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1:06 AM
We need an #SOReadyToCloseOffTopicQuestions hashtag…
1:29 AM
Hi firsttimer here
1:40 AM
@klutt Welcome. If you have not done it already, read our FAQ at socvr.org.
@Nkosi I was doing that when you scared me with a beep :)
Congratulations or my condolences, which every applies to you joining us here at SOCVR
1:54 AM
I must confess that I might have broken one of the rules. Maybe you could help me to clarify?
I posted a cv-pls request, and I did have an argument with the answerer (there was only one) to that question. The argument can be boiled down to my initial comment "When you encounter a question like this, please just close vote and move on. Answering them makes it harder to delete them."
Was it wrong to bring up a cv-pls here?
@klutt I'm not sure which rule you feel you've broken. Comments don't make you "involved" with a post.
@Makyen Ok thanks.
2:45 AM
@Nkosi hehe
no worries gone now
good times
Yeah, that was a good candidate for 20k delete.
2 hours later…
5:57 AM
6:41 AM
hi , any grafana experts available here, i am facing an issue, need your assistance
@sivanesan1 nope, and this room is explicitly not for that topic.
@rene , sorry to trouble you, can you help me how to find grafana experts here
@sivanesan1 I tried search but most are moderation requests.
7:06 AM
@rene : no problem, thank you very much , have a great day
7:40 AM
@Vega While people have answered that question as if it was a resource request, the actual question isn't a resource request. Although, it'd be reasonable to go with "too broad". It could probably use an edit to have the title actually reflect the question, rather than be search-bait.
@RiggsFolly I've flagged that as R/A. It's a troll question, better not to waste close votes IMO
7:58 AM
@Makyen Don't having enough expertise in c#, I decided that it calls for a library (a post could not contain the whole answer); I didn't just followed the title. I agree that Too broad is more appropriated. Should I repost my cv-pls?
@Vega Sure. That sounds like a reasonable thing to do.
@Makyen Could you remove my previous cv-pls, please ?
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
@Makyen Thank you :)
@Vega np. I'm happy to do that anytime. :-)
8:23 AM
@rene I ping you here :), but you are not pingable so ping ping... (basically because you wrote the FAQ)
Mornin o/
9:21 AM
Anyone with Android knowledge; is this Q a dupe of this? OP of the first made a rude thank-you answer on the second
9:38 AM
@PearlySpencer I went Too Broad as it's not a debugging question; it's more of "Please write my code"
10:02 AM
Ey folks. Ever had a revenge edit suggestion before?
@E_net4isoutofcommentflags 5 people have, all 5 who closed the question in question
@E_net4isoutofcommentflags yes; well, not suggested, direct revenge edits
@E_net4isoutofcommentflags They won't be suggesting edits for much longer by the looks of it
@MichaelDodd I don't see a suspension on the attacker's profile. Hopefully they've been warned at the very least.
10:14 AM
@E_net4isoutofcommentflags Was thinking more along the lines of automatic edit ban
since they're currently 0/5
@MichaelDodd That also seems appropriate. :)
10:46 AM
@PetterFriberg pong
11:54 AM
This is definitely a difficult one as the question itself is good and interesting, but on the other hand, is ignoring a few major rules on SO. This question is too broad, and is not really a specific programming problem - could we push this to somewhere else where it fits?
@Hille it looks like they want to "debug" their code? or do you expect on code-review.se they would get better answers?
idk it's a good programming question but is not valid to our rules, what should we do?
I doubt it is too broad
@rene so can we leave it?
it is on-topic, they have shown an attempt
11:59 AM
*as it is
at best you can argue the M in MCVE
ok perfekt, thx
nope i would like to leave it there :)
but they already admit at the start they include what they have to make a repro possible
1:16 PM
@E_net4isoutofcommentflags Yep, he tried to hit all of us
2:20 PM
@Adriaan I went for the blatant dupe
@NickA if you know what they're talking about, fine by me. I'm usually a bit hesitant to dupe-vote these very low effort things, to not even give them an answer through the dup
"to not even give them an answer through the dup" - Fair enough lol
@rene I can never remember... do you see invalidated reviews on the timeline?
@JonClements sort of
Q: Burniate [transform]

MiXT4PEAfter reading through this question, its comments and some questions tagged with transform I feel like this tag shouldn't exist on this site as it is too vague in meaning. Let's go through the criteria for burniation: Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied and is...

2:35 PM
@JonClements yes, I do: i.sstatic.net/6lJPA.png
But I never know what that has caused that invalidation
Ahhh... yeah... that makes sense I guess.... basically the reason for it going into the queue was "resolved" one way or another - so it bumps it out of review...
3:01 PM
Can a gold badge holder switch the duplicate target to the suggested one in the comments? stackoverflow.com/q/25381199/1896169 . The question is about "small" for the purpose of passing by value/reference, but the target is about "small" for the purpose of heap allocation (proposed in comments is about "large" for passing by value/reference).
ooh, Firefox 68 includes the elements a style applies to in the Web Console now for css errors (developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console/…)
@Justin Mm, not sure we have any gold badgers active here. Baum used to frequent but he's a mod now so much less frequent a visitor now
(though we do currently have 4 mods in the room...)
@Justin the badge-holder who hammered that is still active; you can ping them, right? (Or can't you ping him when he's not the sole voter?)
Ah.. Can you ping a user who vtc-d a question? (I'm struggling to search meta on this)
("ping" is the word. I was searching for "mention")
@Justin Yes, however they wont appear in the suggestions list
> For questions: The ... gold badge holder who closed or reopened the question, provided they were the only one to do so.
3:11 PM
@Justin basically you can only ping close voters if they had the only close vote, which was binding (i.e. gold-badge holders who dupe-vote or mods who single handed close vote)
> "Before my time, but I'll bet it was like 3 people in a room, gathered around a hardwood table dimly lit by a green-shaded lamp, guns drawn in a Mexican standoff... And then a fourth enters the room" - shog
is there a reason is double posty
3:21 PM
did smokey become doublesmokey
Perhaps double-beep is rubbing off on them
@Compass That usually happens when more than one SD instance is active. I've put one of them in standby. I haven't looked yet as to why it happened.
The other instance was fed-up waiting
And here I was thinking I had too much Scotch, seeing two Smokey's ...
It's replicating! Batten down the hatches! Smokeynet has evolved.
3:32 PM
@Adriaan early VrijMiBo?
@rene I just got free tickets to go and see Wolfmother; I guess I might have a beer there
Looks like one of the SmokeDetector instances went for a 1 hour lunch and then came back, but didn't tell anyone when it left or came back. So, metasmoke had another instance step in, but doesn't have any code to automatically tell an instance to step out when there are two.
2 hours later…
5:51 PM
@SotiriosDelimanolis Why delete that? The dup-target is down at the 21st result from a searching "Spring annotations @Configuration and @SpringBootConfiguration site:stackoverflow.com". I'm not sure what most people will search for when looking for that, but the duplicate appears to have benefit as a signpost. When not restricted to SO, the dup-target isn't even in the top 100 hits.
6:09 PM
@Makyen Try searching the question body.
@SotiriosDelimanolis The point of duplicates is to be signposts for things that people will search for. In general, to evaluate a duplicate, it's generally a good idea to take multiple different possible samples of the content in the duplicate to see if any reasonable combination doesn't hit the dup-target. Titles, in particular, should be tested, or some reasonable sub-portion of the title, because the title is what the person who wrote the duplicate thought described the problem.
The point isn't to see if what you or I would search for would find the duplicate, it's to see if what someone would naively search for will find the duplicate. The fact that the body of the post is identical, or nearly identical, really doesn't matter wrt. what other people might search for. Maybe it would be reasonable if the terms being used were edited into the dup-target, but the dup-target only has one duplicate right now, so I don't see a lot of urgency to remove a single duplicate.
7:01 PM
The Editor in Chief is done with the regular posts. He now takes on the deleted ones ...
7:28 PM
@rene Rofl since 5min
I have question. stackoverflow.com/posts/14094604/revisions this latest edit looks kosher to me. Is it actually kosher.
8:11 PM
oh mein gott, vtc and every person picked a different reason
brilliant :)
i hope he survived
Old stuff but first time I saw it... the last comment is great
8:50 PM
@PetterFriberg what's bad is... that answer doesn't even answer the question
it's just upvoted so much because it's a potentially embarrassing situation for the asker
1 hour later…
11:15 PM
@Compass It looks like a good faith effort, so I would be fine with it. However, it bumps an off-topic question, so I will VtC
@Daedalus Zero research, and still attracts an answer from an 137K user
11:52 PM
> I have a problem. I run a website on WordPress.
ah yes, I see the problem
@StephenKennedy Giggle

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