flag it to moderators to add a custom text about the link
@Dharman How are you finding these so fast?
7:53 PM
IMHO it's more unclear (or Needs Debugging Details) than vague: it doesn't say what the problem is
@jmaitrehenry There is a post on meta about editing. If you go to help, then at the top in the bullet point list you'll see "see also FAQ index". Click on that will take you to a long list of useful posts. One of those is How do I make a good edit?
@jmaitrehenry I don't know if moderators need to be involved here. The edit can be made by you and then flag for closure. Moderators should only be called for exceptional situations.
Not a mod, but I think that custom flag is likely to be declined
@Chipster Search-Fu
@Dharman are you searching common foreign-language keywords?
8:00 PM
I don't know. I give up. There's too many such questions.
@Dharman Welcome to the curation team ;=)
@Dharman and here I was afraid I'd have extra close votes today
really determined to make me eat my words here ;-)
(but really though nice finds) (I'm now out of votes for 4 hours or I'd help more)
:49437351 The "recent" limit only applies to cv-pls. It does not apply to any other type of request. It's primary purpose is to help limit the number of requests to a volume which the room can handle. While delete-votes are also something of which we have a limited quantity, we don't routinely get enough requests to consume those available to people in the room.
8:15 PM
Yes, I am sorry. I noticed my mistake once I tried to reclose that question. Sometimes I wish the UI would be more clear.
np. I think we've all been there. :)
I know you don't moderate meta. Does this include asking why people might be moderating meta in a weird way?
@AndrasDeak that sounds like you want to discuss me doing weird meta things. That is off-topic for obvious reasons.
8:21 PM
@AndrasDeak personally I don't think a discussion would be out of the question but if rene other ROs have issues I understand and support their reticence :-)
It doesn't involve any of the room owners which should be a good start...
although I can go look on meta to find something against rene personally
get some dirt on him
that shouldn't be too hard
with a shovel
dicussion: are rene's flowers too blurry?
that's a very personal question
8:40 PM
@RyanM There are a surprising number of those which are questions which aren't even closed. Admittedly, it's not a large number, or even all that many in absolute numbers, but it's not zero. Most of the results are just the use of the single word, but there are several which are completely not in English, or where someone edited in a Google Translate of the post. Someone even did that for a General Computing question. sigh
A normal person would see an error about trying to put a listcollection with multiple values into a single SQL column cell and say "hmm, I should probably redesign the database schema so it doesn't fail 1NF", but not me! I'm the kind of person to work really hard to get around all the problems to make that crappy db design work :-D
@Makyen Probably the really impressive thing is that some of the ones which aren't in English have more than 1k or 2k views.
@Makyen Definitely one of the things I feel like I'd do as a mod is close a lot more questions...
... and delete. Don't forget to delete.
speaking of deletion, we don't normally delvote good-faith answers on meta, do we? :P
8:53 PM
@TylerH Yeah, me to, but the large volume would be the "easy" ones which should obviously be closed/deleted, but which don't get seen, or closed/deleted.
@Dharman also yes, but would be much more careful with delete votes, since they're not only unilateral but binding (can't undelete vote mod-deleted content)
@Makyen yes, indeed. I would go through not only a lot of content that is modern but gets missed but also as I see old content, especially answers that don't add new content (rather they just repeat/rehash existing answers), I'd delete those too
@TylerH Yep. True.
TylerH for moderator!
ah yes, those darned spammers with their email of NavigationContainer (at create-redux-container.js
@Dharman no no no, this is just what I'd do if I were one. I don't have time to commit to being a moderator
though I fully recognize many moderators don't meet the "30 minutes a day" or "1 hour a day" obligation when elected
9:32 PM
@TylerH Too late, we've already deposed the other guy. Now you have to take the position...
@Makyen Are you considering running again if or when they have elections? I think you'd make a good excellent moderator.
@Chipster Hear hear!
@Chipster gulp
I think Makyen may be on the daily 30 min. of sleep at present.
10:00 PM
@Chipster Thank you, and everyone, for the vote of confidence. Serving as a moderator is something I've kept in mind. For a while there, I was definitely leaning towards "no", due to SE's actions. But, SE has done a few things that have made be start leaning towards being willing to take on the responsibility and workload. I'm still not all that thrilled with SE, the company, but it feels like they're doing a bit better. I'll have to see where I, and they, are when the next elections are held.
@Makyen Got you. That makes sense.
@Makyen If you're not up for it when time comes, we'll just bug you a lot :)
@Scratte That works for me. :)
I'll make a bot that pings you every 5 minutes and asks you to run until you say you'll run (j.k., btw, in case that's not clear).
10:20 PM
@Chipster I would have been surprised if it was anything other than kidding.
Okay good. I just wanted to make sure it couldn't be taken the wrong way.
10:34 PM
Can anyone see something I've missed in this seemingly copy-cat answer?
... something I don't get about uppercase names in Python, maybe?
Only some constants get uppercase, by custom. Nothing special.
a dict can only be so constant...
@AndrasDeak So my comment isn't unreasonable or harsh, then?
Not at all. But the answer is "it mentions const" which is an addition, but in my opinion could've fit in a comment on the top answer...
To be fair to the OP, there are other similar answers. It isn't exactly a copy and paste.
That doesn't mean it wasn't somehow a copy-cat. I'm just saying it is possible to coincidentally come up with the same answer. Though given that it was 5 years ago, I'd expect them to read the existing answers before posting...
10:46 PM
I've added a second comment ... after all, I don't want to lose my "Nice Guy" reputation!

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