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12:16 AM
@DavidBuck That doesn't look like general computing. Seems to be just command-line stuff.
@cigien I see what you're saying, but I was looking at it that it's not a software development-related, question. It's just someone who wants to edit a file.
Heh.. viewed 11K times (4? times a day) and 11 users have it in their bookmarks :)
@DavidBuck But the answers show how to use sed, etc. Which OP accepted. Isn't that on-topic?
@cigien No. Simple use of command line programs is not, by itself, "a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development". A command line can be programming, but it's usually a bit more complex.
12:35 AM
@Makyen Hmm, that sounds rather tricky to figure out. Is the complexity of the solution a factor to be considered? That seems odd, as that only means someone hasn't found a simpler solution yet. Should I judge it based on the complexity of the question then? Also odd, since simple questions can be useful.
Also, can you clarify the "unique to software development" part? I agree in principle that that would be a good metric, but I'm not sure how to judge that. A lot of non-programmers use grep for example, but questions/answers about usage of grep would be on-topic, right?
Am I misunderstanding something more fundamental here?
@cigien Generally, no, unless grep were being used to solve a programming problem. Questions about grep would (usually) be on-topic at Super User, Unix/Linux, or Ask Ubuntu
@cigien My, personal, metric is that there should be some control flow (and not just data flowing through pipes |). But, yes, it is substantially open to interpretation, which would really need a Meta for people to participate, although I believe there are already a number of such posts.
@cigien I would not consider most uses of grep to be programming. I certainly use grep in various tasks while programming. I've definitely used grep as one command in a shell script (many times), which is programming, but most uses of grep on the command line would normally not be considered programming.
If the question is "how do I replace all of the uses of a function in JavaScript" and the answer were "use grep like so: [details]," then that would be "unique to software development"
This isn't an answer, is it? stackoverflow.com/a/64583179
@RyanM So if that file was just a huge 47GB javascript, then the post would be fine?
12:50 AM
@Makyen I'll take a look on meta, and see what I can dig up, thanks for the tip.
np. Sounds good.
@Makyen That's interesting, I remember for years, looking up command line stuff online, and finding the answers in a SO post. Maybe I'm misremembering, or maybe those posts should have been closed as well. I'll need to do more research on this.
@Scratte If the question were "I have a 47GB JavaScript file and I want to replace the function calls" it would be on-topic, because then someone could provide a JavaScript-specific answer that actually parses the code rather than a general-computing answer that merely finds and replaces text. That is, there is a part of the problem that is unique to software development. If it were "I want to find and replace text in a 47GB file that happens to be JavaScript," that would not.
@RyanM Ok, that's confusing. If the question asked, "how do I replace all uses of Voldermort, with hewhoshallnotbenamed", and the answer was identical, that would be different?
@cigien Me too. Sometimes (read: very often) I think removing these posts are not helping much.
12:53 AM
@cigien I wouldn't be surprised if it was considered more on-topic earlier in SO's history, particularly prior to the other large sites with similar scopes splitting off from SO.
@cigien I think my reply to Scratte addresses that: basically, "use grep/sed" is not a great solution to that problem if you can avoid it, because a better solution would be to use a programming tool that actually understands the code (and thus may be able to avoid false positives).
@Makyen Aah, true, that would explain a lot :)
@RyanM I'd actually disagree with that. While it's framed around a file which is for a programming language, it's not a programming task. If they wanted to frame it as "how can I do this in my IDE?", then that would be a programming task, because it's about using a tool that's specific to programming.
@bad_coder I found more interesting the things at the end.
@Scratte I wouldn't worry :) I don't think anyone's suggesting those posts should be removed, only whether they should be closed. Those posts should definitely be kept around in some form. Maybe protect them if needed.
1:00 AM
@Makyen Ah, I should clarify: the hypothetical question is not "how do I replace all of the uses of a function in JavaScript using grep?" or something to that effect. If I wanted to rule out obvious IDE solutions, I could phrase the question as "I have a large JavaScript codebase on a headless server, and a flaky internet connection that prevents X11 forwarding. How can I replace all of the uses of foo() with bar() on the command line?"
@cigien Some users actively say that a closed post is to be deleted. If a closed post shouldn't be deleted, it's because it eligible to be re-opened. So basically, if a post is closed, it's taken it's step to be deleted.
The problem is unique to programming, in part because find/replace is a suboptimal solution.
@RyanM OK. You write up the question and post it and we'll see if we close it. :)
@Scratte Yeah, I strongly disagree with this approach.
@Scratte Actually, I responded in the negative to that POV just yesterday, and it got several stars :) Which means we're not alone :) This comment.
@RyanM So do I, but that's the reality and consequence of closing a post. And further once it's deleted, only a handful of users can even see it, if they have a link. Recently I was told that it's not an issue since if the post is considered useful someone will complain. I do not believe that to be true at all. Just a lot of users out there with a broken link or not getting a result on their search.
the first one there is the best example: one answer suggests a command-line tool to rename Ruby members
@cigien No, you're definitely not alone. In fact, it's mostly that there is a single, very vocal, person who holds that opinion which make it appear that there is more support for that position than there is, IMO.
@Makyen I would be less worried if useful posts weren't getting deleted. So there's definitely more than one user doing the deleting.
@Makyen Huh, they're clearly very good at expressing their opinion, my impression was that people were pretty divided about it :p
1:07 AM
@RyanM From a text processing perspective, it doesn't matter the context of the file. You want to replace string X with Y, and that's a solved problem.
@cigien I would say more that they are very persistent and don't care to really consider other points of view.
@Braiam That's not the problem, though. The problem is to replace function call X with function call Y. If you've ever tried to do this (especially if the function call is a common word) it quickly becomes obvious why it's not simply a matter of replacing string X with Y.
@RyanM The answers to the first one make it clear that the question is more involved. That it might be solved by using a command line tool is beside the point, and definitely not the actual question.
@Makyen Aah, I see. Well, my impression is that this community is robust enough to account for that, while allowing it. I'm not too worried :)
@RyanM But, as anyone on Unix & Linux will tell you, it is.
1:10 AM
There's a comment here and here. The later one implies that closed post should be deleted.
Programmers love to overcomplicate things, trying to do it in "one single line", when the smart thing to do is actually doing it in batches.
Once you modify your mentality around the problem, you will see that replacing strings on a file is literally easy. As long as you accept that you will not do it all at once.
@Braiam Exactly, which is why my hypothetical question would be more appropriate for Stack Overflow than Unix & Linux. I want to rename the length property to size without changing the doc comment that says it "returns the length of the string."
@RyanM No, that's wrong. SO is not optimized for doing it smart, just doing it hard.
And if you don't believe this is a real problem that exists, I once reviewed a giant change to replace virtually every use of double with float.
I had to flag at least one comment that got changed incorrectly in the hundreds of individual changes.
Is this on-topic? In the Black-Scholes world, what is the distribution of S_t+h conditional on S_t Apparently tags exist. But it doesn't seem on-topic to me. I would typically skip but thought I'd ask here.
1:14 AM
..and this comment very specifically says that if anyone misses them, it will be noticed. But how? I would not notice or be able to do anything about a broken link.
@RyanM And that's where UL will actually be helpful. They know their tooling, better than you do.
They know the pitfalls of naive usage of them.
@Scratte The first of those appears to be a much more narrow-minded view than what that person has expressed elsewhere. I suspect it was expressed in a less complex fashion due to space limitations in comments, although they do tend to be more towards the "delete everything" side. The second, from a moderator, was very clear that to delete or not is a judgement call. The way you've described it here is a substantial mischaracterization of what they said.
@MichaelWelch Definitely not. It's not a programming question at all.
@MichaelWelch Don't think so, looks like pure math to me.
thanks, checking my intuition. Didn't know if we let math slide sometimes,
1:15 AM
If you want to know why? Well, they deal with even more complex and finicky datasets, like RNA sequences, etc.
@MichaelWelch I've vtc'ed as being better suited to Mathematics
Implementing math in code can be on-topic; pure math questions are not.
sure, makes 100% sense
@RyanM All the others of these are someone writing a script and asking how to do something in the script, not just a command line.
@MichaelWelch Some forms of discrete math are ok, I think. There are questions about bit manipulation that are more mathematics than programming, but close enough that IMO they're on-topic.
1:20 AM
@Makyen Yes, I suppose I based it on the previous encounter, which is my second message here with a link. But I understand a human judgement call to be more in the lines of vote to delete if you think it should go. There's not a lot of mention about trying to preserve anything useful.
I suppose my understanding of that is that if no one tries to un-delete them, deleting them was the right thing to do :( But I used Stack for many years before I created an account here and even with an account I can't un-delete anything. So me (everyone like me) missing something is not noticed by that metric at all.
@Scratte You can always create a post on Meta asking what happened to a deleted post you are interested in.
@Makyen That will require that I know what's in the post from memory. It also requires that I have the link. Most of the time I don't, I just punch in the keyword that always gave me the post in an internet search.
Of course I have the link, if it's broken. But I still have to remember what's in it.
1:40 AM
@Scratte Not really. Almost any post on SO, and particularly popular posts, are available from various archives, including archive.org. Prior to getting to 10k I would routinely look at the archived copy (either on archive.org or in Google's cache) in order to see deleted posts.
@Makyen This approach has the issue that an otherwise off-topic question becomes on-topic simply by prefixing it with "I'm writing a bash script..." - would you say that the question you closed would be on-topic if "I have to" were replaced with "I'm writing a bash script to", with everything else the same? Every upvoted answer would answer that question.
(perhaps with the references to non-command-line tools removed, if that matters)
1:53 AM
@Makyen I don't understand how that is searchable. One needs to know exactly what to search for. It wants a link, no?
@RyanM I don't think there's a "good" solution. I also think it's situation dependent.
@Scratte In general, yes, they want a link, which you'll normally have, one way or another, if you know that a specific question is of interest.
@Makyen I have started to collect them now. But I didn't do it before. I just entered the keywords in a search and got to the post. I still prefer searching instead of trying to find it from a very long list of links that's not very organized. But this conversation is proving my point really. To even complain about a missing post is unfeasible unless one actively prepares for it before it's deleted. I doubt most users do that.
I also do not think most users will complain. Posting on meta about a missing post is probably something very few users will do. I wouldn't.
Sorry. The comments are actually /* Write your code here */ style. Accuracy is important. :-)
@Scratte I can understand that it feels that way, and there's definitely barriers to accomplishing it, but it would still be possible to ask about "some post" on Meta, or chat, if you have a semi-decent description of what the contents were.
@Makyen Can 10K users search for deleted posts, that are not their own?
2:05 AM
@Scratte No. That's only available to moderators. However, it's not unusual for other users to remember a popular post.
@Makyen But it would be very unusual for them to remember the postId. Also note that one of my favorite posts is deleted with a super Answer in a comment. No one even remembers that post.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
6:43 AM
Is this on-topic?
@Yatin I would say no
@JeanneDark thanks :)
I don't think it's spam, though
What is the use of "Keywords:" section at the bottom of this answer? I do not think this has anything to do with answer. This is generally used for attracting search engines I guess; does that really work with SO answers?
^ ^ ^ The question that it answers is off topic (general computing).
8:18 AM
@JeanneDark Flagged as spam
@AlonEitan That it might be spam was also my suspicion
8:34 AM
@Braiam I haven't watched the last 10 minutes, maybe today I'll get around to finish watching.
9:05 AM
@AdrianMole I thought about bringing that up in a meta post, the TY message goes from 20 to 40. No in between. But thinking about it, though not precise, it's true. You did, in fact, 20 reviews (25 to be exact), so you can't say the TY message is wrong, just imprecise.
Is this question possibly about Stack Overflow itself?
9:26 AM
@JeanneDark I don't think so
Thanks! It's somewhat unclear to me and when they phrased it like that "that I found listed on your site." I thought maybe they meant SO
it is unclear enough to be also closed on MSO ...
Yes, I just wondered which flag to choose
Should this be no MCVE? Linking to a website and asking about it (as it was in 2011) seems pointless 9 years later. stackoverflow.com/questions/6597224/…
@DavidBuck It's not a debugging question so it doesn't need an MRE. Does the question still make sense even without the link?
9:42 AM
@JeanneDark The whole question is "how does this website work" but it relies on 2011 browsers and the 2011 website. I can left and right click on the current website just fine.
9:54 AM
@DavidBuck I think I've experienced something similar recently. Not sure if the particular website is important to the Question.
@Scratte I guess the title can stand alone. The entire body of the question is useless without the website.
@DavidBuck It may as well read "Some websites have has both right click and view source disabled. Like this example: <link>. Can anyone shine some light on how this is possible?"
10:31 AM
Hey, anyone knows where I can ask for question reopen? Not mine, but apparently were closed by users who aren't experienced with android
If you have no participation in the question, you can ask us. Check the FAQ.
@DimaRostopira This could be the place, but please have a look at the chatroom's rules first, and understand that closers having no experience on a certain technology does not necessarily invalidate a closure.
@DimaRostopira Requests to reopen questions are allowed in here as long as you are not involved in them as described in the FAQ
I'm not involved, and can't answer even. Here it is stackoverflow.com/questions/64529780/…
In any case, you can ask our thoughts without requesting an action. Not sure how many Android experts occupy this room though.
This does look like unclear to me...
10:37 AM
Well, he calls system api, and looks like some parameter is missing, so null is displayed. API is very new, latest android, no questions like this. I've searched docs and reference, didn't find even clue, what he is doing wrong
meaning it's not answerable in its current state, that is, without the asker posting some code?
He posted two lines. Yeah, it looks like insufficient, but it's not actually)
The syntax highlighting on that post is horrible! It seems to be class="default s-code-block hljs yaml" :( <-- side note though. Not pertinent to whether it's reopenable or not.
11:02 AM
This is NAA right? The first line might be a bit useful I guess :/
First half is a comment, the second is a question, so yeah, NAA
Thank you :)
@DavidBuck eh. Might this potentially be useful to someone searching "unsupported operation str - str"?
I just have a quick question for everyone. I was debugging an issue with a PHP form using AJAX I had and really didn't have any luck with it, so I posted on SO. Originally, my post was closed for apparently not being related to programming.

After a couple hours of further research (I spent around 8 hours in total), I found a fix, so I decided to delete my original closed post and re-post it with further details and provide my own answer. I immediately got a comment saying it was being voted to be closed because I answered my own question, but according to a Meta post answering your own que
You can post a question and answer it at the same time, but each half of the pair needs to stand on its own. A quick skim through the question says to me "way too much code".
11:15 AM
Thanks for the feedback! I'll edit it so that it only shows the necessary info relating to the question. :)
A quick skim through the pair also tells me that there's no relevant search keyword for people who might encounter the issue to find your pair using.
This answer is deleted as NAA (Link Only) correctly. I can edit it to add more details and code. OP is author of JS library recommended; a disclaimer can also be added. Should it be un-deleted?
Sounds like that would be a substantial change. Post your own, perhaps with attribution?
@JohnDvorak What keywords would you recommend in this instance? I changed the title and post contents a bit just now to weed out the unnecessary stuff, do you think that the new title would have the necessary keywords for users to find the post?
11:30 AM
@JohnDvorak Theoretically, but a search for "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str'" already finds 2026 results.
So, duplicate? :P
Very duplicate
Can someone with C++ knowledge take a look at this question? I'm inclined to use my MATLAB dupe hammer, but am reluctant because of the requirements set by the OP in the comments. Basically OP has data in a .mat (MATLAB) file and wants to load that data into C++ without a MATLAB api in C++. Their proposed solution is to convert the mat file to HDF5 using MATLAB, which seems overkill
11:50 AM
Does that link have anything to do with the answer? Also, does it answer the question?
^^ + opinion based
@Yatin I would argue that it is spam for a betting site
@rene yeah smokey picked it up but no one tp-ed it so I was a bit confused...
yeah, I double checked now. Spam it is
11:57 AM
Thanks :)
Is this opinion-based?
12:16 PM
It rather needs more focus
12:30 PM
This is link-only right?
@Yatin yes, without the link you have nothing to work with
Dhaman left it alone so I wanted to confirm...
@Yatin this one...
Right, but that doesn't mean I was right. I flagged it now, thanks for pointing it out
12:36 PM
So... that question is closed with 3 downvotes as being against SO's guidelines and has an accepted link-only answer. del-pls?
^ Np answer is gone
@Yatin It will Roomba tomorrow.
Yep, after the answer is gone it will roomba in one day
@Yatin I just reacted to your "del-pls?" :) Which I do not think is necessary :)
^ maybe not the entire thing is opinion-based but it does need a good bit of editing pretty much everything above "This is some of my code:"
I do not think they will understand that, so I left a comment.
I think it requires reviewing for 3 shiny badges to know what types of Questions one can ask here :)
@Scratte yep that is very true. Once you have done some reviewing you get a fairly good idea of what is on-topic and what isn't
@JohnDvorak Yeah, I think so.
^ -17 before being nuked. That was a pleasure to watch :)
> I’m voting to close this question because this is not a question
@Yatin You realize that if you add just one more user script to this mix, you won't be able to see any user cards, right? :D
@Scratte way too many user scripts already :)
@Scratte That's a... benefit, right?
@Adriaan The issue is the OP is asking 2 questions. I'm not sure if it counts as an XY problem, because they're asking, 1. How do I do X? 2. How do I do Y? Maybe it could be closed as "needs focus", but if you have dupe targets for both questions, then I think hammering it is a better option.
1:19 PM
Although "Is there a Python 3 IDE on macOS that allows emoji ZWJ sequences to be treated as a single unit?" is asking off-site resorces
Is this question worth keeping?
@Yatin I seems to have been vandalized quite some time ago.
@Yatin It helps when you roll back. If you don't have the privilege yet then you can mention that one of us should roll it back
@Dharman ohk
@cigien How do you mean two questions? The issue, and main question, is "I have data in a mat file, how do I get that into C++ without having to call MATLAB from C++?" Their proposed solution is to go through HDF5 (which I think is unnecessary)
1:49 PM
I don't see any value in this question. I think we can delete it
@Dharman My thoughts exactly
delete what? ;)
@Adriaan Yes, I agree it's unnecessary, but OP is explicitly asking for that. I'm not sure if editing out that part of the question entirely is appropriate. I take it you want to hammer it with this target? Seems reasonable, though the answer there is not great.
Delete everything!
here I come muhahaha
1:54 PM
I am already being accused on Meta for targetting PHP users.
@Dharman Alternate between SQL and PHP?
I tried deleting some Python and R too
This is NAA, right? Better as a comment. 10k+ user answering
@cigien If that's indeed the question, yes. The problem for me is that I don't know any C++, and am unsure what is considered to be the "MATLAB API" (I think the actual MATLAB engine for which you need to have a costly license). Hence I'd like a C++ expert to tell me whether that target is indeed valid (I suggested another link in the comments btb)
@Adriaan Ah, I see. Sorry, I don't really know if the target is valid. I know a little C++, but I've never used the MATLAB API. As to the other dupe suggestion, even if it's appropriate, it's a link-only answer, and I'm not too happy about using it as a target.
What do people think of this as a dupe target? It seems to suffer from similar problems as the debugging target, in that it can be used to close almost anything. I think it should only be used to close questions asking "where can I learn X...?", etc.
2:11 PM
@cigien getting closed with this dupe-target is borderline rude... similar to "You can google it" :/
@Yatin Yes, and I don't see it being particularly helpful to the OP either. Thanks for the feedback :)
@Yatin I'd let it slide. It should be expanded a little more, but after 30 seconds I was able to understand it.
Might want to comment that they flesh it out a little more.
@NathanOliver Isn't it still link-only?
Not to me. The issue to follow towards resolution of this is was enough for me to figure out it's not possible right now, here is the link to the issue that hopefully once implemented you'll have what you want.
@cigien Not link only... but better as a comment :/
2:23 PM
I've done a small edit to the answer
Ok, Nathan's edit definitely makes it an answer :)
@cigien yep :)
@Dharman Please come delete some JavaScript, HTML, and CSS questions
2:54 PM
This question has no value. Is "no repro" the right close reason?
@cigien should probably be deleted tbh. It is asking a question based on a false fact. "may not work if the compiler does not initialize m to an empty map by default" it will always do that.. you need a different compiler if it doesn't :/
@Yatin For sure, but it needs to be closed first, right?
@πάνταῥεῖ I think I just saw my first silly question :)
@cigien What is someone wants to create an empty map and doesn't know how to do it?
3:03 PM
@cigien It's not really a debugging question, so I'm in doubt about that. I'm not sure there is one (not even opinion-based). In earlier times there seems to have been a "not constructive" close reason.
@cigien non-repro is good I think "... this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers."
@cigien But it is a question! I thought those were all high-quality audit posts?...
@TylerH No, it's almost all ;)
I did not VTC that post as there isn't a close reason that I feel fits it. I did down vote it though
Wait, I'm thinking of
3:05 PM
I though haskell was a made up language used by SO for audits...
we're onto them
@JeanneDark Hmm, "not constructive" sounds great. I wish we had that.
@NathanOliver But it should be closed, and deleted, right? Annoying to not be able to do that easily for lack of an appropriate close reason.
@cigien well, if you have an applicable close reason (even a custom one), you're free to close vote for that reason. However, 'lack of effort' or 'no value' aren't close reasons...
Obviously the question has value to OP because they asked it, so it's a little disingenuous to describe it thusly
3:08 PM
I guess it's like a technically incorrect answer where you wish you could flag it NAA or VLQ or even custom flag it but you know these flags will be declined
Of course, there is the secondary part of the typo reason: "unlikely to help future readers" or whatever it says. But that's more a longwinded way of saying "too localized"
@cigien I'm not sure if it should be closed. I'm tempted by no-repro, but I'm just not sure. The fact it attracted all those down votes without a single vote to close is also kind of telling. It's a bad Q, and it lacks research effort, but I don't think it is off topic.
@TylerH Indeed, "no value" is dicey. I feel no-repro works here, because of the incorrect assumption in the question.
@NathanOliver Yes, I did find that interesting. All right, I'll leave that one be, for now. I'll think about it for a bit, I'm not entirely convinced it's on-topic. Thanks for the feedback everyone :)
It may be based on a wrong assumption but that doesn't really make it not reproducible. It's basically just: I tried to do X with Y. Is there a better way? Answer: No, there isn't.
No worries.
3:14 PM
@JeanneDark Yes. I think I'm letting myself be swayed by what I find to be "too simple a question". But that in and of itself doesn't make it a close-worthy question. All right, I'm convinced, it can stay open. The OP seems amused by the downvotes though :p Perhaps I can explain why.
@rene Surprised Sam wasn't the first responder
@TylerH I guess his time-zone is unfavourable.
@AdrianMole I would've expected an automated reply and a shock-alarm to wake him at such momentous news :-P
Amazing how it has taken them years to just rename two buttons
sorry, renaming three buttons
4:16 PM
Anybody knows why the sum of the flags under the "post flags" section does not correspond with the total stated near "post flags"?
Hmm don't think so, it's been a while since I've noticed
@MarcoBonelli It only shows a subset. I'm not sure why
This makes me think there must be some obscure hidden flag category...
I don't see a difference. Which numbers are we talking about?
4:22 PM
also my count in flag history is correct (as far as I can see)
Pending flags?
actually where did the option to filter by 'pending' go?
I know there used to be one...
I thought he was talking about the reviews window
My total is 1617 for post flags and the subtotals below add up to 1616
so I assume I have a pending flag somewhere, just based on the numbers and the fact there's no 'pending' category anymore
I'm interesting that's easy to test
Mine have a discrepancy of 2. I have one pending flag, and it's showing clear as day at "waiting for review 1"
4:25 PM
but I don't have any pending flags in my first 5 pages of flags, going all the way back to Sep 16
@Scratte maybe it only shows that category if it is > 0?
the page includes deleted posts, which I can see, so that's not it...
I get waiting for review
@TylerH That is correct. It doesn't show if there are none.
@PetterFriberg Yours add up fine. But mine don't. I have two less when I count them, than it says in the total.
4:30 PM
baah no clue, seems strange that it is cache since my switched immediately when I flagged a post.
Moaning all ... how do we deal with "self answers" based on comments?
@tink nothing it's ok as long as he gives credit
if you like to be perfect you make it a community wiki, but that's optional.
Cheers, and nuh, probably a dupe, too :D
Yeah I have also done that, when people leave comments and not post answers.. stackoverflow.com/a/34330381/5292302
I guess the question is: Is the total mistaken, or.. can one flag something with no way to see it?
4:34 PM
@Scratte have fun on meta :)
@PetterFriberg I think I'll pass, Thanks™ :)
4:48 PM
@MarcoBonelli Have you ever raised a custom flag, retracted it, and raised another custom flag on the same post?
@Scratte nope, don't really think so.
@TylerH it's there only if there actually are pending flags IIRC.
@rene in your flag history, sidebar to the right, "post flags" has a total number, then there are N rows that break down that total into different categories. If I sum those up, the total does not add up to the one reported at the top.
@Scratte I guess you could scrape all your filags and see if the numbers match. If they do not, then some are hidden or something is buggy in SO's backend.
@MarcoBonelli I have raised 3 that I retracted. 2 of them was because I wanted to change the wording, so I reraised them.
I speculate that the two retracted ones are counted twice in the total, as they are sitting on posts where I also have helpful flags of the same type.
@MarcoBonelli I counted all the ones that weren't helpful already.. the helpful ones are a bit of a counting exercise. Can I rely on the fact that there are 50 flags per page, when I can't rely on Stack to count to a proper total? :D
@MarcoBonelli What is your total discrepancy? Seeing if it's only 1 it could be a re-raise that you forgot about, but if it's 23, it's not very likely :)
The discrepancy doesn't actually end with the total being off compared to the sum of which I have 2. I have 48 flags on my last page. Since my total end with 51, I expected there to be 49.. :O
@MarcoBonelli it does add up for me. Strange.
@MarcoBonelli ..the helpful count seems to be correct. I expect it's the total that is off.
What are the chances OP will improve this? Should 20k+ delete it to spare extra downvotes? stackoverflow.com/q/64593272
@Scratte 15
@rene then I must be cursed
5:11 PM
@Dharman I think deleting now is a service to the OP.
@Dharman I don't see many chances...
@MarcoBonelli or special. I want to be special too ...
@MarcoBonelli That is a lot. I am still thinking the total is a result of double flags on the same posts.
@rene Well if the majority of users have mismatched flag counts then you might actually be the one that is special :')
@Scratte no way, I never do that
I think this might have something to do with that day they messed up trying to add another flag category. I remember that you stopped flagging out of fear, while I kept flagging.
@MarcoBonelli No VLQ's after having flagged NAA?
5:14 PM
@Scratte I never flag VLQ, it's a coin flip, I hate it.
@MarcoBonelli That is true :) I think I had two NAA flags that went into limbo due to that. They don't match any category on the list presented. They're in the hidden limbo category :)
@Scratte Yeah exactly. That must be it... I have no other explanation.
You've brought out another puzzle though. Why does the last page on the total list 48, when it's suppose to list 1? or 49?
5:56 PM
@MarcoBonelli It doesn't add up for me either, due to two "removed during a deletion": i.sstatic.net/kxnId.png
Just checked the transcript, where you mentioned getting some of these. Probably these are causing the discrepancy in your flagging stats, too.
6:16 PM
@JeanneDark The answer is NAA, too (link-only)
I'm not sure. "Looks like it can be done." could maybe be considered kind of an answer.
@JeanneDark Well, I believe that for a potential future reader this does not have any value.
But of course it is not that important, as the question is off-topic anyway...
Me neither, but I don't risk flagging it as NAA
I risked a flag on it. Let's see
@Scratte I doubt it's flag type, during my years I have raised every type of flag and I guess I have had every type of outcome.. and they add up as visible in screen shot, we could try to ask @Shree who have more then 55.000 flags..
6:30 PM
@janw I checked all my flags between August 10 and August 1st. I only have one of those: "Not an answer – Scratte Aug 5 at 9:58 removed during a deletion". That doesn't match the discrepancy of two.
@PetterFriberg I noticed your add up very nicely :) It's driving me nuts now :)
Before it gets deleted, this post wins SE today
@Machavity I've removed many wires like that.. without the scare factor though.
Posted, closed and deleted ... all within 20 seconds! (But I have a hanging red flag on it.)
@AdrianMole :p Is a post like that sufficient to get a user banned/suspended?
@cigien Dunno ... maybe the self-deletion will give some redemption?
6:44 PM
I suppose it depends on how many R/A flags it got. If I was a mod, I'd let it slide, just for making me smile :)
I didn't feel like wasting a close- or delete-vote on it, so I gave it an R/A flag.
@AdrianMole It's the right flag, I just feel sorry for them. They must not have many venues where they can express their joy over how good a day it is :(
This is Stack Overflow! We don't "do" joy!
@AdrianMole Oh right, I keep forgetting ;)
You'll learn, in time ...
6:48 PM
@AdrianMole :) Or rather, :(
I just reviewed 20 LQP items in a row as "Looks OK" - each single one a code-only answer, but technically not NAA...
I know this is how we are supposed to act (and downvote, if appropriate), but it still feels weird to have to press "Looks OK" on those answers...
You could comment on each asking them to explain a bit more
Yeah, I should really try to get that auto comment script running again :)
@JeanneDark The flag has been marked helpful, BTW
7:05 PM
Someone just created the tag. That makes it official I think. Someone should notify ISO :)
@AdrianMole let me ask you something, I sometimes come across C++ posts that seem to get a lot of votes in "no time" for seemingly trivial things. It seems to be the contrary of Python, where excellent posts hardly get any votes...Would you recon a trivial C++ posts tends to get more than +2 or +3 within 24 hrours? And keep going beyond that.
@bad_coder That's a very subjective observation. It seems to me that things are the other way around.
Also, even a seemingly 'trivial' question/answer can be a very good one!
@AdrianMole mmmm, I guess there's a SEDE query somewhere that gives average post per language tag....I'm honestly saying, average posts on C++ seem inflated by comparison.
@bad_coder Half the time, at least from my experience, that is because C++ isn't actually that simple. Take this for instance. Pretty simple in actuality but it's really nuanced and very surprising to many people
trivial Python posts often get upvoted too
7:10 PM
@NathanOliver That issue caught me out yesterday ... should've used that post as a dupe target!
pulls out hammer ;)
@NathanOliver I'm not speaking about witty language syntax details that probably garner a lot of interest. I meant run-of-the-mill posts, the undifferentiated kind you see coming in on the main channel. Anyway, it's a strong impression, I wouldn't be surprised C++ posts get double or more votes on average.
Do you have any examples?
@bad_coder That's an interesting observation. Do you happen to have an example of a couple of questions from each language that are of similar simplicity, but show a disparity in voting?
@NathanOliver Pretty much every single post of each language I've ever seen, by average. In this case, a SEDE query might want to filter out top-heavy posts that went past +50 or +25, just how up vote happy is one crowd by comparison with the other?
7:14 PM
What do you mean by Pretty much every single post of each language I've ever seen, by average? If it's every language that has this, then why say C++ is special?
From what I see, bad posts get demolished and good posts get up votes in C++. The users don't seem to be disinclined to throw their votes around.
^ I agree. Folks in the C++ tag are very discerning.
I have a hypothesis that because many C++ posts need to be downvoted, the correct/useful ones get upvoted more.
Ok, not a hypothesis, I'm not sure how one would prove that. I have a guess :p
@cigien So.. the more really poor post the more it will boost your reputation? :D
@NathanOliver it's a tendency I've noticed (and a SEDE query would back that up). Don't get me wrong, I've also reviewed a lot, and C++ in terms of avreage up votes in a short time seems to stand out by comparison with Python, Java, C#, etc...
@bad_coder I had that impression with Python. And C++ of course ;)
7:19 PM
too bad google analytics can't help here :)
@AdrianMole if I had to put in a theory it would be a relation between relative importance of libraries vs stdlib. It seems C++ has a ton of variations within their stdlib (can't comment on that)...That SEDE query would be precious indeed...
@Scratte Kind of. Personally, after 10 min of down-voting cr*p, when I see a reasonable post, I have a tendency to up-vote it, even if I might not have up-voted it otherwise. That may very well be a pattern that is not unique to me. I couldn't say for sure, of course.
@Scratte I didn't mean to disparage users of one language by saying their vote count is inflated. It's an interesting observation, SEDE query needed...
8:30 PM
It's nice they changed the wordings on the buttons in Triage.. but I find the "Flag" button a little too small. It's too easy to click either one next to it by accident.
@Georgy Thanks, I lost the reminder on this.
Are requests related to posts on meta on topic here?
@code11 Almost always not. We don't moderate Meta ... Meta moderates us.
So, if you wanted to reopen a question on meta, the correct procedure would be to write another meta question about it?
8:47 PM
@AdrianMole I don't know if you've noticed, but after weeks of diligently doing FP, I'm finally (and briefly) right behind you in the league table.
@DavidBuck I noticed. But you'll have to work hard to catch me! ;-)
You need to slack off more. You were 1010 ahead of me a few weeks ago, but one weekend you missed a few so I'm a mere 980 behind. Today is the first day that I've actually managed to jump everyone between us. Well, for two days until you overtake Baby Groot
We'll have to see what happens if/when the FP queue gets down to a more normal size. When approaching that, some folks get to do 40 per day, others are stuck on 20.
@AdrianMole I'm always amazed how much it changes. A few months ago I could regularly pick up 40 NAAs in quick succession, other days there's hardly any.
NAAs are being handled by the mods (in a special, "fast-lane" LQP queue, I think) these days.
8:57 PM
True. A few months ago I'd raise mod flags and they'd take up to 2 months to be processed. This week I've had some done within 2 mins.
Anyway, it's been a while, so maybe I'm due another period of "Review Vacation" ... I even had the audacity to 'challenge' one of Sam's Close Votes, today, so that's probably gonna bite back at some point. ;-P
@AdrianMole I keep promising myself one when I get to 10000 flags. Was going to park my LA reviews on 5000, but reviewed one by mistake..
9:34 PM
Is this on-topic?
@Yatin No
thanks :)
@Yatin There's nothing there that says software development
And no, using a PC is not software development :D
What to do with this question? The first link has a nude lady in it... NSFW. But it is still an on-topic question :/
9:43 PM
@Yatin it is already closed. Let it roomba
@DavidBuck I've done that too :) So you're at 5001 now?
@Scratte Nah. As I'd spoiled the nice round number, I couldn't resist the fact that there was someone else on 5010.
@DavidBuck Heh.. I made it to 1001. I told myself it's OK, as it looks "binary". You'll have to get to 5050 now.
@Scratte 5678 gets me past several more people...
9:55 PM
@DavidBuck Oh.. I see. I take pride in not being on the list :P
@Scratte Never say never. Your sub 2000 rep is looking at greater risk than ever, so there will soon be a whole new world of lists available for you to not be on.
@DavidBuck I come prepared.. I have 40 votes a day.. I can easy drop to the post WWI "Jazz Age" :)
@janw oh yeah, that's what it was. Surprised they still didn't fix that, woah.
10:29 PM
@πάνταῥεῖ My mistake...edited that one before I figured out it was associated with your cv... too many tabs open
Question: If I come across a question closed as asking for off-site resources then can I flag a link-only answer under it? Will the flag be accepted? Especially if the question is gonna Roomba anyways
^ I am talking about this answer...
@Yatin In general, no. If the question is asking for links, and an answer provides a link, then the answer is providing what was asked for and is an answer. NAA and VLQ flags will generally be declined.
@Makyen though so. Thank you :)
I will retract my flag
This question is about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) so it is off-topic... Which flag should be used though? Also is it worth closing? It has 6 upvotes and an accepted answer with 10 upvotes and 4k+ views.

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