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@halfer I tried to figure out the "rang up", but it seemed to not be in the dictionary :)
Heh, yeah, some of them are just real words :-)
Expanded, it is The other day me trouble and strife fell down the apple and pears, and I rang up me china plate on the dog and bone, who thought I was having a giraffe!
trouble and strife, apple and pears, china plate, dog and bone, giraffe. I expect one or two of these would be in UD.
@halfer aren't some Cockney rhyming slang references? :)
Apple and pairs is the most well-known, at least that's the one I know without a dictionary. I can guess "trouble and strife" and "dog and bone" from context.
I knew "china plate"
suspect giraffe
@tink is it "mate"?
Watch "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" a few times and you'll be able to translate things like 'an Aristotle of the most ping-pong tiddly in the nuclear sub' with ease
@DavidBuck instructions unclear, got brain stuck in a dag
@halfer I'm assuming she didn't really though :)
(I know dags are in Snatch but those movies are one movie for me)
@S.S.Anne See my previous message: try memory-mapping the input file.
No point in wasting time loading all that into memory first, especially since you're going to be iterating through it sequentially.
I don't know why you're using streams anyway. In every standard library implementation I've seen, they add overhead. You don't need any of its features, so why pay for the overhead?
@Scratte No human steeple were James Burt in the production of this pencil biting.
I cannot read this rhyming slang at all...
(This one is unfair, as I made them up!).
Rhyming in English is irritatingly hard for me. I'm used to one vowel for each syllable, but.. give me a few week, I'll work out
It used to take me ages as a kid watching shows like Minder, where they'd casually use a word like "Jekylls" and it would take me forever to work out that it meant 'trousers'.
No real people were hurt in the construction of this writing
@Scratte Yep! :=)
Too late to use it as a secret code though..
@DavidBuck I think it depends on personality. Some people just take everything literally :)
Jekylls doesn't rhyme with trousers...
@CodyGray That's the beauty of rhyming slang. As @halfer said earlier, it's the second word of a pair that is the rhyme. So in this case Jekyll and Hyde is the pair and Hyde rhymes with strides, which is Australian slang for trousers, so Jekylls == trousers
@CodyGray Do you mind posting that general algorithm on GitHub or in a Gist?
@S.S.Anne Umm... probably legally cannot do that, since I wrote it on company time and therefore it doesn't belong to me, meaning that I can't relicense it.
@CodyGray :)
Can you give me an overly-detailed explanation?
I allocate a std::priority_queue, then loop through the input range. Inside of the loop, I see if the desired number of elements has been reached yet (current size of queue < K). If not, I eagerly add that current value from the input range to the queue. If so, then I compare the input value using a comparison predicate to see if it should replace the topmost item in the queue.
It's basically O(n).
With the priority_queue giving me constant-time lookup.
Now that I looked up std::priority_queue, this will be easy. All I have to do is plug my unordered_map in there.
I don't really know if priority_queue is more efficient for this purpose than unordered_map. I didn't do a benchmark or anything. I just wrote it in a way that made sense and seemed like it was reasonably optimal.
@AndrasDeak yup
If you don't already know about it, be aware of quick-bench.com :-)
Is this R/A or just off-topic?
@AndrasDeak if you're good w/ Jamaican Patwa this one really helps with Cockney comprehension =}
@S.S.Anne just misguided I think
@tink I don't believe I am; thanks anyway ;)
@AndrasDeak Isn't there some stack exchange site for mathematics?
I think they meant to post it on academia.stackexchange.com
@Scratte You mean like Mathematics?
@KenWhite Yes. The user has a profile on both that one and on Academia, but the Questions seems to only be suited for Academia
@Scratte OK. I was answering your question about whether there was some stack exchange site for mathematics. I didn't even look at the question you're referencing.
@KenWhite I was searching at the time and found two sites about mathematics. Then I realized the users had profiles on only one of them. Sorry if I inconvenienced you.
@Scratte No inconvenience. I was already aware of the math site, and just happened to notice your question.
Looks very similar to this
@Scratte spam
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@eyllanesc Why is that other answer not an answer?
Does it not make any sense at all? I honestly can't tell.
@CodyGray I don't understand you, if you have private information about my actions then please use a private chat to tell me? :-)
@eyllanesc I didn't consider it to be private information... I was just asking about an answer that was flagged as NAA.
@CodyGray I am human and I am wrong but I try to correct it. If you check you can see that I already corrected before you told me. :-)
@eyllanesc OK. Wasn't trying to criticize or disagree. Just trying to check and see if there was something I was missing, since I honestly wasn't sure whether it was a valid attempt to answer or not. And given that you have some expertise in the area, I thought you'd be a good person to ask. :-)
@CodyGray Ah, okay, thanks for the consideration but that reading fast seemed like a comment and if we add the rude comment I considered that this "answer" did not contribute anything so I raised that flag.
Yeah, to be clear, I'm not one of those mods who takes a super strict view on NAA flags. So I always try to consider the possibility that the answer is actually nonsense in nice clothes.
@CodyGray But after your edition I clean the answer I consider it to be an answer although not the best one but it is an answer.
@CodyGray Great. Yes, I have seen your actions before and that is why I analyze the answer again and consider that it passes the response test according to my criteria.
Glad my turd-polishing didn't go unappreciated. :-)
1 hour later…
5 hours later…
^ looks like spam
Is this troll , answer or NAA ?
@Shree spam or troll I guess
@AndrasDeak Hesitate to raise RA Flag. Thanks and dang.
@CodyGray Why is this question tagged with ? It is not a bug nor feature request How can this question be more focused?
@DalijaPrasnikar I think it's because the question is reopened.
I've received my first fan-mail via someone looking up my Twitter account on my profile to protest that I should have known that their NAA shouldn't have been deleted because their NAA was important. Would the consensus be to a) Spend time trying to educate said individual as to why they should just ask a question or b) just block them because off-site stalkers aren't to be encouraged?
@DavidBuck Block them in my opinion. If they are genuinely asking for feedback you can try to talk to them gently, but from my experience with haters I would have to say avoid contact.
@Dharman Pretty sure "i'm writing an important project, and you just stand here being politically correct, and not really contributing to anything" isn't a request for feedback so b definitely feels the way to go.
Yeah, that is pure hate. Ignore and block.
@DavidBuck TBH, sooner or later if you do moderation (especially in here) someone will take issue with it. They'll paint you as mean and uncaring and probably hold you up as an example of why SO is hopelessly broken
My standard is that if the person asks an honest quest, give them an honest answer. That person may be trying to learn, and far be it from me to not explain why it was done.
But David, how could you just stand there politcally correct, not contributing anything to that very important project? I mean... humanity!
Unfortunately, Twitter is the bile duct of the Internet. I've largely written it off for serious conversation, as it is most often a place for people to build an audience, which often encourages them to act terribly (with many forgetting they're using their real names, or that the governments of the world can find you behind your screen name)
TL;DR I wouldn't reply to someone angry with you for taking appropriate moderation actions. They most likely wouldn't understand why you did it
Room question - I vaguely recall that we can't request closes on a post that has gone through a close-reopen cycle. Is that so? I have read the FAQ and can't find it now, and I wonder if I dreamt it!
(The Q I am looking at is this one; the closure was voted for reopening by a high-rep user, who now says it needs more clarification).
@halfer never heard about a rule like that... if it's stuff on meta maybe better to stay away but normal stuff I guess no problem.. post it if you like.. worst thing that can happen is that you get rene'ed
@CodyGray Hope you left it nice and shiny
@PetterFriberg Not Meta. Thanks, I think I just imagined this one. I will report.
@halfer There was a discussion about re-requesting of expired cv-pls's can't remember anything about closed/reopened posts
Yes, we just discussed it yesterday.
Yeah, I only remember the discussion from last years room meeting
It is not forbidden explicitly in the FAQ, but you are putting us in awkward position where we need to side either with you or another high rep user. If there is disagreement then it would be better handled on Meta.
@Dharman If that is the room consensus I will run with it (and will make apologies on Meta if required - I have my Kevlar ready!). However in this case the high-rep user voted to reopen and then when I asked if he'd like to answer, he said more info was required. That seems pretty cut and dried to me.
I'd certainly be in favour of FAQ clarification if this is something that has come up before.
as far as I can see that question was fine, it's better with little FAQ and just common sense
@halfer The main things are 1. Don't use the room to bypass an active Meta discussion (where you know about it) 2. Don't drag us into a close/reopen war. I'm not sure #2 is codified, but I have no doubt any RO catching that happening would put a stop to it
@Machavity Right, apologies - I should have waited for more room responses before acting. If there is any heat from the post I will post a reopen request, unless told not to here.
I can't see how you did either of 1 or 2..
@PetterFriberg just to be clear, I'm not saying he ran afoul of any room rules in this particular instance. Was responding to the inquiry about the rules
yeah that was clear :)
@halfer I don't think we've reached any kind of "war" on that question. I'm talking where someone closes it, it gets reopened, and there's some sort of heated discussion going on in trying to reclose
If being closed twice is a war, most of us are in trouble :P
@Machavity Oh good, thanks for the clarification. I had misunderstood that I had over-reached in this case, I am glad that I have not :-)
The situation I've had in mind is where one hammer closed, another reopened and it sparked some comments and Meta posting. The user that hammered came back in here and asked us to close it again, which wasn't cool
I guess the TL;DR rule there is don't drag the room into fights over the semantics of whether or not it needs closure
@Machavity Yeah, agree with that
Plenty of low-hanging fruit where there is no dispute
oh oops, wrong room
@Das_Geek It even gives you a stern telling off. Pretty cheeky for an inanimate object ;-)
The automated checkouts we have here in the UK are programmed to sound anthropomorphic. Someone saw fit to give them a human voice that "thanks" me for shopping at Morrison's. Very odd.
Perhaps it would be more meaningful for the disembodied voice to pass on "boilerplate thanks from my corporate owners", rather than pretending that a machine can express gratitude. :=)
@halfer I refuse to use those checkouts, especially the morrisons one, I don't mind asda's
Nice. All we have on the other side of the pond is "Please place the item in bagging area. Please pla-Please remove item from bagging area!!"
Oh we get that too
I prefer self-checkouts most of the time, since I don't generally buy a lot of stuff at once.
@Nick I used to refuse to use them - I used to be a proud Luddite, in the sabotaging sense, but I think I got ground down by relentless modernity. The machines now have cameras to record the state of my nostril hair while I am bagging.
Though if all stores' attended checkout lines were as fast as Aldi's are, I'd probably would use them more
@halfer My brother has a google home setup thingy... so when I'm around his and have to use that to turn the lights on etc... I always make sure to say "please"... once the machines take over, I'd like to think they'd remember I was at least a little nice to 'em :)
Wait a minute....has the ninja puppy gone into witness protection program?
First the spearrel, now this?
@Nkosi if some guy named Madara comes in here looking for ninjas hiding something, you know nothing. Remember that
I have no clue what you are talking about (wink)
Same here? :p
Nothing worse than being replied to in a possible duplicate comment and then having a bystander ask me to "open conversation with OP"...
wait a while....worse can always happen
@TylerH CV in, you can remove comment
Nice target btw, that post looks helpful ^^
@Machavity OP just updated the Q to add one thing -- does that clarify it?
@TylerH No. In fact, that makes it look like both SEO and a typo
@TylerH @S.S.Anne we don't moderate meta questions
Not even programming questions that are posted on Meta?
@S.S.Anne Not even then. It just makes life easier if we pretend meta doesn't exist
hmm... Guess I'll need to make an MSOCVR then :p
@CodyGray You really like emjoi's, right? ;) stackoverflow.com/questions/60569264/…
@eyllanesc link missing
@tripleee thanks
@Machavity that is somewhat covered under rule 15: socvr.org/faq#GEfM-no-requests-youre-involved but we might need to be explicit about re-open/close wars /cc @halfer
1 hour later…
Did anyone else just get 169 rep?
I got 260 so far today
@Dharman Jon Skeet. But I digress...
No, I meant a buggy notification icon
I assume a lot of people got some random number of reputation point today, but I just got a notification for 169, but no rep gain.
Ah, nope, haven't seen that.
@Dharman you didn't join a site recently did you?
@TylerH a week ago, but I got a notification right then
also where is the 69 from if 100 is from joining
well, rep changes from all sites are combined in the notification bubble
which is hella annoying when I see +8 on Stack Overflow and it's really +10 on, say, gaming.SE but I also have -2 from two answer downvotes on SO.
Here. These are my today's rep changes. No 169. i.sstatic.net/wM9hw.png
Must be caching
possibly the 75 from the last three days on SO + 100 from the new account - 6 for some downvotes along the way...
they've been messing around a lot with .NET Core lately, so I'd blame Nick and bluefeet :-P
if it persists or happens again it may be worth posting on Meta about it as it may be affecting other folks as well
Makes sense. I will monitor it to see if it happens again.
I just love it when users contact us trying to get content or to access sites/servers that were decommissioned years ago
Just makes my Friday...
What do you mean we don't have Subversion anymore? I can't use Git!
@Das_Geek You have to git along to get along ;)
@Machavity It's always the emacs users
That's why I use ed. It's the standard text editor
What is "No Roomba"? Missing a vacuum bot? :D
@derM It means the system will not clean it up on its own. We need to cast 3 votes to get rid of it.
@derM Roomba is a system, which deletes unneeded questions. See stackoverflow.com/help/roomba
@derM If you are new to this room and the moderation we do here: Welcome! We need your support.
I think last time was years ago.
Its interesting here.
Got this in the Queue stackoverflow.com/review/close/25542336 - I don't agree with the last two closing reasons, but I might agree to close it as 'Not reproducible' interpreting the last comment of the OP - but I am quite unsure
@DalijaPrasnikar It was a "help me improve my question so that it can be re-opened" request. And...the question has now been improved and re-opened. So that seems like [status-completed] to me. :-)
@DavidBuck If you choose to respond at all (most of the time, you shouldn't), you should direct them to Meta Stack Overflow as the appropriate place to discuss moderation of Stack Overflow.
@Machavity My standard is, if someone abbrevs quest, then they aren't worth a response.
@NathanOliver Close as duplicate of this one?
@Dharman I got 6,660 rep today... I think there was a bug. I also got 121 inbox notifications, but those are legit. :-(
@S.S.Anne There's a much lower volume of posts on Meta, and stuff that needs to be closed does actually get closed. Just use flags to bring it to the attention of the appropriate parties. I clean out Meta flags frequency, and close most questions on the recent questions list that are crying out for closure.
What is the current "Closing homework without any shown effort"-Reason?
@derM It's not a reason to close a question. It's a reason to downvote
@Dharman It's regarding this question: stackoverflow.com/review/close/25544166
Thanks :-)
@derM That lacked focus in my opinion
allright :-)

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